Chapter 7: SUMMER LOVE 3

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"Hmmm...We met.." Yo and I said in unison. We look at each other surprisingly. I just smile at him and put my hand on his hand which is on his lap to let him know that I will do the talking since I know how embarrassing it is for him to talk about our meeting.

My friends, Ming and Forth are all waiting for our reply... "Well?" they all said at the same time. Are they some kind of a chorus band? Hahahaha!!

I look at them and start telling them how Yo and I met. While I am retelling them our story, I couldn't help smiling remembering how adorable Yo was during that time. They fully concentrate on me, but sometimes glance at Yo to check his reaction. His reaction is so enchanting. His face is like a tomato. I need to have him as my boyfriend before someone snatches him away from me.

After I finish our story, they are so silent that you can hear cricket's sound from the background. They look at each other like asking each other silently how we hit it off. My friends know me well. I'm not kind of person that gets along well with someone I meet for the first time. I always have a cold expression on my face, but still some people find it so attractive. And the look on the faces of Forth and Ming tells me that they also think that Yo will not easily feel comfortable with someone he just meets for the first time. I am waiting for the series of questions they will fire at us and it didn't take long for them to do so.

Forth is looking at me intensely and asks " So, Pha, I can call you Pha right?" checking whether he can be informal with me. He sounds so protective of Yo.

"Yes, of course you can call me Pha" I nod at him. I feel that N'Yo is little tense beside me and I'm quite nervous as well of what he is going to ask me.

"You and your friends want to join our group to tour around the island?" I feel relieved after he asks me that. I thought he would ask me my intention to his brother.

" We would like to, if you don't mind" I answer politely then look at Kit and Beam to get their support on this. I need Ming and Forth on my side, especially Forth if I want to get closer to Yo.

"Yes, we would definitely love to join you, guys" Kit second the motion to me turning his attention to Forth and Ming to get their approval as well while Beam is just nodding his head.

Forth and Ming look at each other then look at me. "Okay, let's tour the island together" Forth says. That was easy I thought.

I feel so much happy, but I need to contain my feelings not to let them know how excited I am just thinking about the time I can spend with N'Yo.

"But no funny business, okay?" suddenly Forth bursts my bubbles when I hear him say that.

"Of course, no funny business" I look at him with my poker face, but deep inside I'm plotting the best way to get N'Yo alone, so I can tell him how I feel.

"Then, let's plan our tour together" Ming suggests and waits for us to all agree with him. Everyone seems okay with it and nods.

We start to make the itinerary that will start tomorrow morning since it is almost near late afternoon and it will not be good to go island hopping. In the end, we decided to have dinner together and go to some bar to have a drink later. After finalizing everything, we all stand up and move to the direction of the restaurant's door.

When we reach the door, we say goodbye to each other for the meantime. Beam, Kit, Ming and Forth are moving ahead of Yo and I. Before N'Yo can leave, I grab his wrist to stop him from leaving without us talking. He looks at me surprisingly and worriedly glances at his brother and Ming.

"N'Yo, can we take a walk around the island before having our dinner later?" asking him hopingly that he will accept my offer.

"I would love that P'Pha, but I'm not sure whether my brother will allow me or not" he tells me honestly. I look at him with a hint of sadness on my face.

He seems worried about my reaction."Okay, I will ask my brother's permission" telling me softly. Suddenly, my face brightens. He runs to his brother to talk to him.

I can see him talking to Forth with those puppy eyes of him, but it looks like it isn't work. Forth is shaking his head. Then Forth looks at my direction. He is giving me a look that says "I will deal with you later." He turns and follows the others.

Yo is approaching me slowly with his head downcast. He is fidgeting with fingers when he reaches me.

"Hmmmm..P'Pha" he is calling my name sweetly without looking at me.

"Yes, N'Yo" I lift his chin. He is startled to what I have done. "I just want to see your face while you talk to me" I told him to ease his shyness.

"Ah,P'Pha, I'm really sorry"he apologizes to me.. "My brother didn't allow me to go with you. He said I need to take a rest since I have been tired since this morning."

"No problem N'Yo." I told him. "I don't also want you to feel tired" I couldn't help pinching his cheek.

"Thank you, P'Pha" he smiles at me.

"Do you want me to walk you back to your villa?"

"Yes, that will be nice" he said softly.

"Then let's go" I told him and hold the small his back to put him on the safe side.



At first, while we are walking, it seems like one person can fit the gap between us, but as we take every step, we gravitate to each other. Now, we are so close that I can feel the current running through our fingers whenever our hands brush with each other. I really want to see P'Pha's face, but I can't look at him because I can feel his burning gaze on me.

"N'Yo?" he suddenly calls my name. I look up at him. "Do you mind me asking you a personal question?" he continuously asks.

"No, I don't mind P'Pha" I answer him smiling shyly. "What is it that you want to know?"

"Ummm.." he is scratching his ear. "Do you have a fan?" he asks me sheepishly.

Taken aback by his question, I lower my head and reply to him"No, P'Pha I don't have". When I try to check how he reacted, I feel glad to see that he looks so happy to hear that.

"It is good to hear that you don't have anyone special right now" he suddenly holds my hand and squeezes it.

"P'Pha!!" I need to act surprisingly, so he won't think that he melts my heart after hearing what he said. I shouldn't give in right away. He might think that I'm easy to get, but I can feel butterflies in my stomach. I am so nervous right now.

"Yes, N'Yo?" he teasingly calls my name. "I just want to make sure that...." Before he finishes his sentence, he intertwined our hands instead of letting my hand go.

I am waiting for him to finish his sentence when all of a sudden I heard someone calling my name.

"Yo!!!" Ming is running towards us. I snatch my hand and look at P'Pha apologetically.

When Ming reaches us, he is huffing. He bends and holds his knees. He looks like he runs 1km.

"P'Forth asks me to look for you since it takes a long for you to come to our villa" Ming is trying to catch his breath while talking. I feel relieved that he didn't notice our entwined hands a while ago.

"Ah, P'Pha and I are just enjoying the place while walking" I make an excuse, so he will not suspect that we are doing it intentionally, but of course, my best friend won't buy it easily.

"Really??" enjoying the view??" he looks at us and asks suspiciously while smirking.

"Why N'Ming? Do you think we have other reasons why it takes us a long time to reach your villa" P'Pha says icily and with the hint of sarcasm. He looks like he wants to strangle Ming.

"No,no, no , P'Pha, I didn't mean to imply anything just..." Ming is having problem answering P'Pha.

"It's okay,P'Pha" I try to save Ming from being murder by P'Pha. "Sometimes, Ming is too nosy for his own good" I try to calm him down. "Let's head to our villa" diverting P'Pha attention away from Ming.

We are heading towards our villa without talking with each other. P'Pha seems so annoyed that Ming has come and disrupted our time together. He is walking quietly beside me while Ming is on my other side.

"Ai'Yo, do you think P'Pha is angry with me? He looks pissed off" Ming whispers to me.

"Shhhh..let's talk later after we return" I turn to him and hushes him. He seems disappointed at me, but I know how I handle my best friend when he is sulky.

Finally, we reach our villa. I heave a sigh of relief. It really feels awkward to be in that situation. Ming goes further inside leaving P'Pha and me on the veranda.

"Thank you, P'Pha for taking me here" I turn to P'Pha with my cutest smile to remove the scowl on his face.

"No problem N'Yo, I can always be at your service whenever you need me" he is also smiling sweetly at me. "Go inside and take a rest. I will message you later" he touches my left cheek.

"I will wait for it" I reply. "Take care on your way back to your villa,P'Pha." I touch his hand which is touching my cheek.

"Take care as well, Yo" he slowly drops his hand. He looks at me with longing.

"Go,P'Pha!" I gently push him to leave.

"I will go now, Yo" He smiles gently then turns and he leaves happily.

I go inside and enter our room. I drop myself on the bed and try to take a wink, but I can't stop thinking about P'Pha. I think he is really interested in me. Just by imagining myself having dinner with him later makes me totally excited. I can't help squealing, so I need to bury my face on the pillow to muffle the sound. This will definitely be a wondrous night.




I'm really really sorry guys for making a very late update. I'm having problem with my internet now. I will not make any promises now, but I will try my best to update as soon as possible.

Thank you for the comments and votes<3<3<3..I really appreciate them.

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