Love at First Sight 3

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We are on our way to the pier where we are going to catch a ferry to go the island. According to our hotel's information, it will only take 30 minutes to reach it. Since it will take quite some time, I decided to put on my earphones to listen to some music to ease my boredom while Ming and P'Forth are busily chatting with each other.

While listening to some songs, my mind keeps on coming back to the time when I met Phana. He has been in mind since I bumped into him, unintentionally slept on his shoulder and gazed at his handsome face. I can't get him out of my mind whatever I do. I know myself too well!! I don't easily fall for someone just based only on one's outer appearance, but he is different. There is something in him that has made me feel this way. I can't put my finger on it, but I think I'm falling in love with him!!! I think I am going crazy!!!

I make a growling sound and look at the view outside.

"Hey Ai'Yo!!! What is wrong with you? Are you hungry?" Ming asks me. I almost forgot that he and P'Forth are sitting at the back.

I stand and look at them "No, I'm not...I just feel so tired and my muscle is stiff" replying to them with a lie while pouting.

P'Forth looks at me worriedly " Don't worry N'Yo, we are quite near" I'm really lucky to have such a caring brother.

"As soon as we arrive in the hotel, you should take a rest, okay?" he added.

I smile at them "Thank you P'"I turn and sit back again.

After few minutes, we eventually reach the pier. We head to the booth to buy the ticket and aboard the ferry to go to the island.

As we are getting near the island, I can fully appreciate how beautiful it is. I close my eyes and let myself take in the fresh air. With my eyes closed, my mind drifts back to Phana again.

A part of me doesn't want to see him again because I know that I don't have the confidence to face him. He is way out of my league..I'm an ordinary guy, but he is like God!!!. However, a big part of me wants to see him again, just to have a glance of him will be enough for me. He is really driving me crazy!! I rub my face with hands to calm myself down and I sigh deeply. I need to pull myself together or else I will be too distracted to enjoy my vacation.

I am deep in my thought when Ming shouts at my ear.

"Ai'Yo!!!!! He is looking at me while grinning from ear to ear. He is a very active and bubbly person.

"What????!!!" I glare at him. If looks could kill, maybe he is already dead.

"What is eating you, Ai'Yo?" I know that he is getting curious because I have been quite the whole time.

I take a deep breath and answer him "Nothing Ming, as I told you guys, I'm just tired". Darting my eyes away from him. I hope he won't suspect anything.

"Are you sure? You seem distracted since we left the airport" He is trying to get me to spill the beans, but of course I'm wiser than him. He will not win this time.

"Me? Distracted?No!!!" shaking my head while giving him a surprised look. "I'm thinking of the activities that we can do during our vacation"I try to change the topic and ask him"Where is P'?"

"He is sitting on some beach somewhere"he replied, but he goes back asking me again"Really?? It has nothing to do with something or.....someone?" He teasingly asks me.

Oh, he is getting in to my nerves."How many times have...!!!!" I almost shout at him. I sigh. "AiMing, it is all about that, nothing less, nothing more." Using my sweet sarcastic voice and I smile at him. I need to control my emotion. I'm not ready yet to tell him and my brother how I feel right now.

"Okay, I rest my case." Chuckling to himself.He knows me well, so he knows when to stop.

"Come on and let's find P'" I grab his arm and drag him.

When our ferry reaches the resort, it is almost 10 AM. We get our travelling bags and get off the ferry. As we get near the hotel, we are dumbstruck by beauty that lies ahead of us. The resort has many villas positioned in different part of the resorts. They are surrounded by coconut trees and different kinds of flowers and plants. This is really breath taking.

We check in and head straight to the villa that we reserved. Our villa which is near the beachfront isn't as big as the others. It has one bedroom with 3 single beds. Our room which has an outdoor swimming pool right in front of it is separated from the dining and living room.

As I stand on the veranda, I look at the view in front of me. It is so comfortable and relaxing. I think this will be a very fun and exciting vacation ever!!!

I enter our room to put my bag while Ming and P'Forth stay in the living to check out some things. I can hear them excitedly talking to each other. Feeling exhausted, I just drop myself to the bed faced down to get a catnap, but I am suddenly disturbed when I feel a big bulky body crushed down on me.

"N'Yo!!! Don't sleep!! Let's eat first and you can take all the rest that you want after our brunch" My brother is waking me up by pinching my check and tugging it.

"P', I really wanna take some rest even just for few minutes" I look at him with pleading eyes.

"No! you need to eat first." He insisted.

"But..." before I can finish my sentence, he cuts me off.

"No buts, our mother will kill me if I don't take care of you" He looks scared now. Maybe, he is thinking of the way our mother will punish him if I get sick while we are on our trip. Our mom is kind of scary sometimes.

"Okay, P' let's go have some brunch." Taking pity on my brother, I give in to his request.

We head to one of the restaurants that we saw on our way to our villa. While we are walking, we are discussing our plans for our vacation. As we get near the restaurant, we haven't still decided which tour we are going to choose. Ai' Ming and P' are still confused because all the tours are simply thrilling while me on the other hand is just teasing them with my side comments.

When we get to the entrance of the restaurant, I told them to stop discussing it and just continue the chat while we are eating that earns me a dead glare from both of them. They are funny. Hahaha..

As I stand at the entrance, I notice that it absolutely looks homely and comfortable, so I let my gaze roam around the restaurant. The tables and chairs which are simple, but elegant are set up on both sides of the room. I turn my gaze to the right and I can see the other side of the resort because of the bay window which are opened, this is really beautiful. I am turning my head to the left when I catch a glimpse of someone sitting at the far end of the room. He looks so familiar that makes me snap my head back to him.That is him!!! He is here!!! Phana is here!! Is he for real? OMG!! Are we staying in the same resort?Oh my!!! My heart stands still at the very thought of spending my whole vacation seeing him.I'm totally dead!!




I'm so sorry for the late update. I have been busy with my work for the last 2 weeks. I hope that you understand. 

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Enjoy reading!! Please comment and vote for me to know how you feel about this chapter!!

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