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I couldn't help thinking about Wayo. When I was gazing at him, I felt a strong attraction that I haven't felt before. I admit that I have had lots of relationships, some were quite serious, some were just flings, but it is the first time for me to feel something for someone let alone for a boy. He stirs an emotion in me that no one has ever done. Is this LOVE? INFATUATION?Arrgh!! I have mixed feeling about it, but I long to see him and am dying to be with him, so this is LOVE?

Lost in my thoughts, I haven't noticed that we finally arrived at the pier. It took us 30 minutes to reach it. When I look at my best friends at the backseat, they are sleeping, so I have to wake them up.

Shaking their shoulders, I call their names " Hey! Beam! Kit! wake up, we are here." But they are still sleeping deeply, so I whack their head to wake them up.

"Ouch!! Fuck! Ai'Pha!! what's your problem?" Beam and Kit shouted. They are looking daggers at me while rubbing their head.

I glare and coldly told them "We are here!!".

We get out of the taxi to head to the pier. We need to take a ferry to go to the island. After buying the ticket, we get on the ferry.

Finally, we arrive at our destination. I feel that my body is sore because of sitting for 90 minutes though we can walk around the ferry I chose to sit down and mauled over things that are running through my mind. Stretching my body to ease the soreness, I get up and look for Beam and Kit. As I am heading to the deck, I see my two best friends standing on it while looking at the view ahead of them.

"Beam! Kit! We have to get going" I shouted at them to get their attention.

"Look Ai'Pha!! The resort is really amazing I think we are going to have an unforgettable vacation here" Kit glancing at me and talking to me excitedly.

"I think so" I respond while smiling at them, but at the back of my mind I am hoping that I will meet Wayo again. "Let's go, we need to check in, so we can have a brunch". Turning away from them, I walk to the plank to get off the ferry.

"Hey Ai'Pha!! Let's enjoy the view first" Beam is calling me, but I just keep on walking. I can hear them running after me.

"You're such a kill joy Ai'Pha" I can hear Beam muttering to himself behind my back.

"I'm not a kill joy Beam, I just want to take a rest and eat" Smirking at them.

"Yeah, right!!" they said in unison while punching me on my arms.

As soon as we get to the resort, we check in and head straight to our villa. It is located much nearer to the sea shore and facing the sea. Our villa is made of wood with glass windows, but the rest of villa is open air with blinds which make it comfortable and relaxing. It has one bedroom with 2 queen size bed, a kitchen, a living room and dining room. To top it all, it has its own swimming pool and a spa. My friends have done a good job finding this place and booking it for us.

"What can you say Ai'Pha?" Beam asking me with a satisfying look on his face.

"This is way much better than I thought!" I smile widely. "I haven't known that we have this kind of place in Thailand"

"Well, this is our graduation gift to ourselves, so Beam and I put much effort for us to have a grand vacation" said by Kit while grinning at me.

"Good job, boys!!" patting their shoulder.

After putting our luggage away, we decided to have brunch in one of the restaurants near our villa. It is cozy and the ambience is pretty good. We chose a table at the far end of the room. I sat on the chair facing the door while Beam and Kit sat on the chair opposite to me.

A waiter has come to our table to give the menu and told us to call him when we are ready to order.

"I think we should order some seafood" suggested by Beam.

"No, maybe it is much better to have a light meal and let's eat again later"Right? Ai'Pha?" Kit is looking at me.

Turning my attention away from the menu "Whatever you decide, I will go for it" looking at them.

"So, you will let us decide then?" Beam said with a questioning look on his face.

Shrugging my shoulder "Yes, I will give you the honour to do that." Returning my attention back to menu.

Beam and Kit are still arguing what kind of food we are going to order when I hear some voices coming from the door. One distinctive voice is quite familiar to me, so I lifted my head and looked at the entrance of the restaurant. My heart has skipped a beat when I saw him standing there with the two men who were with him at the airport. Are my eyes playing tricks on me because I have been thinking about him all this time? But no they aren't!! He is really here. Wayo is staying in the same place we are staying in!! Right there and then I decided that I will not miss this chance to get to know him. This is going to be one hell of a vacation!!




I'm so sorry for the late update guys!! I was quite busy with my work during the weekend.

This chapter is shorter than the other chapters, but I promise to publish another chapter before Friday.

Thank you for reading, voting and giving comments. Your comments have given me confidence to continue writing. I truly appreciate them.

Please comment and vote for me to know more how you find my story!! Thank you!!

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