[ 20 ] Written Memoria ::: Childhood Friend! Kokichi Ouma

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requested by ::: _Otaku_Potatoe_
I have a first ver. of this but I think
it's more angst-y if i set it in this one.
Btw, Kirumi here is still alibe
les just say kaito killed hoshi mwehehe

I'm not being bias or unfair but it depends
on my ideas actually that change by time, so
if you guys wanna see the first vers. of this
i'd post it just comment below~

majority wins.

Also, im sorry for not being able to update for A LONG TIME.
The internet's down but hey, at least I got almost everyone's
requests finished. . .
Hope you like it!
h/c = hair color
e/c = eye color
f/c = favorite color

× • × • ×
= • = • =
kxkichi oxma
a bit of my memories appeared
once you suddenly fell, howcome...
at the time when i regret like hell?
= • = • =
× • × • ×

"The girl sobbed infront of him, the boy. Since she had currently shattered the pitcher full of grape juice that he really like, the juice that gave him "heaven" in the essence of overreacting." A (h/c)-ette girl smiled as she continued to write on her plain (f/c) colored notebook.

Inside her room was quiet, no noise, no sound.
It was the peace she wanted for the straight 4 hours she worked on awhile ago.

Being known as the Ultimate Writer, (last name) (your name) wasn't good in analytics that much, but at least she helped out solving out Angie and Tenko's case which scared and frightened her a bit from Shinguuji's "double kill".

Imagine, Korekiyo Shinguuji, an anthropologist, would kill two people?

(your name) shakes her head to avoid any writers block from her current literary piece. ""I-I'm s-sorry!" The girl scrambled words to tell him. From his expression, she could tell that he's going to get angry of her. Scold her and abandon her as his best friend."

The girl continued to write on her notebook. Although she based this from a certain memory, in which she recently kept at the back of her mind as secret that she knew about it, she was happy enough to demonstrate what she really was since everyone's memories were taken off their heads.

And this (h/c) headed girl was sad that he didn't remember her as well.

She shakes the thought away but she was broken off of her thoughts when there was a knock on the door. It was Tojou, "Oh. . (last name)-san? I just came to tell you that I baked some bread today, might want to taste or have a look?"

The writer was enlightened once it was all about "tasting". It was because of that wonderful time they shared when they were once children, "E-Eh. . ? Onii-chan. .! S-Share some with me!"

"Nishishi! Leaders get the share first!"

"E-EH?! But you aren't even a leader yet!"

She opened the door and made a shy smile, "S-Sure. . Tojou-san. .! I would love to," She says, going out of her room as they accompany each other to the abandoned classrooms in which everyone was already gathering to, slipping the notebook on one of the pockets of her skirt, Tojou and her arrive at their destination.

Everyone linked all the tables together to make a big space for everyone. Since there were only remaining ten of you, it was quite a bit quiet than usual. Unless anybody tried to start a topic. Though if Kiibo would start, it would end out awkwardly.

More worse, if Shirogane would start the conversation since all she talks about is "anime".

The shy girl gingerly takes her seat next to the purple headed boy, in which turned to her and greet her, "Ah! (last name)-chan. . ! You're finally here~!" He chimed and she nodded back shortly, "H-Hello. . O-Ouma-kun."

Though she was tempted to call him by another name through another fact nobody knew.

"H-Hey! Let's. . break the gloomy atmosphere. .! Come on, everyone! How's the day?" Tsumugi forcefully tried to mumble the words in her mouth in a trembling voice, "Everything's greatly magical." Yumeno answered in a bored tone.

"Nishishi! Never better!" He laughed taking a bite of the bread, "Mm! Chojou-chwan you're chow good in baching!" He said with food in his mouth, "E-Eto. . O-Ouma-kun, don't speak with your mouth full. . " Saihara sweatdropped, taking a bite on his.

"Demo saa. . . Saihara-chan such an emo! Come oon. Cheer up!" Ouma shoved the food down his throat and stated with pride on his voice. Saihara sighed, "I-I'm not an emo, how many times do I have to tell you. . "

"W-Well. . seems like you are from your b-black clothing, S-Saihara-kun. . " The (h/c) headed spoke up suddenly, "Yes! But not almost everyone in black are emos, Ouma-kun. (last name)-kun." Shirogane said.

"But actually! If anyone knows Persona 4, Saihara looks like one of the characters there!" Shirogane happily taking off her shy state. "And he even has my last name!" She laughed. (your name) smiled from the scene you were currently watching.

. . . at least everyone is getting along.

(your name) remembered suddenly about her notebook and she tugged at Ouma's white sleeve, "H-Hey. . O-Ouma-kun, would you mind r-reading this. . ?" The girl handed him her (f/c) notebook and he only tilted his head in confusion.

"Eh~ What's this? A story? Interesting!" Ouma cheered, and (your name) was relieved about that. At least he was happy to be listening for atleast a small piece of a fragment of his whole childhood.

"C-Can you read it. . ? A-Ah! I-It's really something I-I want you to read. . I-It's alright if you don't. . " (your name) waves her hands defensively. "I-It's trash anyways. . " She mumbled. Ouma gave no respond after awhile until the writer waves her attention to something else.

"Eto. . What do you think is best, Iruma-san? Red. . pink, or blue?" (your name) overheard Kiibo, "I'd rather take brown, or red and black like a ladybug!" Gonta explained happily.

"G-Gonta-kun. . there was no brown nor black in the choices. . " Saihara reminded, Shirogane giggles, "You're right! But if I were Iruma-san, I'd take blue! Like Hatsune Miku!" Shirogane fist pumps the air.

"Hm. . It's best if I choose Red! I hate pink, I would look like a pervert!" Iruma said with a grimace, "Like this shady dirty guy for no reason!" Iruma points Saihara, "I-I told you I'm not a pervert!" Saihara outbursted, clearly suprised Kiibo, Gonta and Shirogane.

(your name) adverts her focus and her thoughts back at Ouma, now reading her story with intense focus, no matter how much it amazed her, she was kind of happy for him to be reading such story.

After what felt like hours in the classroom, Ouma also finishes the story.

"Uwah! So this is why (last name)-chan is called the Ultimate Writer eh~" Ouma tilts his head, returning the notebook, "The story didn't really surprise me, it was predictable!" Ouma tapped his index finger at his chin.

(your name) froze, "R-Really. . " She looked dejected. "T-Then I should make it more interesting then. . " She looked down, Ouma suddenly noticed this and took his words back, "Nishishi! I told you, I'm a liar, right? So it was a lie." He said a fact easily.

(your name) wasn't convinced by his words.

"But. . I really want to see the ending! That's why I'll predict it as well!" Ouma said.

"Please write the ending for meee~ (last name)-chan~" He chimed, (your name) nodded.

"I-I'll write it as soon as early until I sleep. S-So you can read it later." She reassured, Ouma hopped happily and smiled, "Yosh! Arigatou, (last name)-chan! Nishishi! You're a better friend after all!" He says. (your name) smile back as Ouma slowly waved bye to the (h/c) haired girl and said he is going to go at his room.

As long as Ouma's comment sill lingered unto her mind, another perfect glare was being sensed around her, as if it was glaring at her, somehow creeped the little girl out but she ignored it.

Hours later, almost half of everyone already left the room.
(y/n) also returned to her room as soon as that so she can write the ending very fast.

""You know, you're a bad liar. I know that." He chuckled as he yanked her other arm that was hiding behind her back, "S-Sorry!" she scrambled the words in her mouth."

(y/n) continued writing the last parts out, in which the boy patted the girl's head and invites her to patch her wound that he called, "LovestruckOmiousis" and it was the reason that it happened. Since the girl was oblivious and innocent, she believed the boy's leadership and went through every of his advices and thoughts.

After writing the last parts out, (y/n) finally places the "the end" by the paper, and she slowly decided to place a small note by the paper she was writing. She thought of a wonderful question she can play Ouma with and placed the answer in small letters so that he won't notice it immediately.

Finally! Ouma would be happy if—

Knock, Knock, Knock.

(y/n)'s thoughts were cut off once there was a knock at the door? Could it be Ouma? He might be impatient for the ending! He must've been excited to read it already. Happily, (y/n) immediately opens the door only to be meet down the floor as a force push her down it.

She heard the door closing again, and it was like suddenly her mind has currently blocked and her throat looked like clogged, she doesn't want to scream, but she tried to squirmed in effort from whoever was doing this. (y/n) can't even afford to look up to whoever was pushing her down the floor.

Finally the (h/c)-ette decided to look to whoever it was but her eyes met a metal. . looking object and it was hit unto her head, thus landing on the floor. Though she swore she saw a pinch of strawberry blonde color and dazzling light blue orbs for a split second.

Slowly, before her conciousness fades away, (y/n) uses up all her energy and supports herself to sit up and lean on her bed. Staring directly to whoever pinned her awhile ago, who was now by the closed door, standing in front of her with a panicked face, if her victim would scream for help or such.

. . . but no. (y/n) has now accept her ready fact.

With a wide smile, she places the paper on top her bed and look at her for the last time. She felt something fall unto the floor and it was rolling like coin, but the person whom pinned her didn't seem to notice.

"H-Hey. . " She said with a unstable breath.

"P-Please t-tell him. . T-that. . "

"I-I r-really l-love him. . E-Ever since we were kids. . "

And her conciousness slowly faded away as her eyes slowly dazed unto a specific position. The person who pinned her awhile ago blinked but actually nodded, leaving the room.


The next day, Ouma knocked multiple times on the writer's room but recieved no confident response nor even a pinch. "N-Ne? (last name)-chan! I still have to read the ending you know!" Ouma pouted in front of her door.

"And you kept me waiting last night~ That's harsh. . " Ouma added.

"(last name)-chan? Oi. . Answer me. ." Ouma sighed.

He was getting impatient. To be honest. (y/n) had kept him waiting for almost 2 hours of midnight and he didn't get some sleep. Well atleast he frantically survived the morning without any proper sleep like he used to.

Ouma kicks the door gently but recieved again no response. It's been 5 minutes and it was unlike for (y/n) to respond so late. And what if she stayed up late last night just to finish the ending for him?!

Ouma started to gulp, he was the reason for (y/n) not responding suddenly!

The purple-haired boy started to worry as he asked permission to come in the room. As he barged in since the door knob can be twisted, in fact, it wasn't locked.

Once he sees, the room, he was terrified with the scene he had seen.

(y/n) (l/n), the ultimate writer, still alive yesterday. Still talked to him yesterday. And also smiled, ate, and even acted shy to him yesterday.

. . . is now dead in front of him.

Her eyes now showed no more emotion, no more light. . and no more color. She was in fact, dead. She was lying limp with her back leaning on her bed, her eyes fixated on a certain spot Ouma can't visualize. He can't focus that now, he had to focus on (y/n).

Is it. . because of his rude comment?

Because of his permission of asking for an ending?

"(last name)-chan! (last name)-chan!" Ouma ran to the corpse, carrying it in his arms, "No. . don't leave me, you're still alive, right? (last name)-chan? You're kidding? Very funny!" Ouma continued to try and make himself laugh at the current situation, though it was no use because of his tears he now cursed in his mind stopped him from doing so.

. . . why is he crying?

It was unusual for him to cry for someone. Most likely, someone special. Ouma didn't knew his feelings around her. He. . didn't knew. He continued look around the previous writer's surroundings and he stumble upon a piece of paper.

He expected it was the ending, the ending he asked. And killer-chan must've barged in and kill her, the special person of his lone, dreadful life.

Once he had finished reading it, more tears streamed his face as he closed her eyelids down and kiss her forehead. As he familiar notification had finally alarmed everybody.

"Upupupupu~ Seems like a new body has been discovered! Now start with the investigation, little maniacs~!" Monokuma averred throughout the academy, thus, finally Saihara and the others came.


Everybody except Kiibo and Shirogane, in the room went silent once Saihara spoke about the writer's story that she shared with Ouma last night, during the time Tojou made bread for everyone.

"Do you think the story is somehow connected to the reason (last name)-san died?" Saihara asked everybody.

Kiibo and Shirogane was still out finding evidence, and everyone was now discussing what they've collected.

"Please don't mention the fact that she's dead. . it's. . painful. ." Ouma muttered the last parts out but managed to tell everyone what he wanted to. Which surprised them on how much he doesn't wanted to accept the bitter truth.

Ouma had just finished telling everybody about (y/n)'s wonderful story she shared at least with him. "Well, what did the paper say, Ouma-kun? What was in the paper?" Saihara asked as the purple headed leader started to read the words in the paper out loud.

""You know, you're a bad liar. I know that." He chuckled as he yanked her other arm that was hiding behind her back, "S-Sorry!" she scrambled the words in her mouth. The boy knew immediately she was hiding something, and he suddenly smirked once he sees it, "Nishishi! Seems like (name)-chan got the wound by being lovestruck with me!" The boy proudly announced, the girl tilted her head in confusion, "W-What do you mean, onii-chan?" She asks, "Hm~ I've got a diagnosis! You have "LovestruckOmiousis"! Let's get it patched up." He invited, "Just don't do it again, okay?" He asked her, in which she smiled in delight.

"Will never!"

The End."

Ouma stopped reading after the words have finally slipped off his mout like venom. Saihara interrupted him, "T-There's something more written in the back part. I think you haven't read it."

"Huh?" Ouma perplexively look at the back part to see another message with her handwriting, asking, Now who do you think is the boy and the girl of this story?

Ouma clearly froze at the question.

"I bet the boy is you, Ouma." Maki said without any more thinking. "And the girl is
(y/n) herself." She continued. "W-What is the true meaning of this?!" Ouma grunted in frustration.

"I dont get it!"

Ouma continued to search the paper and slowly find an answer key. There written, You may not know about this but. . . You're actually my childhood friend when your memories aren't yet erased. Mine wasn't. But I actually expect you'd remember me but. . it's alright! You didn't actually. . but its all okay. The "LovestruckOmiousis" was actually you who gave it. It meant for me being lovestruck wit you reasons why I had a wound back then. But, nevermind, I still treasure this wonderful moment I had with you when we were still young. And now that you're reading it, I hope you treasure it as well now.

- (y-n)

Ouma could felt his tears staining his face again, it hit him. He finally realized what it was. What the truth really was from the beginning. If he knew, he could've protected her. And could've made more memories even though he didn't even remember.

"Oh! Saihara-kun, I finally found evidence!" Kiibo ran into trial room, holding something of a ziplock in his hands, "It's someone's goggles! And it's naturally used for mechanics and such as I calculate. ." Kiibo says.

Shirogane followed also, "I found this bear pin around (y-n)-kun's room! I knew it! The killer is in here!" Saihara approached the only evidences and examines them. "No one else of us uses these goggles. . " He said, somone tensed up inside the room.

"Hmm. . Also, someone here is missing their accessories." Yumeno stated. "I doubt it's a girl. From this pin, it's definitely a girl who loves mechanics, or most likely, has the talent to create new things." Tojou said.

Ouma's blood started to boil in anger as his eyes glared at her, he knew who it was now. "Y-You. . " He pointed the strawberry blonde female, now in a panicked state.

"Iruma-chan! YOU KILLED (LAST NAME)-CHAN!" Ouma accused.

"Why you! You idiot grape juice lover! Don't accuse me for such thing! I didn't anything. . !" Gonta interrupts her, "I noticed that you've been quiet for the past 10 minutes, Iruma-san."

Saihara placed an index finger on his chin, "So possibly, Iruma-san had hit (l/n)-san with her goggles to make her stop resisting." He guessed. "And her pin fell accidentally in the floor! Which makes good sense. . " Shirogane beamed.

Iruma gulped, ready to face her fate. "And you even called me a pervert last night and now you're off killing somebody shy and nice. . " Saihara grits his teeth. "H-Hey. . ! It's not my fault! I just got so irritated of that stupid writer being able to invent new wordy stuff than me—being able to invent NOTHING!" She slammed her fists.

". . Why do you have to invent something new all the time, Iruma-san?" Kiibo asked innocently. "It's a matter of bragging and jealousy, Kiibo-kun. And quite reasonable since you were glaring at her last night, Iruma-san." Saihara answers.

"But why do you have to kill her?" Ouma asked her sharply, his voice changed into a rather scary tone. Everybody was surprised with his sudden change.

"(last name)-chan did nothing. She just used her mind to the fullest. . for inventing wonderful things up to her imaginations. . " Ouma says, in between sobs as he continued to cry.

"(LAST NAME)-CHAN DID NOTHING!" He shouted across the room and to Iruma, who gulped and looked away with a guilty face.

"Anyways. . Ouma, before she. . passed away, she said something." Iruma suddenly said.

Ouma didn't respond, telling her to go on.

"She said she loves you ever since you both were kids."

His heart sank unto the bottom pits of his stomach.

Obviously everyone knew what the supposed liar, leader they've always knew could've acted. But this "Ouma" in front of them was surely someone knew. The purple headed clenched his fist as his tears continued to stain his face.

There was no backing out now.

Everybody now brings the vote to the Ultmate Inventor, Iruma Miu.

Even though her screams were nothing to the remaining eight of them, but Ouma asked Monkuma to hold her back just for a slight second. The bear snarled at him but allowed him to at least say what he wanted to.

As the leader continued to stare down, something in his mind made his stare at (y/n)'s image, being ex'd in pink color. Her smile still the same. Though her voice was nowhere to be heard anymore.

Before Iruma was going to get executed, Ouma looked up to the Inventor with tear-strained eyes as he looked in deep regret, looking at her with a face full of false happiness.

"Iruma-chan. . when you meet her. . "

She was gone, though he hoped his words be heard.

". . . Please tell her I love her too."

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