[ 22 ]Don't Cry ::: Kokichi Ouma

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requsted by ::: cindystone101
wait... i look like i didn't follow
your plot that much... so I'm giving you a
chance to let me rewrite this if you hate it.
* depressed! suicidal! reader

Enjoy reading~
x • x • x
= • = • =
kxkichi oxma
dont tell anyone
that i cried. okay?
= • = • =
x • x • x

"One. . Two. . Three. . One, Two, Three!"

Kaede counted as an (h/c) haired girl would follow her very tune. They were always practicing on the same piece, everyday. Since it made them feel more understanding each other, imagine a trombonist and a pianist cooperating together bringing harmony to the world.

. . . . that was (y/n)'s and Kaede's dream.

They always dreamt of a "peaceful harmony and hope" tand shared every single moment both would experience. These two harmony-makers got along too easily. That was why when one harmony is disrupted, the other would be dislocated, lost, and lonely.

Because no harmony is peaceful without the other.

(y/n) stared at the cold floor with her eyes shaking in a complete mix of emotions—sadness, betrayal, frustration, pain, regret, shock, surprise—despair. It was the complete word. The source of all things she's been feeling right now.

"(f/n)-kun, cheer up! I'm always here. . in your heart! We can still make harmony and peace out in the world! We can still play toge—"

"Kaede, you said it yourself, that no harmony can ever be complete with the other!" (y/n) shouted at her, the blonde haired's eyes widened from (y/n)'s outburst. Shoving the pianist's hand that she held previously to her with a click of a tongue, (y/n)'s words came out like poison.

"You think you could fix it like it was nothing. ." (y/n) muttered, her (h/c) bangs covering her once, twinkling (e/c) eyes, now have been a darker shade, being engulfed by the feelings of despair.

"It's nothing shallow, Kaede. We. . . We promised each other." She sniffed, her tears trying to fall off her face, "Y-You. . You said that y-you and I. . would survive. ."

Kaede smiled bitterly and patted the (h/c)'s head, "I-I'm sorry, (f/n). If I failed you. Failed everyone. ." She said, looking away. "I-I. . I thought that we'd survive. . together." Kaede stuttered for the first time (y/n) heard in her life.

As much as it took the (h/c) headed aback, she embraced her one least time, feeling her warmth, and at least smelling the scent of strawberries present on her hair. (y/n) can reminisce the times Kaede had introduced her a really "awesome" shampoo Yumeno made, but it actually was a mess causing her to have a bad hair day.

She can remember all the happy times at the moment she touched her, but soon, (y/n) knew she had to let someone special go. And it was hard for the first time of her life to see and leave a friend.

. . . a valuable friend.

Once they were done, the rude black and white stupid bear had started the pianist's execution. A claw dragged her as Kaede desperately tried to reach out to the trombonist, just to feel one more touch. But their hopes failed and Kaede was finally dragged out of the trial room.

Kaede found herself falling with a paper of music pieces—notes, and other composed songs she and (y/n) made. She remembered every silly word her best friend had made for the lines to rhyme, but the (h/c) headed admitted she's not really good in poetry.

Kaede finds every single piece—even their favorites. She suspected that Monokuma had managed to steal it from the two harmony-makers, or probably he was just annoyed or just a tinge of addition to the feels everyone would be watching.

Once Kaede had to find all the favorite pieces, two of the Monokuma cubs had pulled the rope and the pianist rose with her feet touching the large, and grand piano key's. A rope tied unto her neck, just a little more higher she might of just hung herself.

Monokuma headed people started to arrive as if they would watch the whole scene. As Monokuma, the person in the middle, still with a grin on his face. As he started a tune and with every key, Kaede would be pulled on to that key.

Every key of the song was really far from each other. And Kaede felt being dragged around just to press either "Do", "Re" or whatever the note already was. The song continued as it began to go faster, faster, and a more faster tune until the pianist had continued to become dizzy and a lost of air as the whole song kept repeating all over and over again.

Faster and Faster, every drag, every step.

More harder, she had to click those keys, or it'll hurt.

And it continued until the song had finally stopped with motionless, and limp Kaede on the rope, as the grand, big piano began to close, in which there were spikes on the lid.

But before it, one of the Monokuma Cubs pushed a blue bear unto the piano before it closed, as it's pieces sprout into nothing more than metalic bolts and screw parts.

. . . . (y/n), Kaede Akamatsu is dead.

It was a voice that rang on the (h/c)'s ears. Her mind suddenly bombarded this fact with denial, as her tears continued to fall from her face as she exited the trial room in hope that she wouldn't, ever, see this horrible sight ever again.

Now both harmonies are disrupted, one is dead, one was dislocated.


It went on for days, and (y/n) had never, ever came out of her room since. And another person commonly, and suspiciously, was worried for her. He didn't knew why, in which he questioned his own self.

His shoes clacked unto the hallway, as he knocked unto the once, cheerful girl's room. He used to remember how much she smiled when Akamatsu-chan was still alive, when they would practice, he would unnoticeably peek at the room window to see her, since he found out something beautiful.

He may be someone (y/n) wouldn't kind of deserve. That was what he thought. But atleast, as a liar, and a leader, he hopes that she would never give to despair, he wished her to survive, if he would die in this killing game.

. . . At least he has finally found the reason of his life.

"(y/n) hasn't come out of her room yet. Ever since." He could remember that person he always called "emo", and one of Kaede's friends, Saihara Shuichi, whose voice rang outside his head, he was totally worried about her. Ever since the first day, he at least talked to her, a little bit.

He liked her voice. That was all. And all is well.

". . . . (l/n)-chan?" His voice perked up unto the silent, unaudible hallway, filled with nothingness, in response silence replied. ". . . (l/n)-chan? H-Hey, It's me, Ouma-chan." He continued to knock at her room.

He knew it was time for breakfast, and she was the only person who hasn't come out her room yet, ever since. But know Ouma won't allow that. He will save (y/n)-chan! A look of determination filled his shiny, twinkling grape colored eyes.

"Ne, (l/n)-chan. . Stop acting like you don't hear me. . it hurts, y'know?" Ouma hummed, but he heard a soft, though quiet sob across the door, in which alarmed him suddenly, ". . (l/n)-chan?!"

He barged unto the room and finally found out what was going on. Her room was filled with scratches, the complete set of knife piercing every part of the once, harmony-maker's wallpaper, in which some had been teared down, her covered were shredded unto nothingness of bits of cloth, and her lampshade has fallen down the floor.

. . . . The room was a mess.

And there was (y/n), on the floor, holding her head with a widened shocked face, she covered her ears and some dried up tears stained her face. Her eyes were swollen red and her once, shiny (e/c) eyes had been, bit by bit, been replaced by a grey complex.

Her skin was pale, and thin. And what shocked the purple haired boy was that it was full of scratches and scars. ". . . (l-l/n)-chan?!" He freaked out, mentally and physically. (y/n), the once happy, cheerful girl, managed to do such thing as this?!

He finally discovered the reason why Tojou can't cut the potatoes awhile ago because there were no knives in the cafeteria.

(y/n) took the whole set, in which the butcher's knife struck on the wall, and the cutting knife in which she used on his wrists, arms, and her legs. There was also a scar on her cheek, and two on her neck. And Ouma was fully relieved she didn't kill herself completly by taking her head off.

Ouma knelt down across her and close the door he barged in awhile ago. (y/n) had never responded, but her small sobs and her eyes had stopped emitting tears, but she trembled and she was shaking violently.

". . (l-l/n)-chan?" Ouma called out to her, loud as enough as she can hear, but there was no respond. (y/n) only locked her eyes at Ouma's, her body continued to tremble. Ouma found out she was too scared, and maybe she just had a panic attack.

He holds out his hand to touch hers and she flinched, and froze as she can feel warmth from him. She blinked for awhile and her widened eyes slightly returned back to normal. Her body still continued to tremble, she crawled to him and Ouma allowed her to cuddle with him, he wraps his arms around her and he still couldn't believe when a small voice was something he heard.

"Stay with me. ."

Minutes later, the little girl was asleep, and Ouma kissed her forehead. Leaning her back against her bed, making sure she was comfortable, he goes out of her room to find a first aid kit and once he did from a nearby shelf in a hallway, he runs back to the little girl's room and slowly takes elastic bandages and hoped they'd stop for the half of his life if he would even bet (celes, ouma is asking a challenge).

After for awhie, (y/n) finally woke up, her head resting on someone's chest and he felt something wet drip at her palms, transparent. . white.

Her grey-(e/c) eyes suddenly looked to see who it is, and she was shocked to see him, the purple haired boy, Ouma Kokichi, crying in front of her.

He childishly hits her head but it was actually almost a touch in her head, "D-Don't make me worry, (y/n)-chan!" He sniffed, hugging her closer, "I-I don't want you to die. . I don't want to lose you!" He whisper-shouted unto her ear, the girl was left speechless.

But her brain finally processed and she blinked, patting his head, "O-Ouma-kun. . sorry," She said with a small smile, "B-But thank you, I assume you did this?" (y/n) asked, pointing the bandages the leader previously had applied unto her.

He nodded, kissing her nose, "Because I love you, (y/n)-chan."

"And I don't want you to kill yourself. Just for me, please?"

(y/n) knew he wasn't lying anymore.

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