[ 34 ] Outta My System ::: Kiibo

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he tries to succeed up an act,
yet he fails, forming love.

"This doesn't seem to work, Ouma-kun."

Kiibo covered his face from a book in which Ouma prevents himself to laugh on what the title was; faults of the 'idiotic robot' to be panic-stricken as if there was an earthquake everytime a beautiful girl named (y/n) went around.

"Ohh it will work. Though I never knew you were sooo interested on 'kinky stuff' and all," Ouma spoke, resting his cheek on his hand.

"W-what?" Kiibo blinked, staring at the random page he plunged his face into, read the first title, 'finding the soft spot'.

As his eyes grazed, his mind continued on, and he was silenced for awhile. But suddenly after awhile, his cheeks rose up a heating red color, as Ouma chuckled on his carelessness, but tried his best to make it softer from this situation of sitting in a library.

Out of instant, Kiibo threw the book at the laughing prankster's face, "You tricked me! You knew I was going to pick a book on the sixth shelf, and the ninth bookcase!" Kiibo said, forcing himself to speak in a soft volume.

"Ohh not really~, all I remember that you'd pick a book on 69, Nishishi~" Ouma said, putting his hands behind his head as he dodged the careless robot's attack.

"You're not helping me," Kiibo said, "I thought you were going to help me with (Y/N) and in exchange, I'd help you with your 'beloved Saihara-chan'," Kiibo said in a matter-in-fact tone.

Ouma kept silent once he heard the black-haired's name, "Why are you calling him 'beloved' anyways? Is he way precious to you?" Kiibo asked innocently.

Ouma sighed and suddenly grinned, "Listen, you robot." He said. "Once I find somebody interesting, I make them notice me even if it means choking them." He continued, his eyes grew in a darker shade of purple, and Kiibo felt a shiver.

And of course, in one, two, three...

"Jaa~! That was a lie. I'm a liar, after all! Nishishi~" He said, wearing a happy-go-lucky smile. "Don't worry, robot-chaaan, Saihara-chan isn't really on my list, but I'll be helping you with your (Y/N)."

Kiibo blinked again this time, feeling the change of atmosphere, a smile plastered on his face.

"Thank you."


"I tried to brush it off, keep calm and collected but it just wont work." Kiibo said in depressed voice, but in a monotone. "They tell me read a book, "learn to cook", anything to keep your mind of her,"

Ouma chuckled, again, every same day, everytime (Y/N) would pass by. And now, she's in the ninth bookcase, finding a book.

"I never thought you had the worse voice ever, nishishi~" Ouma said, Kiibo crossed his arms, "That's impolite of you!" He says.

Ouma desperately suddenly changes the topic, "Oh look. She's on the ninth bookcase. Wonder what's she's gonna snoop in there." Ouma says in a monotone voice as he stared at the (h/c) haired girl wandering her (e/c) eyes around the layer of books.

Kiibo'a cheeks overflew with heat once again, "D-Don't tell me..." He trails, his voice covered with nervousness. "You don't plan on pranking her, aren't you?" Kiibo spoke, in a rather nervous voice.

In this, Ouma made a smug smile, "Nishishi~ How can you tell? Maybe I put a snake in there or something," Ouma shrugged. "Or a tsextbook." He snickers, putting his arms around his back, closing his eyes. He feels a slight move of the wind, a fast one—as he opened one eye;and he realized Kiibo was gone.

"I-It's really not like that...!" He overheard a familiar voice upon the ninth bookshelf as he placed his cheek on his arm, elbow resting on the table and his bored eyes grazed between them, his lips suddenly forming a grin.

Kiibo forcefully tells himself to stay calm. "I was finding a book today here," He spoke, his cheeks were burning red but he forced himself to bow, "My name is Kiibo!" He softly whispered. You chuckled seeing him, you sighted him adorable.

"I'm (Y/N). So you're that guy with Ouma, huh?" She spoke, Kiibo blinked.

"You know him?"

"Whatzzup, imouto. (little sister)" Ouma smirked, his plan has definitely work between lying to Kiibo and it was great. He elbowed his sister teasingly and you rolled your eyes. "You're trying to look "cool" again, aren't you onii-chan?" Your eyes boringly gazed at his eccentric ones.

"ONEE-CHAN?!" Kiibo froze, his mind has completly lost it not until he covered his mouth to resist from yelling at the sudden surprise he's been to. "Is that..." He trails, "The reason why Ouma-kun knows what bookcase I go? Is it because why Ouma-kun helps me?"

The two siblings nodded blankly. Kiibo went startled, "Wait, are you telling me (Y/N) knows I like her?!" Kiibo widened his eyes. (Y/N) titled her head, "Oh. You like me? That's good. I was acting like I knew everything when you told us that onii-chan was helping you." Kiibo's ahoge twitched.

He turns around, with a panicked face, his back facing them as he held his head, "I want to make up with a perfect stranger, get loud, need a mind eraser, drink up, tonight I'm on a mission,"

"To get you outta my system," You laughed, "Downtown, I'll be up tonight," You continued singing your own part with a smile. "Get lost in the flashing lights, drink up, tonight I'm on a mission,"

"To get you outta my system." Kiibo spoke in a monotonous manner. "I didn't knew you listen to Simple Plan." He stared blankly at her. "Ohh, I told her everything about you," Ouma grins, putting his hands behind his head. "Starting from looking at 69—" He get broken off after getting thrown by a book by an 'idiotic robot' as he thought once.

Kiibo was overheating, "Could you please shut up?!"

"Noooooope." Ouma smirks, standing up, shoving the book from his face. "If you wanna start a fight, you better throw the first punch—making the good one~" He chimes, "And if you, wanna make it through the night, you better say my name like "the good, the bad and the dirty"~"

(Y/N) chuckles, but suddenly changing the topic, she pulls Kiibo by the hand and brings him outside with her, a blush covering her face as they stop by a garden, and Kiibo didn't stop blushing.

The garden were circulated by fireflies—and it was beautiful. The flowers were glowing from the moonlight, and the wind was cold. Perfect for a confession.

The moon has set at night, and library hours were about to stop. And for a moment, the (h/c) haired girl gripped his hand tight, yet gentle like a flower—and a wide smile clung unto her face.

"Hey Kiibo," (Y/N) calls, "Sucks to be you, I like you too."

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