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Neil went home disappointed as no one had let him meet his Avni. Then he thought Ashish Mehta is right. He shouldn't go infront of her & remind her of all the pain again. He should wait till she gets a little better.

As Neil reached home, he saw his father sitting & watching the news.

"Finally home. Didn't I tell you not to tell anyone about me forcing you to do all that drama earlier??" Rajat exclaims.

Neil had lost his patience. He went up to him & held him by the collar.

"How dare you?! This is all your fault! You made me do all this! Now everyone is misunderstanding me!" Neil yells.

"Well I didn't know your childish Avni would attempt suicide." Rajat says sarcastically.

"If something had happened to my Avni then I would have killed you with my bare hands! I lost my child god dammit!" Neil cries out. His tears could no longer wait & they bursted out in anger.

"It's okay son. Let her get better & after that you can force her to marry you & you can always get her pregnant again. It's not a big deal." Rajat replies.

Neil had enough. He slapped his dad across the face.

"Don't you dare say a word against Avni. I will not tolerate that! I said as you promised by not telling anyone! And I won't. BUT I will ask for forgiveness & I will win her love again, without telling her the truth! I won't give up! Understand?!" Neil exclaims

"How dare you raise your hand on me?! And forget about winning her love again! She will never be your's now.. she lost her baby due to your stupidity. She will never forgive you. The only way to make her yours would be to force her." Rajat Says sadistically.

"If I was the old Neil.. that's what I would have done. But she made me a better person. I would never do that to her. And I don't need to make her mine.. she is already mine. Now stay away from my Avni & me. Understand??" Neil replies in anger and leaves.

Next day:

Arjun showed up at Neil's house to meet him.

"Neil what the hell?? Avni committed suicide because of you! How could you insult them infront of so many people??? Even if it was a stupid bet.. how could you do that.?!" Arjun asked in anger.

Neil did not respond. He wasn't allowed to tell anyone. If anyone found out, he could risk Avni's life. He decided to stay quiet.

"I'm asking you a question Neil?? And where were you yesterday? You weren't answering the phone?!" Arjun asks, bombarding Neil with questions.

"Listen.. I don't know why I did what I did.. but I will ask for forgiveness." Neil says making the lamest excuse.

"What the hell is wrong with you? She lost her respect infront of everyone, she lost her child.. and your saying that you can get her forgiveness so easily.? Are you out of your mind??" Arjun says.

"You know what Neil.. yesterday when you insulted her.. I decided I would still marry Avni. I decided I would still give her & her baby the respect she deserves despite knowing that she is pregnant with your child, I was ready to marry her because she is a pure hearted & innocent girl. You really don't deserve her!" Arjun says in anger and walks away.

All Neil could do was cry out. He was so helpless. No one could understand his pain. The pain of hurting her. The pain of losing their baby. It was hard for him to express his pain to anyone.

A few days later, Avni was discharged form the hospital and brought home. Her mother took her to her room for her to rest. Neil had been waiting for Avni to finally be home. He went to her house to see her.

Ayesha opened the door & was about to shut the door but Neil held his hand in between to stop her from doing so.

"Why are you here Neil? I already told you, get out!" Ayesha yells.

"Pleas aunty, I just want to see Avni-" Neil gets cut off.

"I told you to stay away from her! Why are you playing with her life?? When she needed you the most, where were you huh?? I thought you loved her because she told me clearly that she couldn't live without you. But no.. it's sad that my daughter is so naive. You were just doing a bet. You stole everything from her Neil, even her baby! You insulted her so much she couldn't handle it & made impulsive decisions that led her to lose her baby. Her unborn child could have been her reason to live a happy life. Now she has nothing to lose!" Ayesha vents out.

Neil's eyes reddened with tears & guilt as he looked down.

"Pleas aunty.. I just.. I just.. want to see her once!" Neil said crying.

"You didn't only kill her child.. you killed all her emotions. Now she had nothing but hate for you! She has forgotten that you are that Neil that she once loved.. all she remembers now is that you are that Neil that deceived her in love. Your not just the father of her child but also the killer of her child!" Ayesha yells crying.

Neil held his ears shut tight abruptly as if he couldn't hear anymore. He couldn't take the pain. His tears were flowing like a river.

"Why Neil? You can't take the truth? THIS is the truth! You should have think about this before you insulted her & left her.. now nothing could be done to fix the damage you've caused! She does not trust anyone anymore, nor does she believe in love, thanks to you Neil. If you really want to do something for her.. than STAY AWAY from her!" Ayesha yells.

"Wait mom" Avni says, coming down the stairs slowly. Her wrist was bandaged on her milky white arm.

Neil looked on as she came down & tears of happiness came down his eyes seeing her. He quickly went up to her to hug her but she held her hand against his chest stopping him.

Neil frowned.

"I only came to say thanks to you Neil. Because of you.. I survived almost dying. And look.. this time I lost my baby too. You know Neil.. when a person loses their everything & they have nothing left in life.. that person slowly becomes weak.. and they eventually commit suicide." Avni Says crying.

Neil looked on listening to her. He shut his eyes in pain.

"You left me when I needed you most. You insulted my love & dignity infront of everyone. You cursed my dad. I cried all night when I lost my child but you know what? Now I'm not sad about losing my child anymore.. Because my child wouldn't have gotten the love it deserved. It wouldn't have gotten both parents love. Now.. my only happiness in life would be to see you suffer in pain!" Avni vents.

"Avni please listen-" Neil gets cut off.

"I know.. I have tears in my eyes & right now I'm not happy.. but that's what you wanted right?? Congrats Neil Khanna. You've won your bet.. you got me to bed.." Avni says clapping.

"This will be the last time I will cry infront of you Neil! Remember.. the tears in my eyes.. the pain in my heart.. it will all come to you! And I hope it does!" Avni said & suddenly she felt dizzy. Neil held her.

"Avni.. I already have your tears in my eyes.. I'm already feeling your pain.. please Avni.. I'm begging you.. forgive me.. just this last time.." Neil says sobbing.

Avni pushes him away.

"Don't touch me! And leave my house this instant!" Avni yells with tears.

Hey guys! I know it's a sad chapter 😆 but let me know what you thought in the comments! 💕 xoxoxo

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