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Neil's POV

"We're sorry Mr Neil, we couldn't save the baby, and we're still trying to recover your wife but she isn't responding well to the operation. She seems as if she doesn't desire to live..." the Dr. Said.

I froze in spot, when the Dr. told me about Avni's miscarriage.

"She... She.. she was pregnant?" I uttered out in a low tone, there was hardly any breathe in my tone. It felt as if someone pierced my heart a million times.

"Yes. She was a few weeks pregnant. We're very sorry for your loss Mr Neil.. we just hope to recover her up.. if she doesn't gain consciousness soon.. we're afraid she might slip into coma,." The Dr. Said in hesitancy. I kept staring at the Dr. like a crazy person. The Dr silently left feeling bad for me.

I fell to the ground & I screamed my lungs out.

"NOOOOO!!! Avni!!!!" I yelled as if my life depended on it. I've never felt so helpless in my life. I failed to protect Avni. I tried protecting her from my dad, but I failed to protect her from myself. I caused so much damage to her that she tried to end her life. How could I? I don't even deserve to be at her feet, she was so pure. I ruined her, I thought. How could I?

I lost my child and that too because of me, How could I? I won't be able to forgive myself, ever. I can't lose Avni. I will not be able to live. I would end my life in this very spot if she doesn't come back to me.  I sat on the ground as I went through grief & guilt. Avni sure does know how to give a heartbreak back I thought. I broke her heart & now she's breaking mine by not responding to the treatment. All I could do was sit & pray for my Avni to get better.

Just then, ali & Riya showed up to the hospital. Ashish Mehta has called them up.

"Neil?! What happened to her yr??" Ali & Riya exclaimed.

I stood there quiet like a statue. Pain wasn't the only word to describe how I felt. It was the worst pain I felt. Tears were falling through my eyes as I stood in spot frozen.

"Neil?! I'm asking you a question??? What happened to Avni??" Ali asked again.

As I didn't respond still, Ayesha aunty came & explained what happened at the party & how I insulted Avni then left. Avni cut her wrist later that night, trying to end her life. Ali looked towards me furiously.

"I didn't expect that from you Neil! I thought you were a nice guy for my sister. Now Why are you here huh? Why are you doing all this guilt drama when you are the reason behind her pain & bad condition??" Ali yelled, unknown to the truth. I stood there quiet.

Then a the Dr. Came out again after some time.

"Congrats Neil. Your wife has finally gained consciousness. If she hadn't we would have lost her, but thankfully she did. Looks like your prayers have been answered. We have moved her to the other room. You guys may see her but 2 people at a time please.

"Thank you Dr.. thank you so soo much! You saved my life!" I said, hugging the Dr. in tears.

I was about to go see my Avni into the room when Ali held me back.

"Where do you think you're going huh? First uncle & aunty will see her & then me and Riya. You are the least person she should see. Because of YOU all this mess happened. Now I don't want Avni seeing you're face so she remembers her pain again!" Ali spat.

In Avni's hospital room:

"Oh bacha! What have you done ?!"  Did you not think of us before taking such step??" Ayesha exclaims.

Avni lays there, very weakly.

"Ayesha stop. She needs rest. Avni meri jaan.. please forgive me if I hurt you.. your my daughter & parents get upset.. please don't ever do this again my superstar.. please.. if you love Neil.. we will get you married to him ok?" Ashish says with tears in his eyes.

Avni started to cry.

"Im sorry mama.. dad.. I thought all the problems I've created would be over if I ended my life...please forgive me... I've disgraced you both. Because of me.. you guys had to face shame.. I'm a horrible daughter." Avni Says weakly.

"Avni stop saying that.. you are the worlds best daughter.. you only fell in love with the wrong person. But please.. don't ever do this again.. because of this.. you lost your-" Ayesha stops her sentence midway.

Ashish started to cry looking at Avni in such a weak state.

"What mom?" Avni asks.

"Avni.. you had a miscarriage from so much blood loss." Ashish says softly.

Avni's face filled with sorrow & she finally realized the consequences of her actions. She gently placed her hand on her belly & cried out in sobbs. The pain of losing her child was inevitable. The physical pain didn't mean anything, it was all emotional pain.

"Oh goddd..." Avni cried out

"How could I?!" She yelled more.

"Avni beta please calm down.. you need rest right now please.. see your friends have come to visit you!" Ayesha says walking out as she couldn't bare her daughter's pain.

Riya & ali walked in as ashish & Ayesha walked out. Neil was standing looking through the little glass window. His Avni looked so pale, as if all her blood had been sucked out. Her body was so weak. He looked on with guilt. He was hating himself for causing this to happen.

"Avni why did you do this huh? For that idiot?? What about us? Your parents huh?? Do we mean nothing to you??" Ali exclaimed.

"How could you let Neil win his bet?? How could you give him a reason to enjoy his win.. by.. trying to kill youself?? Your not weak Avni.. your a strong girl. Don't ever do this again!" Ali says.

Ali sees Neil outside the glass window as he spoke to Avni.

"Avni you lost your child.. i understand this will be hard but.. you need to forget all your sorrows & grief & start a new life. Why'd you do this Avni? For whom? That guy that doesn't even love you? If he really loved you, he would never have left you in this state at the party. He didn't deserve you Avni, he's not capable of you." Ali explains.

Avni couldn't stop her tears.

"But ali.. he's my.. he's my husband... how can I forget him.." Avni Says in a low tone.

"What husband Avni? Just because he filled your maang with sindoor?? You know what it means when a guy puts sindoor on a girl?! It means he will never leave her at any cause & any situations of life.. but Neil... he left you there hanging to be destroyed!" Riya says tearing up.

Neil looked on with more guilt & shame through the glass. His Avni loves him so much, he thought. She still considers him her husband even after what happened between them. His heart pierced listening to their conversations.

"You have to forget him Avni.. even if he was my own brother I would say this." Ali says.

"I would break all relations with that man. Avni.. you need to promise me.. you will break all relations with that man.. you won't keep any relation with him..promise me!" Ali keeps saying.

Avni couldn't help but nod her head in a no & cry. She didn't want to look weak & feel weak anymore. She lost her child. She didn't want to lose anyone else.

"I promise." She says crying out even louder.

Neil felt his heart race. His tears were itching his eyes. His body felt numb with guilt. He failed to save his Avni from sorrow & grief, he thought. He really wanted to tell them the truth but he couldn't. He just looked onto his Avni through the window.

"You should leave.. I'm begging you.. my daughter has already had so much pain today.. if she sees you.. she will remember everything again. Please go neil." Ashish requests in a low tone.

Hey guys! Let me know what you thought about the chapter... will try to update falling for the villain today 💕 xoxo

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