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Avni laid on the bed as the blood from her cut wrist oozed out at a very fast pace. Her beautiful white dress had been stained with her own blood. She was lying on the edge of the bed with her cut wrist hanging out the bed. She felt her blood dripping & heard the sound of blood on the floor. 'Drip drops'. She looked at her blood as if it meant nothing. She looked up towards her ceiling & her eyes started to shut down slowly. All she heard was the sound of the clock ticking. She saw Neil's memories again as she shut her eyes slowly fading away.

Neil's house:

Neil's POV

I will never forgive myself for what I've done today... I can never forget the tears I gave Avni & the hurt on her face was so clear it almost killed me today.

*FLASHBACK* (earlier in the morning)

Authors POV:

Neil got up early & got ready to meet Arjun & discuss some things with him. As he was driving he saw another car following him from behind. He started to speed up & had an small accident which caused him to hit his head, making it bleed. He fell unconscious. When he woke up, he was in a place he's never seen before. It almost looked like an old garage area. He was tied to the chair.

"Hello?? Anyone here?!" He yelled.

Then he heard footsteps coming towards him.

"Hello my son" said a familiar voice.

"Dad?!" Neil exclaimed with surprise.

"It's nice to see you after a long time my boy, I'm sure you are too." Rajat says smirking.

Rajat was Neil's step dad. He was rich & powerful man in society.

"Why did you bring me here?? You know I don't like meeting you!" Neil spat.

"Oh come on son. I'm your dad... Okay fine step dad. But you still need to respect me boy!" Rajat Says.

"Respect?? Respect you for what? For hitting & torturing me as a kid? For making me an arrogant jerk?" Neil says in anger.

"When mom found out your real face.. you threatened her by telling her you'd kill me if she divorced you.. you are the most disgusting man I've seen." Neil says.

"Okay that's enough! I didn't pick you up to discuss our personal issues. I need you to do a job for me." Rajat Says smirking.

"I will never do anything for you, kill me but I won't" Neil says, angered.

"Even if Avni gets killed??" Rajat says grinning.

"What..? What the hell are you saying.. ??" Neil's eyes widened upon hearing her name.

"Listen. I know you love her. And she is your weakness. I don't have anything to do with your love life. I just hate that Ashish Mehta. I have some old things that I need to pay back to him. That's why you're going to go to the engagement tonight & insult Avni as much as you can so Ashish Mehta can be degraded by everyone!" Rajat says laughing evilly.

"I will never do that! Over my dead body!" Neil yells back.

"Oh yes you will. I know your not afraid to die but I'm sure you wouldn't want Avni to die right?" Rajat Says.

"You will not lay a finger on her! Don't you dare say her name from your dirty mouth!" Neil yelled with more rage & fire.

"Well, a few of my men are going into the engagement as workers. Ofcourse no one knows them. And they have guns Neil. If you don't do as I say, then they will contact me telling me your every single move. And when I tell them to shoot, they will shoot your Avni in a way that she won't survive." Rajat says smirking.

Neil's face was in horror & sweat started to build up on his forehead.

"Come on Neil.. just for tonight! After that, you can even forcefully marry her. Infact, I will help you with that. Then she won't be able to do anything, even if she hates you. You can have her in every means. And don't you dare tell her OR ANYONE else that you were forced to insult them by me! You will just say that it was your stupid bet to get her in bed...if you don't do as I say...she will die." Rajat Says.

"Why... why are you doing this?? You ruined my childhood & made me a bad egotistical person. I'm always thankful to god that Avni came in my life & made me a better person but now.. your ruining my life again!" Neil says almost bursting into tears.

"Buckle up yourself & be a man. You have a long journey to take Neil. And don't try to be over smart with me.. my men and I have our eyes on you." Rajat Says sadistically.


Neil sat on his bed & kept on weeping. He was so weak he thought. He was the worst the guy ever he thought. Avni didn't deserve him. He was such a jerk for saying all those things at the party. Things he could never rub off his tongue even if he did it all life. His eyes were red & puffy from crying constantly. He really wanted to meet Avni & tell her the truth. But he was also worried if his dad did something to harm her. He didn't want to fail to protect her but he also doesn't want misunderstandings & Avni to hate him.

He walked out to his balcony to see Avni. But her balcony lights were turned off. There was a low dim light coming from her room. He really wanted to go & talk for her. He knew it could be dangerous for her but he wanted to see her once. He slowly sneaked out of the house in the dark & climbed up her balcony. As he went inside, he saw Avni laying on the bed, her head facing upward to the ceiling & her eyes were shut. Her cheeks had dried up teared.

Then what he saw next horrified him & his heart beat was loud enough to hear against his chest.

When he walked closer to the bed, he saw Avni's hand dangling to the side of the bed & her wrist had a cut on it. The floor had s huge pool of blood with fresh blood still dripping from her wrist. His eyes widened with concern.

"Avni!!!!!" Neil screams his lungs out.

He rushed up to the bed sitting down next to her & holds her in his arms. She had fainted already.

"Oh my godd avniii! What did you do Avni??!!!" He kept yelling. He put his head close to her chest checking for heartbeats. The beats were very low. She was sinking. Neil started to panick even more. Neil was going mad with grief as Avni was not responding or moving at all.

He lightly shook her begging her to get up & stay strong.

"Avni!! I won't let anything happen to you!!" Neil's tears fell on her face.

He quickly picked up Avni in bridal style.

"AVNII YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME! I'LL DIE WITHOUT YOU! I LOVE YOUU SO MUCH! He yelled. His breathe was almost gone.

Ashish & Ayesha woke up hearing Neil's yelling.

Neil rushed out of the room holding lifeless Avni in his arms. He had wrapped a cloth around her wrist to prevent anymore bleeding. She had bled a lot already. Her blood was all over her white dress & floor. Now it was all over Neil's shirt.

"Oh my god! What happened to you bacha!" Ayesha screamed in horror when she saw Avni.

"Oh shit! Hurry take her inside the car!" Ashish Says in a jiffy.

"Is she alive??" Ashish exclaimed, extremely worried.

"NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO MY AVNI!" Neil yelled in rage as he laid her in the car seat. They all drove to the hospital without arguing.

When they reached the hospital, he rushed her into the emergency.

The nurse had stopped Neil outside the emergency room.

"Excuse me sir I need you to sign some of these papers.. what is your relation to the patient?" The nurse asked.

"She's my girlfrien-" Neil stopped midway.

"She's my wife.. where should I sign the paper??" Neil says, his breathe was laboured from panic.

The nurse gave him papers to sign.

Neil waited outside the OTA. He couldn't stop pacing around. He kept crying.

"Oh godd.. this is my fault! This is ALL my fault!" Neil says to himself.

"I will never forgive myself for hurting you avni! Never! You have to get better Avni! You have to!" Neil says.

Avni's parents were sitting down, crying constantly.

"I cursed my daughter Ayesha.. I said to her that she's dead for me.. how could I say that to my daughter Ayesha.. how?" Ashish cried.

"Everything will be okay.. she's a strong girl.. I can't believe she took such a big step." Ayesha says crying along.

After some time, the doctor came out of the OTA. Neil rushed towards him.

"Doctor!! How's my Avni??? Is she okay? Please tell me she's fine??!" Neil yells.

"Mr. Neil, please come down. Your wife needs prayer at this time. She's sinking very bad.. she lost a lot of her blood. We are afraid we might lose her.." the dr. explains.

This angered Neil more. He grabs the Dr. By his collar.

"NO! Nothing will happen to her!! You have to save her!! Understand?!! If something happens to her.. I will die right here! Do anything but save her life!" Neil exclaimed as a crazy maniac.

"Look Mr. Neil, we are trying our best. Please calm down and pray for her. Let's hope for the best." The Dr. Says tapping Neil's shoulder gently, then walks away.

Neil stood there in shock. His eyes were bloodshot red & filled with fresh tears. His cheeks had dried tears on them. He fell to the ground with a thud. He sat there in a terrible trance, without blinking. He was going crazy.

Hey guys! Thanks for your love! ❤️ I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you thought in the comments!

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