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And when I said I would updste more seriously believed that? Lol jk, I just don't have the same fast at posting a chapter every 2 seconds like I used to.

The reason for that is unknown xD

Well anyway hope you and enjoy and bear with the slow updates :)

"What exactly are we looking for again?", asked the honey blonde performer.

"Some hidden treasure", Ash said without even giving a thought about his answer.

"I know that dummy but, what kind of treasure are we looking for?", Serena asked once more in a more irritated tone.

The two continued to walk deep into the forest, leading the group of kids they were assigned to make sure they are to experience this opportunity. As the went on, a strange aura would come from time to time, Ash shruggs it off saying it's just some pokemon watching them, but you may never know right?

Serena glanced around the surroudings, feeling a bit nostalgic like she has been here before, it could be possible right? When she was here as a junior camper, she did recall from one of the memories she unlocked, she was somewhere inside the forest. Sure she would venture into the forest from time to time in her current form, but not like this deep inside. It was giving off a bad vibe as well, but she shrugged it off.

'What bad could come from this? We have our Pokemon, so we'll be fine!', she thought.

Ash glanced behind him and saw that the kids were all still following him. You know it would probably be a smarter move, if one of them would be at the back of the group to make sure no one leaves, but that wasn't the case. Ash can't leave Serena be either the one LEADING the group or even be at the very BACK of the group. Why? She wasn't capable at her state due to the fact she might get an attack from her amnesia. It was too risky for her and the group.

So he decided to trust the youngsters to not be complete idiots and follow them until they find the cave. Serena then all of a sudden stopped in her tracks, making everyone look at her in confusion.

She glanced from the left to right, as if she saw something, or maybe she did. No, she could have sworn she did! She wasn't that crazy to see things in the forest! It couldn't be a pokemon right?

"Is there a problem Serena?", Ash asked with a worried glance to his former camper and friend, even Pikachu seems to be worried.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere the group felt someone watching them, or more like glaring at them. It made them all feel a chill run down their spine. They all then looked around to locate where it was coming from only to find nothing.

Ash was about to call out his Pokemon when 'it' happened.

A black shadow pounced right at them and everything went black.

You know when they say that authors need feedbacks to continue working? Well for me, yes I do need feedback to know if you guys enjoy it but, I'm having tons of fun writing these stories so I don't think I'm gonna stop anytime soon. Hate my stories all you want, or even hate me all you want, I won't stop writing as long as I enjoy it and others as well.

Besides if you don't enjoy it then why are you even reading this? Do you not have anything to do in your life that you're actually reading this? Like bruh, take a cola and watch something you like to make this world a bit better atleast, geez.

Lol was that a rant? Haha I was like a youtuber telling their haters to f- off 😂😂

Oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯

See you next chapter ^-^

P.s. english is not my first language so please understand that I am not some kimd of genius when it comes to grammar. Okay that sounded racist, I meant that I'm not that smart that grammar is-I don't know-just-yeah.

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