What was that?

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Muwahahaha!! I told you guys I would update this!! To be honest this is the only book I plan on updating until I finally update "Geekcharming".

I'll update that book when I finished this and I know it's unfair but I'm pretty much plagiarizing the movie :/.

I know it's different in a way but you have to understand that I have to change somethings here and there to make sure I won't make someone really ticked off.

Enough of me blabbering because I know you don't read this xD


Serena's POV

"You shouldn't had come out Serey!! What would you do when he saw you out of the house?!"

"I'm sorry.."

"Sorry won't cut it you useless tool!! If he were to find out about this I'll get in trouble!! Can't you be a good brat for once you twat?!"


"Shut up amd drink your medicine!!"

"Ash look out!!" I cried out in desperation when suddenly a shadow like figure pounced at us, directly at Ash.

I tried to push Ash out if the way but, the figure was too fast and it successfully landed a hit on my raven haired friend causing him to faint instantly.

I look behind me and saw the campers cowering in fear. I can't blame them, I'm scared as well. I'm afraid but at the same time I feel....safe.

"Stay back!!" ,I hissed at the creature in front of me as I extend my arm wide to prevent this thing to get past me.

" uoY t'nod eracs em ssecnirp. ", the figure said in a raspy alien like tone.

I grab one of my pokeballs from my pocket and came out was Sylveon. She took a fighting stance and kept on growling at the person or thing in front of us.

"Get away or else!", I exclaimed, trying to act all tough as I can, I can't let this thing hurt the youngsters.

" rO esle tahw??", It said.

"Sylveon swift!!", I commanded.

Sylveon jumped up in the air and launched the attack at it, but to my surprise it did nothing.

One of the campers behind me tugged on my dress, the girl was in tears.

'No don't cry! I can't let anyone cry or I'll...I'll-' my thoughts were then cut off by the sound of clapping.

The creature glanced to the direction it was coming from and then back at me. Then suddenly, it ran off.

We stood there for a minute or two, then collapsed on the ground sighing in relief. I look back at the young campers and they all smiled at me.

"You okay?", I asked them which they all nod in answer.

"Who knew the Kalos Queen was so strong!?", one of the campers exclaimed.

"Please I did nothing special." I muttured.

We continued to stay on the ground to rest up when a thought came to me.

"Ash?!" I look everywhere frantically, but there was no sign of him.

Everyone began searching for him, but no one found him. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth as tears threatened to spill out of my eyes.

'No....I can't lose another one!!'

Muwahahaha!!! I haz done it!! You know I told people I would be going to sleep now but my sleepiness left me so I decided to make a chapter :p

So hope you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter ;)

Here's a pic of Lucy

Fairy Tail ended wahhhhh 😭😭😭😭

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