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"Do you like Yi Ann?"
"Do you like me?"

They both stopped walking and stared at eachother.

"Boy you stink!" Hyunwoo exclaimed. "Yah! I told you its not me" Sungho said.

"But still, you are one of lucky people who get to watch it" Hyunwoo said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Early in the morning you are talking about the couple making out" Ji-ae, their female friend, said as Chihoon shook his head in disbelief. The two widemed their eyes. "You knew?"

"Its the hottest topic in school" He said.

"Really?! It spreads so fast!" Sungho laughed. "What's the second?" Hyunwoo asked, curious. "Hong Jihan and Han Yi Ann" Heemi, their other female friend, said.

As she told about the second hottest topic, Chihoon's eyes followed Jihan walked pass by the classroom's window, smiling with Yi Ann.

"That's them right" Sungho said, looking
outside their room. "Eo!"

"But Chihoon...aren't you friend with her? Don't you have something?" Hyunwoo asked, leaning closer.

Chihoon shook his head. "We just met....2-3 months? Ago...You know my mother used to be a maid for them but she was close to my mother. For now she lives with her grandmother and my mom told me to watch her 24/7.

" He explained. "Why is she not living with her parents? And where was she?" Heemi asked. "That is...for her to tell you, if she would want to." Chihoon looked at them.

"It sounds like you knew eachother for more than 3 years!" Sungho laughed. "Ah right! Here Chihoon-ah"

Hyunwoo handed him a folder. Inside it was a portrait of Jihan. "What's that?" Ji-ae asked curiously.

"Ah, he told me to draw that Jihan girl" Hyunwoo smiled. "Jihan...? Wae?" Ji-ae asked again. "I dont know..." "Do you like her?" Sungho leaned closer.

Chihoon looked at him.


"Do you like Yi Ann?"
"Do you like me?"

They both stopped walking and stared at eachother.

"Mwo?!" Both of them said in Unison. "How bold of you to tell me that I like you" he faced her. "And what's with you and Yi Ann? Thats so sudden!" She faced her.

"You still dont know people here" Chihoon told her. "But I have a talent of knowing a person easily" She defended. "And you, why take a picture of me?" She asked.

"Im not im taking a picture of that plant" Chihoon defended pointing a plant across them.

"You and your excuses" they said in unison.

"Arasseo dont tell me" Chihoon said. "Aiish getting angry for no reason!" She shouted. "Yor angry too! And dont shout!" He raised his voice.

"Ah! Im dizzy!" She exclakmed walking pass him.

End Of flashback.

"Definitely not" Chihoon said in the msot monotone and the most expressionless ever. Chihoon shook his head and cringed.

"Woah okay.." Hyunwoo chuckled. "And what about Yi Ann and Jihan?" Ji-ae asked.

"About them..?" Chihoon looked at her.


"Thanks for the treat" Jihan smiled lovingly. "No prob baby" Yi Ann winked. Jihan smiled. That was so cringy she thought. What was the reason that Jihan was some sort fo flirting with him? No reason at all. She knew damn well Yi Ann is not also serious about everything. She just had the guts to go with the flow.

" are the 'school-bully'?" Jihan asked. Yi Ann chuckled. "Oh you are making me flutter" He laughed. Does hurting others make you flutter? she thought.

"Well yes I am, and I have reasons why im doing it." He said. "Reasons....? You say?" Jihan lookes at him. He nodded. "Well...My parents never showed me any interest. I got lonely and wanted attention. It all started when I was just..a normal attention seeker. But I still wanted more. Eventually I got depressed. All those years without my parents I learned to love myself more than others. resulted to me..bullying others when Im down or wanting to hurt myself." he explained.

"So...all bullies have a...reason?" She looked up at him. He was tall and white, have a black silky hair that reaches his eyebrows. He had broad shoulders and long legs. He was almost perfect. "Ofcourse! Maybe some dont" Yi Ann smiled at her.

She frowned. "Really..." She was not sad about the fact that every bully has a reason. The fact that the said to be most handsome boy in the school whoch she agreed to, didn't make her heart flutter. She thought if she was gay or what, or just different.

Her father always say she is different from others since she was a kid. She believed that.

She shook her head and looked at Yi Ann again. "What does it feel Bully someone?"


"You what?!"

Jihan decided to join Chihoon's fabke for lunch. She sat beside Chihoon while the others are either infront at the other side of Chihoon. "Keep your voice down. Its no biggie! Ill just be with Yi Ann. In that case you dont have to worry about me" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Don't you know him?" Chihoon snorted. "The school's bully and 'most handsoke guy' " she replied.

"And you got into numerous detentions amd fights for a transferee. What more can you do" Chihoon asked. "Uhmm...kill people?" She shrugged.

"Chihoom you sure he is not the girl we think she is?" Heemi asked.

"Aww you talk about me?" She said making a cute face.

"Look I dont care about the troubles you make. Im worried about myself" Chihoon said.

"Woah thought you finally had a change of mind and be worried about me" She chuckled.

"I became worried. Twice" Chihoon defended.

As the two continue to bicker, Chihoon's friends stared at them.

"And they said they knew eachother like..months" Sungho said. "Never saw Chihoon like that" Hyunwoo said.

"Really? I mean...he IS quite" Heemi said.

"Ji-ae, has he been like that?" They all turned to her who was looking at Chihoon with sad eyes. She shook her head no.

"This is completely new" she sadly smiled.

Ji-ae is Chihoon's friend since 6th grade. You can't really tell if they were close or not. Chihoon would remain quite all the time. If he shares his problems to you then its a hundred percent sure that you are close.

Chihoon only expressed one emotion on his face and rarely talks. But seeing him with Jihan, its a new world that he is raising his voice a little, and talkimg alot.


"Chihoon!" Ji-ae runs towards him. He looked back and smiled. "Wae?" He asked. "Is it bad to walk with you?" She laughed.

The walk was unexpectedly quite. Chihoon was also confused about the tension there is. He decided to cut it off. "Is there something wrong?" Chihoon asked. screwed. She thought. They all know that once Chihoon asks you that, he knew damn well if you are lying or not.

"Well...Its were very...naggy at Jihan earlier. We were all confused!" She faked laugh. That moment Chihoon knew something.

"I was assigned to be her somewhat guardian. Mom is still her parent's favorite. What could just happen if something bad happened to her. What about us. Im extra selfish for this one." Chihoon said.

Chihoon was dreaming of becoming an idol. Jihan's parents knew that and they are on full-support. They are glad to help Mrs. Choi's son. Chihoon would sometimes think that, if his mom makes a mistake, would they stop helping them? The money, the salary, there is always extra money when Mra. Choi receives one. They had their trust to the max level.

Chihoon was scared of what will happen. It may sound like Chihoon is using her parents, but he was not. Who would not like having to be treated like that? Its already hard since his father died and they had to pay for hostpital fees. Yes they are not that poor, but given that Chihoon is almost senior, things can get harder.

Ji-ae nodded in understandment. "Arasseo" she replied. He glanced at her before sighing quitely.

Why Ji-ae...Why he thought.


Jihan spent her afternoon at Chihoon's. Her grandmother was bought to the Town's clinic for the continous pain in her waist.

Jihan laid down on Chihoon's bed as the sound of the fan filled the room. No caring much, she took Chihoon's pillow and hugged it. For other girls this would be a little uncomfortable or make their heart flutter, but Jihan felt nothing.

She stared at the walls of his room. There was nothing but a clock and one picture frame, with hsi baby picture on it.

"Arent you enjoying my bed too much?" Chihoon came in with a plate of watermelon. "I heard you like this" He placed it at his side table as Jihan sat up. Still hugging the pillow, Jihan handed out her hand.

Chihoon looked at her, confused. "Give me one" She said. Chihoon scoffed and gave her one piece of watermelon, getting another oen for him after.

"You produce songs right? Let me hear them" Jihan said. Chihoon remained quite and sat at his office chair. Opening the computer and hearing some mouse clicks, his music blasted on the speakers.

The first one has a gentle melody and a very relaxing rhythm. If the music was a picture it would surely look aesthetic.

Jihan listened carefully as Chihoon's voice started rapping.

"Is it exported already?" Jihan asked. Chihoon shook his head. "Can I add something?" She begged.

"Uh...Wait" Chihoon turned around and after some multiple clicks again, he called Jihan.

Jihan took a spare chair in his room and sat beside him. Taking the mic Chihoon was handing to her, she clears her throat.

Chihoon played the music. At first she barely did anythinf but as the beats starts to get lesser, she begun adding hums and adlibs.

She begun singing with his soft voice, spitting out lyrics that would come in her mind.

Chihoon stared at her as she sang with her eyes close. He took his other mic and started adding his adlibs. She opened her eyes and stared at him. Drowning at eachother's eyes, they created a masterpiece without even knowing what's coming out of their mouth.

The song finished and they slowly put their mic down. "That was...perfect" Jihan laughed. A real one. They laughed together. "We just spat words" Chihoon said as they continued to laugh, not breaking eye contact. Tho you wont know if they are having eye contavt due to their eye smile, they surely were creating a bright atmosphere inside Chihoon's dark room.

Outside his room, not too far away from the door, a Ji-ae stood. He had a plastic bag inside with Chihoon's favorite. The chocolates her mom made. It was far from valentines but her mom decided to make on for desserts. She stood there with her fist clenching. "Hong Jihan..." She muttered.


Jihan stared at nowhere as she kept playing her pen. She glanced at the clock hanging on the classroom to see there still half an hour before the class ends.

She was dying to meet with Yi Ann, after the little deal they made. Jihan's friends in China are a little troublemakers too, but Chihoon here is really quite and 'obedient' that it makes her cringe so much. She never cared about how bad can he be, and if he is too bad, he would just try to change him.

"Yah!" She whispered-shouted, calling the guy infront of her. He was a foreigner who was active. He had alot of friends and was a dork.

He looked back with a smile, "wae?" He asked. "Do you or anything? Im so bored" I whined. He looked at his front and thinked.

"How about tell ma'am you are going to the clinic, then Ill go to the bathroom. Let's meet at the garden and have a picnic" he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Sounds fantastic!" She smiled.

Clearing his throat and begun to act, she raised her hands. "Yes Jihan?"

"My head hurts so much, can I stay at the clinic?" She frowned. "Yeah sure" the teacher said, adjusting his glasses.

As she passed by her classmates, they begun whispering as if an on button was switched on.

"Stop acting" "worst actress" and other more negative whispers. She turned around and looked at them still acting weak. She smield sweetly and showed her middle finger before going out.


She arrived at the 'garden' and saw Chihoon standing there. His back facing her.  "Is this destiny? We meet alot" she said. He looked at her.

They stared at eachother,both frowning  due to the sunlight. Both of their hair was flying around due to the cold wind. Jihan's lips was slightly parted for an unknowned reason as Chihoon stared in awe.

"Jihan!- oh annyeong" Lucas came.

The two did not break the eyecontact. "Am I...interrupting something? Oh! Are you confessing! Aigoo~! Goodluck!" Lucas cheered as he placed the food beside Jihan. Its some chips and banana milk, typical snacks.

"Why are you here?" Chihoon asked upon Lucas' departure. "I should ask that instead"

They remained quite as they stared. There was no awkward tension instead an unexplainable feeling surrounds them. With the wind blowing their hair and the perfect sunlight that made them glow. The scenery was beautiful.


Both muttured under their breathe

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