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"You completely ruined my little date with Lucas" Jihan said munching on thr snacks Lucas brought. "I was here first" Chihoon defended.

They sat side by side as the munch on the snacks. "Yah leave some for Lucas" Jihan said. "But you ate the most. I only ate this, this, and that" Chihoon said pointing at the snack he ate.

Jihan scoffs as she begun eating again. "Yah eat slowly. Looks like you havent eaten in years" Chihoon said as he looked at her with worried eyes.

"Why do you keep worrying? Do you like me?" Jihan looked at him. "What's wrong with being so worried? And how are you so bold to ask questions like that?" Chihoon said standing up after.

"No one got worried for me except your mom and my grandma" She muttured. "What?" Chihoon asks.

"I said, you are small" Jihan said standing up. "Im talling than you" Chihoon said taking a step closer.

Jihan got silly and stepped closer. Chihoon was shocked and leaned his head back while Jihan looked up at him, leaning her head a little closer. She smiled as she stared at his orbs. Chihoon started to blush in no time.

She laughed showing her gummy smile.  As she laughs the wind begun to blow, and their hair begun dancing along the beats of the wind.

Chihoon stared at her without an expression, but its obvious that he was not in shock anymore.

They broke eye contact and stepped back upon hearing the door opening. "Oh you guys ate" Lucas said. He went closer and checked the food. "I left some for you. This guy kept eating" She said as she tapped his shoulder. "Thank you!" She gave him a salute.

"Yah You ate like a pig" Chihoon said jogging towards her.

"Ah shut up" "Why blame the food on me" "ah just be quite!" "But your blurnm dhe dud" "Ah don't lick my hand!" "Then you shouldn't have put it in my mouth" "Never knew you could be this disgusting!" "You slap too hard for a girl- ah! Ah! Mian!"

"They are indeed close for a person whom you just met months or a month ago" Lucas said looking at them.

"They left me with the garbage tho.." He said staring at the mess they did.


For the first time, Jihan paid attention, at least a little, to the class. She stared at the bored and taking down notes from time to time. Jihan, being the almost perfect girl she is, the lessons was not that tough for her as a student who barely listens.

The ball rang and the students from the class immediately muttured some cheerful words like "yes" "finally" and some other more. Science was the last subject and the class seems disinterested. Jihan enjoyed the little focusig time she did for the lesson was nice. The teacher taught the class in a boring way tho, must be the reason why they hate it.

"Wow you took down notes" Lucas said as she went to Jihan with his back. "Oh well" she chuckled. "You seem to talk to me often since the supposed to be littlw date earlier" she said glancing at him, while fixing her things. "Me? I literally talked to you like, 3 times this day." Lucas said.

"That is still alot, well let's have a proper 'little day' soon. Take care" She patted his shoulders and went out.

"If I heard it right you were taking down notes" Chihoon said. "Why the hell are you standing there like a handsome guy in a comic book, especially that one of your leg is leaning on the wall and you had your arms crossed. Are you being like this since I compliment your looks so much?" She basically, rapped.

"Chill. Im just waiting for you" Chihoon replied. "What are youy knight in shining armor? Why woukd you wait there as if we are dating and werm arb-"

Chihoon covered her mouth, while his other arm held her shoulders. She begun dragging her while she kept on talking. "Why the hell do you talk so much" he muttured to himself.

"Ah!" Chihoon yelp in pain as he stepped away from her. "I only bit you but you steped away like im gonna eat you" Jihan said.

"So as I was saying, im taking down notes because Ethan, a.k.a Jung-hoon, would buy me food if I paid attention to class. And that is today" She said fixing her clothes.

"So, you will have a date?" Chihoon asked.

"You can call it that" Jihan shrugged. "Why do you take this "dates" or people's feelings like they are dirts?" Chihoon faced her, as he stopped from walking.

"Dirt?-" "Yes. You can play with it, step on it, you basically do anythong with it. Mostly in the eyes of people, dirt is nothing but useless and dirty that stains your precious items. But for others, dirt or rather soil, is very important for it grows wonderful plants and trees" Chihoon paused and sighed.

"Do you think people's feelings are useless? I can clearly see that those people who confessed actually like you" Chihoon said. Inside of you I know you are an amazing person he thought, but he couldn't say it.

"The only fake thing there, is you and Yi Ann." Chihoon said, his voice a bit deeper than usual. Jihan frowned. "Hey,  dont bring Yi Ann to this. This is clearly out of the topic." Jihan firmly said.

"You are on his side huh?" Chihoon's face slowly drops even though it has no expression already. Jihan was caught off guard as his aura darkens.

"We may not be close but I already consindered you at least a bit special for me. I already treated you like a true friend but, im disappointed." Chihoon said. Jihan face drops low too.

"Disappointed? That word again?" Jihan smirked. For a short amount of time, Jihan was a little different from the usual. She was much cheerful and not the kinda baddass girl she was. She was like a girl.

"Well maybe it actually suits you well" Chihoon fixed his bag and walked away.

Jihan got hurt at his last words. Chihoon was the only guy who was so straightforward to her. Truth hurts they say.


It was raining ans the skies were gries. A gloomy atmosphere surrounds the town, but the laughs of the people are still heard. The people there laughed like they had no worries. They laugh to everything. No wonder Jihan liked it there.

Jihan laid on her bed, hugging her knees. In her usual sweater and track pants, she stared onto space.

Chihoon's words kept ringing on her head and before she knew it a tear escaped her eye.

"Jihan-ah!" The weak voice of her grandmother shouted. Jihan sat up and got shock as she start to feel the wet tear on her cheek. "Crying? Are you a kid?" Jihan said.

Jihan hurriedly went down and bad luck just seems to be on her side. Chihoon and her mother sat at the living room. She stopped midway the stairs and immediately went down. She bowed at her mother and glanced at Chihoon who was already looking at her.

Upon eye contact, the two looked away. "They will be joining us today with another guest." Her grandmother said.

Jihan's eyes saddened as she saw her grandmother on her wheel chair. Its been 3 days since her grandmother came back from the Town's clinic, but the sight of her in a wheelchair breaks her heart. It even breaks more at the thought of her father not even visitinf her grandmother.

"Ne" She smiled lovingly.

Chihoon stared at her, seeing a new side.

The two and Chihoon's mother begun setting up the table while waiting for the guest. Jihan's grandmother watched the tv in peace. Not too long, someone knocked at their door. "Let's get the door" Chihoon's mom said.

The three went out of the kitchen. Chihoon sat at the sofa, Jihan assisted her grandmother while Chihoon's mom opened the door.

"Aigoo~!" A raspy voice of an old woman welcomed Chihoon's mother. "Ms. Park!" Chihoon's mom laughed.

A boy, slightly taller than Chihoon came in. He had a nice short natural dark brown hair, not those typical hairs that reaches the brows. He had broad shoulders and long legs. A little similar to Yi Ann's. He had a soft look on his face as his dark thick brows radiates hot energy.

"Eo, Yejun" Chihoon spoke. Jihan looked to Chihoon then the new guy. The guy smiled and bowed to Jihan.


The 6 sat ay the table. Jihan sat beetween Chihoon and her Grandmother. Yejun sat across Chihoon, while Ms. Park sat next to him. Chihoon's mother sat across Jihan's grandmother.

Her grandmother served some nice Budae Jiggae or Army stew, Spicy rice cake soup, some rice and beef. It looked like a feast but it was nothing but a simple meal.

"Lets's eat!" Chihoon's mom exclaimed.

They all ate with laughters and smiles, while Jihan only ate quitely, smiling a little time to time. Even tho Jihan was quite, she was the one who eats the most. Taking big scoops of rice and putting too much food on her mouth. She was like a chipmunk.

The two boys can't help but stare at her some time. Jihan realized the quite atmosphere and the feeling someone is staring.

She looked up with her mouth full to see them looking at her. Ms. Park chuckled. "Aigoo, you eat well" she said. She smiled with her mouth formed into a ball. They all laughed at her small cuteness. She went red due to embarassment. She hurriedly chewed and drank water to gulp all of the food.

"It was good" she chuckled. She moved her hand causing a spoon to fell. She was about to reach it but stopped when Chihoon was reaching for it also. They both stopped and stared.

Chihoon cleared her throat and sat up. She looked away and cleared her throat too before getting the spoon.

Across the table, there was a Yejun who was secretly smiling as he watched to two.


"The meal was soo Delicious! Thank you" Yejun's mom said. "Ofcourse its delicious!" Chihoon's Mom chuckled.

While the mothers chatted with eachother the three teenagers sat in the living room.

Jihan sat ay the single sofa while the two boys sat at the sofa for 2. It was quite. A mix of an awkward and an comfortable one.

"I haven't made a proper introduction" Yejun said while looking at the floor. Jihan and Chihoon looked at him.

"Im Shim Yejun. Chihoon's friend. I live next door, like literally next door." Yejun smiled.

Chihoon looked at Jihan who was staring at Yejun. "Fall for him already?" He murmured but he was heard by the two.

"What?" Jihan asked as she looked at him annoyed.

Yejun sensed a not so good atmosphere between the two.

"Whats your name?" Yejun asked Jihan.
"Hong Jihan. here. Im having a vacation here and Im currently living in China" Jihan smiled.

"Too much information" Chihoon murmured again.

Jihan looked at him and glared. "Ya" She stood up. The whole house became quite as they looked at the girl. "Let's calm down" Yejun tapped her shoulder to be pushed away by her.

"What's your problem?" Jihan asked. "Jihan-ah!" Chihoon's mom hurriedly came to her. "You grandmother is watching" she whispered.

Knowing she had a very soft spot for her, Chihoon's mom used this to calm her down. Jihan glanced at her grandma before going to her room.

Jihan's pov

I slammed the door, "softly". I blew away the hair that was on my face before I flopped down the bed. She kicked the matress several times and punched her pillow. "Thay crazy bastard!" She whisper-shouted as she continue to aggresively torture her bed.

"Why is he like that? Why does he have to be an asshole? What wrong with him?" She starts cursing and questioning. She then stopped remembering the scene at the school.

Her punches slowly died down as she slowly became calm. "Why....truth hurts" She smiled bitterly.

"Ahh choi chihoon" She said before laying "nicely" on the bed.

Chihoon's pov

"truth hurts"

Was I too harsh earlier? Ah Choi chihoon....

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