Eventide Beach

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"Over here, Y/N!" 

Urbosa waved the girl over, slapping the tattered volleyball over the net, to Sidon. Sidon promptly dove down and just barely managed to get it back over the net, where he passed it to Teba. Urbosa grinned, her strawberry, red hair was tied up in a high ponytail "And you brought Link. I didn't know you guys were friends." she put a hand to her face.

"Oh- we just came over to see if any of you wanted some ice cream. Link here," Y/N gestured to the boy "Decided it was a good idea to buy Purah's entire stock of ice cream sandwiches and now we have to many, and they're melting." she deadpanned.

"We were just gonna pull up to Purah's parlour, but this is great!" Sidon grinned, reaching out for the treats "Thanks!" he bit into the ice cream. Y/N offered the rest of the group the ice cream, they took it, gladly.

"Hey, thanks, Y/N!" Urbosa grinned, the volleyball in her hands "You gonna come for practice day after? I got some NPCs to join," she laughed. In truth, Urbosa had always been a rolemodel for Y/N. She was beautiful, funny, cool and she was nice. 

"Practice?" Link echoed, he'd been silent up until now.  Urbosa blinked in surprise, only just noticing his presence "Yeah, Y/N and I are captain and co-captain of the martial arts club! Taekwondo is clearly superior," Urbosa messed up Y/N's hair "But Karate's alright, as long as Y/N's the one doing it!" Urbosa stuck her tongue out at Y/N.

Y/N just glared "Karate is the superior sport, we all know that!" she shoved Urbosa, playfully. Link and Sidon exchanged glances "Really? I didn't know you were good at Karate!" Link gave her a small smile. Y/N felt a bit embarrassed at the praise "Well- I'm not that great and I still have a lot to master but-"

"SHE'S A FREAKING BLACK BELT!" Urbosa interrupted, slapping Y/N's back with a cackle. Y/N flinched back, whispering something about her back snapping in two. Link looked at Y/N surprised "I-uh, I didn't know that." he whispered. Urbosa pushed Y/N forward, giving her a sly look "Yeah! And maybe you'd like to come and see us train after tomorrow!" Urbosa grinned, her hoop earrings swaying as she moved.

Y/N wanted to kill Urbosa there and then. The last thing she needed was school shooter watching her train. That would be so awkward! And besides, being a black belt wasn't as great as it seemed... your  belt could be taken away, and it was really hard competing with adults. Y/N would probably get hers taken away if she didn't step up her game.

Sidon grinned "Yeah, Link and I would love that! And maybe after we could go to...." he suggested a place, but Y/N wasn't listening. Urbosa exclaimed "Yeah and then we could-...." Y/N just gave Link a wry smile as he looked at her, helplessly.

The last thing Y/N wanted was for Link to watch her ass get handed to her during training. Link stepped in "Hey, Si? Don't we have a soccer match on that day?" he asked, Sidon rubbed his chin "Aw man, you're right..." he turned to look at Y/N genuinely sorry "Maybe next time, Y/N?" He took the volleyball back from Urbosa and bounced it a bit. Y/N smiled at Link, grateful "No worries, she said to Sidon.

Y/N jabbed a thumb at the ice creams melting in Link's arms "Ya know anyone who'd like those?" she asked the two. Urbosa shook her head "I'm only here with Si," but Sidon gave a wide smile "I saw Teba and Yunobo back there with the boys, they'll probs need some." he gave his signature grin.

Urbosa rolled her eyes at Sidon's enthusiasm "Well, catch you kids later!" she exclaimed, giving Y/N a sly smile, and leaned forward to whisper in her ear. Y/N could hear her hoop earrings tinkle together as the Senior whispered "You have a chance to get popular, you should take it." before turning on her heals and leaving, her airforces dusted with sand.

And Link and Y/N were left alone again.

"So, uh, what records do you listen to?" She asked the boy, in an effort to break the awkward silence. Link shifted uncomfortably "Well, none," he said quite frankly. Seeing Y/N's expression he added "I don't have a record player."

Y/N smiled "I saw that copy you were looking at earlier," she said, not knowing why Link's cheeks suddenly turned a hue of pink. Y/N continued "I have that exact same copy at home. My brother has a record player, he wouldn't mind if we used it."

Link hesitated, staring at the asphalt "It will be fun! Plus you won't have to buy it," Y/N insisted. Link broke into a polite smile "If it's not too much trouble." he said, quietly.

 Y/N cackled inside her head, maybe now that she and Link were somewhat friends, she could invite him to her meet-up with Mipha. She could just imagine the surprise on her friend's face. It would mean third-wheeling, but for Mipha, Y/N would walk through fire (With an aluminum suit of course-).

"Don't worry, my house isn't too far from here," She told him "And my brother's the only one home, he wouldn't care." she pictured her edgy brother screaming insults at his computer, his headset lopsided and his Fortnite computer cracked from being thrown at the wall too much.

Revali was really something else.

"I didn't know you knew Urbosa." Link said suddenly. Y/N looked at him "Well, when she started the club a few summers back, I was her first member. She had watched me kick a door open in the school bathrooms and commented on my kicking skills. Then she asked me to join." Y/N laughed a little at the memory.

Link smiled too, the way Y/N described it made it seem like he watched it play out. Y/N stopped suddenly, Link almost bumping into her. In front of her was a wooden beach house painted white, it was medium in size. She jammed her key inside the door, only finding out it was unlocked.

She flung the birch door open, yelling "YOU IDIOT! YOU LEFT THE DOOR OPEN, WHAT IF WE DIED?!" a voice answered her a few seconds later "Hylia! I was in the middle of a battle!"

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARE?!" she yelled back, she turned to Link who had take his shoes out outside the door "Oh it's fine! You can take your shoes inside, you're the guest!" she smiled.

Link sighed inwardly, wondering what he had just gotten himself into.

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