Your brother, Revali

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Y/N led Link down a hallway with what seemed like a hundred photos on the walls. He saw one that looked like Y/N, only much younger, a wide grin on her face, proudly showing off her blue belt. Link smiled back at the picture, Y/N quickly led him away, a light blush on her face "I used to be such a brat," she explained.

Link liked Y/N's house, it was not too big and not too small. Books were crammed into every corner, cluttered but not messy, and all the plants and flowers seemed to breathe life into the house. As Link stopped and examined a chrysanthemum, Y/N laughed, feeling embarrassed "Sorry for the mess... My mom really loves plants- and I leave my astrophysics books everywhere- Oh! Careful- Don't trip over those airforces-" Y/N warned him, stepping over a pair of black airforce ones.

"HEY IDIOT!" Y/N rapped on a door opposite a shoe rack "YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE YOUR UGLY BLACK AIRFORCES FOR PEOPLE TO TRIP OVER! WE HAVE A GUEST- Maybe when you're not being such an asshole, you can come say hi!" She yelled. A moment later a familiar voice replied "Hylia, Y/N! You made me lose a battle- I'LL TELL MOM YOU SNUCK OUT YESTERDAY-!"

To this, Y/N responded by kicking her brother's door hard. Link just shifted uncomfortably at the whole exchange, now wishing he had refused Y/N's offer. Y/N led him away "Sorry about that, my brother's a real jerk..." she said, sheepishly playing with her bracelets. 

Link offered her a smile "I understand, I have a sister." He looked at a nearby succulent "I like your house, the plants make it look like a green house..." he mused, his lips curling up. Seeing Y/N tilting her head he quickly apologised "In a good way! I'm claustrophobic..." he admitted "I like being around plants." 

As Y/N opened the door to her room, she replied "Well my fear of the dark seems pretty lame compared to that... did I mention I'm scared of dogs?" she laughed a bit. Link gaped "No..." he stared at her "But they're so..." he struggled to find the word, Y/N smiled "Yeah... that's why I gave up on my dream of becoming a zoologist" she said, making Link like her even more.

They stepped into Y/n's room and immediately Link was greeted with the smell of pine scented air freshener and a bed with an assortment of plushies. The room was mostly white with splashes of pastel pink and blue colors here and there, a stack of book teetering over a chest of drawers and a desk littered with papers and plans. He couldn't help but smile at the Sumikko Gurashi penguin plushie looking back at him from an ottoman, it wasn't a large room- but it wasn't cramped either.

Link saw a pair of shoes in the corner of the room, he turned back to Y/N with a smirk "Are those... real Jordans?" he questioned, Y/N looked away "Uh..." she played with her bracelets again "My brother calls them rip-off Jordans..." She said, tactfully avoiding the question "Teba sold them to me... for like 50 bucks-" she added, as if that would justify them, making Link roll his eyes, an amused smile on his lips.

"So..." Y/N twisted her hands a bit "What do you think?" she sat on her bed. Link smiled "It's a bit... pink..." his words made Y/N look away, embarrassed, he quickly added "But I like it. It's bubbly, cheerful." he nodded in approval. Y/N pulled out a box, taking out a vinyl cover "Summertime record... here-!" she passed him the record "I'll ask my idiot brother to come and get his record player, be right back!" and Y/N hurried to the door, pressing the record in Link's hands.

Link smiled as he heard Y/N kick her brother's door again, yelling out insults. He ran his hand over the record cover, It was honey colored- reminding him of summer and vanilla ice cream, like the color of his mother's hair. He faltered a bit, thinking about his mother, he gripped the record tighter to his chest.

"I-... if you don't think about it-... it won't happen" He whispered to himself, it was the mantra he'd lived by, the words his mother gave him. You see, Link was easily carsick, and at the age of 5 he worried he'd throw up. His mother told his those simple words, and he'd lifted his head up, determination in his eyes.

He needed those words more than ever, he needed his mother to tell him she was proud, but she couldn't... she was Icarus and she'd flown too close to the sun, and now both of them were suffering the consequences. He repeated the mantra two more times before the door opened and Y/N sat down next to him.

"My Fortnite addict of a brother's getting his record player, should be here soon..." Y/N's voice trailed off as she noticed the misty, faraway look in Link's eyes "W-... you good?" her language though improper, had a gentle tone of voice as she looked at him. Link nodded, embarrassed "Y-..yeah... just feeling a bit...uh, nostalgic." he made up an excuse, but it wasn't a complete lie.

Before Y/N could reply, her brother barged into her room without knocking, record player under his arm, his emerald eyes set in a permanent glare. His ebony hair fell over his forehead in the new 'trendy' mullet hairstyle all he boys were obsessing over, his headset was around his neck as if he'd just been gaming a minute ago. He wore his black airforces, laces untied, his lips frowned. He stumbled in, trying to show off his don't-carish attitude.

Y/N's brother, Revali.

His voice was lofty "Hey. where'd you want me to-..." His voice trailed off as he noticed Link, his eyes wide "Y-YOU-?!" he yelled, almost dropping the record player. He stared at Link as if he was looking at a cockroach and not at the most sought out and crushed on boy in sophomore year.

Link looked equally startled and shaken up, looking skeptical "E-eh?!" he exclaimed, jerking back a bit as if frightened. The two boys turned and stared at her, saying at the same time:

"HE'S your friend?!"

"Wait- HE'S your brother?!"

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