Revali's Flap

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"HE'S your friend?!"

"Wait- HE'S your brother?!"

Revali gave her a questioning glare, his body tensed up and his hands opening and closing into fists by his sides. Link gazed at her, the same dazed expression on his face that he had in the polaroid photo on his phone case, startled. He was so backed up on the bed, that his back was pressed against the wall, almost as if he wanted to fall through it.

Y/N looked from the two of them, clearly they had history.

Revali edged towards her, whispering, without taking his eyes off of Link "You didn't tell me HE would be here..." he said, darkly, grasping her shoulder tightly. Y/N rolled her eyes "I told you we had a GUEST," she elbowed him, causing her brother to make a face.

Link glanced at the two siblings, uncomfortably. He awkwardly got off the bed, stumbling as Revali attempted to trip him, causing Y/N to elbow her brother again, glaring. Link clumsily dipped his head to Y/N in an awkward bow "I-... I appreciate your hospitality, Y/N. But I should leave-" 

"Damn right, you should!" Revali added, adding his twopence, his arms folded across his chest. As Link winced and turned to leave Y/N grabbed his wrist "You're MY guest, not Revali's!" she protested "You haven't even listened to the record yet!" She gently pulled Link back. Revali looked at Y/N's hand on Link's wrist in disdain. He leaned against the wall, leering at Link threateningly "Oi, you better not try anything with my sister..." 

Link instantly pulled his hand away from Y/N's gasp, wishing and hoping the roof would collapse and kill him. Y/N rolled her eyes "You overestimate my beauty, brother." she said, in a sickly sweet tone, before smacking him over the head "Now, get your goofy ahh outta here before I tell mom that you almost scared my guest away!" 

Link couldn't explain it, but he felt a sense of warmth as Y/N called him her guest. The way Y/N chided at Revali reminded him of his own sister. Remembering Aryll brought back a rush of melancholic memories which he tried to shake out of his head.

Revali jabbed a finger in Link's chest, causing him to snap out of his nostalgic musings "Hurt her- you're dead. Think about her- you're dead. Look at her- you're dead." He hissed in a tone low enough so Y/N couldn't hear. Revali leaned in, his glare darkening "I don't want you becoming my brother in law." Link's cheeks instantly heated up "W-what?!" he exclaimed, louder than he meant to, his eyes wide.

Revali just elbowed him in the shoulder, sending him one last stink eye, before leaving the room. Y/N glanced at Link quizzically, wondering what got the boy so flustered "Did he threaten to punch you or something?" She took the vinyl from his hands and started putting it into the record player. Link looked away, awkward "Y-..yeah, something like that..."

Y/N looked up from her work, serious "Why does he hate you so much?" she continued "I mean every time he gets back from practice he's all 'school shooter did this to me' and 'wait till I show that kid'!" she deepened her voice to sound all raspy and growly, like her brother's. Link chuckled, nervously "Well..." Y/N smiled, understanding his hesitance "It's alright, you can tell me. I don't always agree with my brother's life choices." 

Link sighed "He, uh... he thinks I'm try'nna steal the girl he likes..." Y/N's gaze instantly sharpens, and her lips crack into a grin "Oh. My. Hylia. That doofus actually has a crush?!" she gasps and she leans in closer to Link, causing the poor boy to blush and back away "Who?! He never told me he was into someone!" 

"Shh!" Link waves his hand "N-not so loud!" he puts a finger to his lips. Y/N quietens down, still quivering with excitement "Who?" she presses. Link hesitates, pondering wether or not he should tell her. 'Revali's gonna kill me...' he thinks 'oh, well- what more do I have to lose?' Link decides to F**k it, and tell her.

"It's Mipha."

"Mipha as in MY best friend Mipha?" Y/N's lips are parted in shock. Link nods. 

"HELL NAH!" Y/N puts her head in her hands "Mipha's too good for that bozo! Revali's gonna drive her insane with his ego and he'll choke my poor girl to death within seconds because of his stupid, crappy, Sauvage Dior cologne!" she wails.

Instantly Link becomes self conscious about his Versace cologne, and he coughs, embarrassed. Realisation strikes Y/N, and she tries to defend Mipha "W-well... it's not like Mipha likes you though!" she says quickly "She likes someone else-" Mipha better thank her later. Link raises a brow at Y/N's tone, but says nothing.

"Oh! sorry... bet you're in a hurry. I'll quickly set up the record player..." Y/N apologises. Link gives her a gentle smile "I'm in no rush." he sits down on her bed again, careful not to crease the duvet. Y/N presses a button, "Ready?" she grins, just as music fills the room.

Link had forgotten most of the song throughout the years, but as it played he was surprised at how quickly he recognised the words. It was almost like the lyrics ad been lying dormant in his heart. He tried to keep a straight face in front of Y/N, despite having a mental break down inside. His mother's laughter filled his ears, and in his memories she flashed him a ready smile. Oh Hylia, how he missed her. His mother was right there- and yet, and yet- out of reach.

As the song ended, striking melodious quavers, Link was called back to reality. Would Y/N consider letting him borrow the vinyl and the record player?

No, she'd already done too much for him. He'd be imposing on her good nature. So instead, Link smiled, saying his thank you's and goodbye's, reluctant to leave Y/N's house. It reminded him of how his ow household used to be. It used to be whole and warm, and now it was broken and scattered.

"Thank you, I appreciate you doing that for me." He said, his hand unconsciously clutching at his heart, his eyes lidded in a smile. Link turned around, his eyes looking sorrowful, about to take his leave.

Y/N hesitated a bit "Hey!" she said, causing the boy to turn around, his eyes brightening. Y/N fidgeted with her bracelets "Do you-... Do you want to, uh, go to Skyloft mall on sunday? Mipha's gonna be there too- and I think Sidon- though I'm not sure." she blurted out, wondering what possessed her to invite school shooter to her and Mipha's hang out.

Link merely gave her a smile "Sure, I'll be there." And with a wink, he left.

Y/N stood there, dumbfounded "D-... did he just wink at me?" she asked herself, aloud. 

"Nah, probably seeing things..."

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