Third Wheel

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The next morning Y/N woke up early to get ready to see Mipha at Skyloft mall. Mipha and... school shooter... she reminds herself. Sidon's going too, but that doesn't really bother her as much as Link showing up. But hey- at least it would make Mipha happy, right?


"What?!" Mipha had screamed into the phone in her when Y/N told her the news "Hylia! Relax! This could be your one chance, right?" Y/N had told her in an effort to save herself from becoming deaf. Mipha panicked, her voice frantic on the phone "Oh, whatever am I going to wear?" there was a pause on the phone, Y/N could hear rustling of clothes, she smiled imagining Mipha digging through her closet in a panic.

Y/N had already picked out a navy adidas sweater and a plain white pleated skirt, treating this like any other hang out. She responded to Mipha's lament calmly "Just wear your white jeans and grey crop top with the puffy sleeves" Y/N said, pulling the sweater over her head. Mipha's voice sounded startled "But- that's so basic!" she gasped.

Y/N rolled her eyes "Would you rather school shooter think's you're basic or you're extra?" she asked simply, adjusting her skirt in the mirror. Mipha's response was glum "Basic... fine I'll wear that." she added "With what shoes?" 

Y/N thought for a moment before replying "Uh... your black NB trainers-" she quickly said bye "Kay, I'll see you in front of the Dior shop! Remember, school shooter's gonna be there~!" she teased. Mipha groaned "Yeah and so is my brother! It's gonna be a bit awkward with him around, I know he's trying to be overprotective but still..."

Y/N laughed it off "Don't worry... I'll take Sidon to like, Nike or Starbucks or whatever he's into- then you and School shooter can have your special moment. I'll be the best 3rd wheel you ever had" she smiled.

"You'd do that for me?"


And with that the girls said their byes, and Y/N hung up. Y/N rolled her skirt up a bit so it came up to her mid thigh and she shoved her wallet and phone in her skirt pocket, adjusting her sweater slightly. She had her hair down, a hair tie on her wrist along with a few of her bracelets. Then she went out of her room, where her brother Revali waited for her.

Revali's hands were shoved deep into his jean pockets, he was wearing his stupid, ugly Gucci shirt. Y/N wrinkled her nose "Who you trynna impress with that negative drip?" she looked him up and down. Revali scoffed, turning his head to the side "None of your business!" he tossed his car keys "Now d'you want me to drop you off or not?"

Y/N inwardly smirked, remembering what Link told her about Revali's crush on Mipha, she gave him an exaggerated smile "Thank you!" and she followed Revali to his car- or well his father's car. Y/N sat up front in shotgun, grinning from ear to ear, her brother sighing in annoynace.

The car ride is a montage of Revali playing Starboy on loop the whole time and Y/N trying to change the music because it's "basic as hell" and Revali replying with "My car, My rules." with Y/N promptly letting him know that it "Ain't your car, dumbass" and reaching out to change the music to something else, anything else.

Revali parks the car, almost crashing into a mini cooper "I'll be hanging out with Teba and Midna near the basketball court if ya' need me." he unbuckles his seatbelt and steps out of the car, Y/N gets out and slams the door shut, standing next to her brother. Revali looks at her, his expression surprisingly caring "Call me up if Link's being a jerk and I'll pull up soon as I can..." he says, awkwardly.

Y/N grins, punching his arm lightly "If anyone's the jerk it's you-" seeing her brother's annoyed expression, she adds, "And don't worry- I won't tell mom you snuck out last night." "How did you kn-" Revali's eyes widen and Y/N quickly cuts him off, walking away "See ya!" and she hurries into Skyloft mall, towards the Dior shop.

Skyloft mall was a busy place, everyone from their high school hung out there all the time. So it was no surprise when she saw Girahim trying out some eyeshadow samples at Sephora and Impa and Zelda at the bookstore biology section.

Mipha was their waiting for her, her friend smiled and waved her over, Sidon was leaning against the wall next to his sister, his eyes brightened as soon as he saw Y/N. Mipha walked up to Y/N, whispering, "Link's here!" Mipha pulled at her hair, nervously. Y/N glanced behind Mipha and saw Link, with his hands shoved deep in the pockets of his grey sweatpants and his scuffed Jordans, he gave her a curt wave and a ghost of a smile.

"Hey, Y/N!" Sidon flashed her his signature grin, looking overly excited to see her, his red hair looked neater than usual. Y/N laughed, nervously "Hi Sidon..." she turned to Link "Hey, Link," she smirked at Mipha, trying to think of an excuse for Sidon to go with her so Mipha and Link could have some alone time.  Y/N fidgeted with her bracelets "Uh... I forgot to have breakfast so-"

"I'll take you to Starbucks!" Sidon chirped, interrupting her. Y/N let out a sigh of relief, looks like she didn't have to make an excuse after all. Link glanced at her, looking faintly concerned *II can come too if yo-" "No, I'm good! And Mipha had to go to the bookstore to buy a medical journal about Anastasia" Y/N interrupts him.

Mipha deadpans, "Anesthesia" she corrects Y/N.

Link looks slightly taken aback, but follows after Mipha, looking back at her once more. Y/N grins and Mipha, who's trying to hide her blush. 

"So... what's your start sign?" Sidon asks, on the way to Starbucks "I'm a Sagittarius," he grins. Y/N sighs inwardly- Oh, the things she suffered for Mipha...

"I don't believe in that stuff..."

"I didn't ask if you believed it, I asked you what it was."


I didn't like how I wrote Mipha in the previous chapters (She was so out of character lmao), so I wrote her more according to canon in this chapter and I'll be editing the previous chapters too!

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