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"One chocolate chip frappuccino, please!"

"May I please get the chocolate chip frapuccino?"

Hearing this familiar voice made Y/N snap her head to the side of the counter as if she got struck by lightning. It was her turn, so just who did this person think she was?! Y/N's resentment melted away like ice when she heard the girl say, "Oh! I apologise I didn't see you there!" the unknown girl said, frantically. Y/N stuttered out a quick response, surprised at the stranger's manners, "A-ah, it's alright!"

Though when Y/N finally dragged her eyes off of the girl's fashionable mary janes and cute lacey leg warmers, and their eyes locked, all her profuse apologies were forgotten and replaced with bitter rivalry she'd had since the 4th grade science fair. Y/N recognized her right away from her cerulean hair clips, the neat braid in her hair and her usual clean and perfect outfit. Y/N's eyes widened, "Z-...Zelda?!" 

Zelda dropped the thick biochemistry book she was holding in shock, and it unfortunately landed on Sidon's adidas slides. Sidon let out a sharp cry of pain, "The one day I wear slides, man! The one day!" Zelda apologised, clumsily and heaved her textbook into her arms, "I'm sorry, Sidon!" she then turns her gaze to Y/N, about to retort.

"Sorry ladies, we've only got one Choc' chip frapuccino." The attractive cashier shrugs, smiling apologetically, "Can I get you something else?" his cheery brown eyes focused on the two.

In an instant Y/N and Zelda glare at each other, speaking at once: 

"I was here first!"

 "I ordered first!" 

Sidon quickly intervenes, still wincing from when Zelda dropped her textbook, "Um, I'll take the last one, please." he grinned at the cashier apologetically and he set down a 10 dollar bill, ignoring Y/N's scowl.  Y/N sighed in annoyance, "Fine, then. I'll have a vanilla bean frappuccino." Zelda side eyed Y/N, "I'll have the same, please" she said, and the two girls set down their cash.

"Zelda, there you are!" Came Impa's tired voice, the girl ran up to them, "I found these super cool ninja stars and-... Oh!" Impa's eyes widened in surprise, her strawberry-blonde hair bouncing as she turned and saw Y/N glowering at Zelda and Sidon looking at them wearily. Impa immediately grinned, "Did you-?" and Zelda shook her head, "Not yet," and when Impa gave her a look, she quickly added, "D-... don't look at me like that! I was about to!" Zelda then stuck a hand in her tote bag.

"About to what?" Y/N asked, stupidly.

"Hylia, why can't you be patient for once in your life?!" Zelda snapped at her, pulling out two envelopes. She slapped one into Y/N's palm and gave one to Sidon, explaining, "It's my birthday... and... I'd like you both to be there." she gave Y/N a rare smile, Y/N almost flinched, startled.

"For real? Like on Hylia? No cap??" 

"Yes, 'for real', " Zelda rolled her eyes, "I hope to see you there..." And with that, Zelda grabbed Impa's arm and dragged her off, back to the bookstore, her drink in hand. Y/N stared, stunned, "Can't remember the last time I saw her smile," she mused. Sidon nodded, "Yeah, Zelda's real uptight. Academic pressure and all that, I guess..."

Sidon nudged Y/N to the exit, "Anyways, let's go back to Mipha." he seemed uneasy about leaving his sister alone with Link. Y/N followed after, drinking her starbucks beverage, "She's probably boring Link with all that stuff about neurological and cardio-vascu-something..." she smiled to herself at the thought. 

"She would," Sidon said, somewhat bitterly. Y/N glanced at him, wondering why he was being so uncharacteristically solemn. Sidon noticed her look and gave a nervous smile, "I know she likes Link... though I don't really want him anywhere near her." he looked away, as if debating wether or not to continue.

"Why not?" Y/N had a weakness for gossip.

Sidon sighed, "I remember when they used to play together when they were younger- or rather, Mipha followed him wherever he went." He looked up at the ceiling of the mall to avoid Y/N's gaze "It just doesn't... seem right, you know? She was always tagging after him and caring for him and he was off playing soccer or something when he knows Mipha's got bad knees." 

Y/N nodded, remembring how her friend always wore knee braces for her weak knees, especially after swimming competitions. Mipha couldn't run, or it would interfere with her swimming. She got knee effusion easily. Y/N regarded Link with a new light, "Yeah... I understand. That was a douche move." Y/N's gaze instantly hardened at the thought of Link not caring about Mipha, who had deep admiration of him.

"I just don't want Mipha getting hurt, or for her affection to go unreturned." Sidon pocketed his hands, looking down at his adidas slides. Y/N adjusted her bracelets, "I just hope Mipha realises before it hits her in her face." and it was a quiet walk when they found Mipha and Link. 

Mipha had a few medical journals in her arms and Link had a pretty looking wisteria keychain. Y/N grudgingly noticed how Link didn't help Mipha with the books. Sidon instantly took the books from his sister.

"Mipha, do you want to die?!"

"From a few books?? Did you hit your head again?"

Link flashed Y/N a small, soft smile, seemingly about to approach her, an uncertain, bashful and somewhat shy look on his face. Y/N avoided his gaze, not returning the smile. She coldly walked past him to Mipha, ignoring the wounded and stunned look on Link's face as he pocketed the keychain, sullenly.

Oh, what a day.

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