Part B: 26

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A/N: Time for a date?

Kirstie didn't eat anything at the staff dinner, she only went to kill time while she waited for Avi to finish. They ate early because tonight was awards. She didn't think it was compulsory so she was just going to leave, maybe she had diarrhoea, what were they gonna do? Question that?
     So Kirstie didn't eat, but she drank. She didn't know what her and Avi were gonna do, hopefully eat, she needed something to soak up this fourth glass of wine. A cocktail? She didn't mind if she did.
     Taylor nudged Kirstie, "It's seven babe."
     "Shit," she bumps the table in her haste, all the glasses and plates clatter, a red wine spills on the white tablecloth. Of course it was the red, it couldn't have been the white, or any of the fucking water? A lot of eyes were on Kirstie, including her boss'. She slowly sat back down and tidied everything around her, neatening and straightening and not making eye-contact with anyone.
     Her boss was on stage with the other bosses and their bosses, and the biggest boss of all, the CEO. Every time she looked at her boss, he was looking at her. She actually needed to pee, squirming in her seat, she had to get up and go.
     Kirstin took her time in the bathroom. She was livid, she had to go back into the dinner, her boss was watching her like a hawk. If she hadn't have made an idiot of herself, the diarrhoea thing might have worked. How was she supposed to get to Avi?
     She groaned into her hands, she was still in her stall, there was no escaping. "Fuck off Jessica."
     "I have to know you're okay."
     "What, so you can feel better about yourself?"
     Jess hesitated and Kirstie rolled her eyes. "I do feel bad."
     "As you should," Kirstie snapped.
     "I'm trying to apologise."
     "Then try actually apologising."
     "Can you leave the stall so I can say it to your face?"
     There was clattering, knees hit the ground, red hair curtained, brushing the floor, then her freckled face popped into view.
     "On your knees, just like Jeremy likes it," Kirstie sneered.
Jess' mouth set in a hard line, clearly bit her tongue and got on with it. "Kirstie, I'm so sorry, the last thing I wanted was to upset you-"
     "But you did."
     She sighed, "But I did. But-"
     "No, there's no buts," she flushed the toilet. "I don't care if you love him, I don't care if he's your soulmate, you're supposed to be my best friend. You betrayed me," she opened the door.
     "Betrayed is a little dramatic, I didn't start seeing him until you two broke up, I waited-"
     "You waited, so you were into him before-"
     "No-no-no, that's not what I meant," she grabbed Kirstin's wrist.
     "The more you talk the more you fuck it up Jessica," Kirstie pulled away, teeth clenched.
     "Whatever you say, I'm not going to forgive you, I'm not ready to, leave me alone," Kirstie rushed from the bathroom. "I didn't wash my fucking hands!" She yelled to the empty foyer. She pushed past Jess, who thankfully didn't follow her back in and she could clean up in peace.
     Kirstie checked her phone as she exited the bathroom, for real this time. It was just past eight, her eyes widened, "Shit!" She took off running, not even hesitating as she passed the function room with wide open double doors. She stopped to pull off her heels that were only making the operation harder. She ran faster, gasping for air, she doesn't run, why did he have to work on the other side of the resort?
     Just as she is about to round the corner to Avi's bar, she came to a breathless halt. He won't be there, it's been an hour since they were supposed to meet. But what if he is?
     Hesitantly Kirstie stuck her head around the corner. Her eyes scanned over the empty pool before she let herself look at the bar. Her stomach tied itself in knots, he was there, she slowly walked to him. Avi rose from his seat and Kirstie picked up her pace. He looked really good, hair pulled back, probably because of work, and a black button up under a leather jacket.
     "You came."
     She reached for him, "Yeah."
     He stepped back, "Good, I get to tell you to your face this time. Go fuck yourself."
     Kirstie's jaw dropped, she was not too drunk to understand that. He stepped past her, she didn't have to watch him to know that he'd left her there.

A/N: So... no date? Where do we go from here?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, please vote and comment, it truly makes my day :)

Hannah :)

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