Part C: 22

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Kirstie knew the 'not having somewhere to stay' thing would sort it's self out, Avi of course let her stay with him. He did tell her it was stupid to show up without a plan, what if she hadn't found him that day? What if he hadn't been working? What if he had just gone home? She didn't bother reminding him about Scott or Matt, she kind of liked having him worry and fuss over her, it felt nice.
     Walking into his house, she met his dad instantly. He came rushing into the entrance way and stopped right in his tracks, eyes wide, he yelled, "You've been caught Chris! I can't help you!" He ran up the stairs, he moved well for a 70-year-old, though thinking you're 12 might have some effect.
     Avi sighed, "Apparently you're grandma, his mom, my grandma."
     "How does it work? Do you want me to play along?" She'd never delt with dementia before, it was just as fascinating as it was sad.
     "To a degree, playing his mom you'll be able to get him to do stuff, so that'll help me out a bunch."
     Kirstie laughed, "Playing mom, good practice I guess."
     That got a chuckle from Avi before the home help walked out and left Kirstie and Avi to it.
     They put Michael to bed around nine, and it wasn't too much of a hassle, Avi seemed relieved and they settled in to watch a movie, at opposite ends of the sofa, but it was nice.
     Avi laughed loudly at something in the movie, it was funny, but Kirstie stopped mid chuckle because a strange feeling went through her stomach , she gasped.
     "What's wrong?" Avi turned to her.
     "Something might be wrong with the baby," both her hands were on her bump, stretched out to cover as much as she could.
     "Are you in pain? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Avi leant forward in his seat.
     "Not pain, it just feels really weird, like... fluttery, kind of." She slid her hand over her stomach, "Wait."
     "They're moving aren't they?"
     Kirstie broke into a grin, "Yeah! Yeah he is! Whoa."
     "That's what Esther said kicks felt like, fluttery. You said he," a smile hinted at his lips.
     "Oh, oops, yeah, baby's a boy," she chuckled.
     He laughed too, "It's fine, I'm happy."
     "Wanna fee?" She shuffled closer to him.
     Avi met her in the middle, "Yeah," he spoke with enthusiasm. His hands hovered, "This isn't weird?"
      "No, he's your baby, I think he was reacting to your voice, go for it, he's moving like mad," she giggled.
     Avi's hand settled on her stomach, and his grin sprung into place, "Oh, wow, he's really moving huh."
     "Keep talking, he likes your voice." She gasped.
     "What?" His panicked eyes met hers.
     "You should sing!"
     He scoffed, "I don't really do that anymore."
     "It's for our baby," she forces her face into a serious expression.
     "Fine, but only if you sing with me," he smirked.
     "Tricky," she smiled. They'd never sung together just them, the six of them had messed about that summer, but singing with just Avi seemed nice. "Let's do it."
     "What should we sing?"
     "From what I remember, we have very different tastes in music," she giggled. "It just needs to be something bouncy and upbeat."
     "What about... what's your mom's favourite song?"
     "Oh! You'll know it." That was a good idea, an older song they'll both know, she hoped. She took a deep breath, it'd been a while since she'd sung, but they were in the same boat, so she went for it.

"You put the boom-boom into my heart"

Avi used his free hand to cover his laughter, and she was sure it was the song choice, not her singing, so she kept going.

"You send my soul sky high
when your loving starts"

Avi finally joined her on the next line.

"Jitterbug into my brain (yeah, yeah)
Goes bang-bang-bang Till my feet do the same"

His low voice fit perfectly with her higher tone, they sounded unpracticed and a little rough, but baby liked it, and that kept them going.

"But somethings bugging me
Something ain't right 
My best friend told me what you did last night 
You left me sleeping in my bed"

Kirstie looked up at Avi, but he was focused on her stomach.

"I was dreaming
But I should have been with you instead"

She decided if it didn't bother him, she wouldn't let it bother her anymore.

"Wake me up before you go-go"

A/N: What do we think of Kirstie staying with Avi? What do you think could happen?

Please vote and comment, it truly makes my day :)

Hannah :)

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