Part C: 23

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She did it again, and this time she didn't even have alcohol in her system. This time it was different though, she woke up, and he was still there.
     Laying on her side she watched him, she knew it was a little creepy, hopefully not Edward Cullen creepy though.
     She wondered if they should have, she didn't know what they were. They've never been on a date, it's a complicated situation, but she really liked him. She also had to ask herself, would a relationship with Avi borderline on toxic? It'd been messy so far, but was the messy all bad? It never seemed intentional, more misunderstandings, bar Avi leaving her that first time because she left him all those years ago. But even that stemmed from him being no-committal, and it became he hurt her because she hurt him, tit-for-tat. And it hit her that even all that probably wasn't true, because the reality was he had to get back to his dad. He even gave her a chance, she convinced him to go on a date with her, then she stood him up, of course he'd be pissed, she would have been too. Would he give her another chance? But what if it went the same way? She was thinking of all the possibilities with Avi, but she didn't know what he wanted. Avi didn't want a relationship before, he might not want one now.
     Kirstie jumped to sit up with the loud alarm that blared from somewhere in the house.
     Avi stirred, Kirstie hit him, and it took a moment before he leapt from the bed, "Shit." He yanked on his pajama bottoms, getting his heel caught, "Shit-shit-shit-shit-shit!" He ran from the room, bounding downstairs. Kirstie got up too, pulling on her dress from yesterday, she hadn't unpacked any pajamas or comfier clothes yet, she ran after him.
     Michael was stood on the sofa yelling and pointing at the kitchen, Kirstie took one retreating step before surging ahead. There was smoke, it wasn't thick, in fact it was starting to funnel out the back door, that hadn't stopped the living room from being cloudy.
     "Did he start a fire?" Kirstie asked, her arm went up to cover her mouth.
     He sighed, "Almost, he just left it on the stove. There was a fire in the pan, fuck, I'm gonna need another new pan now too," he slammed down the tap to turn it off and she can see the smoking frying pan sitting in the sink.
     "Could be worse," Kirstie spoke into her arm.
     "I suppose," he coughed. "You need to go outside, you can't be breathing this in." he started waving a dish towel to try and disperse more smoke outside and away from the blaring smoke alarm.
     "You shouldn't breathe it either," Kirstie frowned.
     "Well it's worse for baby, so please, and also my dad, please."
     He wasn't asking, but he said please, and he was right. She turned to Michael, "Come on, let's go outside," she held out her hand for him, if he thought she was his mom, she'd act it.
     Pouting, he got off the sofa, at least he wasn't yelling anymore, just the smoke alarm. Michael reached for her hand and she gasped.
     "Avi!" He's burnt himself!"
     Avi is at their sides in an instant. "Dad!" His voice was angry, but Kirstie could see his concern as he gingerly took his father's hand.
     "It hurts."
     "Yeah, I bet." He looked at Kirstie, "If you take him around the side of the house, there's a hose attachment, no hose, but-"
     "Run water on his hand?"
     "Yeah, the burn looks nasty, but I don't think it's too bad." He turned from them, back toward the kitchen, mumbling about another thing he couldn't afford, again. Again? Had this happened before?
     Upon closer inspection, after the tap, it wasn't hospital level bad, just a couple of big blisters that'll get better once they can bandage the hand up. "You're gonna be okay Michael, just put your hand back under the water." She crouched back down in the puddle they'd created, the water constantly running.
     "Thank you mom," he did as he was told.
     She patted his shoulder, "You're welcome."
     "Is Chris mad at me?"
     It took Kirstie a moment to remember he was talking about Avi. "Oh no, he was just frightened., you scared him, that's all."
     "Scared who?"
     "Chris," Kirstie answered with confusion, they'd been talking about Chris right?
     "My brother Chris?" His voice had an edge to it, but he seemed just as confused.
     "Yes," she answered hesitantly.
     "My brother is dead," he spoke slowly. He pulled his hand away from Kirstie and stood.
     "Oh-oh!" Kirstie bounced up too. "You're – you're you!"
     He frowned. "Yes. And I'm sorry, but who are you?"
     "I'm Kirstie, oh my god, Avi's gonna be so pleased you're back!" She squeezed past him, back around the house.
     "I see," he followed her, "Where was I this time?"
     She stopped, "Um, well you thought Avi was your brother, and that I was your mom, you thought you were a kid, and you've burnt your hand."
     He stared at his hand, "Yeah, I can feel that." He looked back at her with a genuine smile, "And Avi has a girlfriend?"
     She didn't want to confuse him, but she didn't want to lie to him either, "Um, something like that... you should talk to him, I'm sure he'd want to tell you about, everything," she smiled back.
     "Where is he?"
     "He's inside," Kirstie pointed, "He's dealing with the-" she stopped, "The smoke, from the frying pan," she trailed off.
     "It was me wasn't it? That's how I got this," he held up this hand.
     "Yeah," she stretched the word too long.
     "Well we better get to Avi before I lose my mind again," he stepped past her with a sad smile.
     Avi had set up a fan to help send the smoke and it's smell out the back door. There was a hint of vanilla in the air like an aerosol spray, and there was the can on the bench as they walked around the corner.
     "Avi," Michael spoke.
     He spun around, face lit up, "Dad?"
     Michael smiled, "Yeah."
     Avi was in front of his dad in two big steps, embracing him. "You're actually here," he held him an arms length away, "I mean, you've been here, but-"
     "Not me. How long?"
     "Two months dad." Despite the serious tone the conversation was taking, Kirstie could see Avi's joy in the word 'dad.'
     Michael shook his head, "This is-" he sighed, hand across his balding head.
     "We need to have a proper conversation about it dad."
     "Yes," Michael nodded profusely. "If you could please get me a bandage for my hand and we'll have that conversation right now."
     They had the same serious look on their faces, so Kirstie volunteered to get the bandage. And after being told it was in the bathroom cabinet, Avi also asked if she could bring him a shirt. Just wanting to be helpful, she did those things, and left them to it, she didn't want to intrude. If Avi chose to tell his dad about the baby, and he wanted her there, she was sure she'd be called, but they weren't a couple, so she didn't expect it.

A/N: He's back! But for how long? And how will the conversation go?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, please vote and comment, it truly makes my day :)

Hannah :)

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