Chapter 10 - Pangean Invasion of Fenn Part 2

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The Fenn warriors could see the invaders and their metal beasts at far distance.

The warriors stood firm on their formations as Chieftain Ezaru's horse walked at the front with spear at hand.

"So, this must be them." Chieftain Ezaru thought, before eyeing the enemy's position.

Indeed, the invasion force were too small compared to his formation, and the Pangeans also have small numbers of those land dragons with long snouts, directly pointed at the Fenn's formation.


Both Chieftains were completed organizing their own formation of experienced warriors.

Several few minutes of waiting for the enemy to appear, most of the warriors, including the two chieftains. Noticed something at the distance of the forest, silhouettes appeared while making a distorted noise of something was crushed under their feet.

Chieftain Orami, raises his right hand before balling onto fist.

The archers aimed their bows and arrows, high in the air, waiting for the command of attack.


In unison, the archers released their arrows into parabolic tragectory.

The arrows slams at the oddly figures.

Hearing metallic sounds of ricochets, the figures continue to march unscathed.

"Prepare another volley-" Chieftain Orami was cut off by a flying bullet through his head followed by a small popping sound at the distance, splitting his head into two.

The blood splattered from behind, they're eyes widened in shock and fear, while watching their Chieftain's body went limp and collapsed towards the ground with a loud thud.

Others scream as the bullets from Pangean invading forces landed marks to their targets.

Some cowered in fear of being hit by those object unleashed upon them.

The remaining Chieftain, Rosuke. Also couldn't organise his own men as their numbers slowly depleting.

He then thought the term of 'surrender', but that would dishonor his name for generations.

Thinking the current situation they've been now. Rosuke and his soldiers couldn't stand a chance if they launched an melee attack in open.

Fight for honor or die in shame.

Looking to his surrounding. Rosuke think about the possibilities if they surrender themselves to the Pangeans, or they will turn them into slaves and sell them to Parpaldia.

Then, an answer came to his mind.


Meanwhile on the other side. The Pangean troops and their mechanical iron giants kept firing their weapons towards the Fenn's defensive positions.

Until, a white flag was raised.

The Captain of the Marines and the Officer in the AMP suits. Raised both of their hands.

"Hold your fire!"

As the gunshots died down, the Fenn warriors slowly come out from their positions with both hands raised up high.


Chieftain Rosuke yelled while helping a limping warrior beside him.

The modern soldiers and mechs still aimed their weapons at the surrendering foes, thinking this could be a trick to let their guard down.

The Captain signal some of his men inspect the warriors one by one as the remaining pressed forward.

"There are beastmen amongst them?" Said by a Fenn warrior in disbelief, after seeing the noticeable pointy ears and tails covered in unknown kind of armor.

Few minutes later, no suspicious activity was occured during the inspection.

After everything was clear, the medics came to tend the wounded warriors brandishing in white armor with red cross from forehead to shoulders.

The unscathed warriors were ordered to kneel with their hands behind their head.

The Fennese warriors get the clear picture of their invaders.

The Pangeans aren't some barbarians with lust over treasures and slavery they encountered long time ago, they were also humans tending their own kind as the beastmen amongst the ranks also helped, carrying the dead and wounded in the stretchers to the open field as their 'doctors' patch treated the wounds.

Chieftain Rosuke looked toward the sky, thinking all of the possibilities of the future rulers of this country and their plans towards the entire population.

The Pangean Captain tapped his earpiece from his helmet before reporting the situation.

"The Forest area is clear. Send in the cavalry, over."

<<Solid copy, relaying orders now.>>

Amanoki, Kingdom of Fenn

As the message was passed down through every personnel of the mechanized division.

The 120mm smoothbore cannons from the 4 Osorio-10s, fired in unison, sending the H.E rounds to the wooden gate.

The defenders was in shock after hearing the sudden small explosions from afar, their worst fears have come. Powerful explosions occured, sending chunks of wood everywhere, even some limbs from the nearby defenders that were unluckily caught by the explosions.

The Pangean soldiers, IFVs, and MBTs move forward as the engines growls and the metallic boots hits the ground.

The Fennese defenders returned back to their senses, as they grab their weapons from the ground and run to their posts. Arrows started to fly above the walls, the Pangeans took cover behind their IFVs or tanks.

The archers above and rear of the walls released their volley of arrows towards the advancing metallic beasts in effort to slow those things down.

Once again, they were in state of shock and disbelief. The metallic beasts from another world, move unscaved while shrugging every arrow they throw at.

Mounted .50 cals, coaxial machine guns, and 30mm auto-cannons from the IFVs, returned fire towards the archers above the wall, turning them into red midst.

As the bodies of the fallen archers that was ripped to shreds.

The group of swordsmen, formed a defensive formation in between the destroyed gate, waiting for the Pangean soldiers to appear behind their machines.

The other worldly growls nearly reached their positions as the constant small explosions with noticeable 'beams' or tracer rounds could be seen passing them at high speeds and landing a mark on unfortunate warriors while the blood tinted the ground.

As the armored vehicle passed through the gate, the defenders waited in anticipation to score a kill.

Until, the soldiers in oddly armors and colors revealed themselves.

Dozens of samurai like warriors let out their war cries as they charge towards the panicked Pangean soldiers.

Then, sudden projectiles was unleashed.


Automatic rifles and machine guns were fired from each directions as the Fenn's finest warriors fall one after another.

It took about less than hour to capture the main gate towards the capital.

After main gate collapse at the hands of the Pangeans, they put the surrendering foes and will become an prisoners of war towards the ground, while the men in white and red cross treated the wounded.

Minimum resistance was eliminated by the advancing forces with ease.

The battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, together with the Marines. They march towards the capital in effort to end this war as soon as possible.

When they entered the premises, they were greeted with bows.

One tank, an Osorio-10 moving in a intersection was caught on shower of oil from a nearby tall infrastructure followed by an arrow with a fire on the tip, engulfing the entire tank.

"Shit! Driver reverse!" The commander of the tank ordered, the human commander then elevate and began firing the remote mounted 50 cal, firing a volley of rounds where the culprits positioned.

The Osorio-10 jerked backwards as the troops provided firing support on the retreating tank.

More soldiers began to door to door on the houses, while eliminating the awaiting ambushers armed with bows and a couple of buckets of oil.

As they move swiftly deeper to the streets, they positioned themselves as the drone, deployed from the KF51 Panther, and began to analyzing the surrounding of the palace, while waiting for the signal of assault.


A large formation currently standing in all sides of the palace.

The defenders dedicated to defend their Kingdom in any means necessary.

King Shihan currently standing in the middle of the formation as the small explosions were heard and thick cloud smoke, could be seen at the distance.

Everyone was waiting patiently for their invaders to come to their sight, eager to drawn their swords and slash it to their enemies.

King Shihan felt a sense of premonition as the sweat drops nonstop from his forehead. Trying to get rid off the thought, Shihan maintained his stoic expression in order to boost some morale to his troops.

"What is this feeling?" He thought with uneasiness building up within his mind, as the sounds of gunshots and tank treads nearly reached their position.

Moments later, several silhouettes began to appear.

The figures were wearing oddly armors with a staves that could resemble to Parpaldian muskets.

Upon closer look, these figures were faceless, except for the beastmen amongst them that they're snouts, maws and pointy ears were very noticable. The colors of the armors were mixed with different patterns of jungle alike color schemes and a pentagram insignias from shoulders to the forehead.

King Shihan was once again felt that sense of premonition, upon gazing the Pangean soldiers, he noticed something massive positioned itself behind the soldiers who was now crouching.

All of them thought this was somekind of a earthquake, due to the constant shaking around them.

Out of nowhere, multiple lights illuminated behind the other worldly soldiers, revealing the massive 'Iron Land Dragons' that also resemble to its Parpaldian counterparts, but bigger.

A booming voice was heard.

<<This is the Pangean military forces, we give you a chance to surrender yourselves to avoid further bloodshed, any wounded will be treated according to the international law of Maruis. I repeat->>

The message loop in just a minute, before the was air filled with silence.

Both parties stood motionlessly as they glared from one to another, while the low rumbling noise of the engines also added the increasing tensions.

King Shihan have troublesome decisions running through his mind, while his hands were shaking uncontrollably as his sweat were also pouring non-stop. He gazed behind him to overlooked the damage palace, while the rest of the population of his kingdom that was taking shelter before the initial invasion started cowered in fear of the impending doom.

He began to remember the words that echoes through his head, the words of the Gaharan ambassador to the kingdom of Fenn.


The king of Fenn, together with the ambassador of Gaharan were both currently kneeling on floor as the ambassador began to talk regarding about the new emerging country faraway from the West.

"From what information we gathered from their world's history, courtesy by Qua-Toyne. The Greater Empire of Pangea was said to be the second hyper power in their world, they could mobilize millions of their soldiers around the New World, if they want to. Their current emperor have unconfirmed rumors that, they will expand their Great Empire by any means necessary." The ambassador said.

The King took a heavy sigh, before looking at the ambassador right in the eye.

"Then, there is a chance that some nation of this world could stop them from expanding further?"

The ambassador only shook his head.

"I believe not. From what the Qua-Toynians saw during the war with the Kingdom of Louria, they even admitted that these new folks could surpass any civilization in this world, even the world superpower, the Holy Milishial Empire. Their weapons on the other hand, were very mysterious, even magic couldn't detect their creations when they were being used in the battlefield."

The King was starting to shaken from what he was hearing from the mouth of the ambassador.

He couldn't deny it, his kingdom would fall in one fell swoop.

The ambassador stood up followed by a bow.

"I hope we meet again, King Shihan."

After that, the ambassador left the King all alone by himself.

End of Flashback

The King couldn't forget that day.

The forces of the new Empire was already at their doorstep, since they move so quickly and unpredictably, they proven themselves to be a new potential worthy opponent to this world.

Shihan came to the final decision.

"Captain... Raise the white flag."

The warriors who heard him, looked at him with widened eyes and wide opened jaws.

"But, my King! What will happen to the people inside the palace if were surrender ourselves to this barbarians! They will surely pillage the innocents!" The captain beside him tries to convinced the King.

The King glared back at the captain who took a small step back from fear.

"Don't you see! They're already at our doors! I choose this decision to keep the younger generation lived on to the next day! I'm doing this to keep you alive, to keep all of you alive, we are already been defeated! Now, I'm ordering you to raise the white flag!" He yelled.

The captain was taken aback by the sudden outburst of the king. Looking around, he could see that, they could be the last remaining bastion of defenders, and only destruction could be seen at what supposed to be a city filled with life, now laying in the ruins.

Taking a very deep breath before exhaling, the captain complied.

"Drop all of your weapons and raise a white flag!"

Metallic sounds was heard throughout the entire palace as the warriors drop their weapons to the ground before raising their arms in the air with a flag.

The Pangeans began to secure every warrior on their way.

Moving in the palace. The citizens of the kingdom raised their arms in the air from elderly to young children as their parents maintained their positions near to their offsprings, using themselves as shields.

The Pangeans began to analyze their current situation.

So far, over 20 Pangean soldiers sustained injuries with no fatalities from bows and swords that luckily didn't hit the vital organs, that penetrated their weak spots on the Kevlar battle armors or designated as the 'MARK 41 Battle suits' designed to withstand various calibers of 9mms and 7.62mm. The Pollyians called them the 'Walking Kevlars or even Iron Man Suits'. These armors makes their first appearance during the Pangean-Järeich war in different theaters.

The headwear of the MARK 41 has state-of-the-art onboard HUD or Heads Up Display, complete set of visions ranging from Night Visions to Thermal Visions also, Endoskeleton boosting their strength able to lift a thousand pounds of materials and lastly Gas Mask already installed inside the helmet, protecting it's user for unprecedented chemical attacks. Making these suits was not an easy task for the armed forces of the Pangean Military that it took over 20 years to be completed, that participate in numerous times of test, but earning the title of 'The strongest land forces' from two superpowers of Marius.

Over thousands of Fenn warriors from different clans died during the invasion of both Parpaldian and Pangea, including the foreign military personnels from other countries were also counted in the casualties.

Greater Empire of Pangea, Odea, Imperial Building, War Room

Emperor Theo's Pov

"The Kingdom of Fenn is now under our control."

The Generals and other participants for this operation cheers, while some of them shrunk from their chairs in silence and others sigh in relief.

Aryll, beside the opposite chair, looked at me before speaking.

"Invading the Fenn that has not have any kind of defence against our trained soldiers was really worth it?" The Sapient Lion asked me with hint of concern.

I began to think this whole operation will have a negative impact to the natives of this world and it will gain some attention from the superpowers.

"It was worth of our time. Although, I feel bad for the people of Fenn, that is why they're way of culture will stays the same, but there will be uprising in the future." I answered.

Aryll still not yet satisfied from my answer push even more.

"What does the importance of Fenn to you?" He asked.

"Fenn holds the strategic importance is that, we can install both naval port and airbase closer to Parpaldia incase of something goes South. We can also strike the 1st and 2nd civilization, if the Holy Milishial Empire or the country of Mu does something unlikely that could lead to war. Besides, we will gain the trust of Parpaldia once they see the power of our technology." I said confidently.

"So, you will use Parpaldia as a leverage?"


Aryll chuckled with my answer.

"Very clever, my dear brother~"

Out of nowhere, the door burst open, revealing my sister, Rosa with angry appearance.

"I'm very sorry, your greatness and my prince. She was very persistent." The guards said.

I wave my hand dismissively towards the Generals and other staffs to leave.

They stood up from their chairs and left the room, accordingly, then closed the doors on their way out.

The only one left the room was me, Aryll, and Rosa.

"Did you just invade a country centuries faraway from ours?!" Rosa asked angrily.

Aryll stood up from his chair and fixed his tie.

"Alexa. Theo have a valid reason on why we invade the Kingdom of Fenn." He said trying to convince her.

"By gaining more territories? Taking away the freedom of the people?"

I stood up slowly from my chair before answering her question.

"I'm not going to take away their freedom, Alexa. I will give them a better life that no other nations of this world could provide to them."

I noticed that Rosa calmed herself after hearing my answer.

"But, you still killed people." She said with sadness.

I slowly walked towards her and then embraced her.

"Our Empire is at stake here, Alexa. Either you choose to kill or be killed. Survived the fittest. I'm only doing this for the sake of our survival." I said to Rosa while rubbing her back in attempt to comfort.

Aryll also joined the hug.

"He's right, Alexa. This is just for our survival, you must understand." He said before kissing her in the forehead.

My siblings and I, stayed in that position for just a couple of minutes before pulling apart the hug.

"So, what shall we do now?" She asked me.

Aryll looked back at me waiting for my answer.

"It's time to make ourselves known to this world."

To be continued...

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