Chapter 12 - Infiltration attempt

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Ragna, Gra Valkas Empire, Intelligence Bureau

It's been a few weeks since the last transmission from their spies inside the Lourian Kingdom. Every member of the Intelligence Bureau was frantically looking for answers to why dozens of the spies have been unable to send their messages regarding the developments of Pangean bases around the former Kingdom of Louria

Seeing this might have led to nowhere, the officials of the intelligence, including officials from other departments, they began to formulated a plan to infiltrate the Pangean mainland itself instead of sending spies throughout the inferior nations of the New World. Since they nearly were in the stage of test and development of the so-called "God's eye," this project is a unmanned device capable of spectating the enemy without knowing its presence, and this device was already ahead of its time back in their home world of Yggdra that other nations couldn't build on their own without the knowledge of its functions.

As they gathered at the meeting hall, they finally began their discussion, different kinds of approaches, and they came in with other solutions. But one came stood out.

"Sending our sophisticated surveillance aircraft, the Orion spy plane, should be deployed into their mainland. They won't even notice we were already on their soil because of their obsolete technology!" An official from the military suggested with arrogance and pride as he earned several nods, and many agreed with his idea.

Later on, a hand was raised by a man before he began to speak.

"But, that would cause a scene. Sending our spy plane deep into their territory would trigger tension between us and them. They will view this as an act of aggression and violations on their airspace."

After the man expressed his concern, many were convinced that this would be very condemned by the Pangeans in the future, but some of them were worried about the presence of their unknown adversaries in the Pangean airspace.

Hamidall is a high-ranking official from the Technology Department Superior. He thought about the recent reports regarding the war between Louria and Pangea, and recently, they acquired new information from their spies in Louria before their disappearance. The spies' last statement was several looking heavy tanks with massive main cannon that were estimated to be bigger than their 20-pounder guns (84 mm rifled gun) installed on their main battle tanks (Early Centurions), and the fighter jets that are currently on routine patrol around the Kingdom of Louria seems to be out of their common sense, they were now seeing flying faster than Gra-Valkas aircraft.

This shocking discovery shook the foundation of the technological superiority of the Empire of Gra-Valkas. Anyone who heard and read the reports was in pure disbelief. They couldn't still get over their heads on the jets of the Pangeans in their possession, but later on, they dismissed this as a mere fairytale, once again due to a lack of trustworthy pieces of evidence from their spies with proper calculations of these "Jets flying faster than Gra-Valkas."

"Indeed it is. The Pangeans won't even notice our presence flying deeper into their territory. However, we must be wary of the presence of their aircraft in the area. His Majesty already approved of our actions regarding the mission to infiltrate the Pangean Continent by any means necessary." He concluded.

After several hours of their preparation, their plans came to an end.

As they left the room with smirks on their faces, thinking this could be a walk in the park.

The man who expressed his concern earlier felt a premonition at this upcoming operation.

A few weeks later, somewhere in the Eastern Sea several miles away from Pangean Continent

Water splashes against the grey-painted hull of the ship, although the wave was relatively powerful and could turn the wooden vessels of the New World.

These ships, in particular, were very much modern and powerful to withstand such waves.

10 Glory-Class Guided Missile Cruiser, 18 Burke-Class Destroyer, and 7 Akula-Class Attack Submarine are currently sailing through the territorial waters of the Pangean Continent. Their task was to navigate and destroy the last known positions of the so-called "Kraken" that have been terrorizing cargo ships and fishing vessels for the past 3 days, which lost over 2 cargo ships worth of food and raw materials imported from Qua-Toyne, 6 fishing vessels sank, and over hundreds of casualties with the most number being related to cargo ships.

(Glory-Class Guided Missile Cruiser)

Meanwhile, 5 SUH-97 RAIDERS are currently flying at a 5km radius while constantly dropping sonobuoy underneath its belly.

The sonobuoys emit distinctive sounds as they continuously begin their search for the monstrous beast of the sea.

"Negative contact on sonar, so far, Captain Weiik." The sapient honey badger X.O in the Glory-Class said to his Captain, a human.

Captain Weiik acknowledged by nodding his head, and then both of them turned their attention back to the sea with binoculars.

Captain Weiik lowered his binocular before relaying another order. "Have the Raiders extend their search pattern to 10km."

"Yes, sir!"

As the badger began to relay orders, the crew manning the radio began to relay the new order to the helicopters.

The Raiders began to drop sonobuoys once again into the sea, and the Pangeans were desperate to find this monster.

Hours passed, and the sonar operators for each ship picked something big on their screen.

"We've got contact! I repeat, we've got contact!"

After hearing this, Captain Weiik immediately walked toward the sonar station to inspect it for himself.

Seeing the 30 feet long monster, Captain Weiik smiled sinisterly. Walking towards the nearest radio operator, he began to speak.

"Relay this to all Akulas: We are now within range of the target. You now may proceed to attack." Weiik said as the operator nodded.

Weiik walked back now overlooking the window as he could see splashes of water over a hundred feet.

All 7 Akula-Class began to unleash their guided torpedoes with a total of 28. Meanwhile, the 10 Glory-Class began to unleash their attack using the RBU-6000 anti-sub mortar system.

The Kraken stops in its tracks once it notices something oddly comes from above the ocean and begins to descend rapidly into its position, too many.

Looking with sheer curiosity, one of its tentacles reached out to those odd objects until suddenly, 5 of these said objects exploded, tearing apart the tentacles.

In fear of being torn apart, the Kraken began to swim away from these falling objects at high speed, unknown to this beast. 28-cylinder objects came at full speed while the RBU-6000 mortar rounds continuously exploded near the Kraken as its blood continued to spurt out from its torn tentacles.

The Kraken began to dive into the depths of the sea while being tailed by the 28 torpedoes.

Minutes later, the 28 torpedoes finally reached their target before exploding, creating a massive force killing the Kraken instantly, while the mutilated corpse began to sink deeper.

The crews of all ships cheered as they received a report of the powerful impact on their target with noticeable body parts of the monster and pool of blood, ending its very existence out of this world.

Captain Weiik fixes his hat before declaring.

"His Greatness will be pleased after the job we've done sinking this monster at the bottom of the sea. Job well done, everyone!" He said before patting the Sapient badger on his back, gently.

"Indeed, sir. Indeed it is." The badger said.


"Sir! We've detected a bogey on the radar! Flying at an altitude of 60,000 feet, East of our current position, cruising at a speed of 805km/h!"

After the radio operator said that everyone on the bridge was silent as they now focused on this news.

Captain Weiik and his X.O. were alarmed at this.

"Parton. Get me in contact with the Air Force immediately!"

The badger named Parton immediately acknowledged this order.

"Yes, sir!"

Meanwhile, at the Henson airbase in Rande

The siren blared throughout the entire airbase, personnel running back and forth due to their constant preparation.

2 humans and 2 sapients, a tiger, and a yak. Walked their way to their respective hangars.

As the aircrew for each plane completed their preflight checklist and made sure everything was intact, they retreated away from each of the aircraft, allowing the pilots to board via fixed ladders on their aircraft.

The 4 pilots began their preflight checklist as well before closing their canopies simultaneously.

As the engine came to life while whirring loudly in the process. They slowly emerged from their hangars, revealing Parsian Tig-21 fishbed aircraft alike, but it paid no heed to her counterpart.

This particular aircraft was one of the fastest interceptors ever built in existence back in Maruis, even beating the Parsian twin-engine Tig-31 Hound flying at Mach 3 while reaching an altitude of 67,000 feet and Pollyonian twin-engine X-108 Rapier flying at Mach 3.2 while reaching an altitude of 72,550 feet. But, nothing else beat the even more superior fighter of all time, only made in Pangea with breaking world records.

The IF-41 Foxbat flying at Mach 4.3 with just a single engine, while reaching an altitude of 90,000 feet, many mistaken this as a mere copycat of the infamous and mass-produced aircraft, Tig-21 Fishbed, little they didn't know. The Pangeans were very inspired by the Fishbed's design due to its unique structure, able to use the scramjet to reach nearly twice faster as the two superpower's interceptors.

Most of its features were kept hidden in secret, but it has already proven its capabilities during the war against Järeich, even facing her adversary on the battlefield, the imported Parsian Tig-31 Hound in a duel, which the Victor of that battle was the Pangean IF-41 Foxbat.

The Tig-31 Hound against the IF-41 Foxbat was nothing else in common but a flying coffin due to its massive disadvantage in the field while features such as the heavy nickel steel alloy and its large wings were not made for agility but to keep the aircraft airborne, the avionics used an outdated vacuum sealed and the radar lacked a look-down capability, meaning it couldn't even detect any aircraft below its horizon, but its armaments were nothing to be a mess with. Although its flight instruments were laughing stock, the range of the missiles was decent enough that it could even par with the Pollyonian Missile system when being detected.

After they were taxied to the runway, one by one, they were permitted to take off.

"All Foxbat at Runway 2. You are clear to take off!"

Each of their single engines made a deafening noise, giving each aircraft full thrust, and then sped off the runway and began to climb to the clouds at the speed of Mach 4.

Meanwhile, at the same time, 7km away, Southeast of Rande

The object currently flying toward the Pangean airspace at an altitude of 60,000 feet bears a resemblance with the Pollyonian Cold War Era spy plane/reconnaissance aircraft, the U-2 Dragon Lady.

Piloting the Gra-Valkas sophisticated spy plane was Loch Lainn. Having him piloting was a highly decorated pilot in Gra-Valkas since he flew many sorties of reconnaissance during the Empire's conquest of the Kain Divine Kingdom.

With successful missions, they strike with precision, eliminating their enemies in one fell swoop.

Loch looks to his screen where he can see the high-quality onboard camera, Loch already sees the coastline of Pangea.

With a smile, Loch began to capture photos of the coastline for the military of Gra-Valkas to outline and draft a plan for the Navy, Army, and Air-Forces if they came upon to invade this false "Empire" once he completed his reconnaissance mission.

After a couple of minutes of flying, he began to accelerate his aircraft to reach his target faster and to return to the nearest carrier. Although it may be difficult for this aircraft to land on a carrier, he and the officials don't have much choice but to carry up the plan and return to the mainland as soon as possible.

After flying deeper into the Pangean soil, Loch couldn't believe what he was seeing in the distance, buildings that he could never imagine in his common sense, paved roads, and beautiful sightings.

Loch began to feel an unusual sensation in his surroundings, feeling uncomfortable. He began to look around his cockpit to see if he was the only aircraft flying at that altitude.

"What is this feeling?" Loch questioned himself as he continued to look around before catching a glimpse of objects in th distance while leaving contrails in their wake.

Squinting his eyes to get a better look, Loch's eyes widen in shock, and disbelief seeing another aircraft speeding towards at this current altitude.

4 of these aircraft passed above him while creating a powerful turbulence that shook his entire aircraft.

After regaining control of his aircraft, 2 of the Pangean aircraft match his speed and altitude while flying at each side. Meanwhile, the other 2 distanced themselves away from the Gra-Valkan aircraft, keeping an eye like a hawk.

Loch looked to his starboard side, seeing the fully covered pilot beside him. He could see some features of this pilot in question due to its pointy horns.

The pilot in the IF-41 Foxbat began to signal Loch with hand signals telling him: "Follow us."

Loch was confused by this as the aircraft's pilot beside him repeated his actions over and over.

The two interceptors began to break off from their positions and move further away from him.

Loch's confusion turned into realization as one of the interceptors aligned itself to his reconnaissance aircraft before hearing an unmistakable terrifying sound rang.


Loch was visibly shaken by this as he noticed his left-wing torn apart before the Orion spiralled out of control.

In a panic, Loch began to reach out to the self-destructive button that could burn all of Orion's internal structures, providing no evidence to the enemy.

Unfortunately, Loch was yanked out from his aircraft due to his canopy, which was damaged heavily by the sheer force of pressure.

Freefalling, Loch tries to reach for the pin of his parachute. Luckily, he did.

As Loch slowly descended to the surface, he could see the Orion crashes at the forest below as well taking down some trees on its way, thick plump of smoke began to rose from the crash site.

As he rapidly descended to the ground, he braced himself for the impact, but a force stopped him from falling to the ground. Looking at the source, Loch's chute tangled at the branch of a tree, 3 feet away from the ground.

Loch could also hear the sound of sirens at the distance. He began to work, cutting the strap from the chute before falling to the ground with a loud thud.

Grunting in slight, he pushes his body off the ground and looks to the surroundings.

Tall trees that didn't even exist in Gra-Valkas were very alien to him. Soon after, there is a snap at the distance as the sirens die down. Multiple figures could be seen wondering or perhaps searching for him.

Loch eyes widened in fear of being taken by the authorities, and he began to run in the opposite direction of the forest away from these unknown forces.

"There is the subject!" A booming voice rang throughout the forest.

Loch looked behind him to see the figures clearly picking up their pace and distance between him.

Their presence were mix of humans and beastmen, wearing dark clothes with gold badges embedded on their left chest and a flat-topped hat.

"Stop right there!" The human in black clothed warned the pilot.

Loch began maneuver his way in the terrain, gaining distance huge from the authorities, then he came upon a paved road, looking to his left and right while noticing vehicles at the distance accompanied by blue and red lights.

Before he could pass the road, a powerful force tackled him to the ground, face planted first to the ground, side glancing towards the perpetrator. Loch sees a beastman with a fur yellow tandem with dots all around the beastman's face before putting both of his arms behind his back.

Loch felt something cold and wet pressed both of his waist followed by a click, completely immobilising his arms from moving any further.

"This is Sierra 2 to command, 10-15. I've have the subject in custody. I'm requesting immediate pickup. Over?" The cheetah speaks to his radio attached to his chest before pulling himself and Loch off the ground while the Gra-Valkan continues to struggle against the grip of the police officer.

Moments later, a dozens of police officers came from the forest soon followed.

"I see you got our lucky guest." A human with a rank of Lieutenant said nonchalantly.

The officer placed a hand on Loch's shoulder, making the pilot enrage.

"Get your fifthly hands off me, you fucking weak barbarian!" He spat in front of the face of the policeman.

"Well, your mother kisses you with that mouth, son."

Soon, a convoy of black vehicles appeared with familiar insignia while being escorted by police Cruisers.

One of the dark vehicles stopped in front of the pilot, and the door opened, revealing a man in a stylish officer's uniform with a black and white pentagram hanging on the collar of his uniform.

The Pangean military officer looked at Loch before speaking.

"We will take it from here, officers. You folks may have a great day." The military officer said with a nod of appreciation.

The police authorities handed the captured pilot toward the two awaiting fully equipped soldiers in their MARK 41 battle suits. Before they placed him at the back of the armoured van and left the scene.

Several hours later, multiple authorities began to search the crash site and soon recovered the heavily damaged aircraft. Luckily, the systems of the aircraft are still intact and soon will be in the process of inspection by the T.R.D or Technological Research Department.

The next day

Odea, Imperial Chambers and House of the Senate, South Section of Imperial Palace

A meeting was held at the chambers as dozens of officials from different departments gathered around the room.

The V.I.Ps of each States/Provinces of the Greater Empire of Pangea in this secluded room inside the palace were patiently waiting for the Emperor.

List of VIPs:

Royal Family member of Rande, Prince Pitten H. Rande IV.

House of the Dutchess, family member of River, Prince Javk P. River

Royal Family member of Haven, Princess Krista M. Haven

Aristocracy family member of Aguim, Prince Aguilera Q. Aguim V.

And last but not least.

Great Imperial Family of Odea, Emperor Theo W. Odea

Once Emperor Theo enters the room, the officials, staff, even including the monarch figures, stood from their chairs and bowed at the highest authority of the nation.

Emperor Theo walked toward the awaiting chair in the round table once he aligned himself between the chair behind him with a raise of a hand.

"You all may take your seat." Emperor Theo said with respect and satisfaction due to the unbelievable respect to him.

As soon he said that, all of the people in the room took their seat in complete unison.

"Now. Let us begin our gathering!"

To be continued...

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