Chapter 13 - The Awakening of the Demon Lord & The Fall of Topa Kingdom

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Odea, Imperial Chambers and House of the Senate, South Section of Imperial Palace

Every occupant in the chamber took their seat at their respective chairs before Emperor Theo immediately addressed the reason behind this sudden meeting among the officials with the highest authority within the Empire.

"Today, I would like to discuss our current situation in this New World we were living in. First off, our current alliance with the Empire Parpaldia has proven significant growth to our economy, thanks to their already approved trading channels between our nation."

After addressing their current situation, the crowd of officials  started to applause that were soon engulfed throughout the interior as they were delightful with their current engagement to another nation of the far Southeast.

With a raise of a hand, the interior was filled with silence. As Emperor Theo continues.

"Furthermore, we were currently receiving several appointments regarding to established diplomatic friendship with the nations outside the civilization area, relating to trade and security treaty."

Wit the mention of a word relating to the military, murmurs soon enveloped the room, expressing their concerns from one to another.

The Prince of Aguim, Aguilera, expressed his concern.

"Your greatness, that would cause a scene. The natives will think this is a military build-up. Furthermore, the superpowers of this world would be attracted or even wanted to get their hands on our technology." The Minotaur said with respect and concern.

The high-ranking official from the Province of Aguim, the centre of technological advancements, of the empire, or in other words, this is where most of their stockpile of weapons being manufactured and produced, while civilian innovations were also being manufactured and produced. With much concern regarding the leak of technological superiority to the New World would be a huge mess.

Each of the royal's regions have their own speciality under their rule.

Rande is the centre of agricultural products that provides most of the food and fabrics.

The River Flow is the centre of mariculture products such as sea foods, jewellery, food additives, and pharmaceutical products.

This area is the most coldest region in Pangea. The Haven is the centre where most of the Empire's exporters and importers for trading came from, while also providing financial services to the public and tourist attraction for foreigners.

Last but not least, the capital city of the Greater Empire of Pangea, Odea, the massive producer of natural oil and gas that runs the entire continent, where it have the most numbers of enlisted soldiers and the city in the middle of dessert.

Returning to the task at hand.

Emperor Theo drifted into a cloud of thoughts, finding a good reasonable answer regarding the leak of technological superiority against the other nations of the New World. He then replied.

"If there will be a case of our technology being in the possession of potential adversaries in the future. Perhaps in the case of the threat of the Gra-Valkas Empire. The weapons that can loan to Qua-Toyne and other current trusthworthy allies are our early 1960s-era outdated weaponry, such as the F-5 Tiger against the Gra-Valkan jet fighter that still relying within visual range combat, Magach-7 against the Gra-Valkan copycat Centurions with their old 20 pounder guns against 105mm rifled cannons, assault rifles and machine guns with the exception of guided missiles that could potentially threatened our mechanised divisions stationed in Qua-Toyne, if the Qua-Toynians and the others turn their back on us. We will retaliate with brute force."

Having already been brief by the Continental Intelligence Agency or C.I.A.

Emperor Theo knows that 1960s-era weaponry could potentially harm his forces, having afterburner technologies, other avionics and small arm weapons in the possession of Gra-Valkas in case Rodenius continent and other close ally nations fall, it could bridge a technological gap between the two Empires.

But still, those technologies were very obsolete to the Pangean perspective since Gra-Valkas, according to Intelligence from satellites orbiting on space, they were set in the 1950s from the layout of their military, while the cities still could par with other modern nations, hence the Gra-Valkans couldn't achieved at early years of stage to reverse engineer the F-5 Tiger without proper knowledge, and could bankrupt them.

But other grim reality is still boggling throughout the entire Imperial chambers.

Could the Empire of Gra-Valkas possess nuclear weapons? They thought.

"It makes sense. The Empire of Gra-Valkas economy was still recovering after their initial transfer to this world, according to the intelligence in Louria." Aguilera said calmly.

Another royalty interjects with a deep voice. This time, a certain muscular sapient polar bear in a white suit with a red tie.

"Since yesterday events. The spy plane recovered from the crash site, and after the inspectors scrapped the aircraft. Its contents were nothing else to compare. This pilot is interrogated by the local garrison, soon identified as Loch Lainn, which is typically capturing images of our civilian infrastructures and hasn't returned to his homeland country. Their officials right now are scrambling all of their resources to retrieve this downed aircraft and their pilot. They just still don't know it yet." Prince Pitten said sarcastically.

A monotone voice resounded through the chambers from a certain greyed short hair sapient feline in a stylish black coat and grey flannel suit with a pair of brown boots.

"Hmm. I guess they are already doing everything they can to retrieve their pilot and their 'technological secrets' from us." Prince Javk said with a mocked tone.

Princess Krista soon followed.

"Indeed it is. I can already sense their dread from here." She said with a sinister smile.

After several hours of discussions regarding local and international developments, including the intrusion of the reconnaissance aircraft came to an abrupt end.

They marked the Gra-Valkas Empire as national interest with formulated cautious approach if the Valkans send their envoys regarding their downed aircraft and pilot.

The 4 royalties soon left the imperial palace and then proceeded to their awaiting convoy outside the premises and immediately returned to their respective regions.

Ragna, Gra-Valkas Empire, Prince Gra Cabal's Study room,


A sudden yell was heard on a certain room, startling the guards outside of the room even though they weren't being yelled at. If they were being bombarded with tantrums of their Prince since he can not control his anger, even in the smallest mistake, but this, on the other hand, was far from that.

"I-It w-was true, Your Highness. We believe our reconnaissance aircraft was shot down by another aircraft." The messenger from the Intelligence Bureau said shakingly while his body was trembling uncontrollably.

"Tsk. There is no such thing that could reach our surperior aircraft from that altitude. Let alone, detect it." Prince Gra Cabal said with venom while crossing both of his arms.

It took about a minute before the messenger responded, still trembling in front of Prince Gra Cabal, but managed to hide it.

"Believe me, Your Highness. This is the report from the-" He was soon cut off the Prince.

"I. Don't. Care. Find what kind of weapon that could shoot down our aircraft. Get. It. Done."

"Y-Yes, your highness!"

After that, the messenger left the room while closing the door behind him, leaving the son of the emperor all by himself.

"What kind of fantasies does the intelligence gonna pull next time? Very fucking unbelievable." He muttered to himself irritated by the fact listening to unbelievable reports that has been running for hour now.

Moments later, a loud knock was heard.


As soon as the door opened, it revealed an injured individual using a wheel chair to help him move around.

After realising this man was nothing compared to other people in the palace with a high authority and very close to Prince Cabal.

"Oh. It's just you, Hilas. What brings you here, little brother?" Cabal asked his younger brother genuinely.

Hilas was the first royal family of the moderates when the Gra-Valkas Empire contacted the Second Civilization Area. He was in charge of negotiations as a special adviser.

His personality seemed to have been a particularly mild character among the moderates of the empire. However, it seems to be in order, which is also stated that his empire is out the poor, have a high pride as a royalty of powers, and with being related to Prince Gra Cabal, his elder brother.

After Pars Kingdom rejected, Hilas and his imperial diplomats travelled to the Paganda Kingdom, which was under protected by the Second Civilization superpower, Leifor. He had to negotiate with the Pagandan royal family with a request for diplomatic friendship.

Before Gra-Valkas' goal was to eventually speak with Leifor directly, Paganda's chief diplomat, Douglas was repeated derogatory response to him as insult like an uncouth barbarian outside the civilized world and has requested a huge bribe. Hilas rejected Douglas' ridiculous condition. To send them huge amount of slaves and to submit Gra-Valkas Empire to Leifor.

Douglas was furious after hearing the rejection from the diplomats. Douglas ordered to carry out an assassination attempt to Hilas and his diplomats, resulting in severe leg injury after being shot multiple times by muskets.

Due to the nearly death of their beloved young prince, the Gra-Valkas Empire launched a full-scale invasion to the Second Civilization superpower, Leifor.

Ending in decisive victory to the Gra-Valkas and turning Leifor into a slave state.

As Hilas wheeled his way towards his brother, who was leaning against the table while giving him a genuine smile.

"What was all that commotion I heard?" Hilas asked curiously.

Cabal scratched his neck before replying.

"Well. The members of the Intelligence Bureau were utterly useless when it came to delivering reports that were very fantasy and completely unrealistic." Cabal said.

Hilas nodded slowly while mouthing an 'Oh' expression.

"I see, but you have to believe in some reports regarding other nations of this New World. But Leifor was out of the list. They are just typical low-life barbarians with inferior technology."

"Said by the one who've been shot by a musket." Cabal jokes followed by a small laugh.

Hilas glared daggers at his brother before letting out a grunt.

"Lucky bastard. I'll let this slip for now. You should be grateful that I can't stand properly." Hilas said deadpan before turning his wheel chair 180 degrees before he started to slowly wheel his way to the door.

"Where you going?" Cabal asked his younger brother.

"Going back to my office, dickhead." Hilas remarks sarcastically earning another laugh from Cabal.

Before Hilas could leave the room, he side glance to his brother.

"Oh, and brother. Father wants to see you first thing tomorrow in the morning, I've heard you two will formulate a plan to strike this another so-called 'Superpower' of Second Civilization called Mu."

"Noted. Have a great day to you, Hilas." Cabal said softly before walking his way around the table to his chair and then immediately settled himself comfortably.

"You too, Cabal."

After that, the young prince left the room, leaving his older brother to do his errands by signing the papers stacked at his table, mostly appointments for interviews from the media.

Meanwhile, at the same time

Eastern-Western Border between Pangea and Parpaldian

It's been half a month since the recent establishment of the two borders in a single country that has been invaded by two powerful empires.

On the eastern side, the livelihood of the folks of the former Kingdom of Fenn was nothing but a miracle due to recent advancements that will make their every day easier. Sorts of miracles like light poles that will make every part of the Eastern block lighten the darkness, accessible to cheap clothes, and cheap food that was so delicious and heavenly compared to their meals. Furthermore, they have been subjugated by a nation that they haven't waging a war, but their occupiers weren't that very into slavery. Instead, the Pangeans showed so much hospitality towards the new citizens of the Greater Empire that they weren't harassing the people and showed only but kindness and even helping the poor people to get a decent roof and decent meal for their everyday life.

Their heritage and culture were still the same since the Pangeans didn't want to meddle with the Fenn's historical culture. Instead, the Liaison officer, Quiam. Announced that they have the right to preserve their culture and its treasures.

While the Eastern side flourishes, the Western side is opposite. It was a hellish landscape to live in. The people were facing harassment every day from the Parpaldian soldiers, raping and looting was very common, and some families were desperate to cross the border to the Pangean border after hearing some news that the other side was a pure heaven.

After trying to secretly cross the border, they were greeted by a hail of bullets from the Parpaldian border guards. Some were even lucky to manage to cross the border, crying in tears of joy as the Pangean soldiers welcome them with open arms and treated them with respect and dignity while also providing them with necessary need such as decent clothes and shelter.

Over 200 people managed to cross the border successfully, and most of them were families. Unfortunately, over 300 people were killed, and some were taken into custody and soon executed.

The Parpaldian citizens were protesting to the Pangeans to return the people that left the Western block, but unfortunately, both the Government of Parpaldia and Pangea paid no attention to the protests.

Since the higher officials of Parpaldia don't want to antagonize the Empire of Pangea, that will lead to dissolution of their Alliance.

Meanwhile, on the recent established base.

This base, in particular, was a massive fortress. New ships arrive regularly to deliver more troops and equipment, and land base was recently established able to accommodate an entire strong army of 30,000 and dozens of armoured carriers, main battle tanks, and helicopters. Meanwhile, the runway was still under construction.

Constructed in just 6 days thanks to Hexbots, also called Swarm Assemblers, are a family of repurposed, arc-welding, six-legged robots manufactured by Aguim Arms Corporation. Hexbots can use their electric arcs to weld. They have impressive maneuverability thanks to their leg structure, allowing them to climb vertical surfaces and move at impressive speeds. They can also transport supplies across the base by carrying them with one set of legs. The hexbots can also be used for security purposes.

Parpaldian Embassy in Western block

Inside the recently established embassy for Parpaldia Empire, a man seated in his office while eating a Pangean cuisine called 'Spaghetti'.

He moaned in delight due to the sweetness texture of a simple meal tandem with a drink called a 'Nuke Cola', a type of drink that helps digest the food. It was sweet and delicious for a simple drink.

His mind changed that he would often drink more of these Colas. The ambassador has lost appetite to the traditional tea. He wants to try something new.

As he was about to devour a piece of spaghetti, twisted from his fork. A loud knock was heard.

The ambassador groaned, irritated that someone disturbed him during his meal, and he wiped his mouth with napkin, then took a small sip from the otherworldly beverage, washing all of its contents down to his throat while making a muffled burp in the process.

"You may enter!" He ordered.

When the door opens, a person in robe enters with a small cut from cheeks while the blood is still visible.

The Parpaldian ambassador was about to rant over the filthy person who entered his room.

"Ambassador Neux, please! The Topa Kingdom was under attack!" The unnamed person said panickly.

The Parpaldian ambassador named Neux glared at man in robe before responding.

"Then, who are you?!"

The person removed a piece of cloth that was covering his eyes and forehead, revealing a familiar face that Ambassador Neux knew.

"Sir, Eten! What are you doing here? You are supposed to be at the 3rd foreign affairs department!"

"There is no time! The Demon Lord has awakened, and Topa Kingdom is falling apart! We believe that your portable magic cannons, rapid firing muskets, and mechanical land dragons will be effective against it. If you could dispatch a small platoon of them."

After hearing the 'Demon Lord', Neux was shocked after hearing the legendary myth that even the Parpaldians were also feared if the Demon Lord was revived. This time, it becomes a reality.

"This is bad! I have to report this to his Grace as soon as possible!" Neux thought before heading to the Magi-communication that resembled an arcade like machine.


The continent of Fillades was a large island about 200 meters wide but 30 kilometers long that connected the island to the continent. The country that called this island home was none other than the Topa Kingdom. To the northeast of Topa was another bridge, this one 100 meters wide and 40 kilometers long, that joined them with the continent of Grameus.

Grameus was populated with creatures called demons. There were no settlements of humans or demi-humans there. No one could communicate with demons, and they attacked all the human races on sight. Demons did not have any kind of civilization. They simply used their superior physical abilities to hunt people in a berserk rampage. For Parpaldians, if they were to describe demons in a single word, that word would be "pests."

Topa Kingdom, royal capital Berngen

The Sun slowly moved to the horizon while creating beautiful sightings as the night sky slowly engulfed every corner of Fillades Continent.

The capital of a once proud Kingdom was now set ablaze by the Demon Lord's army.

The cry of its citizens was heard throughout the heart of their nation. Children being mutilated and used as seasonings for the Demons meal, goblins raped the female population while the male population was hunted by Orcs for sport.

Meanwhile, at the former palace of King Rados XVI

In the darkness, torches burned steadily, illuminating the forms of three demonic beasts. The one in the middle, its black body, a mass of bulging muscles, and its hair, t like wire, was playing with the head of a dead knight. It had a black spiral horn, and it was emitting mana on a level that completely elevated it above any other species.

"In the time I was sealed, humans have certainly increased in number... Well, human meat is tasty, so it is nice to find food so easily," it commented while chewing on human flesh of a dead leader of Topa Kingdom, King Rados.

Scattered all around were the bones of humans that had been eaten.

"Master, where will the army go next?" asked Red Ogre.

"Last time, we went south over the sea, and, in the sacred forest, the sun god's pets were summoned... This time, we stop after taking the big land south of here..."

"They are strong, though. We had twenty thousand goblins and orcs, but two thousand have already been lost while we caught the remaining hundred of humans." The red ogre said while looking at the corpses and bone littered around the throne.

"Ahh, much time has passed since before. Even waste can learn a little bit. It's fine, we've only lost one orc. Anyway, our creators, the mages, will soon return. We must clean up the waste that thinks this world is theirs. Our mission is to help even just a little, so that the mages can quickly resume their rule. The mages' country... When the sorcerous empire returns, they will easily conquer the world. The humans and demihumans have made their own countries, mimicking the mages, but waste cannot compete with them. The time is near. Before then, we must conquer as much as possible!"


Red Ogre hesitantly posed a question. "By the way, Master, there is one thing bothers me a little..." It looked somewhat bewildered.


"Last time, we lost to the sun god's pets, the messengers. They were strong. Their divine boats were very fast, making shrill noises as they flew through the air; their iron land dragons fired powerful explosive magic from their horns; their colossal magic ships were over two hundred and fifty meters long. The Demon Lord's army, which easily stomped over the coalition of races, could not even lift a finger against them. The fear that their tremendous explosive magic wrought still clings to my soul. I do not know the power of the old sorcerous empire. Master, was the empire even more powerful than the sun god's messengers?"

Demon Lord Nosgorath began to laugh.

"Hah hah hah, so that's what it was. Even the dreaded sun god's pets cannot but tremble before the might of the mages. Those divine flying ships would fall like leaves before the empire's anti-air magic ships. The imperial army's sky ships can fly faster than sound! The divine flying ships could only travel half that fast. The messengers' giant ship would simply crumble from a shower of the imperial army's exploding bullets of light. Suffice it to say that the mages' strength is absolute. No one can defeat the mages. Worry not."

"Yes sir!!!"

The Demon Lord army's respite extended into the night.

To be continued...

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