Chapter 17 - Persecution of the Masses

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"That is why we strive to reach heights of unimaginable power, for one cannot simply be called strong to win; one must become so overwhelmingly indomitable, you become something that's not human or sapient, even though that's exactly what we are." - First Emperor of the Greater Empire of Pangea


Louria, New Imperial Pangean State

Since the following recent events on the continent of Rodenius. Dozens of modern equipment began to pour into the former Kingdom.

Most foreign diplomats from countries outside of the civilized zones heard about the sudden defeat of a powerful kingdom. Although most of them were afraid to make contact with the Pangean Empire, they trusted their sources because the Pangeans were friendly towards the developing countries. Which they immediately initiated a diplomatic friendship and a military alliance with the Pangean Empire, which were successful.

The foreign 'barbaric' countries viewed the Kingdom of Louria as a savage country but were relieved that it was now under the influence of their new rulers, which is a clear statement of the technological and military prowess of the Greater Empire of Pangea.

A couple of weeks later. Most of the low-class citizens of Louria became middle-class thanks to the assistance of their new rulers, and the high-class folks were reduced to low-class due to the recent evidence that justified the greed and arrogance of these people of the higher class. Nonetheless, they finally taste the consequences of their actions.

With recent progress in the Kingdom, the citizens viewed the Pangeans as their saviour from their downfall while others viewed the Pangean as mere warmongers who desired the treasures and richness of their beloved Kingdom.

The Pangeans, on the other hand, saw this as an opportunity to expand their influence to other countries that are aligned with them by trading non-critical technologies such as Television networks, phone networks, railways, cheap clothes and meals, including the hygiene kits that they viewed as very luxurious, to their surprise it was very cheap compared to the ones being produced from the 1st and 2nd Civilization. While some countries sought the opportunity to get their hands on some modern weaponry, which the Pangeans politely declined. Instead, the Pangeans offered them cheap yet reliable weapons from their 2nd Intercontinental War.

The countries outside of the civilized zones gladly accepted the offer, which boosted their relationship with the Continental Superpower.

"Charnock" Pangean Air Base, Louria

The base was filled with activities such as the recent shipment of a classified weapon known as the "Trinity."

The crew of the hanger began to mount a single cruise missile at the weapons bay of a B-160 White Swan. The cruise missile in question was wearing a checkerbard pattern all over the frame, indicating the missile was in the testing phase.

After securing the "Trinity" at the weapons bay. The pilots, the technical officer, and the gunnery officer began to board the aircraft via the entrance underneath the B-160.

As they settled themselves in the cockpit. The B-160's jet engines screech to life as it slowly emerges from itself from the Hangar.

"This is Sierra-1. Moving for the taxi." The pilot said to the tower, which is a Sapient Capybara.

<<Copy that Sierra-1. Proceed to runway 227.>> The tower acknowledged,


After that, the Sapient began manoeuvring his aircraft toward the designated runway.

After a few minutes, they finally reached the runway and initiated a preflight checklist before they took off. Making sure every flight instrument was working accordingly.

The Capybara took a sigh of satisfaction before responding to the tower, "Tower. This is Sierra-1. All preflight checklists are complete. Requesting takeoff clearance."

It took another minute before the tower responded.

<<Sierra-1. You are clear for takeoff.>>

The Capybara's copilot, a human grinned underneath his apparatus, "Let's get this baby airborne." He said as he placed his hands at the throttle, which the male Sapient mimicked.

Both of them push the panels forward as the engine outside screeched before full afterburner.

The occupants of the bomber recalled back to their seats as the force pushed them, slowly propelling the aircraft forward.

"V1. Rotate."

After gaining the effective speed. They both synced, pulling their joysticks towards them as the B-160 took off from the ground.

"Gear up." The Sapient ordered, which the human obliged.

"Gears up."

The Capybara nodded in acknowledgement as he and his copilot banked the aircraft slightly to the right.

With that, the B-160's swept wing folded before going at Mach 1.2.

"This is Sierra-1. The Trinity is airborne."


West of Topa

Somewhere in a nearby unknown Topan town. The Parpaldian Imperial Army and their platoon of tanks mowed down several orcs and goblins effortlessly.

Several Imperial soldiers had smug on their faces as they watched the Demon Lord's forces retreat due to the sheer firepower of their tanks. While some fired their rifles, hitting their targets at a great distance.

Explosions occurred as the high explosive shells hit the ground on where the demons stood.

Meanwhile, from afar, foreign observers watched the scene unfold with unreadable expressions on their faces.

"Seems Parpaldia is doing pretty well." A masked elf remarked, hailing from the world superpower, the Holy Mirishial Empire.

"Indeed. But if we are the ones exterminating these Vermins, our Holy Empire will cleanse these lands in no time." Another masked elf stated proudly.

As the sound of gunfire, the explosion erupted in the distance. The two elves in white robes watched before something caught a glimpse to their right.

The duo watched as a Parpaldian officer ran towards the nearby high-ranking officers before returning abruptly.

Thanks to their sharp hearing, the elves listened to the conversation.

"General Eardisley! Several armoured cavalry in horses are seen on the field. We are taking losses!" The Parpaldian officer reported with panic lingering in his voice.

The general named Eardisley looked to the officer with widened eyes in pure shock before he exclaimed, "WHAT?! Our weapons are powerful enough to finish them off!"

Curiosity perked the duo as one of the elves pulled out what seemed to be a futuristic white binoculars.

Looking at the distance, he could see several Parpaldian soldiers desperately firing on what seemed to be horses with an ork riding while clad in silver armour that shrugged off the bullets fired from bolt-action rifles, and several Centurions, a half-human-and-half-horse who were also clad in the same silver armour.

The orcs in horse and the Centurions both cut down the defenceless soldiers with relative ease.

Screams of agony could almost be heard in the distance, accompanied by thunderous booms from the cannons of the Light tanks. Some tanks manage to successfully bring down both orks and Centurions.

Now, both forces are engaged in close-quarter combat as swords and bayonets collide with each other.

"What kind of metal could withstand such high-speed bullets?" A male elf wonders out loud.

Beside him, the other elf who was occupied with his binoculars responded, "Could be alloys?" He said before lowering the pair of optics.

Hearing that, the elf in front, Oalian, lowered his binoculars before looking to his colleague, with utter shock to his face, "That can't be. We are the only nation that possesses the toughest material on this planet!" He claimed.

"Sir, Hamidall. You may be correct, but keep in mind that we are not the only ones who acquire these alloys. Mu also possesses it, even the Eight Empire, in other words the Gra-Valkas Empire, and this rumoured continent called the Ninth Empire, or the Greater Empire of Pangea, that recently initiated an military alliance with Parpaldia,"

The elf named Hamidall remained silent as he thought about the grave truth from his advisor. He also knows how these alloys work and would soon apply to their armoured forces and machines to counter other countries who acquired exported weapons from Mu.

Being an experienced military analyst and a senator for the Holy Mirishial Empire for almost a decade, observing different armies from other countries around the world. Hamidall analyses their strength, tactics, and how their weapons are performed. He also provides different countermeasures for his nation to counter such threats while boosting the effectiveness of their weapons, making the Holy Mirishial Empire a sole superpower.

This looming threat from these two "transferred nations" could breach their national security and perhaps could rival them soon.

"This is bad." Hamidall thought to himself worriedly as he once again observed the advancing army in the distance.

The Parpaldians now have the upper hand against the Demon Lord's army, with the help of their additional tanks and Biplanes, providing support for their troops.

Their numerical superiority dwindles the demons, killing the demons left and right in astounding rate.

Three hours passed, and the Parpaldian Imperial Army, with the help of their Biplanes from the carrier, they've managed to successfully capture the town.

But with the cost of a hundred souls.

The Parpaldian generals learned a little lesson from their arrogance as soldiers died in such a short amount of time, marking a history within the Empire of such incompetence.

Emperor Ludius soon acknowledged this incident and ordered every piece of evidence to be destroyed. He doesn't want to let the world know how weak and incompetent his generals and his military forces are.


East of Topa

The beachhead was flattened out by the bombardment of combined forces from the single Odea-Class Battleship who fired salvo after salvo of its 6 x 406mm cannons, which was soon followed by a barrage of 127mms from the Cruisers and Destroyers.

As the amphibious assault landing followed suit with KF-90M Breakthrough battle tanks, M4-Riley IFV (CV90), and other armoured personnel carriers.

One Battalion, in particular, was different from the rest of the units that landed. It was a column of MLRS-TOS1 (TOS-1), and MLRS-270 slowly emerged from the depths of the Ropucha-Class Amphibious Assault Ships.

Meanwhile, a pair of AH-52 Alligators flew overhead of the advancing Pangean forces. The pair of coaxial-propelled gunships began raining fire on the retreating demonic forces, unleashing their unguided rockets and 30mm side-mounted automatic cannons. Turning the orcs and goblins into minced meats.

Explosions once again shook the land as the Demons attempted to conceal themselves in the nearby forest, hiding in the trees. Unfortunately, they met their death as the advanced mounted pods on the Alligators located their position before unleashing a hail of hot lead of 30mms.

"The demons are now falling back at the village and towards a nearby city, splitting into two unorganised formations. Four kilometres away from the position of our Marines." One of the Pangean officers reported towards the commander of this operation aboard the CIC of the Odea-Class battleship.

With the demons running between their tails. General Devan, a Sapient Lion. His muscular frame leaned in towards the table as he looked at the live holographic projection of their current operation with satisfaction evident on his lips.

"Very well. Direct the MLRS-TOS 1 towards the village, and the MLRS-270 will be directed on the retreating enemy forces towards the East." General Devan ordered with his usual calm demeanour.

"Of course, sir." A commander promptly obliged as he walked towards the nearby communication operator before relaying Devan's order.

Devan's brown pupils gazed at the projection as he noticed the column of TOS 1s and 270s moved into position. As minutes passed, their launchers angled upwards, ready to unleash its destructive power.

"Target coordinates have been set, sir."


Devan waited in anticipation before his ears twitched at the sound of a pair of footsteps and a hoerse breath.

"Sir. Formation of a single B-160 White Swan, escorted by 2 pairs of F-16 Vought (F-16 Falcon's carrier variant). Just entered the battle space." One of the human officers reported while panting breathlessly.

The Sapient Lion raised his eye brow in suspicion, "I wasn't informed by this," Devan mumbled with irritation lingering in his voice due to the interruption of his ongoing operation.

Nonetheless, the officer continued, "They said that they're testing a classified weapon in the capital Topa Kingdom, Berngen."

General Devan took a sigh before looking at the officer, "I see." He mumbled as he pulled back from the table before putting his hands to his hips, "Let them proceed. I wanna see what type of weapon they're testing."

The officer curtly nodded before returning back to his duties.

With that, the Lion's eyes lingered at the table. He finally gave the order.

"Commence firing."

Devan's ears twitch at the sounds of the screeching rockets, propelling upwards while leaving a huge puff of smoke on its wake.

The Sapient lion slowly walked his way towards the window. He watched with pride in his eyes as he watched another volley of missiles flew off their platforms into a parabolic trajectory.

General Devan looked at the scene with no remorse of his order. In fact, he was satisfied to see the might of his country once again after their recent war back to their homeworld.

At a nearby village, 4 kilometres away from the invading Pangean forces

The chaotic scene unfolded in the abandoned village with most occupied were served as their meals on the demons' stomachs.

With the red Ogre at their ranks, who barked orders left and right.

Goblins and Orcs positioned their trebuchet and massed up their formation for the upcoming otherworldly adversaries.

Seconds turn into minutes as they waited patiently for their enemies to arrive. The red Ogre waited anxiously as sweat trickled down to his forehead, and then he heard something in the sky. Curiously, the Red Ogre looked upwards and began searching for odd screeching sounds, akin to a banshee.

Out of nowhere, he noticed several dots descending, squinting his eyes to get a better look for these mysterious dots, "What-" The Ogre's voice was soon replaced by explosions at the distance.

Gazing back to his massive formation. His eyes widen in disbelief and shock, seeing the formation engulfed in fiery explosions as the ground shakes.

"This cannot be!" The red Ogre exclaimed as he began looking for a cover amid the explosions and screams of agony.

His eyes landed on the abandoned house with a basement visible. Without wasting a second thought, he dashed his way throughout the panicked crowd of warriors. Some noticed his movements and followed suit, while the others scattered desperately for cover.

As he entered the basement with a grunt, then followed by the other warriors. Then, they settled themselves as the bombings continued.

Meanwhile, a kilometre away from the disoriented army of demons. A massive line-out formation of KF-90Ms, M4 Rileys, and other armoured carriers, waiting idly in the middle of the plains.

One of the commanders of a Breakthrough battle tank peaked out from the hatch with binoculars at hand, observing the distance as the bombardment intensifies on the defenceless village. He looked to his watch before pressing the pair buttons on his neck for his radio.

"Operation Thunderstorm is about to commence in 5 minutes." The Battalion commander informed his men about their impending operation.

Soldiers clad in state-of-the-art armours, checked their equipments, weapons, and counting their mags on their ballistic vests. Giving affirmative nods at one another and giving a clear confirmation to their superiors.

The bombing at the distance finally stopped. Smoke and debris greeted them at the distance. Lowering his binoculars, he looks to his watch once again before he presses the pair of button onto his neck, a throat microphone.

"All units advance!" He exclaimed.

Loud growls of the otherworldly machines began advancing towards the devastated village.

The commander returned back inside of his KF-90M as he began coordinating their assault with precision and calm demeanour.

His men obliged as they formed a spearhead formation as they were near their target area.

With a few meters away from the village. The BTR-90s, M4-Rileys, and Strykers halted behind the battle tanks. Ramps and side doors opened as the soldiers poured out of their respective carriers before forming a defensive perimeter around the armoured vehicles, steadily matching their pace along the vehicles.

A few occasional gunshots rang throughout the scorching village, killing the suffering demons they came across.

"Nothing could survive that." One of the Sapient soldiers uttered with his voice muffled by the voice changer from his enclosed helmet.

Trebuchets were beyond unrepairable wrecks as the tanks rolled past it and ran over some corpses. Main cannons and remote machine guns swerve around, scanning for any hostile.

The red Ogre raised his head from the fallen debris, watching the odd contraptions and soldiers move around the village while occasionally killing some of his surviving warriors, putting them out of their misery. Gritting his teeth from rage. He looked around and noticed some of his warriors hid behind the untouched houses with swords and spears, ready at hand.

Smirking, the red tall humanoid rose from the wrecked house effortlessly, followed by a roar.


The remaining demons revealed themselves as they charge towards the Pangean forces without fear.

In return, the futuristic soldiers opened fire at the charging foes. 50 cals from Strykers and 30 to 37mms from BTR-90s and M4 Rileys joined the fray.

No matter how powerful their adversaries are, no matter how advanced the Pangean forces are. The Orcs, Goblins, and the red ogre surged ahead, ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the return of their ancestors.

Screams of agony, death, and gunshots rang throughout the small battlefield. It was a one-sided slaughter.


A column of KF-90Ms fired their 125mm main cannons with powerful bangs, sending their M1147 AMP rounds (Advance Multi-Purpose), set in a mode called "Air Burst," designed for infantry targets. The projectiles soared across the battlefield in an alarming rate before exploding at the close proximity to a group of Orcs, then an explosion occurred, sending chunks of fragments of the projectturning the group of orcs into mince meat.

Seeing the situation they were currently in. The red Ogre continued his charge, gritting his teeth in pain as the hail of bullets from the small arms found its mark. He shielded his face with his axe, managing to deflect some bullets.

Six bulky orcs managed to close their gap by moving around on a house, closer to a lone BTR-90, who were busy peppering it's 2A46 30mm and 7.42 calibre coaxial machine gun on the group of goblins on the left flank. With little no cover from their troops.

Leaning themselves on the right side of the Pangean armoured carrier. Using their immense strength and muscles, they began pushing the four-wheeled vehicle to its side. The BTRs crew panicked at the sudden movement. The gunner halted his attacks on the goblins and shifted his focus to the right, desperately aiming his main gun on the six orcs.

Meanwhile, the driver tried to reverse their carrier, but the vehicle won't budge due to the sheer force of the orcs.

Unfortunately, one of the orcs noticed the sudden shift of the non-living beast's main weapon as it swerved slowly. Grabbing a bulk of a rock, the orc climbed atop of the BTR-90, raising the large rock above his head before forcefully slamming it down on the main gun of the vehicle. Seeing the main weapon didn't bent from his attack, he repeated the process as he slammed the rock once again. Successfully, the orc looked triumph at his work, seeing the metallic stick bent in an unrecognizable appearance. Unfortunately, his victory fell short as the hail of bullets met him, killing the orc instantly while his body fell from atop of the armoured carrier.

The five remaining orcs yelled simultaneously, in rage from their loss. Giving their remaining strength while ignoring the pain as the four wheels spin against their torso. Then, finally, they managed to flip the BTR-90 to its side with a loud thud. Completely immobilising the said non-living beast. Unfortunately, all five of them met the same fate as their fallen warrior.

As the slaughter rages on. Bodies of dying demons fell atop of each other as their charge failed miserably.

All that's left was the red ogre, who stumbled in front of the Pangean forces. His body littered with bullet holes before he coughed in crimson blood. Looking before him, he glanced at the corpses of what used to be his brave warriors under his command.

This can not be. He thought to himself in disbelief and utter horror. Seeing the situation is hopeless against such powerful foe. How could the gods and goddess summon such a nation, let alone a gigantic continent suddenly appear out of nowhere.

The red Ogre hoped that the demon lord, Nosgorath and his subjects, might be able to defeat this barbaric country known as Pangea.

"Hahaha." The ogre laughed sinisterly and weakly before coughing in blood, then gazing at the tank in front of him. "Your precious technologies won't save you from the wrath of my lord, Nosgorath. The Ravernal Empire... Will burn this world once more! We will make you our slaves!"

As the red Ogre ranted with nonsense.

The Battalion commander raised his hand as one of the M4 Riley's 40 mm Bofors L/70 autocannon aimed at the red Ogre's head. Extending the raised arm in front of his body, hip high, palm down, and moving it through a wide horizontal arc, followed by a loud shout.


With a loud bang from the 40 mm. The head of the ogre exploded like a watermelon. Blood spluttering everywhere, while some landed on the edge of the KF-90M's barrel.

The soldiers began clearing the area, moving door to doors, basements, and other secluded and unchecked areas.

Moments later, the soldiers clearing their surroundings began to call out.


Confirming that their objective is finally secure. The tank commander sighed in relief as he climbed out of his KF-90M Breakthrough battle tank.

"Alright! Set up a defensive perimeter! And I want a recovery vehicle to pull that BTR back to its feet!"

Somewhere above the skies near Berngen

As midday sets. 5 objects flew the skies, leaving contrails at their wake, almost untouchable from the looming threat of the flying Gargrave.

Flying in a V-formation, the B-160's belly suddenly opened, revealing its payload, a CM-279 Moskit in a checkerbard patterned. Since this cruise missile was particularly in the testing phase, the Pangeans would like to test their theory of using a non - yet nuclear like weapon on a target rich environment.

Final preparations were checked by the crew of the White Swan, double checking if their calculations were correct and the systems of the Trinity were fully functioning.

Confirming that all systems and the guidance are working properly in order. The CM-279 Moskit detaches itself from the belly of the B-160 White Swan before activating its rocket booster. The small wings unfolded itself, then began flying off at high-speed.

The 5 aircrafts quickly banked right for safety measures if the Trinity was very powerful.

Moments later...

A powerful explosion occurred, yet forming a small cloud of a resemblance of mushroom, it was not as destructive as the modern nuclear weapons, but years of work, tests, tears and blood were finally put into fruition.

A new type of weapon was born.

To be continued...



CM = Cruise Missile

Second Intercontinental War = World War 2

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