Chapter 18 - The Two Armies

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Topa, Berngen

Nosgorath's Throne Room

The demonic lord, Nosgorath. Sat at his throne while tapping his clawed finger at the armrest, impatiently. Waiting for multiple reports of the sudden two foreign nations invading the continent from East and West of Topa.

Nosgorath then scoffed as he remembered the Annorials' promise to send its forces to assist his army within the next day.

Until. A powerful sound suddenly pierced through his eardrums. It was almost deafening from the sound of it before, followed by a powerful quake as the castle walls and paintings began to shake violently.

Unfortunately, the ceiling above collapsed. Burying the demonic lord, Nosgorath. Alive.

Meanwhile, outside. A large plump of smoke rises from the air until it comes to what seems to be a giant cloud of mushroom. Within its half-kilometer, while the buildings, houses, and the castle were thrown like a child's toy due to the powerful shockwave. The dead bodies of the Goblins, Orcs, and Centurions. They were beyond unrecognizable as their mingled parts were scattered around the streets, while the unfortunate ones were buried alive inside of the collapse houses or buildings.

Cries of the ones in pain and agony intensify as they scream for help.

The young generation of orcs and Centurions cried for their dead mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters.

Demon lord, Nosgorath. Jumped off into the air. Then he looked around his surroundings in utter shock as he saw the destruction before him. He began to think that these may be the power of the gods of this world, yet he was sceptical. Another thought lingered at the back of his mind that there might be unknown forces or a country that delivered this sheer of destruction.

Nosgorath knows only two countries that could deliver this kind of blow were no other than the Holy Mirishial Empire and the Annorial Empire. With their weapons called the "Magic Core," the most powerful ever in existence that could erase an entire civilization in the blink of an eye.

Yet the cause of this devastation remained unanswered.

Somewhere at the Outskirts of Berngen

A group of 6 men in their horses watched their capital city engulfed in chaos and destruction, with a look of utter horror and awe.

"Is this... the gods answer to our prayers?" Kahnshiva asked Moah in bewilderment and disbelief at what he just witnessed.

"Perhaps not." Noah simply stated, with a hint of shock in his voice, "That white flying object must be came from that flying contraption might be the answer."

"That white flying aircraft with a pentagram insignia on the wings? That's impossible."

"Or so I thought. Have you ever heard the stories Emissaries of the Sun god?" Moah then asked Kahnshiva.

"Yes. Ever since I was little. The elders of my village always talk about it, a story that should be passed to the next generation after generation and a story to be reminisced." Kahnshiva concluded before he looked at Moah while guiding his horse closer towards the former Knight.

"Indeed it is." Moah mumbled with a sigh, "Perhaps the Pangeans may also possess this same kind of power."

"That's simply non-existent." Kahnshiva disagreed, "How could such nation yet to be known had it? Let alone prove it to the entire New World?"

Moah hummed in thought, "Perhaps we are all along wrong to our judgments. From what I heard before the fall of Berngen, the continent of Pangea is said to be transferred to this world. Indeed, they've yet to prove themselves worth the attention of the superpowers. They claim to be a second continental superpower back on their origin world. From what the Qua-Toynian ambassador said to our... beloved King. Their world is compromised of 15 continents. Pangea is said to be the only 5th largest continent."

The white wolf beastman, Kahnshiva. Thought in suspicion about these claims, yet half of it could be true since Pangea is still yet to be recognised on this world.

"In that case. Should we make contact with them first? Or the Parpaldians in the West?" Kahnshiva suggested, "From what the scouting party have claimed. The Pangeans are making a huge progression of taking out large portion of the demonic army every minute without even losing a single soul, and currently advancing at incredible speed. Hence, they can not compare to the Parpaldian Imperial Army, whom making a slow progress." He added.

Moah looked at the beastman with puzzled expression before thinking about the possibility of encounter with the Pangean forces. If they're successful with making contact with more competent forces, this war against the demons would favour the Topans an advantage, turning the tide. However, if they made contact with Parpaldians, the Topa's future would become palpable. With Parpaldians' enslavement practices and taking foreign territories by force, if they didn't meet their demands.

Moah shook his head, trying to get rid of these thoughts against Parpaldia's aggressive policies. He finally made his decision.

"We have to make contact with these Pangeans as soon as possible."

Somewhere at Topan plains

Parpaldian Imperial Army

"They... what?" One of the high-ranking officers for this operation, General Eardisley. Looked towards the cowering messenger with dark gaze.

"T-The information came from the Wyvern reconnaissance... the Pangeans were advancing rapidly." The messenger said as sweat trickled down his forehead.

Taking a deep sigh, Eardisley's vice commander, Ronam, spoke, "The information provided with us, General. Is one hundred per- cent credible."

"Then why are we losing ground? The Pangeans are already ahead of us! They can wipe out the demons at this very moment while we take this by a week!" General Eardisley exclaimed.

"It is because of their 'Artillery units', General." Ronam reasoned, "With this tactic, they can blitz through any defence setup by the demons. Hence, they can just pound the entire areas without facing the demonic army."

Eardisley's heart sink hearing such tactic. Suddenly, he remembered that the time he once visited the country of Mu. During one of their military exercises, Eardisley witnessed the implications of Muans' new tactic with their new weapons that could reach beyond the Parpaldian domestic cannons, ranging from a staggering range of several kilometres. The Muans successfully mastered the tactic in due time against their small skirmishes with their border clashes with its neighbours in these past few years.

Taking a deep sigh, Eardisley's ego began to subside at the realization of their current situation that would displease the Imperial Family.

"As much I didn't want to admit it." Eardisley uttered as he turned to the other officers around the interior of the tent, "We might get humiliated by the other countries if we fail."

Murmurs of disagreement resonated throughout the room.


Everybody hushed themselves before turning towards Ronam, with curiosity lingering into their features as they noticed the determination in Ronam's eyes.

"We still have our advantages here, gentlemen. We have the manpower, logistics, and firepower. Soon, exhaustion will come up to the Pangeans." Ronam took a deep breath as he selected a few words to encourage his comrades, "They have a very limited mobility in these mountainous terrains here in Topa. We were trained for these... let us make his majesty proud of our work!"

The officers, the messenger, and the general himself. Cheered at the words of encouragement from Ronam.

"Now." Eardisley began as he looked towards the messenger, his voice firm with authority, "Alert the men! We will catch up with the Pangeans tomorrow!"

With that. The Parpaldians' spirit and war machines advance once more.


"That's something." Hamidall uttered as he watched the exchange of words inside the Parpaldian tent.

"The Pangeans are very surprising and intriguing at the same time." Oalian, Hamidall's colleague. Uttered with interest.

"We should analyse Pangea closely. They are a threat to our national security and interests of our Holy Empire."

"Then it's settled. Emperor Mirishial will grant our request as soon as this report is approved by the senators."

As their conversation died down. They retreated into their own tent for the night, while their elven security armed with battle lances stood guard outside.

The night soon enveloped the two fronts. With the Parpaldians and Mirishials slept soundly, resting for tomorrow's continuation of the extermination of the demons. Little they didn't know, the Pangeans still continued to gain grounds.

On the Eastern from of Topa. Assault rifles, machine guns, and IFVs cannons rang, sending its deadly projectiles towards the unprotected orcs and goblins. Battle tanks and attack helicopters constantly bombarded the defences of the demons. Mercilessly killing any demons standing on their way. The skies engulfed in fiery of lights from the weapons of war.

The Pangeans continue to march deeper and deeper into the demonic territory, nonstop.

"Get me an AT-4 on that armoured Centurion!"

"Requesting close Air support!"

Various commutation resounded throughout the entire channels of different units.

At the further back of the raging battlefield, several mobile vehicle command posts have been established throughout a plain area. Radio operators, commanders of respective units, and other military officials worked relentlessly and tirelessly. Providing orders, accurate close air, and artillery supports.

General Devan, the Sapient Lion. Sipped his 4th coffee while rubbing his eyes, fatigue settling in as he calmly directed orders with cold and calculated precision with his colleagues left and right around the digital table, displaying real-time intelligence.

Until his ears twitched at the new information they had received from the Carrier Strike Group.

"Sir! A squadron of F-28 Tomcats armed with retarded bombs are now entering the battle space. They're waiting for further orders." The intelligence officer informed him.

Devan smirked slightly as he gently put down his mug at the table, "Excellent." He mumbled as he walked towards the radio operators from the other section of the mobile headquarters.

"Notified the pilots. We will use IR strobes to mark the targets." Devan orders which the operator promptly nodded in acknowledgement.

General Devan returned back towards the digital table before leaning, observing the current situation of the battlefield. He continues to send more orders towards the soldiers on the ground while also coordinating with the inbound aircrafts.

Back on the battlefield. Pangeans troops clad in their battle armours, effortlessly fending off the advancing demons. While the battle tanks and IFVs provided support.

They advanced, slowly, inch by inch.

The orc commander seemed in the state of panic as their supposed counter-attack against the invading forces were fruitless. He decided to issue a retreat order.

With a loud blow from a horn. One by one, the demonic forces began to retreat.

Seeing this, the Pangeans ceased their attacks. Not long after, several piercing screeching sounds entered their eardrums. The Pangean Imperial Army cheered upon seeing the formation of F-28 Tomcat IIs flew above them.

"Fire the IR strobes!" One of the commanding officers shouted, his voice were pure static due to the battle mask's voice changer.

The soldiers that were wielding ACRs (Adaptive Combat Rifles) and HK416s, armed with 40mm grenade launchers loaded with IR strobes. Aimed towards the sky before firing.

The strobes flew towards the ground near the unaware retreating demons. Upon impact, the strobes began to emit lights that were only visible to night visions and infrared systems.

The 8 formation of F-28 Tomcats slowly descended at low altitude, aligning their respective aircrafts at designated targets. With their distance slowly closing in.

Orcs, Goblins, and other demonic species began to spread out to minimise their casualties as they learned the grim fate of their outdated formations. Unfortunately, the Mk.82/MK-15 SNAKEYE retarded bombs found its way towards them.

Explosions soon rocked the earth as more bombs soon followed suit. Turning the land into an unrecognizable state with large gapping holes.

Horrified screams engulfed the land as they saw the coming bombardment heading into their direction. But soon, they were silenced by the 2000-pound bombs.

A few hours have passed, and the Pangean forces followed up cleanup operations around the area and the surrounding abandoned communities, clearing for any signs of demonic activities. Some managed to capture a couple of Orcs and goblins, who were willingly surrender unconditionally.

But, the Pangeans have something on their minds.

"Face against the wall!" One of the Pangean soldiers ordered a group of Orcs. His voice was static and unrecognizable.

Pressing their foreheads against the wall as instructed by their captors. They didn't even react at how they were being treated and silently accepted their fate.

A JLTV pulled up beside the group of futuristic soldiers before an officer in a trench coat with a black uniform underneath and a flat-topped hat disembarked. His mane gently brushed against his cheeks as the wind blew in his direction.

Huffing, General Devan gazed upon the prisoners at the wall.

"Sir!" One of the human commanding officers in his camouflage MARK-41 battle armour saluted upon the general's arrival.

Reciprocating the gesture, Devan saluted, "At ease." He promptly ordered the soldier, which complied with hesitation. Lowering his gloved hand, Devan continues, "How's our prisoners, Commander?" He asks.

"I must admit. They are behaving well and very cooperative, General Devan."

"Good." Devan approaches the orc prisoners, observing them closely. His Lion head snaps back at the officer, "Line them up on the road."

"Yes, sir!"

One by one, the orcs were dragged to the road without any resistance. This is soon followed by the goblins and centurions. All of them were on their knees.

Geneva Devan walked in front of them, his voice being firm, deep with authority, "Raise your heads!" He ordered the prisoners, slightly exposing his sharp razor teeths as he yelled.

The demons reluctantly raise their heads. Facing the tall lion.

Devan's trench coat sways gently upon the gush of wind as a pair of AH-52 Alligators flew passed above them.

General Devan clasped his hands behind his back as he began, "His Greatness and the People of the Greater Empire are aware of the atrocities you all have committed against the innocent people." Devan said firmly as he glared towards the demons. Gritting his teeth as he continues, "This such practice is not tolerated in his greatness, and the Pangeans' eyes."

As Devan words' sink into the demons' minds, confusion engulfed them as they exchanged confused gazes upon each other as if asking questions.

"With that said." Devan mumbled as he slowly put his palm around the grip of his pistol, a P320. He walked behind the confused demons, standing side by side with his soldiers.

One of the orcs laughed, a general, "What nonsense you are speaking about? You disgusting beastman." He said lowly with a growl, giving the Pangeans a side glance, "Lord Nosgorath will smitten your army out of existence once he faces you!" The orc General threatened.

Devan's ears twitched at the threats, which he ignored. "By the authority of his greatness, our great emperor...." He began while unholstering and raised his pistol, aiming at the back of the head of the orc General, who are unaware  of the Lion's actions.

"Death is your punishment." He uttered before pulling the trigger followed by a loud bang.

Green blood spluttered at the ground, followed by a loud thud of a limping body of the lifeless orc general.

Shocked by the events, the demons couldn't help but watch the lifeless body of their commander. With slow reaction as they tried to face the death behind them, several consecutive shots rippled the air.

Blood spluttering at the ground, followed by several bodies hitting the ground with bloodshot eyes.

The Pangean soldiers lowered their assault rifles, smokes pouring out at the end of their barrels. Lowering their weapons at ease, but on guard.

General Devan turned his head towards the commanding officer with a glare.

"Kill all wounded or surrendering demons. His Greatness ordered us to cleanse these lands from the demons."

To be continued...

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