Chapter 03 : How Dare He Punished Me!

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"Swara... We have almost settled ourselves here, right?"

Anushka said to Swara who was preparing her bed for the night. This was how the hostel life was...

It was a very lavish and mediocre room with two beds on either sides of the room, one dressing table in the other side, a washroom and a couch with a coffee table on other corner of the room. Many facilities like the first aid kit, a telephone, a wardrobe and a cabinet were available in the room. So basically, this place was already a half-home to them.

It was almost night and since tomorrow was their first day in the hospital, they prepared themselves to sleep as early as possible. They couldn't afford to miss even a single lecture taken by their senior doctors. Especially Swara. She was extra particular regarding her duties as a doctor and she would fulfill all of those no matter what. It was for her career! It was for her family! For her, her family had always been before anything else. So, it was her first priority to sleep as soon as possible and respect all her seniors.

Ugh... And one of them was Dr. Sanskar Maheshwari.

Swara had no idea what exactly this Dr. Sanskar was. At one moment, he was talking so nicely with her but then later, what on earth came up over him that he seemed like he was almost flirting with her. Keyword being 'almost'.

Ever since she'd met him, he'd been there in the farthest corner of her mind... almost not existing but still there. And regarding his every-time smile, she was all speechless.

Chuck it! Why was she even thinking about him? How was it possible that she was thinking about a guy at night?

It might be possible because she'd crossed paths with the same person almost three times in one day. So, being thoughtful about it was natural.


"Leave it Swara. You're just being so thoughtful about someone who might have forgotten all this by now. For heavens sake, you're his junior and and he is just a colleague of you now." Swara mumbled to herself somehow trying to get his thoughts away from her mind.

Anushka had freshened herself in the washroom and she was combing her hairs in front of their dressing table.


And that brought Swara out of her world.


"Woh... what time is it right now?"

Swara looked at the wall clock above, "Eleven-ten."

"Okay. That means I took ten minutes to get freshen up!" Anushka chirped while walking towards her bed.

"What?!" Swara chuckled. 'You are counting time?"

"Yes! So that I can see how much time it will take for me to get up in the morning and according to that, I'll fix my own sleep-wake cycle."

"Melatonin... huh?" Swara chuckled folding her arms. "I love it when we use biological terminologies to talk."

"That is what true doctors like us do!"

"Okay then! I'll set the alarm for 7.00 am for both of us." Swara said picking up her phone to set their alarm.


The girls smiled and prepared themselves to sleep. They switched off the lights brightening their room and kept the button of their table lamp on. They lied down on their beds, pulling their blankets on themselves.

"By the way," she turned over on her abdomen and looked at Swara. "You know what, I am still thrilled with the fact that we are now a part of a hospital as renowned as Kolkata College And Hospitall!"

Swara chuckled and got up, folding her legs and exchanged looks with her friend.

"You're right. I would have never dreamt about working in such a renowned place! The place which is my first step towards my future."

"Swara... tell me one thing very clearly." Anushka's tone grew concerned and she blinked her eyes once. "Are you still thinking about that?"

Swara knew very well that except for her Maa and Dida, only Anushka was able to notice her gloominess behind her smiles. She let out a sigh... she must not think about it at all! Not at least while starting a new phase of her life. She knew the sooner she would let go off her past, the better it would be for her and for her life track.

But sometimes... you just cannot forget something so easily.

Swara forced a tight smile and leaned behind. "I'm fine, Anushka."

"Please tell me Swara. I know that's upsetting you."

"Nothing... I just miss Maa and Dida." Swara sighed. "I know I have lived without them in the hostel before, but still. You know right... usually this is the time, when negative thoughts start coming in my mind. Things that I know I should not remember but still, somewhere, I do."

Anushka looked at her worriedly as Swara continued with a heavy heart, "I always try my best not to let those thoughts come in my mind. And I even become successful at it, but sometimes, I fail too. I so wish I can take everything back. I so wish I hadn't made that mistake. I could have still lived a better life. A life where my family's self-respect is not challenged. And you know... all this happens with me in night only. It's because in the day time, I gradually engage myself into my studies and everything. But the truth is... I feel very worried about Maa and Dida."

"Swara," she did not realise when Anushka got up from her bed and had come to her, keeping her palm on her shoulder.

"You have to get over all this. You have to keep strength for the people you love. Don't fall weak. You know what? Aunty and Dida are so happy to see you as a doctor today. You are that ideal daughter of your mother who can do anything for her family. You're the purest soul I have ever met Swara! I can see... that you're doing so much for your loved ones! You deserve the best of best things in this world Swara and trust me, it will happen soon! All you have to do is just let go. As if it did not ever exist. At least for you it never existed."

Swara took a deep breath. She was right, it was not the time to peep back into her past as she knew that would be an obstacle in her future. Those dark shadows in the form of obstacles! And that would only break those hardly joined pieces which were mercilessly shattered once.

"And Swara, you know you can share anything you want with me! Your best friend is always there with you."

"Thank you so much, Anushka. I don't know what I would have done without you. I always try to stay strong but sometimes when I can't, you are always there. You have always been there." Swara tried to smile. Her vision blurred with tears of emotions. Anushka engulfed her into a sisterly hug, which she wholeheartedly returned.

"Whatever had happened at that time, it was not your fault at all Swara. It's just that... what can I say! Some people just like destroying lives and use good people for their own selfishness. They just... they just don't seem to have any moral values and that's why they ruin others."

"Anushka, I don't want to think about it anymore. I don't even want to think about that man who ruined not only me but my family as well. He is not worth it. And he's totally out of my life now." Swara said in her bravest tone after breaking their hug.

"Now that's like my Bengali Sherni!" she cheered.

Swara smiled shaking her head, "Anyways, It's too late. Let's sleep fast or else we won't be able to get up on time tomorrow and we will get late."

"Oh, you're right!" Anushka went to her bed and made her blanket proper. Swara also lied down on her bed. She set the time on the alarm clock kept besides her and Anushka suppressed a yawn.

"Good night Swara. Aaj toh bohot thak gaye hai!"

"Good night to you too!" She wished back smiling.

"Sweet dreams."

"And wish you Rajat dreams!" Swara chirped to her and Anushka gasped at her. Swara suppressed a laughter. It was so fun to see her best friend's red face.


"Okay, okay, stop shouting. Wish you sweet dreams!" she smiled and turned towards the other side. Within a few minutes, both of them fell into a deep slumber, preparing themselves for the new phase of their life...


Finally, a new day with new challenges and goals!

Swara made her way towards her dressing table. She had wore a blue kurti and leggings and her hairs stuffed into a half ponytail. Since it was her very first day of her duty, she wanted to look professionally good today! And her external appearance was her first priority... for the first time.

She applied her eyeliner and softly patted a little amount of powder on her face. Then, she made her way towards a corner where an idol of pious Durga Maa was kept. She stood in front of the idol and joined her hands, having her beautiful smile on her face.

"Hey Durga Maa, today is my first day at the hospital. Aashirwaad dijiye. Give me strength to fulfill all my duties and responsibilities. I love you."

She kissed her joined hands and giving one final look to the pious idol, she went towards a table and grabbed something in her hand.

Her silver chain.

She smiled looking at the shining silver chain which her Maa and Dida had given her as a token of blessing on her last birthday. Encircling the chain gracefully around her neck, she tried joining the two hooks. With some hardwork, the beautiful chain graced her neck.

After a few minutes, Anushka came out from the washroom trying her best to look good. She went towards her dressing table. "Swara! I am ready."

Swara turned towards her. "Great. We can leave then."

"To be frank, I am really nervous. It's our first day of duty."

Swara smiled nodding her head, reciprocating her friend's anxiety.

"Even I am. But have faith on Durga Maa. She is with us." She looked at her deity.

"You are right."

She bowed her head down once towards the pious deity and both the girls, having their own reservations and aims, set out of their room for the day.


The girls entered the big hospital and took a proper glance around. So here was their entire day! Seems great!

A few moments later, Anushka went away from there to catch up with Rajat, while Swara passed the corridors to find the interns teaching room.

Swara Bose believed that work should be first priority. So here she was, all set to fulfill her duties as a doctor. Seeing the huge hospital, she wondered if it was a hospital or a mall! It looked nothing less than a mall, that day also she had not seen the hospital fully. But now, as she looked at each and every room, corner and space, it really was an amazing hospital in terms of furnishings and areas. So far, the staff also had been good here. So she knew, everything would go well. Finally, her life had taken a turn for good.

But this thought in her mind didn't last for more than a minute as the next second, she instantly bumped into someone. She winced, "Ouch!"


Came the voice of the person and Swara was all set to face palm herself.

She gulped and her eyes met up only to find the same pair of orbs she had seen yesterday.

Damn, it was him! The one who she wanted to see the least! Those mesmerising brown eyes, his permanent gorgeous smile on his face...

"What's wrong?!" The words slipped from her tongue.

"What's wrong?" he reverted back, "It was you who bumped."

Sanskar Maheshwari!

He looked quite amused. Sensing Swara's deep breaths, he realised what she was up to.

"Are you in a hurry, Dr Swara?" he asked.

"Of course I will be! I have a class to attend. I don't have time to talk."

"I was not even asking to talk." came his practical reply and Swara shot him a look.

"Come on, don't give me such glares!" Sanskar rolled his eyes. "I am your senior and you should respect your seniors. And on top of that, I did not even do anything that irritated you." He smiled at the end and Swara was at a loss for words. In a way... he was right. He did not even flirt with her today, like yesterday.

Maybe it was her insecurity that vented up unnecessarily at him. Swara took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves.

"I'm sorry." Unintentionally that came out as a whisper.

Sanskar's eyes widened, "What? What did you say?"

Swara closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "I'm sorry. I... honestly, I have nothing against you, and I won't even have anything against you further. In fact, all that I have for you is my gratitude. I'll always be thankful to you for whatever you have done for me and for my friend. You're my senior. It's just that... I want to do what I am expected to do. I want to focus on my own goals. So... let us do our work professionally and be professional, can we?"

After completing, she just paused looking at some other direction, expecting him to walk past her. But Sanskar's eyes still traced her expressions and his eyebrows scrunched down slightly. What was it that this girl was so bothered about?

Alright, Sanskar believed that an aspiring doctor must have this kind of attitude and Swara was no exception. But maybe, something about her made him feel that for her it's not only about her future but something else too. One thing he could notice was, her eyes were very expressive and spoke a lot which even she did not want to speak.

He took a deep breath and nodded his head, giving her her own space.

"Sure. By the way, are you in a hurry?" He asked with an expectation of reply from her. "Is there any way I can, you know, help you?"

Swara looked at him once before making sure that she was hearing correct.

"Come on! You only said that we must be professional with our work, right?" he repeated the same words she had told him at that time. "So am I not supposed to help my colleague?"

"No, thank you. I don't need any help. I will manage."

"If that is okay with you." he shrugged and thought of something. "Oh, by the way, you know what? Your first lecture is cardiology! Taken by me!"

Swara's eyes widened and she snapped her head towards him to which he just responded with a longer smirk. Maybe she shouldn't react so much. This was bound to happen. He was her senior, after all.

But... she just couldn't help it.

"What?! Don't look at me like that!" He chuckled and then adjusted his stethescope around his neck. "Room No. 207. Interns' teaching room. That's your place."

She was shocked by his response, "One minute, How do you know about it?"

"You know, I am a mind-reader also. I can read minds when some extremely less talkative people don't open their mouth much." He put special emphasis on the words that he used to describe her. "Then I use this technique to know what goes on inside these people's heads!" He joked only to piss her off.

"Ugh! I don't know about mind-reader, but you surely are unbelievable." She told him.

Sanskar laughed and gave a pat on Swara's shoulder before walking past her, away from there. She stared at his departing figure and rolled her eyes. What's it with that smile always plastered on his face? Did he think he would be able to hypnotize a girl by that?

One thing that crept in her mind was... was he as responsible and good as everybody in this hospital claim him to be? As an individual, he seemed like a different person. A playful and annoying person, to her at least he was. And as a doctor... God knew?

And as a senior...



Thankfully Swara made it to the interns teaching room and as soon as she entered the classroom, she saw an ample amount of fresh interns like her sitting on the benches. Either they were reading their books, some chatting and giggling or some were just gradually noticing the newcomer enter.

Swara sighed and clutching her cardiology books, she walked towards a vacant bench at the middle row of benches and made herself seated there. She kept her books on her table and her handbag besides her.

"This Sanskar is kind of annoying. I wonder how will he be as a professor." She mumbled to herself.

She waited for her friend to show up. One thing she wondered was... every thing about Rajat fascinated her best friend so much. And was that the reason she was taking so much time?

She took a deep breath and adjusted her new doctor's coat on which she had the badge pinned 'Dr Swara Bose'. She clutched her badge and smiled, reliving some of her memories of the medical university she had graduated from. How could she forget those memories!

The day she had her graduation ceremony. The day she was certified in honor of becoming a doctor! Swara closed her eyes smiling as those memories became crystal clear in front of her eyes. The day she bumped into her home in excitement, clutching her certificate and a trophy of merit she had won for excelling in everything in her university and exclaimed the good news to her Maa and Dida, the most beloved people of her world.

"You have to concentrate only on your career Swara. The career which you have built with your hardwork," She took Durga Maa's name softly before finally opening the lids of her black eyes and pulling a professional smile on her face.

After some times, Anushka entered the room and made her way next to Swara. "Hey!"

"Seriously? Where were you Anushka? I was waiting for you only." She shifted a little to make place for her best friend to sit.

"Oh. Sorry," she regretted while searching for her required books for this lecture. "Actually, I wanted to buy all the books. I know I am too late. But thank goodness that the lecture hasn't begun yet!"

"You bought books at the last minute?" She chuckled a little.

Anushka pouted, "Now, you don't start teasing me. I have already had enough teasing sessions from Rajat."

"Undoubtedly, you both make a great pair!" She smiled chuckling.

"Shut up." she muttered before turning her head towards the front and all she could see was an artificial model of human heart and all the vessels originating from it and coming back to it. "Swara, do we have cardiology first?"

Swara sighed "Yes. And it is going to be taken by... by Sanskar Maheshwari."

"Oh! Sanskar Maheshwari. Then what was there to hesitate?" She chuckled.

"Nothing. I just... I just find it kind of irritating." She admitted but in real, she was just trying to shake the image of those beautiful orbs and smile off her mind.

"Oh, don't say like that to him. I think he's kind of cute." She shrugged smiling.

"And I just wonder how come you can develop crush on boys so easily."

"No crush meri Maa!" She exclaimed softly. "I just said what I feel about him."

"Whatever. It doesn't matter to me."

"But you know what Swara, I just felt as if he was just testing you."

"Testing me for what?!"

"Maybe, he is just... you know, was getting to know you more."

"Getting to know me more?" She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Leave it. Sometimes I think if people are even real in this world or not."

Before Anushka could say anything else, they heard a thumping kind of sound.

The entire class has got up and greeted the young man standing in front of them..

None other than their Cardiologist Dr Sanskar Maheshwari.

Anushka and Swara too stood up quickly, to match the amount of respect of the class which they had for their senior. At least Swara did.

"Hello everyone." Sanskar greeted everyone in the class.

Everybody sat down and on getting convinced, Swara and Anushka also sat down on their bench. Sanskar made his way to the centre of the room to make sure he could have a good look around the room.

"Well, I recognise quite some of the faces here as you're already interns in this hospital and some are fresh interns over here. I might take time to recognise all of your names so, I am sorry from the bottom of my heart if I mess up. But, I sure do remember some of the names very nicely."

And Swara scrunched down her eyes. For a moment, why did she feel as if Sanskar just gave a side glance at her? Oh yes, maybe he did. She rolled her eyes and turned her head slightly to some other direction, trying not to give a damn to him. Sanskar smirked looking at Swara from the corner of his eye but he turned his gaze towards the entire room. Swara eyed at him from the corner of her eyes as he began his debate again.

"So, I am your Dr Sanskar Maheshwari and I am going to take your classes on cardiology. So first things first, I'm pretty young given my age. So I don't want any of you to call me Sir. You can call me Dr Sanskar or even Sanskar, I'm fine with either. But the only thing I expect from you all is respect and dedication towards your profession. Nothing else matters more than these two things. So... many of you have dreamt of becoming either a Neurologist, an Orthopedist, or a Cardiologist. So, you'll be getting these classes and weekly tests so that, it becomes easier for you to choose on which field would you like to do specialisation for two years! So, if you would like to become a Cardiologist like me, then you can assist me for various heart related surgeries. Just let me know and I'll inform you if I have any such surgery on my plate. As you know... a lot of heart diseases have been doing rounds for years. Now a days Myocardial infarction has become so common not only in old people but in young age too. So, to save the innocent lives of the people it's a must to know each and every detail about the human heart. So, here we go with today's topic..."

Just then he turned towards the artificial model of the heart and began his teaching. Swara tried her best to keep her head still ahead, not at her senior Dr Sanskar, but on the model. Whatever the reason was, this depended on her career! So she couldn't compromise.

She listened to his lectures but tried her best not to let her eyes meet his. Sanskar was completely engrossed in his teaching just as a successful doctor did.


"My dear aspiring doctors, as we all know that a human circulatory system consists of a heart and various blood vessels. Well... why am I telling you all these 9th-10th grade facts? Because this is the thing you need to remember throughout your journey of learning about the science of your heart. So, this is..."

(Sorry guys.. I am a hardcore science lover.. especially biology and I can't help it😂 So sprinkling some of the things I learnt in my tenth grade here!😝)

Sanskar continued his lecturing work and everybody paid attention to the new facts their senior was telling them. Anushka tried hard to concentrate as somewhere she found it a bit boring. Maybe because.. neurology wasn't something she was interested in. She would rather opt for something else in her future.

On other hand, Swara was fiddling with her fingers as she herself did not why but she felt as if even while teaching, Sanskar's eyes were on her. If not continuously, then atleast after every minute. Swara made sulking faces as he still had the smile while teaching. What was this guy actually?

"If Swara Bose... you could just get a chance of strangling someone for free, you should definitely opt for strangling this flirt!"

"Dr Swara Bose!"

Before Swara could even realise the husky and loud voice stroke her mind hard and she came back to her senses. Her eyes were shot open on seeing Sanskar staring at her. Please dear god, he did not hear anything!

Swara's eyes shot up and Sanskar narrowed his eyes at her. His eyes did not move an inch and were fixed at hers, as if trying to analyze her. Swara found her lips turning white and her heart beating against her chest.

"Dr... Swara... Bose!" This time his voice was huskier. Swara flinched slightly and tried hard not to react too much but she couldn't help it. The feeling of fear from a senior was as evident as a crystal on her facial features.

"Y... yes?" Swara gulped. She bit her lower lip to prevent her lips from getting white.

"May I know what are you doing?"

"P-Paying attention to the lecture, I guess." she answered.

Sanskar folded her arms, raised his eyebrow, "Really? But as far as I am observing you, you seem to be more interested into playing with your fingers rather than paying attention."

Swara gulped once more. He was her senior. He had every right to catch her like that.

No, she was paying attention to his lecture, undoubtedly. But just avoiding her eye contact with him. But maybe... that also did not go well with him.

Did not having eye contact to your teacher mean that you're not paying attention to the lecture? This made no sense!

But right now, Swara could feel the ground beneath her shaking.

How much she wished the ground beneath her to open up and swallow her whole!

"Dr Swara Bose, you can go out."

Wait, what?!

Swara's eyes widened and snapped at Sanskar who looked on with a sharp expression. At least he tried to pull.

The entire class came into a standstill. Nobody could believe in their eyes and ears. The all-time cheerful, smiling Sanskar was punishing an intern! And here boys were thinking that such a beautiful intern was being punished. Uhm, not fair.

Swara's face turned pale and white. She was not at all expecting this coming! She looked on, hoping that Sanskar changed his decision.

But he was not going back.

"Swara, I said... go out of the class."

"But... I was paying attention! You can't ask me to get out like that."

"Of course I can. It's my class after all. So are you going out or not or shall I throw you out myself."

"Dr Sanskar never punished an intern before."

"You're right, bro. She is the first one to get punished."

Soon enough there were gasps of shock and slow murmurs that created a silent talk among the classroom. Swara found it too hard to breath and she could hardly move from her place. Her feet seemed to be sticking to the ground.

Anushka was all frozen on her place. She was definitely not expecting this to happen with her only best friend. Swara tried her best to pull on an expression that might convince Sanskar to change his decision but... no matter what expressions she pulled, Sanskar seemed firm enough, "Are you-"

"No! No!" she shouted before getting up immediately and going outside, "I'm going."

Anushka's eyes widened and everybody's eyes travelled towards Swara as she got out of her desk. She walked as slowly as a tortoise but nothing seemed to work to change Sanskar's decision, instead he was folding his arms and looking at her departing figure. Everybody in the class were silent.

Swara was finally out of that room and she leaned hesitantly towards the wall. What did just happen? Oh God! She couldn't realise anything.

"How dare he punished me!!!!!" Swara's nose was all set to send out smoke and her face turned red enough. Anger boiled into her. "How dare you... Mr Sanskar Maheshwari. I should have known you better."

She promised to make him pay back for doing this injustice to her.

Now Sanskar Maheshwari was in trouble!


After an hour of the lecture, Sanskar gave a smiled to everybody as he made his way towards the exit of the room. As soon as he passed the doorstep, his head turned towards Swara, who was folding her arms across her chest and standing leaning against the wall.

God, why was she so cute?

"Ahm ahm," He cleared his throat so that she acknowledged him. And she did. Her eyes fell on him.

"Dr Swara-"

"HOW DARE YOU TO PUNISH ME!!!!!" Swara shouted to him angrily at her highest pitch and Sanskar stood surprised. She was so loud that the voice might have reached the interns inside the classroom.

"Dr Swara-"

"Shut up!" she raised a finger towards him, "Just shut up! Not a word
How dare you do that with me! You don't know I'm capable of, so don't even dare to mess with me."

"Swara, relax... I have not done a crime or something that you're shouting on me like that."

And that irked Swara to it's peek.

Only Sanskar knew how he had managed to ask her to get out of his class. Maybe because he wanted her to think about him, either good or bad. Pulling out the weirdest tricks was convenient to him as that would at least make him get more of this girl! Okay, he admitted he went a bit overboard, but if he hadn't done what he just did then how would he have experienced this tigress-like side of Dr Swara Bose?

"I saw you Dr Swara, " he tried hiding his smile and folded his arms, "You were trying to avoid eye contact with me. You know, it kind of hurt me."

"I don't care what you feel." she glared at him.

"But why were you refusing to look into my eyes even though you were listening to the lecture?"

"Are you seriously asking me this?! You know what, you're unbelievable!"

"If wanting to know something is unbelievable in your eyes, then so be it." he replied back and Swara felt like grabbing something and smash it into pieces.

"I avoided looking at you because..."

"Because?" he asked her innocently.

"Don't play innocent now. There were other people also, but you were only looking at me!" she confessed making Sanskar chuckle and look at her in adoration.

"So you noticed that? You know what... I did that only to tease you. You were just looking like a fish out of water. Just like you are looking now," he said pointing out at her.

Swara touched her own face in shock as if she could see it. And Sanskar bursted out in giggles. Swara's anger reached to it's highest level ever.

"You..." she raised her hand to punch him but before her hand could even reach his cheek Sanskar immediately defended himself by gripping her little wrist with his strong hand. She gasped in shock and anger.

"Don't even try to raise your hand on me. I am your senior."

Senior my foot!

She jerked his hand and gave him a deadly glare, "Mr Sanskar Maheshwari, dare you mess with me again and I'll forget what our association is."

Wow. It's a pleasure to him knowing that they did have an association. Be it their teacher-student one!

"Good knowing that" he gave himself a winning smile.

"What did you say?" she snapped again.

"Arey! Nothing. Well," he smirked and leaned to her ear, "You have the freedom to go inside now. First lecture for the day is over, so, your 'punishment' is also over.

"You don't need to tell me. I was going to get in."

"Okay, then," he smiled and giving her a final glance, he turned on his heels towards the opposite direction, walking from there. And Swara discreetly glaring at him. Sanskar had dugged his hands into his pockets and he smiled as if he had won a trophy.

"I swear, Swara. He is the most irritating person you have ever met on this universe! Ugh!" she stamped her foot on the ground. Whereas on the other hand, Sanskar just kept smiling. What was this girl doing to him! He'd never been a charmer before but this girl just managed to bring that side of him out. Never in his whole life he thought he would do something like that with any girl. Every layer of her persona made him curious like anything and leave him yearning for more of her.

We could already see that there was something-something blossoming between our Swara and Sanskar. What do you think about it? Was Sanskar the perfect man for Swara? Was he the one who could manage to get out this chirpy Swara out of her serious Swara façade? How would these different personalities collide with each other? Do you like their chemistry?


Precap : Swara stuck in heavy rain.. and Sanskar helps her out. 😉

So now, let's have something sweet now! Spicy bohot hogya 😂😆😅

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