Chapter 04 : Colleagues Help, Don't They?

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"Was he even real?!"

Swara paced up and down in the corridor of the huge hospital and cursed the only being on this entire planet who had managed to bring out her Bengali Sherni avatar. All thanks to...

Dr Sanskar Maheshwari!

Or should Swara say, 'Dr Brainless Maheshwari'?


"Was he even for real Anushka!" Swara stopped all her cursing sessions when she realised, she had already removed all her anger out of her system.

Anushka was dubiously watching her best friend who had even though stopped cursing Dr. Sanskar but she had not stopped pacing up and down. Gosh, never in her entire life, she had seen Swara cursing somebody so much! It was quite unlike the behavior she used to have during the hostel times. Back then when they used to stay in their hostel rooms, there were many seniors who teased their juniors often and Swara and even she, herself were no exception. But at that time also Swara did not behave as irrationally and weirdly as she was behaving right now... In fact, what Dr. Sanskar had done was nothing in front of the pranks which their seniors used to execute on them.

But so much anger and only Dr. Sanskar was the culprit? That was kind of surprising.

"I am telling you Anushka... I won't leave that Sanskar at all. He will see the worst of me if he ever pulls out something like that again!" Swara cursed. For the infinite time.

Anushka took a deep breath and went to her.

"Swara, just tell me. Will something happen if you curse him like that? Don't you think we are getting late right now? I mean... cursing and all can wait, right?"

"NO! How dare he did that with me," she went on mumbling, "Didn't you see how he asked me to get out of the class?! How could he?! Those guts of his..."

"Swara, listen. For God's sake, don't heat up your mind on the very first day of your duty or else things might just turn out even worse. We are supposed to go to the Pediatric Department right now and here you are roaming here and there so that you can calm your mind down... I understand that, but..."

Swara closed her eyes in frustration, "You know what! You are actually right! Maybe I am thinking so much. I am just heating up my mind for someone who is not worth it. I think I should forget it."

Anushka hummed curving her lips. Finally Swara seemed to have calmed down.

"But I am telling you," she continued, "if he messes with me again I won't give a second thought before strangling him."

"Ugh... Swara..." Anushka hesitated, "you know we can't do that because he is our..."

"Stop rubbing that word everytime on my face!" Swara lost her cool just at the mention of that word she had begun disliking the most. "He is our senior, that doesn't mean he does his self-will here everytime."

"You're right. Let it be. You can take revenge on him at the right time. Actually, you already have. Everyone in the room heard you bursting on him with anger after his seminar was over. Trust me, you have got back at him. Now your scores are settled."

"I guess you are right," Swara rolled her eyes, "fine. I think let us just go. I need to focus on my first duty. I need to focus on what I will do."

"That's like my best friend!"

Swara pursed her lips, avoiding smiling but the thing was, she felt like smiling...

Anushka (chirped) : Okay, now since you have finally recovered from your anger, then shall we get going?

Swara : Yes, you're right!!!


Swara and Anushka looked at the door which would lead then to the Pediatrics Room (Child Department.). Both of them were excited as this was their first duty.

So today, their duties were fixed in this department!

Swara : Come on, let us get inside.

Giving a nod to her, both of them made their way inside and as they stepped in, they could see various interns and doctors already working... They could see various patient beds with little kids lying on them... There were few. Swara's heart sank on seeing those who were in pain. Either they appeared as if suffering from fever, cold, or any injury.

The best doctors who had the ability to manage Pediatrics Department were already at their best and Swara gained inspiration from them as her eyes fell on a doctor who.. looked like he was making a kid laugh. Swara chuckled watching this.

Kids are so cute...

Anushka : Swara, I am going. I have duty in table no. 04.

Swara nodded her head as Anushka left from there to approach her table. Swara took a deep breath and sprinted off to find Table No. 09 as her duty was allotted there.

A pair of eyes traced Swara as he had his eyes over his shoulder. Swara reached table no. 09, and she noticed that she was adjacent to the table where she saw... that doctor making his patient laugh.

She had a strange feeling before her eyes landed on the doctor standing adjacent to her table, showing his back to her...

And her smile vanished... It's Sanskar Maheshwari again!

Swara closed her eyes and took a deep breath. All this while, she was trying to gain inspiration from him?!

What the...

"Oh... One more thing! Have you ever read fairytales? It's amazing, you know! You should read it!" Came his voice and she pursed her lips trying to calm her nerves.

But his voice sounded like he was attempting to make someone hear him. She was oblivious to the fact that Sanskar had his eyes on her... even though his back was facing her. A smirk came on his face as he felt her gaze at him.

Great job Dr. Maheshwari!

Swara tried her best to ignore him and pressed her lips into a thin line. She stood besides her table no. 09, and acknowledged her patient who was revealed to be a very small boy of about... seven years old.

She got hold of herself and enlightened her face with a soothing smile.

"Hi!" Swara chirped so that he acknowledged her.

No reply from the boy. He just looked at her. He wasn't in a condition of replying properly and no wonder Swara could see it.

Swara curved her lips into a heart warming smile as she adjusted her stethescope around her neck. She cutely pleaded the boy to get up so that she could diagnose him. He got up and leaned behind, as per his doctor's instructions.

Swara used her stethescope and diagnosed her patient.

Swara (in a soft voice) : Okay.. Now. Breath in. Deeply.

The boy nodded and as Swara traced her stethescope near his chest, he took a deep breath, inhaling a lot of oxygen.

But Dr Swara could not realise that there was someone else who was obeying her instructions so wisely.

Sanskar took a deep breath too smirking, and his breath held that signature sound in order to make her notice him. Swara's expression became confused.

What was the other breathing sound she heard? But realisation soon stroke her.

And this man standing besides her... Yes. He could. It was him.

Swara eyed at him deadly for a minute but she chose to ignore him. Why was she even behaving like he existed? Why was she even reacting? She turned her attention back to her checkup.

Swara : Breath out.

The boy exhaled air deeply and so did Sanskar, as soon as she instructed. He made the signature sound so that it was audible to Swara.

Sanskar smirked and by now Swara was irked. Visibly irked now.

"I was asking my patient to breath in and out so that I could check him. Are you my patient?" Swara muttered to Sanskar sarcastically as soon as their backs faced each other, with a little distance between them.

Sanskar smirked to himself. How easily he could irk her!

"Dr. Swara, my nose, my lungs, my breath, why are you so possessive? I thought I should do this so that my mind remains calm during my work... always!" Sanskar muttered back to her and his smirk laced his tone.

"That doesn't mean you disturb others!" Swara yelled back to him, still in a lower tone. Sanskar chuckled.

Swara attempted to ignore it for the second time and then, she opened the file which she had been holding and began checking the medical history of her patient. As Swara's eyes scanned a page of the file, her eyes travelled towards her boy and she noticed him looking at her.

"Not a big deal! You just have cold. It's common these days. So don't worry. I'll prescribe some medicines to your mummy and you will get well soon!" Swara chirped to the little kid, so that he would be comfortable and at ease with her.

"Doctor Didi, I don't like medicines." The little kid replied in his slow and steady voice, reflecting his illness. Swara frowned.

"But without medicines, how will you get well?"

All this did not go unnoticed by Sanskar as he still had his smile on his face, even while treating his patient. He thought of something.

"Hey! You know, fairytales are so lovely!" Sanskar chirped to the little girl lying on the bed besides him.

"Doctor!!! You also read fairytales??!!" His patient gave an alarm to Sanskar. He raised his eyebrows in shock. Sanskar's patient was too loud that even Swara, and her patient noticed it.

"Sanskar reads fairytales??!!" Swara's mind echoed in disbelief.

"What! No. Actually, not I.. (cleared his throat) My sister used to read them. I don't read. But yes, she tells me a little bit of it every now and then so.. (shrugged his shoulders) I know little about it." Sanskar said in his defense, loud enough to avoid any embarrassment.

Swara rolled her eyes upwards. This guy was unbelievable!

She composed herself and turned her attention to her patient.

Swara : Don't worry. (chirped) I'll prescribe you tasty medicines.

The little boy groaned. The fact was he hated medicines. Be it sweet or bitter.

Sanskar turned his head at Swara once before turning to his patient.

Sanskar : You know! (chirped) Fairytales sometimes do come true!

And that sent an unknown shiver down her spine. Why did it sound like...

"What is he teaching to the little girl?!" Swara thought in disbelief.

Girl : Haw doctor, really?

Sanskar (grinned) : Yes, really! You know... (side eyed at Swara) You never know, when your prince charming steps at your door, all dressed, to take you with him so that he makes you his princess! He takes you away from the world where no boundaries or nothing can keep them apart. Have you heard the story of Cinderella? (Swara frowned dubiously at his words) What I feel is... Sometimes you should believe in these stories!

"Doctor Didi!!! Is it true?!"

Looks like Swara's patient was hearing Dr Sanskar's talks. He seemed interested.

Swara rolled her eyes and blinked tightly. But composed herself soon.

Swara : No! Champ, it's not always true.

"How come you can say that? Have you talked to it's author or what?" Sanskar finally turned towards Swara with a smirk on his face.

Swara sighed in anger. Once again she had landed herself into his den.

Swara (sarcastically, looking at her patient) : No Dr. Sanskar! I haven't talked to the author of these fairytales! (Sanskar narrowed his eyes at her) In fact it's the other way round. (turned to him facing him eye to eye) Before publishing these fairytales, the author has himself clarified that none of them are actually true. It's just a fictional story for little kids.

Sanskar (shocked) : Wow Dr. Swara! Kitna pata hai aapko! (smirked and replied huskily) Or else.. I thought.. (teasing her a bit) You just know how to get angry and...

He raised his hand and traced his fingers slightly on his cheek, still looking at her. Swara scrunched her eyebrows down and pursed her lips. She prepared herself to rebuke so that she could be in his competition. She folded her arms and replied back with an attitude.

Swara : Dr. Sanskar, I would have done 'that' too. (sarcastically) But knowing that this place is so not a good place to create any scene, I decided to drop the idea.

Sanskar (smirked and winked, folding his arms too) : By the way Dr. Swara, don't worry! (smiled) I will make you believe in fairytales! Don't worry!

Swara gasped angrily as Sanskar playfully turned back to dress the wound on his patient's hand.

This guy was openly flirting with her and she... couldn't even protest!

Guts of the...

"Champ!!! I'll have a talk with your mother regarding your medicines and prescriptions and all." Swara tried hard to say in a charming tone but miserably failed as her anger on Dr. Sanskar's words unnecessarily seeped into her tone. Anyhow she walked away from there, but stopped. She gave a last glare to Sanskar, which he returned wholeheartedly.

Sanskar (muttered) : All the best Dr. Swara!

Swara, without giving any damn to him, left the room, trying hard not to heat up. Sanskar chuckled to himself watching her exit. This girl was soo different from others!

"Doctor, my wound!" His patient reminded him but he was too numb to notice. Maybe he was drowned into his own world.


It was almost evening and every intern was still on his/her duty.

Dr. Sanskar stepped out of the Operation Theatre and removed his Surgical Coat, followed by Dr. Rajat. Both of them just had a complicated surgery and undoubtedly the surgery was successful as the best doctors of the hospital were in charge of this.

Sanskar took a deep breath before turning towards Rajat.

Sanskar : We made it yaar.. Thank god. Just by god's grace Mr Khanna is safe.

Rajat : You're right, Sanskar. Who knew this surgery would be so complicated. His family would rather thank god for it, not us. Haina?

Sanskar : Yes.

Just then, both of them folded their coats and started walking across a corridor where there were hardly people around.

Rajat (to Sanskar) : Hey.. By the way..

Sanskar : Yes?

Rajat : If you don't mind I want to ask you something.

Sanskar (scrunching his eyebrows smiling) : What is it?

"Well.. I just heard a little birdie say a few hours before that you punished Dr. Swara today?!" Rajat said, lacing his tone with a bit of shock, and surprise too. Sanskar, at just the mention of Swara's name froze on his own place. But his smile as usual did not leave his face. Instead, he took a sigh and eyed at Rajat.

"Come on buddy, you never punish any of your juniors! So that was kind of amusing and.. shocking! You know, almost everybody in the hospital is talking about you and Swara!!! You guys are the talk of town, I could say." Rajat said further.

Sanskar : (muttered) Wow. I didn't know I am that famous.

Sanskar pursed his lips before turning his head towards Rajat but words seemed to be lacking. But he did not show it to Rajat so instead, he folded his coat even more and took his surgical hat off his head.

Rajat : Sanskar.. you really..

"Ha Rajat.. you asked something?" Sanskar enquired.

Rajat (frowned) : You punished Swara today?

Sanskar (chuckled) : Oh I did! (shrugged his shoulders) To be definite that wasn't a.. punishment! But yes. I did ask her to get out of my class. Because she was looking through me and was not paying attention.

Sanskar eyed at a random direction before having something else in his mind.

"And most importantly, the little twenty three year old Miss Queen-Bee was ignoring me! Me!!! Her senior! She has the guts." He murmured to himself with a pout.

Rajat : Ugh.. really?

Sanskar : Yes, really! (practically) Look Rajat. Not all people are the same. And there's something about Dr. Swara as well. Something which she will never disclose. But that's the point! She has so much potential but one thing I don't know is she's a very introvert type of a person! And that's the reason I have taken her under my wing. (to himself, smiling) And for myself too.

Rajat looked on a bit confused as Sanskar smiled.

Rajat : Sanskar, are you sure nothing is going on?

Sanskar (frowned) : What? (chuckled) It's okay yaar.. She's just a simple girl. (to himself) And there is something so intriguing about her... I myself don't know what!

Rajat : Sanskar...

Sanskar : Yes?

Rajat : We have to go for our next surgery naa. I guess let us leave.

Sanskar (remembered) : Oh, yes! Right.

Both of them sprinted off towards the other direction. And there went another four busy hours of their day.


It had been a few days over already and Swara was making it very well at the hospital. She had undertaken all those small-big works and the Head Staff could do nothing but feel proud and impressive to have such a hardworking intern in their hospital and someone who could maintain their hospital reputation.

Swara on the other hand was completely focused on what she had to do. She had given up everything and had been consciously working. Whether it be some hard shifts, or night duties, she fulfilled her every duty wisely. She had finally become what she had been wanting to become since years. She had her identity.

And of course, her mother and grandmother were so happy to see their daughter become the person she had wanted to be! Their faces having content explained how proud they were of their daughter and Swara ensured that she would never give them a reason to bow down again.

It was already the mid of July, undoubtedly one of the months where Kolkata rains and heavy downpour are experienced. And that was what happening right now in the big city of Kolkata. It was raining since last night and these rains were brought by the Bay of Bengal branch of South-West... Needless to say, monsoon climate is always wonderful and peaceful.

One fine day Swara was standing, all deserted in the middle of the road, a heavy downpour already pushing themselves towards the gravity, and Swara did not have an umbrella. Why did it have to rain today only?! Ugh.

After a few moments, she was standing near a bus stop, completely drenched and wet. She was going to her home after so many days so that she could meet her Dida before she left for Benaras for a week.. to visit Durga Maa's temple and thank her for giving them everything which was more than what they wanted.

But here Swara could hardly find an auto and there was no news about the buses. So would she have to go walking?

No! What if she got wet?

What if she fell sick?

Either way, there was going to be danger for her! So she could not do anything else except for waiting for the bus to arrive.

"Aaj hi baarish honi thi? Ugh.." Swara cried to herself.

And when she realised things couldn't turn more tricky for her, she heard a horn.

Wait.. A car horn?

Swara frowned and she turned her head towards her right, only to see a car that was coming towards her direction. The car was speeding but as it spotted Swara, the speed slowed down...

Swara's eyes scanned the car which was almost parked in front of her and her eyebrows scrunched down on spotting the person whom she wanted to see the least at this time...


Sanskar (smiled broadly) : Hi Dr. Swara!

Swara : Hi can wait.. (frowned) What are you doing here?

Sanskar chuckled and he clicked a button so that the window besides him slided down so that he could get a clear view of Swara..

Sanskar (leaned a bit) : What kind of question was that?! Obviously, I will be going home at this hour, right? (winked)

Swara averted her gaze sensing his wink. That's the only annoying thing which made her lose her sanity.

Swara (avoiding eye contact) : Ugh.. woh.. I don't mean that.. I just..

Sanskar : Swara, don't try to explain me anything because you possibly can't do that.

Swara (looked at him sharply) : But you..

Sanskar : Ssh! (put finger on his lips and leaned towards Swara) Get in.. Swara!

Swara : (shocked) Wait.. what?!

Sanskar (rolled his eyes in disbelief) : God.. you seriously can't understand simple instructions or what! I said to get in.

He eyed towards the seat besides him for Swara. Swara frowned. Okay, she was definitely never expecting that!

Swara : But.. NO! I can't trust you. (narrowed her eyes at him) I think you will kidnap me.

Sanskar suppressed his laughter and tilted his head towards Swara. This girl seriously!!!

Sanskar : Seriously Swara! Can't you think of anything better?!

Swara rolled her eyes and began walking from there, but only to be stopped by the car horn made by Sanskar.

Sanskar : Swara, it's raining heavily. You can't go like that. I can offer you a lift. (frowned) By the way, I did not even ask you in fact I ordered you to get in.

Swara (snapped at him) : No.. thank you. I can go. I don't need your help.

Sanskar sighed nodding his head to himself. Alright, she forced him to take that step!

Sanskar removed his seatbelt and opened the door of his car immediately, dragging an umbrella with him. Swara frowned on seeing this. What on earth was he going to do? Sanskar made sure to open the umbrella so that he did not get wet. He walked towards Swara taking umbrella with him and Swara already sensed that umbrella was right above her.

And Sanskar...

He was already too close to her as he held the umbrella above her so that she did not get wet. Swara's heart skipped a beat.. her eyes widened.. She was too short from him. Where at one place he had a 6'0" feet height and she was hardly 5'2" feet tall. And he was hovering over her... She had never been this close to him but now that he was, she couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach.. Something unknown tugged inside her..

But she immediately jerked all her thoughts as she noticed Sanskar looking at her with his eyes narrowed.

Swara : W.. What do you think you are doing?

Sanskar : Helping you. Does that make me bad?

The intensity in his voice was nothing in front of the intensity of these heavy rains.. Swara gulped.

Swara : I can manage, Sanskar.

Sanskar : It's okay Swara. See.. look.. (practically) I understand you might not be comfortable but.. I really want to help you. So is that too much to ask for? And look Swara I don't think you can manage at all. (politely) Look at yourself. You are already drenched! What if you fall sick?

Swara took a deep breath. That was indeed a question. Indeed.

Asking for a favor from someone wasn't that bad, was it?

"Do one thing. Just sit. I'll give you a lift. I'll drop you wherever you're going." Sanskar laced his tone with a smile and Swara couldn't help but feel something warm inside her.

Swara : Umm.. okay.

Sanskar : Colleagues help, don't they? (smiled) Sit.

Swara nodded her head and Sanskar led her towards the car seat besides the driver seat. He helped Swara open the door and helped her get inside. Swara sat in the seat, dragging the seatbelt over her as Sanskar shut the door and entered at the other side of the car.

He adjusted his seatbelt over him and started the car and wiper.. so that the view in front of him was clear. Swara was hesitant. Undoubtedly, she was not feeling very comfortable as it was something very odd to her. God.. what made her agree to him? Sanskar hidingly adjusted the car mirror so that he could see Swara and smile everytime crept on his face..

Sanskar : So Swara.. where do you want to go?

Swara : Umm.. woh.. Baadi. (looked at Sanskar)

Sanskar (confused) : Baadi?

Swara : Yes. It's at the outskirts of Kolkata. Is it okay for you? Or else don't worry I'll catch an auto.

Sanskar (immediately) : No no no!!! (Swara frowned at his sudden response) I'll drop you na. I know where it is. (smiled) Don't worry.

Swara : Okay.

Sanskar : But.. can I ask you something? Why are you going there right now?

Swara got into thinking.. In the last call, she had come across the news that her Dida was leaving for Benaras and Swara wanted to go to her home so that she could meet Dida before she left.

She looked at Sanskar and inhaled air.

Swara (in one breath) : Actually my Dida is leaving for Benaras..

Sanskar : Dida?

Swara : Yes. Woh.. isiliye I wanted to meet her before she left.

Sanskar : Oh! I see..

Swara : Yes.

And at that moment, Swara decided to spend most of her time looking outside the window. She left out a deep breath and tilted her head towards her left and looked at the droplets which calmly fell on the ground..

Such a pleasant scenery..

She might have never experienced this pleasance before.. Perhaps she never had time or maybe she did not want to see it.. But now that she was living this beauty of nature, she couldn't help but smile..

Life could be so beautiful..

Sanskar noticed her concentration on the heavy rains outside and smiled. There was so much content and pleasance on seeing even little things!

Little things could also be the source of immense peace..

"Swara..." A voice broke the chain of Swara's thoughts and she snapped her head towards him in confusion.

Swara : Yeah?

"I know it might be a personal thing but..." Sanskar trailed off as he noticed Swara's gaze on him with her eyes asking him various questions.

Sanskar (cleared his throat and concentrated on his driving) : You know Swara.. Life is really beautiful. But it's just that some people don't realise it or notice it.

"Hmm.." Swara replied, trying to figure out what was his main point.

Sanskar : Swara.. itni shant kyu rehti ho tum? (raised his eyebrows still concentrating on his driving) No I mean.. Whenever I see you, you are either seen reading books or else treating patients and that makes me feel that.. Don't you give some time to your ownself? I mean.. (smiled) Just look around Swara. Life is really a beautiful thing. It always plans some unexpected destinations for us Swara. See.. (finally looked at her) All I am saying is, why don't you give some time to your ownself? Just look around.. The nature is so beautiful. Things around you are so beautiful. Everything is so nice.

Swara : (to herself) I wish my own life was also 'nice', but it isn't. My destination is nowhere. This is what has been planned for me. And I don't even want to believe in a beautiful life again..

Swara immediately trailed off as soon as the fact that Sanskar might hear her came into her mind. Her eyes widened in shock...

God! No! She shouldn't have said that too loud!

She worriedly turned towards Sanskar and noticed him looking at her in confusion...

It always seemed like his look towards her were intense and felt like digging more into her to know her...

"Excuse me?"

Swara cleared her throat and adjusted her red dupatta...

Swara : Aa.. woh.. Nahi I mean.. (chuckled sheepishly) Not that way...

And with that, she took her dupatta and rested it over her face so that she was devoid of those rain droplets which had fallen on her at that time...

Sanskar sighed and looked ahead driving...

But not before looking at Swara once and giving a smile.. to himself.

"I want to know you Swara... You speak and talk very less and that's what I have observed about you. There is something about you which has begun hooking me to you. I know that... there's something you don't want to say but I want to know it. And I know what I have to do..."

Sanskar smiled to himself before feeling the beautiful sound of pitter patter raindrops outside. What's wrong with him!

There was an unexpected destination planned for both of them for sure... What do you guys think? Was Sanskar falling for Swara? Would Swara be able to get over her past and accept Sanskar's love?


Precap : Not decided! Even I am thinking aage kya likhu! 😮
Do you have something to suggest? 😝 If yes, then do tell me!

So guys.. this is it, then! I'm so sorry for being so late..!!

Don't forget to express your views on this chapter! 😉

P.S I'll inform you all when I'll be posting Manchala..

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