Chapter 7: Stylish

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I had some thoughts... during that time.

"Do you know, Geurim-ah, people think you and Donghyuck are totally cute together?" The young girl peered up at her stylist through the mirror, who was currently fixing her hair. She could hear her friends ooh in interest. "And I agree. You and Donghyuck have such great chemistry."

And she couldn't help it, Geurim made a face. She knew what her stylist was talking about and gosh, what a weird thought.

It hadn't been long ago when Mickey Mouse Clubhouse became a thing, and all the trainees who were born 1999 and younger would be the stars of it. It was an unexpected thing. Geurim especially didn't feel like it all processed yet. It was just months before when she missed her chance to be in a girl group, but Lee Sooman wanted the younger trainees to show off their talents and skills.

But this was the first time Geurim would be doing a recorded show, no less in front of a studio audience. The nervousness ate her up inside at the thought of screwing up over simple mistakes. Poor Geurim actually threw up just before the first episode's recording, despite practicing and preparing hardcore for the show.

Donghyuck just happened to be there when she did. He had seen her run off to the bathrooms, and seeing her frantic actions, he followed after to comfort her. And being the good friend he was, he made sure to put a smile on her face before they went to the stage. The audience saw how much the boy was interacting with her during the recording. They probably didn't know it was meant to calm her nerves.

The very first episode just aired on television too, and well, this happened to be one of the results for it.

"Like, as a couple?" Geurim asked, her nose scrunched with uncertainty.

"Omo, Geurim-ah, it's just the beginning," her stylist continued with a small laugh over her obvious feelings over it. "It's harmless right now. But as time passes and the more episodes you kids do, it'll change or whatever."

"It is weird though," Herin chimed from behind Geurim, who has just finished prepping up for today's show. "We're all such good friends. It's like saying we can't be friends with any of them."

"We've all seen some comments. People seem to ship me with Mark, so odd," Koeun giggled from the seat left of her. "Doesn't it mean we have good chemistry with the boys, then? People just do that, you know?"

The rest of the girls chimed in, all in agreement of how this wasn't anything they can control. It wasn't harmful to them in any way, so Geurim guessed that she can just deal with it just like her friends do. She wondered if the boys have talked about the same thing, chatting about who they were shipped with.

Has Jaemin thought about it?

When all the girls were done and prepped for today's recording, they all filed out of the dressing room altogether. Just outside, they were instantly met with the boys, who all seemed to be much more animated than usual. As usual, Jaemin went over to stand alongside Geurim, all of them walking over to the studio where they film Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

It was then, out of no where, Donghyuck appeared by Geurim's side and gave her a nudge on the shoulder.

"Hey Green, we seem to be a hit together!" The tan-skinned boy beamed, an oddly determined look on his face. "That would be such an advantage for us, wouldn't it?"

Jaemin butted in as the three of them walked together in a row, "An advantage?"

"Yeah, Jaem, Green and I would be remembered more if we do more things together, right?" Donghyuck replied as he peered over to the girl.

Geurim thought about it. While it was one way of approaching it, it didn't settle well in her stomach. It wasn't like she disliked Donghyuck in any way. In fact, he was one of her closer friends out of all the trainees. She was very comfortable in his presence, even when Jaemin wasn't around. However, she didn't want to fake anything just to gain more attention.

Besides, for some reason, she felt like she was betraying Jaemin. They were best friends, but she was being associated with Donghyuck. That was wrong, wasn't it?

"Hyuck, I don't know," Geurim uttered with uncertainty. "Only the first episode came out. That can change by the next one. We should just focus what we rehearsed, right?"

Donghyuck's bottom lip jutted out into a pout. "Green, you hurt me." He grabbed onto her arm and shook it. Geurim couldn't help but break out into a smile at his childish silliness. "It can't be helped that people like seeing us together!"

"Well, it is weird, isn't it?" Jaemin suddenly interjected. Both Geurim and Donghyuck turned to look at the boy. He coughed (Geurim could tell straight away he forced it). "Are you just going to steal my best friend away, Hyuck?"

Donghyuck stepped forward and stopped in front of the two. He waved his hands while shaking his head. "I wouldn't dare come in between such a friendship! Ever since I first met Green, she was always by your side, Jaem."

Geurim and Jaemin exchanged glances. For some reason, Donghyuck's statement got Geurim's cheeks flaring and she had to look back at the other boy. She murmured out, "I guess that's t-true."

"In a way, I'm helping Green!" Hyuck continued with his reasonings. "She's still pretty reserved from time to time. That would be a disadvantage for her because the audience wouldn't be able to see much of her true personality and talents that way, right? I'm bringing out her full potential by using my oh so bright and friendly personality."

Geurim sheepishly fiddled with the ends of her hair. As annoying as it sounds, her friend had a point. Honestly, she did feel a little bit thankful if this was the case.

"Well..." the girl started. "I guess, you're right, Hyuck."

"Of course, I am!"

"Geurim, Jaemin, Donghyuck!" At the end of the hall, they all saw Namseok standing just by the metallic metal doors. He ushered for the three of them to come over. "What are you all doing? Let's go! We're going to start in a little bit." Obeying the man, the three 00-liners jogged over.

The dark-haired lass decided it was best to push the discussion to the back of her mind. She knew she was reading too far into it. Donghyuck was a good friend of hers. He was just helping her in times of need.

Right. That was exactly it!

She hates to admit it, but she was still a little shy; performing in front of an audience was still off-putting. Donghyuck had always started the conversation and brought a good mood whenever he's around. Besides, even though some people might see them that way, it wasn't like she had to date Donghyuck.

Her eyes trailed over to the back of her best friend just in front of her. She knew Hyuck's intentions but maybe she wished that the audience saw her friendship with Jaemin a bit more.


So they can think the two of you were dating instead?

Geurim shocked herself with her own random thoughts, immediately shooting her heart into a frenzy.

What was that?

"Geurim, are you okay? You looking a little red." Jaemin's voice spooked her so much that it made her jolt. His curious eyes narrowed. "Whoa, I didn't mean to scare you."

"N-No, I'm fine. It's just a bit warm..."

The lass mentally kicked herself. The backstage area was always so chilly. No wonder Jaemin had that unbelieving look on his face. She gulped and replied quickly to cover up her mistake, "I'm... just nervous again."

"This is like our third time doing it though." Jaemin's hand patted her head in a very adoring manner. It caught her off-guard but she tried her best to hide that with a very blank expression. Since when has he petted her head? "You've been doing great, Geurim-ah. And you'll continue to do great." A side smile. "You'll have me there with you anyway."



Her heart skipped a beat.

Hello to all! I kind of wanted to update this story the moment NCT Dream made their comeback and well, it has been a while 😅

Speaking of the comeback, MAN, this is such a great comeback! Even as bittersweet as it was, the boys all did great for this. I loved EVERY song, mostly 123 and Drippin'

Also, I just gotten my album of it yesterday, and bruh, THEY HAD STICKERS. Noted, I preordered it so idk if its in every one, but I love it. I just know that Renjun card is part of preorder~

Also continue giving love to We Go Up!

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