Chapter 22 - Sick Day

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(Sun's POV)

It takes a moment for me to even realise that I'm awake after my eyes open - the room around me is still dark, though dim slivers of light that leak through the curtains along with the sound of Lillie's gentle breathing beside me telegraphs to me the fact that I'm awake and conscious once again. I groan groggily, rubbing the sleep out of my half-open eyes and shuffling up slightly in bed.

My eyes adjust to the low light levels and I quickly come to terms with the assortment of nasty feelings in my body - my chest and throat both feel rough, and there's that gross, tight feeling within my neck as I swallow. It's not painful, but there's undoubtedly some ache in a variety of muscles... and my entire body, even my face, is irritatingly warm. I reach through the darkness, my hand fumbling around my bedside table until I find my phone. Thankfully, the screen reports the time - 5:34am - when I pick it up without me needing to turn the display on. Burning the retinas in my eyes with a bright phone screen is not another thing I need to feel in the early hours of the morning.

Still a little dazed, I relax my head back against my pillows and stare up at the ceiling. I slept for a long time, considering how early I fell asleep yesterday evening. Looks like Lillie took care of everything yesterday, as she said she would. I glance across at my sleeping girlfriend - I can just about see her peaceful face positioned in my direction, her cheek pressed against her pillow slightly. As usual, there's no stopping the admiring smile that pours onto my face when I look at her. My thoughts are interrupted, however, when I feel my stomach rumble slightly. Right. I didn't eat anything yesterday evening since I was asleep. There's a ruffling sound from the bed covers as I gradually slip my legs out of the side of the bed and onto the cold wooden floor. I need to get up for a bit.

It's slightly nerve-wracking, trying to get out of bed without disturbing Lillie or Delta, the Lycanroc still sleeping soundly on the end of the bed - but I manage to do it, and creep across the room to the door.
The wooden door squeaks ever so slightly as I pull it open. My body aching and heavy, I drag myself into the main room as quietly as I can without bothering to close the door behind me in fear of creating unnecessary noise. I tiptoe across the room to the kitchen, glancing through the early-morning darkness and just about being able to make out the figures of the Pokémon sleeping around the room - among them is Lillie's Ninetales and Lycanroc, Feathers, as well as the other of my own Lycanroc, Roxy, all sleeping in their desired spots on the sofas. I take care with each slow step I take along the cold floor, clenching my teeth on the occasional creak that arises from the wood. Some early light trickles through around the edges of the closed curtains around the room, but not nearly enough to make the room even somewhat bright as I reach the kitchen and carefully retrieve a glass from the cupboard, disturbing the silence briefly by filling it with tap water. The silence becomes only more eerie when I turn the tap off to listen to it - and I almost drop the glass into the sink out of fright when I hear Rotom whisper from next to me.
"Bzzt! Hey, Sun."
I gasp sharply, spinning on my heel to see the Rotom Dex hovering beside me. I take an exasperated deep breath, and hold my palm against my chest out of shock.
"Jeeez, Rotom. Don't do that."
My voice, even though kept exceptionally quiet, rattles with a noticeably croaky tone to it. Clearing my throat only makes it more painful, so I take a sip of my glass of water - but swallowing it doesn't do much good either, it just feels uncomfortable.
"Zzzsorry, heh," Rotom replies quietly. "What are you doing up so early, Zzsun?"
I drink the glass of water down to the last drop, satisfying my thirst and putting the empty glass back on the side.
"Woke up feeling hungry. I don't feel too good," I groan, grabbing a couple of berries and taking a bite out of one. I can't even tell which two berries I pick up through the darkness until I bite into them, but I'm not picky, so it doesn't really matter.
"Hmm... It does zzseem like you have a high temperature - you might have developed a cold. Maybe you should take zzsome medicine?" Rotom suggests. Leaning against the counter, I chew the berry in my mouth and grunt lightly when I swallow it. An urge to cough suddenly appears, and so I cough dryly into my shoulder as quietly as I can before looking back at Rotom through the darkness.
"I'm alright for now, maybe later. I'm going back to bed," I whisper, taking one more berry from the basket and nibbling at it as I slowly creep back towards my bedroom.
"Zzt, good call. Night, Sun."

It looks like all of our Pokémon are thankfully still asleep in the main room. I feel a little better as I return to the bedroom, no longer thirsty or particularly hungry as I silently close the bedroom door. Lillie continues to sleep soundly, and I can't help admiring her untroubled expression as I quietly get back into bed next to her. My body still radiating an annoyingly high level of heat, I take off my shirt and don't even bother putting the covers back over me.
Leaning close to Lillie, I softly place a kiss on her cheek before relaxing back into the pillows and mattress, making myself comfortable again and softly snuggling up with my girlfriend. Taking care with my movements, I rest my head cozily between her shoulder and breast, gently cushioning it - a position of mine that remains to be one of my favourites when cuddling with her. The pain and discomfort in me fades briefly, replaced instead with contentment. I put one of my arms across and over her belly, the pace of my breathing gradually syncing with Lillie's as I fall asleep alongside her.


(Lillie's POV)

The gentle tweeting of bird Pokémon outside rings in my ears while my eyes flutter open.
"Mmn... hm?" I breathe softly, noticing my boyfriend's warm embrace around me. As the morning sunlight spills into the room, I glance down to see Sun sleeping soundly against me, his cheek pressed against my chest contently while his arm lays across my midriff. My lips pinch together, my eyes sleepily sliding shut while I reach up and rub my hand against my forehead wearily. An appreciating smile then proceeds to spread across my face from cheek to cheek and I carefully put an arm around Sun, cradling his head while my fingers softly stroke through his deep brown hair. I notice he's topless now - a detail that was not so when I fell asleep, suggesting that he woke up some time in the night.
I make an effort not to move too much, as to not disturb Sun, or Delta who is still sleeping on the end of the bed - though I reach for my phone on the table beside me and bring it close to me. It tells me the time - 9:17 - as I unlock it, and I continue to check through my notifications, news and the like, all while subconsciously stroking through my boyfriend's soft and adorably messy hair while waiting for him to become awake.


About 10 minutes pass before a deep, drawn-out inhale is made suddenly by Sun - a breath which is held for a moment before being exhaled again even more slowly. His shoulders wriggle forwards and his forehead nuzzles further against my breast before his eyes gradually fall open.
"Good morning," I sing softly. My words dissolve into the pleasant morning ambience, among the tweeting of bird Pokémon and the rustling of tree leaves in a gentle breeze outside. Sun smiles, his eyes closing again but his arm squeezing around my body a little more tightly.
"Good morning, beautiful," he whispers. His eyes open again with a hint of surprise in them, and he pulls his head back from my chest to look at my relaxed smile and rosy cheeks. "Ah, sorry for sleeping on you like that. I hope it wasn't uncomfortable for you," he adds, a little embarrassedly. His voice sounds slightly rough through its quiet volume.
I shake my head while putting my phone back on the bedside table and wrapping my arms around him. "Not at all. It was really cute, actually."
My heart thumps in my chest as Sun hugs me and runs his hands up and down the length of my back lovingly. After a moment, I lean back a bit so I can look into his silver eyes. The same goofy smile is mirrored on both our faces, and we lean into each other again for a quick kiss. As fleeting as the morning kiss is, it's still more than enough to cause an ecstatic tingle to dance down my spine.

He smiles cooly as our lips depart, though his eyes are undoubtedly still a little bleary. He breathes out densely through his nose, before laying back down and resting his head against my chest. Once again, my fingers thoughtfully stroke through his hair while I take advantage of the opportunity.
"How are you feeling?" I ask.
Sun's head remains against my chest, his eyes closed calmly. "Uhm... better than yesterday, I guess," he mumbles, grinning. He shakes his head. "Not too great..." he admits.
I pause in caressing his hair, placing my hand gently against the side of his head. "Hm, I should check your temperature."
"No no, wait a sec," he mumbles, nuzzling slightly further against the surface of my chest.
He smiles. "I love that sound."
I think for a moment, confused. "You mean the birds outside? Ahehe, me too."
A gentle laugh passes through Sun's lips. "No," he says with a smile. "I mean your heartbeat."
A flustered blush pours onto my cheeks, though it's hard to tell if the tingling warmth that dances through me is a result of my blush, or of the impact of his words.
"Awww," I reply, the sound falling out of me spontaneously with more of a higher-pitched tone to it than I would have expected.
Sun laughs lightly. "Ooh," he perks up. A devilish grin spreads across his face, though his eyes remain closed. "And I think it just skipped a beat."

"Pfawww, you..." I coo, wrapping my arms around my boyfriend a little tighter while keeping in mind not to squeeze too much. The two of us remain in a still position with each other for a while, as I let him continue to listen to my heart thudding happily in my chest.
"Oh, and I'm pretty sure you were wearing a shirt when you went to bed last night. Right?" I ask eventually.
"Yeah, I woke up at like five this morning and took it off," he replies, without moving a muscle or opening his eyes. "I woke up feeling rough, so I got a drink and a snack while I was up - then came back and passed out next to you again," he mumbles, a certain roughness noticeable in his vocalism. His attractive Kantonian city-boy accent is still very much clear, but there's no denying that there's a hint of illness in his voice.
"Ah, I see." I put a hand on the side of his head gently, shuffling backwards slightly so that I can sit up more comfortably in bed. "Now here, sit up with me for a sec."
Sun does so, pulling his head up from my chest and leaning against the cushions on his side of the bed. Gently, I place my palm against his forehead to feel his temperature. As I expected, it's feverishly hot to the touch.
"Hmm... you're really, really warm. Your voice sounds a little croaky, too. Have you had much of a cough?" I ask, tilting my head slightly in thought.
"Just a little," he answers. As he says that, he turns away slightly and sharply coughs into his elbow - before turning back to me, a sheepish smile on his face. "Okay, yeah."

I nod in conclusion, relieving my hand from its position against his forehead. "Mhm, it looks like you've got a cold," I sigh ruefully. "Well... hopefully it's nothing worse."
"Naaah, it's really nothing bad. I'll be feeling fine again in no time," he insists.
I pout a little. "That's what you said yesterday after you were hit with an Ice Beam," I complain. Sun grins, playing with a stray lock of his hair.
"Well... yeah, I guess, but it turned out fine in the end."

I pull the blanket away from him slightly, exposing his strong body beneath. Delicately, I run my fingers over the surface of his chest, studying it.
"Hm? What is it?" He asks. I don't reply for a moment, my brow furrowed slightly while I continue to survey his skin across from shoulder to shoulder.
"The Professor said to watch out for any skin damage or muscle pains," I explain. I look back into his eyes again, allowing my hand to gently slide down over his toned abdominal region. "But you seem okay," I add with a smile. Sun calmly leans back against the pillows, placing his hand atop of my own that lays against his stomach.
"Yeah, I'm not in pain. A little achy, but it's nothing."
"Still, I think you should stay home and rest for today. You've been through a lot lately," I insist. Sun frowns restlessly.
I place the palm of my other hand against his, gradually interlocking our fingers while the silence around us grows. Finally, Sun gives in.
"Alright, alright. You're probably right," he sighs. I continue holding his hand gently.
"Yes, I am. Trust me, it'll be good for you. And I can take care of things today, okay?"
"Okay, yeah. I trust you."
There's a slight pause between us. My eyes glance down anxiously before returning to meet Sun's gaze.
"And I want you to promise me something," I say. "Promise that you'll tell me if you start feeling any worse, okay?"
A sense of warmth courses through me when he responds with that cute, reassuring smile.
"I promise," he answers.

Our hands slip away from each other's finally, and the bed covers fall off me as I sit forwards on the bed. I stretch my arms out to the sides and push out my chest, stretching.
"Time to get up?" Sun asks, his admiring eyes still fixed on me. I nod in reply, though I catch notice of him opening his arms to me before I get out of bed. Matching the smile on his face with one on my own, I lean forwards into his arms and hug his warm body lovingly. As always, that comforting, peaceful aura sweeps over me as I envelop myself in his arms, snuggling my face into his shoulder as he holds me close to him.

I could stay here in his arms forever as he strokes through my long, flowing hair, though I eventually manage to lean back as I prepare to leave him with a kiss - but I find myself hesitating as I do so.
"Wait... is it a good idea to kiss if you've... you know, got a cold?" I ask.
Sun chuckles. "Well we kissed earlier, so chances are you've already got it too," he teases. "Nah, I'm sure you're fine. I just got sick because my immune system was compromised after... you know. Yesterday," he says in a more serious tone.
"Hmm... in that case..."
I lean forwards, closing my eyes and laying my lips against his for a moment before we separate again. His hot grin reflects in my eyes during the moments after as we both remain paralysed, admiring the details on each other's faces.

The moment comes to an end as I manage to turn away at last and shuffle out of bed.
"Do you need me to get you anything?" I offer.
Sun tucks his hands behind his head as he relaxes against the bed, shaking his head as he glances across the room at me. "I'm good for now, thanks. I'll get changed and catch up in a minute," he says with a smile.
I nod. "In that case, I'm going to the bathroom. I need a shower."
"Pfha. Tell me about it," Sun says playfully. I pause in my tracks, turning back around and pretending to look deeply offended - an expression that I fail to pull off thanks to the amused smile that I'm desperately struggling to suppress. The cheeky grin on Sun's own face is too contagious, and he subsequently bursts into laughter despite his attempts to hold it back. I can't stop myself from laughing along with him.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," he clarifies, coughing a bit as a result of his own hysteric giggling.
I pout at him through my grin. "You're so mean sometimes."
"Aheh. Love you too," he replies with a deliberately cute and charming smile that shows off his neat white teeth. I smile, shaking my head at him as I open the door with Delta following me out.


The dusk-form Lycanroc is eager to rush back into the main room, his tail wagging as he reaches the kitchen and looks back over at me expectantly.
"Ahaww, not yet, Delta. I'll get your breakfast for you soon," I giggle, amused by the wolf's impatience. Many of our Pokémon are awake and active already - as is Sun's Mom, who passes through while carrying a basket of laundry.
"Morning, Lillie! Did you sleep well?"
I smile and give a small wave as I pass by. "Morning! Yes I did, thank you."
Mom pauses on her way. "Good, good. Is Sun okay?"
I nod. "He's okay, but he seems to have come down with a fever," I reply, opening the door to the bathroom.
"Oh dear... I'll go in and see him," she says, along with a slight, saddened sigh.

I close and lock the bathroom door behind me, ensuring that a clean towel is in here with me before stripping off my pyjamas, folding them up and placing them together in a pile. Catching notice of myself in the mirror, I glance at my reflection while I strip off the last of my clothes - my long hair hangs forwards slightly over my eyes, so I flick it back behind my shoulder and take a moment to briefly inspect my slim physique and smooth, clear skin in the mirror. I sigh softly to myself. Something tells me it's going to be a busy day.

Turning away from the mirror, I step past the bathtub and into the shower - a feature that is elegantly built into the corner of the room, with an entrance that sits in the gap between a white, tiled wall and a large glass panel. My body jolts slightly in an automatic response to the cold water that initially shoots out of the shower head, though the water warms to a much more pleasant temperature within seconds. I let the water rain over my face, hair and shoulders for a moment, and search through Sun's various bottles of 'Ice Chill - for Men' shower gel that he uses before picking up my own bottle of strawberry-scented shampoo and lathering it into my golden hair.


(Sun's POV)

Golden rays of the morning Alolan sunshine spill through the bedroom windows, shining through the gaps in the still-closed curtains and onto the crisp white bedsheets that wrap around me up to my torso. My head sits idly against the thick, puffy white cushions, my eyes staring toward the ceiling. While it's true that I'm rarely ill, that just makes me hate it more when I am. Staying at home all day is far from how I would prefer to spend my time, but Lillie's right - it's best that I take it easy for today.

At least I could be feeling worse. While the headache, chesty cough - and especially the sore throat - are really annoying, I could have come off a lot worse after what happened to me yesterday. But Team Skull are still out there, and as much as I wish I could get out there to fight them... the worst thing for me is that I can't get out and have fun with Lillie.

My track of thought comes to an abrupt halt as the bedroom door opens. I glance over to see Mom peeking around the corner.
"Good morning, Sun," she says warmly, entering the room. "How are you feeling? I've been so worried after Lillie told us what happened yesterday, I..."
My mom rushes to wrap her arms cordially around me as I lay stilly in bed. I was expecting this sooner or later. It's in Mom's nature to worry about me, especially after I get myself hurt - but I appreciate it nonetheless, hugging her back.
"I'm fine, Mom. Just a bit of a fever, that's all," I reassure her, though the hoarseness in my voice is unmistakable. It's not something that I'd admit, but secretly, I kinda appreciate this. I don't spend as much time with Mom as I used to, and I guess I follow the cliché of being one of those guys who doesn't need the whole 'parental affection' thing, but... I don't know, there's some unique colour in the way my own mother hugs me.

"Oh, Sun. Well, I'm glad it's nothing worse, but I've lost count of the number of times you've come home after getting hit by a Pokémon's move, or breaking an arm in a different dimension, or slipping down the edge of a steep cliff... or like that one time, when-"
I chuckle softly to myself. "I know mom, I know. I'll try and be more careful."
Mom sighs, finally releasing her tight grip around me and moving to sit on the end of the bed. "Yes, please do. I'm just glad you're okay, honey," she says with an amicable smile. "Have you and Lillie thought of a plan for today? Because I really think you should stay home," she adds.
"Yeah, don't worry. Lillie's forcing me to stay home and rest for the day," I joke.
Mom laughs. "Well, she knows what's good for you," she chimes. Her tone shifts again, a sense of earnest returning to her manner. "Your father and I could stay here today too, if that would be better..."
"No no, you don't have to do that," I interrupt desperately. "I've only got a cold, I'd be fine just with my Pokémon. You and dad should go and enjoy the sights," I insist.
Mom tilts her head, her gaze contemplative. She nods. "I suppose it isn't anything bad, but I'd just feel bad if we left you alone. But if you're sure..."
"I'm sure," I smile. "You and dad should go and have fun."
Mom gets to her feet again and makes her way back towards the door. "Well, I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a lot of places we still want to go. Can I get you anything, Sun?" She offers on her way out.
"Hm... I wouldn't mind some Tapu Cocoa. Thanks, mom."
"Ah, good idea. And I think your father should be up in a minute," she calls, exiting the room.

I take a deep, heavy breath in, rubbing my hands slowly up from my cheeks and over my forehead before pushing myself back against the clean cushions. Barely a few seconds pass before another familiar voice comes from the main room.
"Ooh, my ears are burning!"
Moments after Mom leaves, Dad enters. He's dressed in his usual style - or at least, as close as he can get to his usual style in Alola. His iconic black outdoor jacket and dark grey scarf are core features of his usual outfit that he wears in Kanto, but wearing such pieces of clothing here would be pretty much suicidal in Alola's heat. He still wears his typical, worn dark jeans though, casually walking into the room wearing a colourful Alolan t-shirt beneath a black, hoodless outer jacket that he leaves open - a much thinner alternative to his usual coat.

"Wow, I'm getting visitors like I'm on my deathbed or something," I grumble, grinning.
Dad chuckles. "Yup. Any last confessions you wanna get off your chest?" he jokes. We both crack a laugh at that, before he composes himself and shakes his head lightly. "Nah, just here to say good morning. How are you feeling, Sun?"
I watch my dad stroll past and pull the desk chair in my room over to the side of my bed, subsequently taking a seat and leaning his elbows against his thighs as he hunches forward. A grin forms on my face as I shuffle backward a bit, making it easier for me to sit up in bed.
"I'm doing okay, just a bit of a..." I turn my head to the side, letting out a cough. "... cold."
Dad dramatically leans backwards, pretending to shield himself from me with his hands. "Gross, don't give it to me," he jokes.
"Pff, yeah yeah," I chuckle. "I'll be in good shape again in no time. Yesterday was just..." gradually, I slide back down against the pillows again. "It was kinda rough," I sigh. Dad adjusts his posture, his mood becoming more serious as he gazes at me thoughtfully.
"So I hear. Lillie told us about what happened," he says, gesturing faintly. "Sounds like the whole scene must've been wild."

There's a pause as his eyes trail toward the ground. He holds his gaze on the wooden floor for a moment, the silence only pierced by the sounds of Pokémon outside and the occasional clink and bump from the kitchen. He lets out a shallow and sudden laugh.
"Sorry," he apologises, scratching the side of his head. He looks up at me again, a smile on his face. "You know, it's still just a shock to think that my own son is a Champion too, now."
I'm a little taken aback, my mind searching for something to say but finding nothing. It's not that I'm not used to my dad being proud of me, he always has been, but... there's something deeply gratifying about hearing the delight in my old man's tone - the man I've looked up to my whole life. The man who inspired me as a Pokémon Trainer.

At last, I shrug. "I'm kind of used to it now," I say.
"Heh yeah, and it seems so. You handle the responsibility really well. It's hard not to notice how vigilant you've been of these Team Skull folks, and your instinct to put yourself at risk for the greater good like you did yesterday, well..." he pauses, a content smile across his face. "It tells me everything I need to know. Aheh, well... everything I already knew anyway. You're definitely a Champion to be proud of."
A dumbfounded look sticks to my face. I glance back towards the ceiling, mainly because I feel a couple of tears welling up.
"Thanks, Dad."
He nods solemnly, smiling. "Heh, yeah... your mother wasn't kidding. We really are similar, eh?"

A moment passes before Dad chuckles to himself. "And c'mon, hah... taming a wild Pokémon like that on the go? Chasing down a criminal speedboat while riding a Mantine and then tanking an Ice Beam head-on? That's... and don't tell your mother I said this..." he grins, leaning closer. His humorous, childlike persona flares to life once again, melting away the seriousness in the air. "... but we both know, that was pretty cool," he chuckles. "Just uh, try not to take any more moves to the face, yeah? Try and be at least a little careful."
I laugh. "Yeah. I'll try," I agree. The smile on my face fades. "Does any of it really matter, though? I mean, I wasn't able to stop them. They got away..."
Dad shakes his head with a gentle smile. "But you fought. They fled. Who's really the winner here, huh?"
I think for a second. "I guess."
Dad stands up from his chair. "And they haven't seen the last of you, eh? We'll figure out a way to take em' down."
I nod firmly. "Yeah. Yeah, we will," I agree, my confidence restored. "I'll be up in... just a minute or two," I sigh, stretching.
"Good man. I think Feathers is waiting to say good morning to you - hah, that or he's just hungry."
"Probably a bit of both," I laugh.

Dad stops at the door. "Oh, and do you think Lillie would want a drink of something this morning?"
"Mom's making some Tapu Cocoa, but yeah, Lillie'll probably want some too. She should be done with the shower any minute now."
"Got it, I'll ask your mother to make another cup of..." he pauses, raising an eyebrow. "Tapu Cocoa?"
I nod. "Yeah, it's basically just hot chocolate, but it's really good."
"Huh, noted," Dad replies, grinning and heading back into the main room. "Then I'll ask for a cup of it too."

I lean back into the cushions for a moment after Dad leaves. My throat and chest feel tight and gross still, my body aching feverishly. Nonetheless, I should get out of bed and get changed. Maybe some breakfast will help me feel better.

It's a struggle to force myself out of the comfort of my soft bedsheets, but I manage to tiredly roll out of bed with some effort. I don't bother putting on my cap or bag today, instead leaving them where they are next to my bed. I decide to throw on just the usual shorts, along with one of my more casual t-shirts - a slightly baggy dark-grey shirt, made with soft materials and showing off a white, printed design that depicts a sleeping Eevee, before turning to face my reflection in the bedroom mirror.


(Lillie's POV)

I pass through back to the bedroom upon exiting the bathroom after my shower, a towel wrapped firmly around my body up to my chest. As I push open the bedroom door, I catch Sun's eye in his reflection as he glances at me in the mirror. We smile warmly at each other as I enter, and I take note of the adorable Eevee shirt that he has on - a shirt that he only occasionally wears, usually as a pyjama shirt.
"I love it when you wear that shirt," I remark.
He fiddles gently with his Z-ring as he observes himself in the mirror, taking a moment to run a hand through his messy hair to adjust it so that it becomes messy in its usual, cute way instead.
"I know you do," he grins.

Sun leans against the bed while I search through a collection of clothes, deciding what to wear for today. I pick out one of my usual skirts and a basic white top with a small Rowlet design printed on it, but I can't decide on the hoodie.
"What do you think, Sun? The usual, or the soft pink one?" I ask, turning to my boyfriend and holding them up. He glances up, grabbing his phone from the table and putting it in his pocket.
"Hmmm... The pink is nice, why not go with that one for today?"
I nod, smiling. "Mhm, yes. Good choice."

Sun grins as I begin to unwrap the towel. He takes a breath to say something, but splutters to the side suddenly as a result of his illness. He groans, shivering briefly as he regains his composure. "Aheh, don't worryyy. I'll close my eyes, if I must," he chuckles.
I give him a playful look. "I mean, I never said you had to."
Sun laughs. "Lucky me."
I pout at him amusedly, before unveiling my body and throwing the towel at Sun so that it covers over his head.
"Pfft, hey," he complains, pulling it off of him and folding it up.

I don't directly face him while I dress myself, but I don't need to be looking at him to practically be certain that he's looking at me. A sly smile stuck to my face, I glance over at him quickly and catch him look away sheepishly.
"Hehe. Busted," I tease.
Sun blinks innocently. "Hm, busted? Who? Why? No idea what you're talking about," he says facetiously, the corners of his lips forming a cheeky smile.
"Sureee," I chuckle.

He stands up from his seated position on the bed.
"Well I should go and feed the Pokémon, or else Feathers is gonna be grouchy at me. Do you want me to make you something to eat, Lil?"
"Oh no no, I'll make breakfast in a minute. You should go sit down," I insist politely, adjusting my skirt.
Sun scratches his cheek. "Hah... you're too sweet. Well, if you insist."
I turn and smile sweetly at him. "I do insist."
He pauses before leaving the room, approaching from behind me and gently wrapping his arms around my midriff from behind. Neither of us say anything; we don't need to. Still only half-dressed, I lean comfortably back against him while he lovingly grips my bare sides, holding me close. I close my eyes, my body enveloped by a comforting warmth that only grows stronger when I feel his lips kiss the back of my head. In the seconds that follow, Sun leaves a series of small, fleeting kisses down the length of my neck before pressing his lips passionately into the crook of my neck, squeezing my sides a little tighter before he lets go.

I touch my cheek gently and smile, the pace of my breathing noticeably increased in accordance with my quickened heartbeat.
"Hee... that was nice," I coo. He tilts his head and grins attractively before turning to leave the room - an action that I interrupt by taking hold of his hand. He turns back to me curiously, and I don't hesitate in seizing the opportunity to lean forward on my tiptoes and place a kiss on his lips in return.
We smile goofily at each other, our eyes fixed before Sun speaks again.
"I could easily kiss you until neither of us have any breath left, Lil, but..." he shakes his head, chuckling. "First of all, that'd be a bad idea with this cold of mine. And secondly... well, either Roxy or Feathers are going to drag me over to the kitchen themselves if I don't go and feed them," he laughs, making his way towards the door. "I'll be waiting for you in the living room."
"I'll be right there," I call after him.
As I slip on my t-shirt, I notice Sun's cap laying on the table in the corner of my eye. A sly smile crosses my face.
"Oh hey," he says, remembering something and turning back to me with a cute smile as he reaches for the door handle. "Your hair smells great, by the way."


It doesn't take too long for me to put on my hoodie, tie up my hair into the usual ponytail and sneakily steal Sun's cap before leaving the bedroom to catch up with Sun and his family in the main room. I find Sun sitting on the sofa, a cup of Tapu Cocoa in one hand while he pets a happy-looking Delta with his other. Sun's mother stands at the window, looking out at the pretty morning ocean while Sun's father stands near the centre of the room, adjusting his jacket.
"Here she is, hey Lillie," Sun's Dad greets me with a wave. He grins, noticing the recognisable cap I'm wearing. "Hey, nice hat."
I smile, waving to everyone in return.
"There's a Tapu Cocoa for you here," Sun says, gesturing to the table before suggestively patting the side of the sofa next to him. My Ninetales and Lycanroc both happily follow me as I sit down next to my boyfriend, taking up the warm beverage.

"Are you sure you'll be okay at home today, Sun?" Mom asks.
Sun nods slightly annoyedly, as if he's answered the same question more than enough times. "Yeah, yeah I'll be fine Mom, don't worry. You should show Dad around the islands more," he replies, his voice gravelly and a little quieter than usual.
"I'm still looking forward to exploring the region a little with you, Sun," his Dad perks up. "With both of you, I mean," he corrects himself, apologetically gesturing toward me.
"Yeah... sorry that me and Lillie have had our hands so full lately," Sun sighs. His dad waves a hand casually.
"Hey, don't sweat it, kiddo. There'll be plenty of opportunity for it soon enough," he responds cheerily. He turns back to Sun's mom. "And on that note, I'm ready to go whenever you are, honey."
"Finally," she jokes, stepping over to the front door and turning to us. "Sun, Lillie, we'll see you later. I hope you feel better soon, Sun," she says with a wave of which I return.
Dad grins teasingly at Sun. "Heheh, yeah Sun, have fun at home while we go and adventure," he says, the same deliberately-childish air about him.
Sun chuckles. "Pff yeah, sure. See you," he waves.

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