Chapter 23 - Taking The Reins

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My head rests against Sun's shoulder as we cuddle together on the sofa, his arm around me while both of my arms wrap around his waist. I lost track of exactly how long ago it was since his parents left the house for the day, but it can't have been more than ten minutes ago. Since then, Sun and I have simply been sat on the sofa together listening to nothing but the sound of our own synchronised breaths among the faint morning ambience.

I glance at Sun to my side. "Still awake?" I chirp.
His closed eyes suddenly flicker open again. "Yeah, yeah I'm awake. Just comfortable," he grins, pulling me a little closer to him. I squeeze myself closer to his chest, cuddling tighter but keeping in mind not to squeeze too tightly.
"Hey, you should have something to eat though. How about I make us some food?" I offer softly, slowly relieving my embrace and sitting back upright.
"That'd be good. Thanks, Lil," he smiles. I swear I'll never get over the little nicknames he has for me. I've heard him call me that countless times, yet it still seems to make my heart flutter each time I hear it.

I put my hand against his cheek while our gazes fix, stroking the side of his head softly with my thumb, a gentle smile on my face.
"Oh, and let me get some medicine for you, too."
With that, I get to my feet, pick up the two empty mugs on the coffee table and stroll over to the kitchen, carefully stepping around my midday-form Lycanroc who's laying sleepily on the floor next to the sofa.

Things begin to feel a little more lively as the sound of the TV fills the room. I glance across at Sun after tidying away the mugs to find him relaxedly laying across the length of the sofa, flicking idly through channels with the TV remote. My own attention seems to shift to the cycle of nonsensical fragments of speech that come one after the other from the television as Sun flicks through the channels.
'... Looking for some thrifty deals this New Year? Here— ... give you deals on the foods you love— ... You better watch out! New— ... today, on— ... by the beautiful Alolan seaside— ... Are in danger! What will our hero do— ... bookshelf, bookshelf, bookshelf... combine harvester!?—'
Finally, Sun just settles on the news channel and I find that I subconsciously filled two bowls with cereal in the meantime. Before I add milk and bring them over to the living room, I look around for some medicine - something that I'm sure is here somewhere but something I've never directly seen or asked about, despite living mostly with Sun for a little more than five months now.
"Hey, Sun? Where do you keep the medicine?"
Sun turns his attention back over to me, pointing at a cupboard behind me. "There should be some in the top left cupboard there."
Sure enough, upon opening the cupboard door, I find a variety of medicine bottles as well as boxes of tablets. It only takes a second of rummaging through the bottles to find a strawberry-flavoured product for cough and cold relief. Perfect. I read through the instructions and directions twice to be sure, before pouring milk into the bowls of cereal, taking some spoons from the kitchen drawer, and carrying everything over to Sun.

The news catches my attention as I put the bowls down on the table. I sit down slowly next to Sun, though my eyes remain fixed on the TV.
"... Latest reports of the violent and subversive gang come in from the crew of a cargo ship who were out at sea off the coast of Akala island yesterday afternoon. The ship's captain, Holokai Keli'i, claims that his ship was boarded by Team Skull members, who of which proceeded to steal an amount of the ship's cargo despite the efforts made to defend it."
I shift uncomfortably in my seat, my eyes flicking over to Sun. He watches the broadcast with a coldly serious expression, a hint of sharp anger behind his silver eyes. This must be about his encounter with them yesterday. I turn my attention back to the programme.
"Eyewitness accounts from various members of the ship's crew claim that they saw who they believe was our very own Champion pursuing the Team Skull group's getaway vessel via Charizard, but neither Team Skull nor the Alolan Champion have been seen since - leaving many to speculate just how the encounter turned out."
I tune out once again from the news, getting comfortable in my position and beginning to eat my breakfast.

"Hrm... still making headlines then," I mumble. Sun smirks - a comforting look to see on his face, especially in contrast to his previous, bitter expression.
"Who, me? Or Team Skull?"
I let out a short laugh, subsequently placing my arm carefully around his waist and shuffling slightly closer to him.
"I meant Team Skull, to be sure," I say, cocking my head and gazing up into his eyes. "Seeing you in the news most days is no surprise to anyone," I add playfully.
"Hey, I can't help being popular," Sun replies roguishly, shrugging.

As I reach toward the table, the door to the balcony suddenly pushes open behind us. Both of us turn around quickly to find that it's only Feathers returning to the house. I'd forgotten he went outside earlier, most likely to perch on his tree again. The Decidueye has always had a keen affinity for the morning sunlight and the fresh dew on the sweet-smelling plants.
Feathers waves at us cheerily with his wing, closing the door behind himself and hopping over to join the other Pokémon that are laying comfortably about the room. As I glance back toward the news on the TV, I notice the bottle of medicine still sat on the table.

"Oh, here Sun. Do you want to take some medicine now, or after you've eaten?" I ask, holding the bottle up. Sun shrugs nonchalantly.
"I'll have it now, why not," he answers, smiling. His gaze gradually shifts to the side as he scratches the side of his head - a gesture that I instantly pick up on. One that seems almost... nervous?
"Hey, what's that look about?" I ask curiously. He quickly glances back at me. A light blush is noticeable in his cheeks.
"Oh. Uhh..." he grumbles. He cracks a small, sheepish smile. "Just... thanks. Thanks for taking such good care of me, Lil."
I could swear that my heart just melted. An appreciative grin covers my face as I lightly tilt my head. It's unlike Sun to be bashful like that; though as cute as it is, I don't mean to embarrass him about it.
"Awww... of course, Sun." I lean forward and place a kiss on his cheek. "I'll do my best for you."
I know how he's feeling. Sun does his best to prove to the world that he can handle himself; it's always been a part of his personality, and it's something that's only become clearer since he became the Alolan champion. He places his cereal bowl down on the table, before shuffling up to me and wrapping his arms gently around my waist. His eyes still focused on the television, he leans softly against my shoulder and cuddles me tightly.

A small smile perks up on my face while I wrap my arms snugly around him in return. It's not often that I see him with so little energy, but he's always just so cute when he's tired. Another long moment passes by before one of us speaks again - Sun's the one to interrupt the silence, though his words come out only as a quiet mumble.
"I love you," he says. He proceeds to gently squeeze his arms around my waist just a little bit tighter. I smile, one of my hands finding its way up to his hair so that I may gently stroke through it.
"Hee... I love you too," I coo quietly, holding him close and cherishing the warmth from his body. "Now, let me give you some medicine. It'll help you feel better."
Sun groans, wearily pushing himself further against me.
"But hugging you is much more fun than medicine," he complains. I giggle gently, stroking his hair and carefully rubbing his side.
"It'll only take a second, I promise."
"Okaaay, okay."

Sun relieves his embrace on me, sitting up and gazing into my eyes with a smile on his face while I take the lid off the bottle and carefully pour some medicine out onto the spoon.
"Okay then. Now, open wide," I say to him, grinning and holding up the spoon. Sun furrows an eyebrow amusedly.
"Lil, I'm perfectly capable of taking medicine by myse-"
His sentence comes to an abrupt end as I giggle and push the spoon into his open mouth. Sun freezes for a second, his eyes confusedly glancing inwards at the spoon that just entered between his lips. After a moment, a blush creeps onto his cheeks as he swallows the medicine.
"Heehee," I giggle. "Now, the label says that you should take two spoonfuls. So, are you ready for the next one?"
Unable to suppress his smirk, Sun just chuckles and nods.
"If you insist," he concedes, opening his mouth again. I repeat the steady motion of feeding him the medicine before subsequently placing the spoon and bottle down onto the table.

Sun coughs to the side after swallowing the medicine, groaning and slumping back lazily against the leather sofa. I gently lay my hand against his back, hoping to comfort him slightly.
"That medicine will take a while to take effect, but it should help. How are you feeling for now?"
Sun sleepily rubs a hand against his strikingly warm forehead.
"Eh... not much better than when I woke up. But thanks," he replies, managing a smile. I cock my head slightly, gazing into his eyes with sympathy. I know that he acts like he's feeling better than he really is, but I've always been able to see past that... I hate seeing him in pain. I wish that I could do something to make him suddenly feel better, but I know too well that there's not much else that I can do for him.

"Hey? Lillie?"
I blink a couple of times before coming back to my senses. Sun gazes firmly back into my eyes, a hint of curiosity behind those sharp, grey iris' of his.
"Hm? Sorry, I spaced out for a second there."
"Aheh, yeah. What's on your mind?" he asks, his voice gravelly.
I shake my head lightly, glancing downwards.
"Nothing, it's just..." I pause to look back into his eyes, reaching forwards to feel through his hair. "I don't like seeing you in pain, that's all."
Sun smiles.
"It's really nothing bad." His expression perks up cutely as he remembers something. "Hey, about that cuddling?"
A sweet smile spreads across my face.
"Heehee. Of course." Adjusting my posture, I pat my lap suggestively. "Here, you can rest on my lap if you'd like."
Sun doesn't hesitate to shift his position on the sofa, making himself comfortable and laying his head down on my lap like it's a pillow. It's a position that we're both thoroughly familiar with by now - something that we've done somewhat regularly since our relationship began.


"Heated conflicts resume across the region between the two groups as our own Team Reskull continues to fight against the new Team Skull organisation, although some locals are left with concern after witnessing the resultant damage caused by the clashes between groups. Team Reskull leadership have not made any official statements on the situation since the recent incident on Ula'ula."
I relaxedly stroke my fingers through Sun's soft hair as his head lays on my thighs, only half paying attention to the noise of the news coming from the TV in the background. I seem to have once again lost track of how long Sun has been laying on my lap, but I'm in no hurry for this moment to come to an end.
"Hey, you got any plans today, Lil?"
I snap out of my thoughts upon hearing Sun's voice again.
"Oh, I thought you were asleep," I laugh. Sun chuckles.
"Nope, I'm awake... just about."
I continue to run my fingers through his hair with tender love in my motion, furrowing my brow slightly while I consider his question.
"But to answer your question... I mean, I just thought I'd be staying here with you for today."
Sun shuffles up slightly, keeping his head on my lap but wrapping his arms around my lower waist snugly.
"You don't have to stay inside with me all day," he insists. A dry laugh passes through his lips. "I had to tell mom the same thing. It's only a slight cold, I'll be fine here with the Pokémon."
"Hm..." I pause, taking some time to mull over the thought. Truthfully, there is a small list of things that I need to see to, but those things could always wait for another day. "I would feel bad for leaving your side..."
Sun laughs gently, and I recognise his tone. It's one of those small chuckles he lets out whenever I unintentionally do something cute.
"Hey, I promise I'll be fine by myself. Besides, I was thinking I could pick up my guitar for a bit later. Could play some games on my Switch, listen to music... I'll keep myself entertained," he says. He turns over, not removing his head from my lap but adjusting himself so that he can look up at my face from his relaxed position. He delicately reaches a hand up to touch my hair. "Of course, there's no problem at all if you still want to stay home too. Just don't feel like you can't go outside and do your own thing too, yeah?"
I smile gently as my eyes remain fixed with his own, his careful fingers caressing some of the locks of my golden hair.
"Well... there are a few things that I need to do - just a little shopping and a trip to Malie Library," I admit, mindlessly scratching my nails against the side of his firm body. My eyes trail away. "More importantly, though... I think I should keep an eye out for Team Skull."
Sun sighs. "Yeah. Alola needs its Champion, especially now..." he murmurs. Another sigh passes through his lips as he pauses to pinch the base of his nose annoyedly. "Which is why I don't like being stuck at home..."
Sensing his stress, I gently stroke through his dark hair again and allow my gaze to fall in line with his.
"Sun... I can do this, don't worry." I give him a reassuring smile. "I'll take the reins for a while, okay?"
It only takes a second before Sun mirrors the smile on my own face. "Okay. Thanks, Lil."

At last, Sun pulls his head up from my lap and returns to his previous position on the sofa, sitting back casually and hanging his arm over the edge of the furniture.
"Alright, looks like we've got a plan then," he says. Sun picks up his breakfast bowl from the table, scooping up some cereal in the spoon and bringing it toward his mouth but hesitating as he notices how the cereal has become mushy. I get back up to my feet, taking my empty bowl to the kitchen along with the bottle of medicine to clean it all up.
"I still feel a little bad about leaving you here alone," I point out sadly.
"Really Lillie, don't be. Besides, I'm not alone - I've got this lot to look after me, right?" he replies, chuckling lightheartedly as he rubs his hands playfully through Delta's orange fur. "Which reminds me... hey, Feathers!"
The Decidueye glances up from his sedentary position in the room upon the mention of his name, proceeding to cheerily hop over to his trainer. Sun picks up the Poké Ball of his partner Pokémon from the table, toying with it passively while he speaks.
"How about going along with Lillie for today, huh? What do you think about that?"

I step back over from the kitchen, a little surprised.
"Huh? A-are you sure, Sun?"
Although I also have a strong bond with Feathers after all this time, I've never taken him with me as part of my team. At first, the Decidueye chirps happily and nods - though his expression shifts slightly as he cocks his head at Sun, contemplatively looking him up and down. Sun gestures innocently with his hands.
"Hey, don't give me that look, I'll be fine here with the others. You can accompany Lillie and keep an eye out for Team Skull with her, yeah?"
Trusting his trainer's word, Feathers glances across at me and nods, followed by a happy-sounding chirp of approval.
"Aheh, alright then. Well, Lillie, you heard him," Sun says, grinning and holding up Feathers' Poké Ball before returning the Pokémon to the device. "Here, catch!"
Sun subsequently tosses the Poké Ball at me, and I just about react fast enough to catch it in my hands. I glance down at the white and red ball in my hands, studying it's well-polished surface.
"You know as well as I do that he'll get you through anything," Sun explains. "He'll be able to hold his own against Team Skull, in case you run into them. Besides, it's not good for him to be stuck here all day. He'll want to stretch his wings a bit."
"You're right. My own Pokémon may be strong too, but... well, I feel better about having one of your Pokémon with me," I admit. I smile at the Poké Ball in my hand. "I'm glad to have you with me, Feathers."

After picking up my bag and ensuring I have everything that I need, I adjust my hair slightly and step over to Sun.
"Thank you," I say, shooting him a sweet smile. The adorable Alolan Champion smiles back, laying back loosely on the sofa in his thin, casual clothes.
"No problem, Lil. Oh!" he exclaims suddenly, remembering something. He leans across and picks up another of the Poké Balls that are sitting on the coffee table, offering it out to me. "You should take Ember, too. He'll get you wherever you need to go."
I gingerly accept the Poké Ball from his hand. "Ah, thank you. But... um, that would mean flying by myself, r-right?"
Sun grins, showing off his white teeth. "Yup! But you'll be fine, you've done plenty of flying with me before right? Ember won't let you fall off, just trust him."
I hold the Poké Ball in my hand, staring at it contemplatively. At last, I tighten my grip on the device and pull my fists close to my chest, showing my confidence.
"You're right. I can do this," I announce.

Sun laughs gently. "Cutie. Well, guess I'll just take it easy for a while," he shrugs, making himself more comfortable.
"Yes, please do. I think I'll only be gone for a couple of hours, but I have my phone with me, so..." I take a few steps closer to him and lightly bend down, placing my hand against his shoulder. "Just let me know if you need me for anything at all, okay?"
Sun reaches out and holds the side of my hip gently. "I'll let you know. Thanks again, Lil," he whispers softly. Our eyes locked, I slowly lean closer, my lips edging closer to his. Sun squeezes my hip all of a sudden. "Wait, Lillie... I still have a col-"
I bring his sentence to a smooth end as my lips press gently against his. I hold my kiss on his soft mouth for a few seconds, before I gradually pull away.
"I don't mind," I giggle quietly.

I lay out the 8 Poké Balls on the wooden table - 6 of them being the members of my team, plus Feathers and Ember.
"I can only take 6 Pokémon with me on my team, so..."
I firstly pick up the Poké Ball of my Alolan Ninetales - my Pokémon that has essentially earned the role of team leader due to her caring, protective nature, not to mention the fact that she's my strongest Pokémon. I take Feathers' and Ember's Poké Balls with me, and finally decide on taking along my Ribombee, Lycanroc and Ivysaur too. That just leaves my Fletchinder and Comfey, both of which I proceed to release from their Poké Balls.
"Okay, you two. You stay here and look after Sun while I'm gone, okay?" I explain, putting the other Pokémon in my bag. Comfey sings happily, bouncing joyously over to Sun whilst Fletchinder, with his usual irritable demeanour about him, just lets out a single flat chirp before fluttering over to perch on the kitchen counter. I huff insincerely. "Fletchinder, I know you want to come along too and show your strength in battle, but why don't you just take a break today?"
The flame bird Pokémon lets out another low chirp, causing Sun to chuckle suddenly.
"Still the edgy one on the team, huh?" he grins. I sigh, adjusting the straps of my pink backpack.
"Yeah, he's like that... Oh!" I exclaim suddenly, noticing Sun's cap still laying on the coffee table. Grinning to myself, I pick it up quickly and place it on my head, adjusting it accordingly.

"Aheh, I noticed that you brought that in with you," Sun says amusedly, before covering a hand over his mouth to cough. I bring my fists together eagerly, gazing at him hopefully whilst showing off the most adorable expression I can muster.
"Can I wear it for today? Pleeeease?" I ask. Sun grins handsomely, showing off his neat set of teeth and laughing.
"Of course you can, Lil. It looks adorable on you, you know."
"Yaaay, ahehee," I cheer, hopping over to the centre of the room. "I still think it looks better on you, though," I add with a smile.

I take a few steps toward the front door, coming to a stop before it and turning back to Sun. "Well, I'm heading out now. You'll... you'll be okay?" I ask worriedly. Sun smiles, his hands tucked behind his head casually as he lays across the length of the sofa.
"For the millionth time, Lillie, I'll be fine. I love you," he says softly. I smile, opening the front door.
"I love you too... heehee."
"Oh, Feathers? Take care of Lillie out there."
I give him a small pout. "Don't you mean, 'Lillie, take care of Feathers?'"
Sun laughs cheekily. "Oh, yeah. That too, heheh."
I can't help but chuckle along with him. Catching his eyes once more, I wink and blow him a kiss before turning around on my heel and exiting out of the front door.


The firm 'clunk' of the front door closing echoes out across the empty route, soon dissipating into near silence. Sunlight kisses my skin and flows through my golden hair - the same sunlight bounces off the deep blue waves out at sea, illuminating the colourful region that is Alola. That gentle, oh so familiar salty breeze sails over the green grass and bushes, swaying my ponytail in the wind as I hop eagerly down the wooden steps. What a beautiful day.

I'm so captivated by the serene view, in fact, that I almost forget that Team Skull even exists as I reach into my bag and pull out Ember's Poké Ball. I find myself wondering how it's possible for any sort of chaos to come to a place as peaceful as this... though I suppose I've seen first-hand how such grace can be shattered in an instant; such as the moment an Ultra Wormhole tears open the sky, or the way I saw Sun's soul shatter behind his silver eyes in the moment he saw me leaving to Kanto... Snapping back to my senses, I hold out Ember's Poké Ball and toss it forward into the air. There's a bright flash as the mighty Charizard appears, landing with a thud onto the ground.
"Hey Ember," I greet him, gently reaching out and petting the creature's snout. "Could you fly us to the Thrifty Megamart on Akala island, please?"


As it turns out, flying by myself without Sun really is terrifying. It reminds me of when I first came back to Alola, actually - when flying on Charizard was scary for me, even with Sun to hold onto. After a while, I grew accustomed to it to the point now where I no longer feel afraid to ride with Sun across the sky, and the same should apply for this. Although I never rode any sort of Pokémon during my time in Kanto, with practise, I should be able to get used to riding a Pokémon all by myself... even if it's a Pokémon soaring a hundred meters above the surface of the ocean.

Fortunately, it only takes a couple of minutes to reach the Royal Avenue of Akala island. I cling onto Ember even more fearfully as the Charizard glides down to the ground at a speed that makes my stomach drop, fearing at first that we're travelling too fast - but I ease up slightly as Sun's words echo in my head, reminding me to trust Ember. After all, the Charizard has spent years flying around the region with the Alolan champion.

I close my eyes as I see the ground beneath us fast-approaching, and with a flap of Charizard's mighty wings, my body jolts forward slightly as the beast lands with a thud in the centre of the street. Finally, I slowly open my eyes again and glance around - suddenly, I'm sat completely still atop the Charizard. My heart pounding from all the adrenaline, I gradually come to my senses and dismount from Ember. I notice my knees shaking in fright as I stand on the smooth tarmac in the middle of the road and glance up at a few people strolling up and down the sidewalks, minding their own business. I... I really did it, I rode a Charizard all by myself. Although I didn't really do much... admittedly, Charizard did most of the flying without any direction from me whatsoever. But I at least faced another of my fears, and I'm happy about that. The corners of my lips curl upwards into a small smile. Heehee... I bet Sun would be proud of me, too.

Phew, but I need to pull myself together. Although there isn't much need to rush, I should still focus on completing my jobs today so that I can get back home to Sun. I take Ember's Poké Ball in my hand, but reach out to pet the side of the dragon's strong neck before returning him.
"Thanks for the ride, Ember. I appreciate it very much."
Charizard grunts softly, the expelling of hot steam from his snout suggesting that he appreciates my gesture. I return him to his Poké Ball, place it back in my bag, and begin my venture down the street towards the Thrifty Megamart. As I walk with my hands gripping the straps of my bag as usual, I find myself noticing the brim of my- I mean, Sun's cap sticking out slightly over the edge of my field of vision. I gently adjust it with my hand and smile, intrigued by the comforting effect it seems to have on me. Sun's signature black and blue cap goes along with him on all of his travels. It's been with him through each and every battle that he's ever fought... it's recognised as the trademark of the Alolan champion, not only by the Alolan people but by people from regions all over the world. I wonder how many more places it's been to, how many more sights and battles it had seen during all that time that I spent in Kanto... it sounds strange, but it's almost as if I can feel those memories, in a way. Before I know it, I'm smiling from ear to ear again as I approach the supermarket. Sun just really is amazing.

However, my helpless grin fades a bit when I notice a pair of police officers stood outside the entrance to the shop. At first, I gaze at them a little worriedly. It's unusual to see police officers stood around like this, as if they're watching out for something... but then it all suddenly hits me again. Of course, they must be looking out for Team Skull too...
I'm caught slightly by surprise when I notice one of them catch my gaze, though the friendly smile and wave that they give me quickly reassures me. I flash back a somewhat flustered smile, before entering the Thrifty Megamart.

Almost immediately as I step into the supermarket, a hand grasping a piece of paper appears practically right in front of my face, accompanied by a cheerful voice.
"Welcome to the Thrifty Megamart, where the sales are explosive! Here, take this discount coupon!"
I freeze for a moment, staring at the piece of paper in the clerk's hand with a wide-eyed expression.
"O-Oh! Thanks," I splutter, easing up slightly and accepting the coupon. The clerk beams happily, returning his hand to his side.
"Just show that coupon to the staff at the checkout for a special discount only available at our store. Now, shop until you drop - or until you're out of savings, thanks!"
I smile a little timidly, giving a nod to the clerk before proceeding forwards and picking up a basket from a stack.

As I wander through the first aisle of the shop, a sudden realisation crosses my mind. Ahh... I forgot to ask Sun if he wanted anything from the shop before I left the house. I slide my phone out from my pocket and unlock it, quickly finding Sun in my contacts and tapping my thumbs against the screen as I send him a text.

Hey Sun? Sorry, I forgot to ask you earlier - but I'm at the Thrifty Megamart right now, do you need anything?

I hit send and glance up from my phone, browsing the items that are on the shelves while I wait for my boyfriend's response. He's probably already found something to keep himself busy with, so I don't anticipate an immediate response. Sure enough though, while I place some Poké Balls and Super Potions into my shopping basket, my phone buzzes in my hand.

Hiii Lil, no probs
And do I need anything, uhhh.....

There's a considerable pause, presumably while Sun thinks about his answer. Eventually, an animated series of dots appears on the screen again, indicating that he's typing.


He follows up his message with a thinking emoji. I roll my eyes and chuckle to myself, typing back a witty response.

Take your time. <3

I can't help but giggle while I continue through the shop, adding items that I need to my basket as I go. When I glance back at my phone, I see that Sun has replied.

I don't really need anything specific, but have they got any lava cookies? I'll pay you for them when you get back, promise :)

Another small giggle escapes me as I read the message. Somebody in the store has surely noticed my repeated giggling by now. I continue through the store while typing my reply.

No need to worry about that. I'll get some for you. ^^

I put my phone back in my pocket while I go around the shop and pick up the items that I came here for - mostly just more Poké Balls, healing items, Poké Beans for my Pokémon... that sort of thing. I make sure to pick up a bag of Lava Cookies too, before I make my way to the checkout. There's a small queue to the cashier, so I pull out my phone while I wait to see one new message from Sun.

Ahh thank youuu
You're the best ;)

I smile to myself and type my response.

You're welcome. I'm almost done shopping now, but I'm planning on going to Konikoni city next. How are you feeling?

The queue moves forwards a bit, the next person stepping up to the cashier. I shuffle along with the line while Sun types a reply.

I'm doing alright. Delta's fallen asleep on me and I'm playing Smash Bros on the Switch again

I smirk mischievously, knowing exactly what to say in response.

Still practising to see if you can beat me at it next time, hm?

There's a hesitant pause in Sun's typing before he returns a message.

... maybe

I snap back to attention as I notice the person in front of me move forwards to the cashier, indicating that it's nearly my turn. Hastily, I type back another response.

Hehe. Well, gotta go now but I'll text you again soon. I love you.

Okay! Love you too

He follows up with a kiss emoji, making me grin stupidly to myself as I slip my phone back into my pocket.


The pleasant sunlight continues to beat down over Alola just as strongly as it has been all day while I stroll through the streets of Heahea city, holding onto the straps of my backpack the whole way. It's a habit I've kept ever since I first bought the bag and the clothes along with it - the outfit of mine that has always been fondly referred to as my 'Z-form' by Sun and myself.
After I completed my shopping, I decided to take the long route to Konikoni city. Walking from the Thrifty Megamart all the way through Heahea city and Diglett's Tunnel to get to my destination may be time-consuming, but it gives Ember a rest from flying and, furthermore, allows me to keep an eye out for Team Skull in Heahea city. Besides, I'll never pass up the opportunity for some extra exercise.

A smile spreads across my face as I adjust the cap on my head that belongs to the Alolan champion. I still find it a little daunting to have Feathers and Ember on my team today, though I haven't brought the Decidueye out of his ball yet... for better or worse, I think to myself. After all, Feathers is with me mainly to battle Team Skull if we cross paths, although Heahea city seems to show no sign of the criminal gang - only various small crowds of people, bustling around and going about their everyday lives.

At last, I reach the mouth of Diglett's Tunnel. I've been through the cave only a couple of times before, but never by myself. I know that there's an abundance of wild Pokémon lurking inside, so I reach into my bag and take out the Poké Ball that contains the leader of my team - my Alolan Ninetales. The flash of light bounces off the damp cavern walls as the Poké Ball bursts open after I throw it forwards, releasing my Ninetales into the world next to me.
"Welcome back," I greet her with a smile, petting the Pokémon's soft fur as she brushes her head against the side of my leg. "Could you help me through this cave, please?"
The icy-furred Pokémon howls softly, beaming up at me with a friendly smile as her body brushes past me in a series of graceful movements. My question is answered by the way that she eagerly prowls forward into the murky cavern ahead of us.

The crunch of my footsteps against the gravelly cavern floor echoes through the tunnel as I press forward, only barely able to see the walls of the cave through the darkness. Before travelling with Sun on his Island Challenge, I would never have been able to do this. The hazy darkness and eerie quiet broken only by the echoed cries of distant wild Pokémon would have turned the blood in my veins to ice years ago. I never cease to be amazed just how much I've been able to grow and change thanks to Sun. As the image of his heartwarming smile pours into my mind, I find my own radiant grin stuck to my face before I know it. I gently hold the brim of the cap that belongs to Sun as I venture further into the tunnel with Ninetales at my side.

We're almost through now, and I continue to press on without a trace of fear in my stride - but when Ninetales suddenly stops in her tracks beside me, I admit I feel a sense of unease stir within me.
"What is it, Ninetales?"
She's eyeing something ahead of us, something that I can't make out through the darkness. My Alolan Ninetales takes one slow step forward, her footsteps scratching the dirt and interrupting the sound of water droplets falling from the ceiling above us. I gasp and jolt backwards when Ninetales suddenly bolts forward, standing in front of me protectively as a loud flapping of wings shatters the silence and a wild Pokémon darts forward at us.

But when my eyes reopen and adjust to the darkness again... I see that it was only a Zubat. I giggle stiffly in relief and renew my confident stance, thrusting an arm out and pointing at the wild Zubat that challenges us.
"Ninetales, use Ice Beam!"
Maintaining her protective stance, Ninetales focuses her power and blasts her powerful ice-type move at the wild Pokémon. The icy vapour clears away after a moment, revealing the Zubat fainted on the ground.
"Haah... nice work. Let's keep going."
Admittedly, I always feel a sharp sense of guilt whenever I see a wild Pokémon get hurt because of me, but I suppose it can't be helped in circumstances such as this one - training with Sun has certainly helped me understand that. The air around me chills my skin even more than it did before due to the Ice Beam, and... I know it sounds stupid, but something kind of feels wrong about even using the move. After all, an Ice Beam is the reason Sun is at home with a fever right now... and the reason he almost died yesterday.

After climbing a small set of metal stairs, the tunnel's exit becomes visible at the end of the path - a gaping hole in the rock of which an abundance of blinding sunlight spills in through. As Ninetales and I approach, however, the silhouettes of two figures come into view through the light of the tunnel entrance. I instinctively slow my pace, watching them carefully as they enter; but when their figures come into clearer view and the friendly voice of the lady speaks out, my wariness eases away. It appears that they're simply just sightseers.
"Ooh, hi! Are you a Pokémon Trainer too?" the lady asks enthusiastically. Before I can answer, the man with her speaks out too.
"Do you want to battle with us?"
I give them a friendly smile, secretly quite relieved that they're not Team Skull grunts but thinking myself a fool for even worrying that they were.
"Of course I'll battle!"
Ninetales hops forward eagerly while I reach into my bag to select another Pokémon for a double battle, considering my options. Hm, using Feathers or Ember would be entirely unfair on them. Lycanroc, Ivysaur... ah, Ribombee!

I pull out Ribombee's Poké Ball and ready it, just as my opponents affirm their position with their own Poké Balls in hand. My own Pokémon are quite strong, but I always appreciate the chance to test my skills as a Trainer in battle - though I admit, I especially like it when Sun is around to watch me battle, hehee.
"We decided to come and visit Alola for Christmas this year. It's a little less busy with sightseers like us this time of year," the man explains.
"Mhm! And the Trainers and Pokémon here in Alola are so strong, too!" the lady chips in, throwing her Poké Ball into battle. "Now, let's see what you can show us!"

The battle begins as the two sightseers' Pokémon - a Persian and Sandslash, both Kantonian - emerge from their Poké Balls in unison, and Ninetales adjusts her battle-ready posture while I throw Ribombee in to join her.
"Okay Ninetales, Ribombee, let's do this! Ribombee, use Reflect and Ninetales, Ice Beam on that Sandslash!"
I know my way around Kantonian regional-variants thanks to my journey in the Kanto region, so this should be easy. I grip onto one of backpack's straps while I give orders to my Pokémon, finding my other hand to be holding the brim of Sun's cap - instinctively mimicking one of his popular battle poses.
"Quick, Persian, use Shadow Claw on that Ninetales!"
"Sandslash, Gyro Ball - also on the Ninetales!"
Ribombee immediately gets to work on putting up some shields, but... hm, even with Reflect, the added power of both of those attacks will really hurt Ninetales if they hit. The Persian leaps forward, aggressively swinging its claw out in attack but clashing against Reflect's barrier - just in time. The Sandslash is much slower with its attack, giving Ninetales the opportunity to fire her Ice Beam at it. The beam of freezing energy smashes into it's target, blasting the Sandslash backwards and leaving it fainted on the ground. Yes, it was a critical hit! Now to take down the Persian.

As the lady returns her fainted Sandslash, my other opponent shouts out his next command.
"Use Power Gem on that Ribombee!"
"Ribombee, use Pollen Puff! Ninetales, Dazzling Gleam!"
Both of my Pokémon prepare their attacks, though Ribombee is quickest on the draw. She darts forward through the air, launching an explosive Pollen Puff at the enemy. The Persian is only slightly fazed as it dashes forward with impressive speed and leaps into the air, the Power Gem that it fires bypassing my team's Reflect and dealing a super-effective blow to Ribombee.
"Oh no, Ribombee!"
My bug and fairy-type Pokémon is sent spiralling backwards through the air, but to my relief, she manages to catch hold of herself and regain balance in the air before colliding into the rocky ground. She shakes her head, slightly stunned by the move before turning back to me and giving me a reassuring chirp to tell me that she's still in the fight. As I glance away from Ribombee and back at the battlefield, I discover that Ninetales is already halfway through performing her attack - and a moment later, I have to use my hand to block out the powerful light that results from her Dazzling Gleam move. When the blinding Fairy-type move subsides and my eyes readjust to the darkness of the tunnel, I look ahead and find the enemy Persian fainted. We won.

"Phew... that was fun, you're really something! Were you taught by a pro?!" the man exclaims. I giggle, lightly running my hand through the blonde ponytail that flops over my shoulder.
"You could say that," I answer, grinning.
"Like I said, you Alolan trainers are amaziiing! Your Pokémon are adorable, too!" the lady sings.
"Thank you!" I smile appreciatively, stroking the soft fur on Ninetales' head before returning her to her Poké Ball.
"Well, you beat us fair and square. Here, take this."
The man reaches into his pocket and offers out a handful of prize money to me. I've always seemed to have a difficult time accepting money from others, but my journey as a Pokémon trainer has taught me to accept it as tradition.
"O-oh! Thank you," I reply with a timorous voice as I accept it.

The lady follows suit in handing me prize money, her expression showing curiosity as I notice her studying the cap on my head.
"Hey, that cap... that's the same brand that the Alola Champion has, right? Can you tell us where to buy one?"
I stare blankly for a moment, thinking of what to say.
"Oh, ahah, actually... well this is actually the exact cap that belongs to the Champion," I explain. Both of them glance at each other, and then back at me. The lady is the one to speak next.
"Huh?! You mean that's... the Champion's cap? How-?"
I giggle gently to myself, deciding it would be easier simply to tell them the truth. Most of the people I meet across Alola tend to recognise me, but I suppose I'm less famous to tourists - and that's completely okay with me. Being famous is more of Sun's thing.
"Well, a-actually... the Alolan champion, Sun, he's... he's actually my boyfriend," I explain. I feel my cheeks glow a little pinker as both tourist's glance at each other again, their jaws dropped even further.
I giggle politely yet again. "Mhm, really. I don't really know how I can prove-"
"Oh!" The man suddenly slaps his hand against his forehead, a sign of sudden realisation. "Of course! You're the girl he's always with on his social media posts, I knew I recognised you from someplace!"
Huh, maybe I am famous to tourists after all.
"Aww, no way! What a chance encounter!" the lady exclaims, her hands admiringly held against her cheeks.
"Ah, I'm sorry, w-what was your name again?" the man nervously asks.
"My name is Lillie," I say with a smile. I notice the pained expression on Ribombee's face - she's still hurt from the super-effective hit that she took earlier. I reach into my bag and pull out a hyper potion.
"Ah that's right, Lillie! Erm... Lillie, am I right in saying that Heahea city is on the other side of this tunnel?"
I notice that the two travelling tourists are sharing a map, the man peering at it closely.
"Yes, that's right," I answer while I apply the medicine to my Ribombee. It only takes a moment before the hyper potion gets used up and my Ribombee twirls around happily, singing in appreciation.
"Hey, Lillie? The Champion - I mean Sun - is he here somewhere, too?" the lady asks.
"Ah, I'm afraid he isn't. He's, um..." I pause, glancing down at Ribombee's Poké Ball to hide the hint of sadness in my eyes. "He's busy today."
"Aww. Well, it can't be helped," she shrugs. I notice the man gently brush his hand against the lady's while I return Ribombee to her ball.
"Well, honey, shouldn't we continue on to Heahea city now? We don't want to miss the match at the Battle Royal later," he asks, turning to her.
"Oh, right! Well, Lillie, it was a pleasure to meet you!"
"Yeah! Thanks for the battle too, Lillie!"
I feel my cheeks heat up slightly once again, taken slightly off guard by all of the attention. I wonder how long it took for Sun to get used to this?
"No problem, it was fun! I hope you both enjoy your visit to Alola!" I reply to the strangers, waving to them as we part ways at last.

I take a moment to catch my breath as I finally make my way out of the gloomy tunnel and back out into the sun-kissed outside world. That encounter was... interesting, if a little overwhelming. At least they didn't ask me for an autograph. People have asked me for autographs before - nowhere near as many that have asked Sun, mind you - and I've given it, but I'm not very good at it. I barely even have a practised autograph. I sigh, gazing up at the beautiful blue sky while my golden ponytail dances in the cool breeze. I did enjoy meeting those tourists, but I must admit that I'm certainly not used to being in that kind of situation... at least not by myself. Usually, I'm at least with Sun when things like that happen, and he's much more accustomed to it than I am. A smile returns to my face as I approach Konikoni city at last. I just need to do a little shopping here, and then to Malie City on Ula'ula island.


Around about an hour later, I'm walking down through the streets of Malie City once again. It was nice to do some shopping in Konikoni city, even if I wasn't there for long - I only needed to buy some more herbs for my Pokémon and decide on a gift to buy for Acerola, since her birthday is only a few weeks away. I even ran into Kahuna Olivia for a couple of minutes; it was good to see her again, though we couldn't talk long since she had Kahuna business to attend to.
After that, I rode Charizard here to Malie city. My second flight was a little better for me than the first, but not by much... I don't understand how Sun manages to fly at such speeds without losing his hat - I held onto it as tightly as I could the whole way in fear of it falling off. When I landed here at Malie, I popped into Malie Library quickly to return some books and withdraw some new ones, and now I'm here - on my way to Malie Garden. I was thinking of getting a cup of tea there along with a sit down for a while. I've gotten around to quite a few places today, and thankfully, there hasn't been a single sign of Team Skull.

The cool winds rustle through the trees and foliage and I'm surrounded by the blissful sounds of children playing and people laughing as I stroll across the well-kept grass of one of my favourite places - Malie Garden. No matter how many times I come here, I'm always welcomed by the same caressing breeze and peaceful, undisturbed atmosphere, the familiar scents of various types of tea lingering in the air as I approach the outdoor cafe area. I buy a cup of Roserade Tea and take a seat on one of the comfortable benches. As I do so, I think about the Pokémon that I have with me at the moment and consider which of them haven't had any time out of their Poké Balls yet... Ah, Feathers! I remember that Sun has told me before that Feathers usually doesn't like being stuck in his Poké Ball for long periods of time, so I fumble through my bag for his Poké Ball and toss it out onto the grass next to me. There's a burst of light and a flap of wings as Feathers hops out into the world once again.
"Hey Feathers," I greet him with a smile as he bounces forward eagerly, letting out a friendly chirp while he beams up at me. "I'm sorry I didn't let you out earlier. I hope it wasn't too bad for you..."
The friendly Decidueye cocks his head and flutters his wings lightly, a reassuring sign from him that tells me that he's happy. He stands quietly beside me while I hold my cup of tea in my hands, both of us relaxing in the silent sunlight.

As I sip at my cup of tea, I take out my phone - and my eyes widen in surprise as I switch on the display. It's almost 3pm already?! I've been gone for much longer than I thought. Unlocking my phone, I open the messaging app and find no new messages from Sun, so he must either be asleep or keeping himself busy with something. I hope he's okay... I tap out a quick message to check on him, and apologise for being gone for so long before placing my phone down next to me to wait for a response.

Unless I've forgotten something, I don't think I have anything else to do after this except for heading back home to Sun. Still, with the paradisal weather above me and this cup of hot Roserade Tea, I convince myself that there's no need to rush. I sit in blissful quiet by myself for a few minutes, before my phone's ringtone suddenly startles me. I pick it up quickly, expecting it to be Sun... but as I go to answer it, I realise that it's a call from somebody else. It's... Plumeria?

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