Chapter 24 - Lillie's Turn

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My arm freezes up suddenly and I hesitate in my automatic movement to put the phone to my ear when the caller's name registers in my mind. Plumeria... why could she be calling me all of a sudden? Of course, Plumeria is another of the Team Reskull admins and she's usually the one to be assigning tasks to Sun and I when Team Reskull needs us... but in those cases, she usually texts us in advance and arranges for us to meet in person at Po Town. It's rare to get a random call from her like this. That uncomfortable sense of anxiety swells in my stomach while I stare at the screen of my phone a moment longer. Whatever the reason of this call, I doubt it's good. Swallowing my nervousness, I answer the call and bring the phone to my ear.
"Hey? Plumeria?"
I notice immediately that my words trail past my lips as something of a shrinking murmur, and I bite my lip in annoyance at my own lack of confidence.
"Lillie. Sorry to request something of you so suddenly, but we're wondering if you and Sun are available to help some of our grunts out in Hau'oli."

Hau'oli city...
I gaze down at my feet - both of which are tapping timorously against the ground - as I open my mouth and think of what exactly to say back.
"Well, um... Sun's actually ill today, so he can't help," I explain slowly, taking a breath and picking up my courage again. "But I can. What's going on?"
"I see," Plumeria replies, her tone not deviating from it's stern, down-to-business manner. I hear the faint rustling of paper over the phone before she speaks again. "We got some grunts on the ground in Hau'oli city at the moment to look out for Team Skull activity after some sightings were reported," she explains.
"And I should join them in searching?"
"Well, that's not the exact reason I rang you up. The grunts are perfectly capable of handling some scouting - what they're not so capable of is taking on another city-wide attack by themselves. And based on Skull's movement over the past week, we think that's what might happen next."
I try to fight the unease that grips me and loosen up a bit, but I'm only marginally successful in doing so. I know I shouldn't be, but... I guess I'm just worried about Sun. Hau'oli city is right next to him, after all. If Team Skull really are causing trouble there, is it just coincidence that they chose Hau'oli city?
"I... I see," I mumble in reply to Plumeria. "I was just about to go back to Melemele island anyway. I'll join the grunts in Hau'oli city and do whatever I can," I announce, apparently more to myself than to Plumeria. I clench the fist of my free hand and bring it close to my chest - a sign of confidence.
"Heh, that's what I like to hear. Thanks, Lillie."
I glance up and smile at the sunshine, pushing myself up to my feet and taking a few steps forward onto the soft green grass. "Of course! I'll be on my way there now, then."
"I hear you. Good luck, and keep us updated, k'?" Plumeria says. The Team Reskull admin is quick to add another final point. "Oh, and I hope Sun gets well again soon. Tch, heh... cus' we're gonna need him, after all."
My eyes stare blankly at the sparkling ponds of Malie Garden in front of me, a faint smile crossing my face. As I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the water, I see more sadness in that smile than I expected.
"Yeah... He'll be well again soon, I'm sure. I'll keep taking good care of him," I reply. Feathers hops forward and gazes up at me curiously, catching my attention again. I take a breath and manage a more genuine smile. "Anyway, I should get going. Speak to you soon, Plumeria."
"Watch yourself out there, Lillie. Ciao."

I continue staring into the water as that unmistakable beep comes from my phone, telling me that the call has ended. I take a long, drawn-out breath in, sliding my phone back into my pocket. I knew today was too quiet. Yesterday, they attacked a ship out at sea. The day before that, they stirred up chaos in the streets right here in Malie. What about tomorrow? And the day after that? Is there any pattern to their methods, any motive behind their actions other than to just stir unrest? Even after everything that's happened, it all still just eludes me.

A sudden inquisitive chirp from Feathers snaps me out of my dazed state. I turn my head toward him suddenly, my eyes meeting his large, curious ones. The Decidueye stares at me wonderingly, sensing my restlessness.
"Ah... I'm sorry about that," I mumble. I glance down at the almost-empty cup of tea in my hands. I would've liked to stay here longer, but at least I had the chance to finish my tea. Feathers continues to stare, his head cocked curiously to the side. He's an incredibly intelligent Pokémon - although he's naturally much more in sync with Sun than he is with me, he's still able to piece together roughly what's going on based on my reactions.

I take a step toward Feathers and pet him gently on the head.
"That was Plumeria that called, she... well, she says that we should watch out for Team Skull activity in Hau'oli city," I explain. I put my cup to my mouth again, pouring the last of the warm (albeit now slightly colder) tea down my throat. With the disposable paper cup now empty, I gently squash it in my hand and deposit it into the nearby bin.
"So, I guess we should get back to Melemele island right away..."
I turn away from Feathers and reach into my bag, pulling out the Poké Ball belonging to Ember, Sun's famous Charizard. I don't throw it forward, not yet. Instead, I thoughtfully rub my thumb against it's smooth, metallic surface and turn back to face Feathers.
"Hey... whatever happens over there, we can do it... right?"
Feathers closes his eyes and smiles, fluttering his wings lightly. He nods and emits another reassuring chirp, completely at ease with himself. A smile returns to my own face. The Decidueye truly is Sun's Pokémon; anyone would be able to see their shared sense of confidence in the face of any threat, their symbiotic will to throw themselves into action. They really are always on the same wavelength.
"Yes... you're right." I retrieve the Decidueye's Poké Ball from my bag, holding it in my free hand. "Ready to go?"
Feathers answers by hopping forward and chirping happily; the sign of him awaiting to return to his Poké Ball. With his consent, I command the device to return the Pokémon, and watch the Decidueye become enveloped by a blue beam of energy. Seconds later, the light show concludes and the Poké Ball in my hand lets out a low hum, telegraphing to me that Feathers is safely tucked away inside his personal little home.


A part of me had thought that my third time riding atop Charizard by myself would've been fairly less terrifying, but as I look down at the calm ocean a hundred meters beneath me, I realise that isn't the case. It's not really that I have a fear of heights - well, at least not as much as I used to. And when I'm riding with Sun, I feel completely at ease... maybe it's just that I struggle to trust myself with this situation.

I cling on tightly to the reigns with one hand, leaning forward against the chilling wind that rushes over me while my free hand holds Sun's cap firmly on my head. As much as I don't necessarily want to look down, I decide to fight my fears and do so anyway; besides, I feel it would be prudent to keep my eyes on the ocean beneath me in order to watch out for any more possible Team Skull activity on the water. There's a bit of traffic down there, which is unsurprising, considering I've barely flown far from Ula'ula island yet - but it just seems to be ferries and fishermen, the usual sort of thing. As Ember soars across the blue sky, I find myself wondering how Sun would've gotten used to flying at first. Surely he must've found it at least a little jarring too, right?

An idea comes to my mind as the wind rushes past, though I'm not so sure it's an idea that I actually like. But Sun must've gotten used to this somehow - and if he did, then I can too.
"Hey, Ember?" I call out over the noisy breeze, my voice a little bit anxious. I gently pull on the reigns in order to suggest my own directions. "How about we practise some flying?"
The Charizard turns his head, glancing back at me with only the side of his face visible. The great beast grunts heavily and nods, turning his head forwards again and eager for my command. I haven't thought exactly of what sort of moves I could practise; but it would be best to start off small, right? Hm, maybe...
"Okay, Ember. L-Let's go down a bit, toward the sea level."
I tug the reigns to the sides, and Charizard reacts accordingly by gently beginning his descent. I've ridden with Sun more times than I can count by now, and I've watched him direct Ember enough to know how to do it myself. And still, this sense of control, being able to guide Ember through the air like this all by myself... it's something completely new to me, quite unlike anything else. Up until now, Ember has been doing most of the flying himself, without any direction from me beside for my destination requests - but with a little more practise and trust in myself, I'll be able to change that and fight my fears in the process.

I take a few minutes practising the ability to steer in a direction and control our altitude, and before I know it... there's a thrilled smile spread across my face. By this point, I've steered Ember in the direction completely opposite of Hau'oli city and instead directed him to soar around the edge of Ula'ula island. My heart thuds in my chest from the excitement and the hinting sense of danger... this is it, isn't it? This is a glimpse of what Sun must feel, so much of the time.
I know I need to get to Hau'oli city still, but I'm still just captivated by this moment. Before I know it, my posture is much more relaxed, and I lean forward confidently in my saddle - just as Sun does. I take a deep breath in of the cold air that rushes past us and look over my shoulder, down at the boats on the sea below us.
"Okay... phew, alright, we should get going to Melemele now," I announce to Ember. "Let's turn arouuu- wuaaah!" I squeak suddenly, gripping the reigns more tightly. I directed Ember to turn around more sharply than I thought, resulting in the Charizard turning farther on his side than I would be comfortable with. I exhale out deeply and hold onto the brim of Sun's cap.
"Okay, that was a little clo- uaaaah!" I scream in surprise over the howling wind as Ember deliberately swoops back around in a 180-degree angle, turning almost completely on his side as he performs the manoeuvre. My eyes widen in shock and I gasp loudly as I glance to the side and see that I'm looking... down, at the ocean about 50 metres below me. I cling desperately onto Ember's reigns as he pulls himself back around, and within a few seconds, I'm properly-oriented again as if nothing ever happened. I cling instinctively onto Ember with both my arms and my legs, and let out a deep sigh of relief. Ember, on the other hand, grunts out a loud, snort-like laugh.
"Hey, don't laugh at me! I- Oh, Ember, you're almost as bad as Sun, you know?!" I complain, pouting. Ember utters another series of amused grunts as he adjusts his balanced position in the air and resumes his course towards Melemele island. A moment passes before an irresistible smile creeps across my face from cheek to cheek, and I reach out and pet Ember's warm neck.
"Now, don't do that again. Honestly, why do you guys and your trainer like to mess with me so much, huh?"

As my heart rate recovers and I gradually begin to relax again, I glance back at Ula'ula island and a few small black dots on the surface of the water manage to catch my eye. I pull on the reigns sternly.
"Wait a minute, Ember..."
I pull us around in the air to allow myself a better view. From all the way up here, the three little dots in the distance seem like nothing - and they probably aren't anything. And yet, their colour seems to make them stand out distinctly. All of the other ships around the island are mostly white or painted in some kind of colourful manner. The small cluster of jet-black boats seem to be far from any of the others, scrolling lonesomely across the deep blue sea - not too far from the land, and between the few jagged, tall cliffs and rocky spires that lie not too far out at sea from the island's west coast. As I stare at them considerately, this morning's news echoes in my mind. It recounted the events that happened at sea yesterday, with Team Skull and the boat they got away in... the boat that Sun tried to pursue, and... hm. Their getaway vessel was never described, but I can't shake off one memory that springs to mind. From before I left Alola, a couple of years ago. When the first Team Skull captured me at Aether House and took me to Aether Paradise, they took me in a similar black vessel, decorated with Team Skull insignia. It can't just be coincidence, but... well, admittedly, I have been far too on-edge today. I could be overthinking all of this.

My thumbs stroke idly across the leather straps of Ember's reigns as we continue to soar. I could go down there. I could just try and get a better look just in case, but... no, I can't, I shouldn't. I close my eyes briefly, and as I do, the image of Sun collapsing to the sand, freezing cold and wet, sticks to my mind. I can't risk that happening to me as well. Besides, I need to get to Hau'oli city. Forcing my gaze away from the mysterious ships at sea, I set my eyes straight ahead again and yank on Ember's reigns, redirecting our course again and setting us straight for Melemele island.

West side of Ula'ula island, not far from the coast between the sea cliffs and spires... I won't forget it.


A few minutes later, we approach Hau'oli city and the tall buildings and streetlights approach closer and closer as Ember swoops down to land, without needing much direction from me. I grip onto Sun's cap firmly as my blonde ponytail flails in the wind, until we rapidly begin to lose speed. With a loud flapping of winds and a solid thud, Ember's feet make contact with the street's surface just next to a small, familiar plaza - we're just outside the shopping district.
Although I really did enjoy learning to fly atop a Charizard, I must admit that my feet have never missed dry land so much. I eagerly dismount from Ember and hop down onto the concrete pavement, stretching my legs at last and looking around.
"Hey, thank you for your hard work, Ember." I reach out and appreciatively pet the side of the beast's snout while I reach into my bag and retrieve his Poké Ball. The Charizard responds with an understanding nod, expelling a puff of hot steam from his nostrils as I take a step back, aim the Poké Ball at him, and return the creature to it.

As I replace the Poké Ball in my bag, I'm startled slightly by the rush of footsteps from behind me, accompanied by a girl's voice.
"Hee-eey, Sis! Did Big Sis send you?"
I spin around quickly on my heels, and my eyes immediately land on the pink-haired Team Reskull grunt that's dashing down the street, a male grunt not far behind her. I breathe a slight sigh of relief.
"Oh! That's right, she did," I answer, my eyes scrolling across the notably empty vicinity. "Um, how are things here?"
The grunts come to a stop, and the girl casually twiddles a finger through her hair. "Oh, like, we haven't ran into them yet, sooo nothing much has really happened..."
"Yeah, but we're tryna' advise the people to stay off the streets just in case, y'know?" the other grunt takes over. He raises an eyebrow. "Hey, uh, the Champ's not with ya?"
My eyes trail up towards the sky slightly and I shake my head. "No, he's... he's ill today," I mumble, not for the first time. The sunlight beams down on my face for a moment before my head turns away from the sky and I decide on what to do next. "I think we should all keep searching, just in case the people here are at risk."
"Got it! Then we'll try and meet back up with the other grunts around the city," the girl replies. I smile politely and nod my head before the two grunts sprint on down the street, though I can't help but frown slightly at a thought that lingers in my mind as I watch them leave. Team Skull are certainly the ones at fault for all of the recent chaos, but the destruction caused by the conflicts between Team Skull and Team Reskull is... saddening. Surely there's a better way to resolve this all, right?

I turn and make my way down the street in the direction opposite to which the grunts headed, Hau'oli beach visible in the distance. It's unusual to see so few people about, especially since the weather is good again. The Team Reskull grunts must have been doing a good job here. But if there really are Team Skull agents around the city, why haven't the two groups crossed paths yet? Sighing gently to the nearly barren streets, I grip onto the straps of my pink backpack as I continue strolling through Hau'oli city.


I end up wandering around the city for... well, longer than I expected, that's for sure. Though it's far quieter than normal, I still pass by quite a few people making their commutes - a businesswoman making a phone call, couriers out on deliveries, construction workers along with general groups of people here and there. Though it felt strange to, I even approached a few and asked them if they'd seen any suspicious people around, though it appears that nobody's had any such encounter. I bite my lip gently in thought as I continue on down the sidewalk, passing by the lit-up shops and restaurants as the afternoon breeze blows its way down the street alongside me, blowing around dropped newspapers and plastic bottles. I notice that there's a lot more litter lying around than there usually is. Strange, especially since Hau'oli city is usually praised for being one of the cleanest and well-maintained cities in the world.

I glance up from the grey pavement and notice a news crew further down the street. Looks like they're on air, too. I make a note to stay out of the way of that as I amble onwards, although a big part of me wonders if there really is any Team Skull activity going on here at all. After at least 20 minutes, I still haven't ran into any trouble... and I usually seem to be pretty good at finding it, too. Besides, Plumeria did say that there were only rumours of Team Skull activity, didn't she? Maybe it would be best just to head home already and see Sun again. Hopefully he's feeling okay, I- oh shoot, I haven't checked my phone since I texted him earlier.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts all of a sudden as the echoed sounds of loud voices reaches my ear. My eyes perk up quickly, and I glance around the area while coming to a stop. Where's that coming from? I glance back behind me and see the street devoid of people except for a small group further down, but the sound isn't coming from them. The distant, faded noise stops for a moment - then it suddenly returns in the form of fast footsteps, steadily growing louder. I look around anxiously, my fingers gripping the straps of my bag tighter. It's as if it's coming from an...

Suddenly the echoed footsteps become clear, and I gasp as a young-ish man comes sprinting out from an alleyway a little way up the street.
"Someone, help!" he yells, dashing off in a frenzy. Without hesitation, I adjust Sun's black and blue cap, pull out Feathers' Poké Ball from my bag and dart forwards towards the alleyway clutching the Poké Ball tightly. Of course they'd be in an alleyway.

It doesn't seem like that man was being chased, but after I turn the corner and bullet down the murky alleyway, it all makes sense as my eyes lock on to a pair of Team Skull grunts cornering someone and their Pokémon - a small Stufful - in a slightly larger expanse that the alleyway leads into.
"Last chance, punk! You can hand that Pokémon over, or-"
The first grunt pauses and turns to face me quickly as the slamming of my footsteps reverberate through the gap between the city buildings. Admittedly, there's a little fear in me as the blood beats through my veins and I hold Feathers' Poké Ball firmly in my hand; but I swallow the fear and stay focused.
"Team Skull... let him go!" I shout, doing my best to sound intimidating. The two grunts turn away from the poor man and his Pokémon, instead turning their scowling gazes to me and reaching for their Poké Balls.
"What d'ya think- huh?!" the first one speaks up.
"You..!" the second one growls.
They seem to recognise me. The three of us stand unmoving in the chilling silence for a moment, each of our grips tightening slightly on the Poké Balls at our sides. The first grunt snorts all of a sudden.
"That ain't your cap. No Champion boyfriend to fight for you this time, huh?"
My eyebrows furrow slightly in anger.
"No, but I'd make him proud. Now leave that man and his Pokémon alone, and go. Your Pokémon don't need to get hurt," I say sharply, my confidence growing.
The second grunt laughs. "You dumb or somethin', girl? You know we're just gon' take your Pokémon too, right? That's right, old-fashioned Pokémon thievery is what Team Skull's about, baby!"
The grunt cracks his knuckles and wastes no time in throwing forward his Poké Ball, the blue light bouncing off the surrounding walls and revealing a Liepard while the other grunt tosses in his Pokémon alongside it, the Poké Ball bursting open and allowing the Hypno within to jump out.

Well, it looks like there's no avoiding a battle here. I glance at the Poké Ball in my hand and nod subtly to it; It's almost like I can feel the keenness emanating from the Decidueye inside, his will to fight these villains. I adjust my posture accordingly and throw the Poké Ball forwards with purpose.
"Go, Feathers!"
There's a flash and a single thrust of Feathers' wings, followed by a loud, aggressive, chirp-like battlecry that is distinct to the Decidueye. He eyes his opponents threateningly and slightly holds out one of his wings to add to his stance, but the surprise on the grunts' faces is priceless. I don't think they were expecting me to have the Champion's signature Pokémon with me.

Nonetheless, the Team Skull grunts hold their ground and fight.
"Liepard, Night Slash!"
"Aight Hypno, go with Shadow Ball!"
Feathers probably doesn't even need my direction here, but I'm acting as his Trainer, after all - at least for now.
"Feathers, use Leaf Blade!"
The sharp edges of Feathers' wings glow with a deep green as he lunges forward at his opponents, prioritising the Liepard first. The dark-type Pokémon leaps forward with the intent of landing it's Night Slash, but Feathers twists his body around and slices his blade-like wing across the body of his adversary with flawless precision, causing more than enough damage to take the Liepard down before it's able to land it's hit. Not wasting even a second, the dauntless Decidueye switches his attention to the Hypno, and I instinctively shield my eyes with my hands as the psychic Pokémon throws a glowing Shadow Ball at Feathers. Sun's Pokémon is prepared for it however, and immediately thrusts his wings to dart himself sideways, in the same motion using his wings to draw a Spirit Shackle arrow out of thin air and firing it within a fraction of a second directly into the Hypno's face. I peek through the gap between my fingers and watch the Shadow Ball splash harmlessly into the wall as the two opposing Pokémon crash to the ground. Feathers brushes himself off with his wing lightly and stares firmly at the grunts, both of which stare at me with wide eyes as they return their defeated Pokémon. At last, one of them speaks.
"Seriously? This is happening again?! We were only sent here to kick up some trouble, the boss is gonna be-"
"Alright, okay you got us, okay?! We're out, so you better peace out!"
As the two grunts make their escape and bolt on out of the alleyway, I make half a start on chasing after them, but quickly decide against it - they won't be able to cause any more harm here.

Feathers turns his attention to the man and his Stufful, both of which are still cramped up together on the cold, damp floor. The Decidueye chirps cheerfully and holds out his wing to the man, offering to help him up as I step over.
"Are... are you alright?" I ask. He stares back blankly, still catching his breath with the little Stufful still shaking frightfully beside him.
"I... yeah, th- thanks! You're... you're Lillie, aren't you?"
I open my mouth to reply, but my attention is suddenly caught by the sound of footsteps behind me and the mumbling of voices. I turn around quickly and gasp when I see the group of people amassed at the mouth of the alleyway, including one lady rushing forward with a microphone in hand. There's somebody else not far behind her, snapping photos of me in my dazed state with Feathers at my side. The small crowd of people stare in amazement, a variety of awed expressions across all of their faces. I blink, caught off guard as the lady holds out a microphone with an excited grin on her face.
"Hi, I'm a journalist for HNN news! Miss Lillie, that was amazing! Could you give us a few words on what inspired you to race into action like that?"
My whole body seems to stay frozen up for a moment, the impact of this whole situation hitting me like a truck. Feathers casually returns his wings to his side and tilts his head curiously at the reporter. At last, some words manage to tumble out of my mouth.
"U-Uhm... Well, I- Team Reskull and I have been... doing our best to manage the Team Skull threat across the islands," I manage to answer, albeit quite stiffly. I tip the brim of Sun's cap down over my eyes slightly as I glance down, using it to shield my embarrassed, pink cheeks from all the eyes that are fixed on me. Gaining my composure a little more, a smile lightly. "I was just doing what Su- um - I mean the Champion - would do."
The reporter nods, beaming. "Right! And in fact, here you are not only with the Champion's own cap, but even with his famed signature Pokémon! It's been rumoured that the Champion was seen intercepting a Team Skull vessel at sea, can you comment on this? What can you tell us about the current status of the Alolan Champion? And what do you have to say to those across the region who are living in fear of Team Skull's activity at this current time?"
I clench a fist nervously and push it against my leg as I try to consider answers to the barrage of questions that was just thrown at me. What am I supposed to say? What am I not supposed to say? The silence grows heavier as the crowd anxiously awaits my response.
My body freezes up again. Thankfully, though, Feathers seems to sense my desperate desire to escape this situation. He emits a stern chirp, steps forward, and protectively pushes his wing out in front of me while he stares resolutely at the reporter. I pull myself together and seize my chance. Tipping Sun's cap forward on my head, I grab hold of Feathers Poké Ball, turn on my heel, and bolt. Feathers shields me from the unceasing camera flashes as I sprint in the opposite direction through the alleyway, and I reach back and return the Decidueye to his Poké Ball as I leave. By the time the dazzling blue light fades away, I've already escaped back out into the city.


My heart pumps in my chest as I turn a few corners and race down a street or two, until I reach a small, empty plaza with a fountain and some benches. Panting, I gradually come to a stop and sit down on one of the wooden benches in front of a low brick wall, letting my head fall into my hands as I try to process the events of the past five minutes. That was... phew. I hold up Feathers' Poké Ball in my hand, my eyes gazing into the white centre of the device that periodically glows blue.
"Thanks for helping me out of that, Feathers..." I say, my lips perking up into an appreciative smile to compliment my words. I gently stroke the well-polished surface of the device with my thumb as I lose myself in thought; Sun was certainly right when he said that his signature Pokémon could get me through anything. Not that I doubted him at all, but the way the Decidueye effortlessly took care of the grunts' Pokémon was impressive nonetheless. Even I forget just how fierce of a Pokémon he is sometimes.

Putting the Poké Ball back into my bag, I adjust my position on the bench and glance around the quiet vicinity - a pleasant contrast to the chaos I got caught up in a few minutes ago. The sound of water flowing from the fountain is relaxing, the nearby sounds of bird Pokémon and the more distant sounds from the city only adding to the calming ambience. There doesn't seem to be anyone else here. I allow myself to indulge in my thoughts again as I gaze at the colourful flowers that grow around the plaza's flowerbeds; tropical, pink and orange Alolan flowers, deep purple lavenders, and even some red, thorny roses. A subconscious sigh passes through my lips as I stare at them. How does Sun do all of this? To have both the unbreakable power and will to be able to face any foe - and to live with all of the fame, and the media wanting interviews... being a Champion must be a lot more of a challenge than people think. Holding my head in my hand as I stare at the flowing water, I can't help but crack a smile. I'm so proud of him.

It isn't until I mindlessly turn my head to the side that I notice the pair of legs dangling from the wall right beside me. By the time it registers in my mind and my eyes widen in surprise, the girl - who looks to be around the same age as me - leans forwards all of a sudden, her face appearing just inches away from my own.
"Hee-eey!" she greets cheerily.
Totally caught off guard, I can't help but squeak in surprise as my body jolts backwards out of instinct. My heart racing from the shock, I stare into the hazel eyes of the crimson-haired girl who sits on the wall, smiling at me. Her pearly-white teeth certainly help her smile stand out, and her long, wavy, mildly-dark red hair looks very well looked after, the faint streaks of black in it effectively complimenting the red colour. Her jet-black hoodie is left open - though not open enough for me to see the shirt that she has on underneath - and she wears light-grey, short-cut denim shorts.

A moment after quickly surveying her appearance, I finally manage to pipe up.
"I-I'm sorry, I don't... think we've met before?" I say timidly. The girl's smile widens slightly as she giggles, swinging her legs peacefully from her perch atop the brick wall.
"Aww, you really are so polite! Cuuute," she sings. I blink dazedly in reaction to her response. Does she know me? I mean, it seems that a lot of the Alolan people recognise me, but this girl is... different. She flips her hair back over her shoulder before speaking again.
"I'm Rose," she introduces herself at last. "I'm a friend of Sun's, see."

A friend of Sun's...? Now that I think about it, her name does sound familiar. Has he mentioned her before? I swallow anxiously and nod.
"Oh! I see. Um, my name is Lillie."
"Heehee, right! It's good to finally meet you, Lillie!" Rose chimes, swaying her head playfully from side to side. Her eyes travel up to the cap on my head, and she chews her lip as she gazes at it curiously. "Saaay, that cap..."
She audaciously reaches out and takes hold of the brim of Sun's cap, gently lifting it off my head without any resistance from me. I allow her to do so, though only because I'm unsure of how to act in this whole situation. Nevertheless, I watch her closely as she holds it up and, after a moment, places it on her own head.
"Hrmm, but this cap isn't yours, huh? Everyone knows who this belongs to," she murmurs, adjusting it slightly so that it sits sideways on her head.
"Oh, well... you see, Sun is actually my-"
My sentence comes to an abrupt stop as Rose starts giggling to herself again, gently tilting the cap down on her head before taking it off and flicking her hair.
"Hehehee, I know, I know. I'm just playing with you, princess," she laughs, putting Sun's cap back down on my head. "Come on, everyone knows that you and Sun are the cuteeest," she adds, playfully sticking her tongue out.

I glance away at the fountain, blushing slightly.
"O-oh... Aheh..." I giggle awkwardly. Rose sighs a long, dramatic sigh.
"Okaaay, I'll stop playing already. See, I know all about you, Lillie. Sun told me a lot about you when we used to hang out," she explains, still swinging her legs as she sits on the wall. She bites the corner of her lip and glances to the left suddenly, her tone of voice shifting within an instant to something more like a mutter. "Believe me, he never shut up about you, hehee..."
She's such an odd character. There's something in the way she moves and speaks that isn't quite right, but... I can't put my finger on it. And that name, Rose - I'm almost certain Sun mentioned her recently. That said, Sun knows a lot of people, so it's often hard to keep track of everyone he talks about.

"Ah, I see..." I mumble, slowly reaching up and adjusting the cap that was placed scruffily back on my head. "Um, how... how long have you been sat there for?" I finally ask. Rose smiles as she looks up at the cloudless blue sky.
"Oh, long enough. See, I've kiiinda been tracking you through the city," she explains innocently. She tilts her head to the side and grins at me. "Sorry for scaring you earlier, by the way."
"Ah, it's-" I pause and glance up at her suddenly. "Wait, you've been following me?" I ask sharply. I'm getting more and more uneasy about this girl, and my patience is starting to wear thin - which is very unusual. Rose blinks before raising her hands up and smiling innocently.
"Ohh, not in a weird way! More like... well, I happened to notice you. And then after that, I just kept seeing you around the streets, you know?"
I ease up, but only slightly.
"Oh... you see, I've actually been looking around for Team Skull," I explain. Rose chews her lip. Honestly, it's sort of surprising how colourful and well-looked after her lips are, considering how much she keeps chewing them.
"Team Skull, huh? Boy, they've sure been on the news a lot," she replies calmly. I nod slowly as I gaze back at the fountain.
"Yes, they've been causing a lot of trouble across Alola."
Part of me wants to find a reason to leave the conversation and go home to Sun already, but admittedly, Rose has me intrigued. It feels like I'm missing something, something important... but even as friendly as her personality appears to be, my shyness isn't really helping me get any of my questions out.

A moment of silence sweeps past us, but just as I open my mouth to speak, Rose suddenly leans back and laughs as if I've just told her a fantastic joke. I frown as I watch her lean back on the wall - so far in fact, I'm surprised she doesn't fall backwards off of it.
"What's so funny?"
Rose shakes her head, sighing contently as she regains her composure. "Sun's description of you fits you to a T, you know that?" she chuckles, closing her eyes before speaking again. "I know, you've got soooo many questions. I get it, this weird, homeless girl has been following you around Hau'oli and suddenly appeared on a wall next to you, and you must be wondering what the heck she wants..."
My eyebrows perk up suddenly.
"You're homeless...?" I ask sadly. Rose just shrugs.
"It's complicated." She opens her eyes again, her hazel iris' staring thoughtfully at the flowers. "I guess I'm a lot of things. Pokémon trainer, sunset-watcher, expert tree climber..." she slowly turns her head back to me, gazing into my eyes. This time, she fails to hide the hint of sadness within her pupils. "Kinda like a jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none," she mumbles. As cryptic as her words are, I can't help but feel bad for her. It's as if she's purposefully holding something back... but her mysteries are too big to be hidden behind words, so they become apparent to people no matter how hard you try to conceal them. I know how that feels.

Suddenly, Rose's expression transforms. Her eyes brighten and her lips perk back up into a fun smile so quickly, it's almost scary.
"Ohh! Hehee, another thing about me - I'm a Team Skull admin! Yeah!"
It takes a moment for me to process what she just said. When it does, I jump backward in surprise and I stare at her as if she has two heads. For a moment, I half-think that she's joking - but when she reaches her arm up to scratch her hair and her hoodie falls further open, the unmistakable Team Skull insignia on her black top underneath reveals itself.
Rose awkwardly twiddles through her dark red hair, smiling sheepishly at me as she watches my reaction.
"Hrmm, guess I should've mentioned that sooner? Huh, oopsie!"

My demeanour instantly switches as I furrow my brow and leap up to my feet, instinctively reaching for Feathers' Poké Ball in my bag. Completely unperturbed, Rose just giggles and raises her hands innocently.
"Wooah there, take a chill pill, princess! I'm not causing any trouble, right?"
I glance down at the Poké Ball in my hand, and then back at Rose. She's right, I suppose... she seems harmless enough, and she only wants to talk. That smile of hers is so sweet and convincing, but I know I can't trust her. I knew I couldn't... now I remember why her name is familiar. This... this is the girl that Sun ran into the other day when he investigated the coordinates that led to Poni island, isn't it? Usually I'm good at holding onto little details like that, but this one escaped me entirely. Gingerly, I put the Poké Ball back into my bag. Rose leans her chin against her hand as she watches me return the device.
"Feathers is in that Poké Ball, right? Hee! Me and him are good friends too. See, Sun helped me train a lot back in the day."
I stare back at her, watching her carefully. "That's right. You... must have seen me fight those Team Skull grunts, then?"
"Mhm, that's right, I did!" Rose chirps happily, nodding. "Feathers fights just as well as he used to. He's a reeeaal toughie, huh."
I can't help but smile lightly at the Team Skull admin. "Yes, he is."

Rose smiles back at me. She tilts her head, gesturing to the bench.
"C'mon, you can sit back down already. Seee? I'm not so evil, honest."
I glance at the bench and then back to Rose's toothy, friendly smile. Why is she like this? How can she be a Team Skull member - an admin, even - and seem so friendly? I can't trust her, but I decide to at least sit back down.
"You knooow, Lillie... I've answered a whole lot of your questions. D'you think you could answer one of mine?"
I glance across at her.
"I... suppose so." I anxiously await the girl's query as she glances down toward the ground.
"Welllll, I can't help but wonder... here you are with Sun's cap and his signature Pokémon, but the man himself is nowhere to be found, huh?"
I've lost count of how many times I've had to explain this today.
"Oh, um, yes. Actually, he's pretty ill at the moment..." I answer. The thought of him still being in pain saddens me, and it doesn't help that people keep bringing this up so much. Hopefully he's feeling better - at least I'll see him again soon.

Rose twiddles one of the black streaks in her hair.
"He's sick, huh..." There's a pause before she speaks again. "Hmm, is it bad?"
I hold my head in my hands while I sit on the bench, and I quickly turn my head toward the ground once more, scowling annoyedly.
"No, he'll be fine," I reply sharply. I can't help but feel... protective? Not just that, but this whole topic is stressing me out enough as it is. "Why are you so concerned, anyway?"
Rose hesitates for a second, and I immediately feel bad for snapping at her like that - even if she is a member of Team Skull. Maybe I am a little too nice?
"Well," Rose begins, sighing. "Look, I know what happened to him. Word got around Team Skull preeeetty fast, but... nobody knew for sure how it turned out for him."
I nod slowly, my gaze not turning away from the ground.
"He's fine. He's staying home today."

I notice Rose's brow furrow mischievously as she stares idly at the city's buildings that reach high into the air. Grasping the opportunity to ask yet another question, I break the silence.
"Those grunts that I fought, were they the only ones here? You're not... going to do anything worse here, are you? Please, I..."
I don't know why I'm bothering to plead with a Team Skull agent - or even ask such questions, since I can't help but hold a natural distrust to almost everything she says, despite her seeming nice enough. Rose smiles.
"Yuuup, just those grunts and me, promise," she sings. She glances down at me, somewhat... sympathetically. "And I'm afraid that's not up to me, princess. It's-"
Rose is interrupted by a sudden bling. She rolls her eyes and pulls a phone out of her pocket, staring at it for a long moment. I watch her curiously, until she smiles slyly and proceeds to tuck her phone away back in her pocket. "Haaah, can't a girl have just five minutes to herself?" she sighs, jumping down from the wall at last and landing on her feet. Seeing Rose standing up straight for the first time, I observe her to be only a couple of inches shorter than me.
"What is it?"
Rose places her palm against the side of her chin and smiles. "Ohh, nothing. Just the gang wanting me to head back already." She turns swiftly on her heels and takes a few steps. "Hehee... see, I'm actually out on a little mission of my own," she hums.
Perhaps for the first time, I actually pick up on a sort of benevolence behind her words.

When Rose turns back around, there's that big, cutesy grin on her face again. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat a little longer, buuut... I'm a surprisingly busy girl, unfortunately," she sighs playfully. She turns back around, puts her black hood up over her crimson hair, and takes a few bouncy steps across the plaza. "Seriously, it was a pleasure finally meeting you, princess!" she chimes, without looking back.
I hop up to my feet quickly. "Wait, I-"
"Hehee, I'll see you again sometime! No doubt about it!"
"Hey, wait!"
I break into a jog in an attempt to catch up to her as she turns the corner, but when I run out of the plaza and around the corner, all I see ahead of me is a mostly-empty street. She seems to have vanished just as easily as she appeared. I glance around confusedly in all directions, but find no trace of the mysterious Team Skull agent. Sighing, my hands return to their place on the pink straps of my bag.

How did she even do that?

(Sun's POV)

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I stare blankly at the wooden floor of my bedroom with my electric guitar laying across my lap. With my fingers held gently against the strings at the neck, I mindlessly mute-strum the instrument while I choose another song to play.
I've been playing my guitar for at least an hour now. It's been a while since I've been able to play it this much - staying at home for the day is turning out not to be so bad. I've been keeping myself busy with a small variety of things while Lillie has been out; mostly just playing guitar, spending some time with my Pokémon... even playing some Smash Bros on the Switch against higher-level CPU's with the hopes that a bit of practise might allow me to beat Lillie at it next time we play. On the whole, I've gotta say that I'm already feeling a lot better than I was this morning. I glance down at Delta and chuckle when I see the dusk-form Lycanroc's tongue goofily flopping out of his mouth.
"What do you think, Delta? Another Bass Drum of Death song?"
The Pokémon tilts his head to the side, panting happily to himself while he lays curled up on the wooden floor of the room. Choosing a song in my mind, I nod slowly as my fingers automatically find their way to the right chords. My other hand twists the volume up before taking hold of the black and gold guitar pick. I elegantly roll the small object over the knuckles on my hand, letting it fall into place between my fingers before strumming the guitar a couple of times to test the sound and grinning as the sharp, electric melody tears through the room.

I tap my foot lightly against the ground a few times before getting started on playing the song, Between The Lines - a song that I've played countless times before on this guitar and one that I can pretty much play automatically by this point. Delta perks up at the sweet, punchy sound of the punk-rock song, and my mouth falls open slightly as I prepare my voice to sing the lyrics - but when my voice produces the first few words, I cough lightly and decide on just playing the song as I hear my words tumble out in a much rougher and coarser tone than I anticipated. Hrmm, of course - I'm still sick. My voice at least sounds a little better than earlier, but it's definitely in no fit state to sing. Instead, I nod my head rhythmically and mouth the lyrics while I perfectly play the chords - all up until I hear a faint knock on the front door coming from the other room. Good thing I didn't have the amp turned up any louder, huh. The song comes to an abrupt end and is instead replaced by a screeching sound as my fingers slide over the strings, subsequently pressing against them in order to mute the sound. By the time I put my guitar down on the bed, Delta is already up on his feet, tail wagging as he looks up at me and barks excitedly.
"Yeah, I know, someone's at the door..." As I get up to my feet, I hear Roxy's howl from the main room as well. I can't help but chuckle as I pace to the front door. "Alright, you two. Jeez," I mumble.

I expect it to simply be the mailman or maybe Professor Kukui - Hau already visited earlier, so it'd be strange for him to come by again - but as I push the handle down and the door swings open, I'm caught off guard when I see the iconic, flashy grin that belongs to... Rose. I stare at the scarlet-haired girl with a mixture of emotions behind my eyes.
"Rose...? Where- What are you doing here?"
She giggles, her arms held loosely behind her head. "Hee-eeey! Sheesh, look at you - always so surprised to see me, huh?" she sings softly. Delta prowls up to my side, gazing up at the mysterious girl and keeping his eye on her; though he does so calmly, as he recognises her just as well as I do. "Hee! Y'know that look on your face is just as priceless as it was last time," she teases, placing her hands against the doorframe and leaning forwards gently without a care in the world.
I glance past her quickly before letting my eyes fall back in line with hers. "Why are you here?" I ask again. Rose sighs, flicking her wavy hair back in a single, smooth motion.
"Okaaay, okay. I'm just here for a chat," she admits. A smirk spreads across her face. "Well, I did say I'd hunt you down last time, didn't I? Truth be told though, I don't really have much time..."
I sigh, glancing down momentarily at the ground in consideration. Letting a Team Skull member into my own home voluntarily isn't something I thought I'd ever do, but... Rose is more than that, after all. She is a friend of mine, I suppose - or at least, she was once. Better yet, this might be one of my only opportunities to finally get some answers. Finally, I glance back up and meet her carefree, hazel eyes. I nod my head to the side, suggesting that she should come in.

"Hmm, I forgot what a nice place you've got here. Althooough, I'm pretty sure I've only been in here once before, right?" Rose chirps as I close the door behind us. Roxy the Midnight-Form Lycanroc jumps up onto the sofa beside me as I sit down.
"I think it was just the once, yeah," I reply with something of a mumble. In truth, there are a million questions I want to ask Rose right now - so many burning curiosities at the front of my mind, I don't even know which one to start with. I stare up into her eyes firmly. "What's this about, Rose?"
She doesn't sit down. Instead, she simply stands in the centre of the room, her arms folded while she gently lets her body sway from side to side with her typical, happy-go-lucky attitude. "A few things," she begins. Her smile falls a little. "Heard you were ill. How're you feeling now?"
"Quite a lot better, actually. How'd you know?"
Rose smiles softly and shrugs. "Ehhh, I hear what I hear," she replies bluntly. She turns around and takes a slow step toward the window, letting out a bothered sigh as she does. "Sun, I'm... I'm sorry. That Ice Beam thing, I..."
The silence builds around us. It takes a moment before I decide to say anything. "It doesn't matter, I'm fine."
She turns back around, though the smile on her face is only barely there. A trace of sorrow lingers in her eyes that appear deep-brown in the light; surprising, since seeing anything except a smile on her face is startlingly rare.
"Well... I'm glad you are." She takes a few steps across the room, glancing down at Delta. That well-practised grin returns to her face as she crouches down and pets the fur of the Dusk-Form Lycanroc. "Heya, wolfy. Been a while."

I shake my head, the weight of my curiosity pressing down on me and becoming too much. Impatient, I drop the biggest question on my mind first.
"C'mon Rose, tell me. Why Team Skull?"
She freezes for a moment, staring forward in silence. As her head turns away from me and to the side, I watch her lips curl up into a small grin as she giggles.
"Yeeesh, so many questions today. You and Lillie are both so curious, huh?"
My head snaps up quickly. "What? You've met Lillie?"
Rose elegantly holds her hands down behind her waist and swivels around quickly on her heel. "Yup! We had a good chat. Oh my gosh, I get why you're so head-over-heels for her. She's adorable, a total queen."
I can never trust that tone of hers. "Rose, if you..."
She laughs and instantly cuts me off. "Pffshhh, chill, Sun! I didn't hurt her, didn't steal from her, didn't do anything to her. Sheesh, what kind of thug do you take me for, huh?"
I scratch my wrist awkwardly and glance to the side. "Sorry."

I clear my throat. "Hey, about my question. Why Team Skull?"
Gradually, her smile drops once more. She slowly paces across the room, opening her mouth to reply but not speaking any words for a long moment.
"I..." she stops in her tracks. "Look, Sun, I... I don't have long."
"Please, just..." I get up to my feet and take a step toward her. "Just tell me. You're better than them, I know you are."
My words come out quickly, desperately. Rose faces away from me, her arms crossed as she stands idly in silence. The swaying of her body has come to a stop and for once, she stands unmoving.
"... It's a long story," she whispers. She stares out of the window for what seems like forever while the chilling silence freezes the air around me - but it all shatters away as she spins back around on her heel suddenly to face me, a smile on her face but a single tear rolling down her cheek. My eyes widen in surprise.
"A tear...?"
Rose looks confused for a second. She raises her eyebrows and quickly wipes it away.
"Oh! Sorry, don't mind that. Hmm..." she exhales. Her eyes pierce right through mine, locking me in place somehow while she takes a few slow steps towards me. "Listen, Sun. You know I like to play games, hm?"
I watch her carefully as she steps closer. "Yeah?"
A sly smile covers her face as she begins to lean towards me. I can't stop myself from tensing up as she gradually pulls closer, her lips inching forward over my shoulder until they're mere centimetres from my ear. I stand stiffly, unable to move a muscle while the sickly-strong scent of her black cherry-scented crimson hair finds its way to my nose. She holds her lips eerily close to my ear for a moment, not yet speaking a word. The silence hangs heavy. That faint yet somehow powerful perfume that clings to her is choking, almost poisonous.
"Ula'ula island. On the water... but out of sight," she whispers. Her lips hang next to my ear a moment longer, her gentle breath against my skin sending a sinister shiver right the way down my spine; an unpleasant shiver, to be sure.

But within an instant, she pulls her head back and grins playfully as if nothing ever happened. She reaches her finger out and taps it gently against the tip of my nose.
"Hehee, think you can find us?"
I stare blankly, my breath quaking slightly in the silence. "W-What was that?"
Rose turns and takes a few steps away once more. "A hint," she answers innocently. "Since you're so desperate on finding us, right?"
My wide eyes continue to stare, though my brow furrows in confusion. "Why would you help me?"
Rose shrugs. "I have my reasons. Plus, as I said - I like to play games." She sighs, flipping her black-streaked hair over her shoulder. "Well, I wish I could stay longer. But I'm a busy girl, and I bet Lillie'll be home reeeaal soon," she continues. She turns back to me with a smirk. "And that would create a weird situation, ehehe..."

Dumbfounded, I watch her as she steps toward the door. "Wait..."
She stops. "Hm?"
I take a stride towards her, carefully considering my words. "I know your life's never been easy, Rose... but it doesn't have to be like this. I don't know your reasons, but..." I sigh exasperatedly, struggling to know what to say. Rose just turns her head away slowly. Despite her efforts, her stamina is starting to break - her emotions are showing. "You can find a better path. Let me help you."
I can't see Rose's face as she stands paralysed - only the back of her head and her dark red hair. But as she stands there, clearly conflicted and at war with herself as she always is, I notice her fist beginning to shake very slightly. Finally she speaks, but her voice comes as a quiver.
"I... I should go." She pushes down on the handle and turns her head slightly - enough for me to see the same fake smile on her face and the tears welled up in her eyes. "Maybe if you can find us at our source, you and I can finally have a real talk."

With that, she pushes open the front door and sees herself out. I can't find anything else to say as I rush over to the door and watch as she strolls on outside. The Team Skull admin pulls out her ride pager, turning back to me one last time as she summons a ride Charizard.
"See ya, Sun."
I watch as she climbs on and saddles up, taking hold of the reigns and leaping into the sky all within an instant. My eyes follow her across the sky for as long as they can, before her Charizard becomes too distant for the eye to see.
"Ula'ula island. On the water, but out of sight," I repeat.

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