4 - Surprise Visitor

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Jhope went over to Eunha who was sitting with her friends and Jungkook.

"Uh, Eunha?" He said hesitantly.

Eunha looked up and stopped talking. Her friends whispered to each other while Jungkook glared at him.

"Oh, um, I'm Jhope. Uh, I just wanted to say hi I guess."

"Well, nice to meet you," She smiled, "Jhope."

He started walking back, embarrassed. Once he left, Jungkook pulled her closer to him. 'That loser better not bother us again.' He thought.

Jhope sat back down. SinB, who was watching everything, interrogated him.

"What did she say? What did you do?" I asked him.

"It failed..... I didn't know what to say..." He mumbled.

"You just lost a perfectly good chance!" I raised my voice at him.

"Jungkook and her friends were glaring at me and giving me dirty looks! Why don't you try if you think it's so easy!" He yelled at me.

"Fine! I will!" I stood up and started my journey to get Jungkook back.


I waited at the front doors after school for Jungkook. He usually comes at 4:30 pm. Don't ask me how I know. Let me just say I did some "special" research.

Finally I spotted him in his brown timberlands, white shirt, and black jeans. Handsome as always.

"Jungkook!" I called out after him. He ignored me or I think he did. Then I realized that he was wearing earbuds. Dang it, I'll have run to catch up to him.

Using all my entertainment and breath, I managed to catch up. "Jungkook!" I tapped his shoulders. He took his earbuds out and turned to look at me.

"You scared the hell out of me!" He covered his mouth. "Sorry, I almost had a heart attack." He jokingly said while smiling. "What's up SinBae?"

I suddenly couldn't think of anything to say, "Uh, everything's good. I just wanted to say hi?" I say not surely.

He chuckles, "Well hi to you. Wanna walk home together?"


He laughs again, this time showing his cute little bunny teeth.

"Um, so, you are dating Eunha?" I ask even though I know the answer to that.

"Yes I am. Eunha's boyfriend is Jeon Jungkook." He states.

"Congrats on your, um, proposal?"

"Thanks. Wait, your Eunha's bestie, right?" He asks me, I nod. "Have any advice for me?"

"Not reall–" I stop mid sentence. This is my chance to say bad things about her! This is going smoothly. "Actually yes I do."

"She is a, um, a little clingy sometimes. You might get annoyed and want some personal space."

"Oh, okay, what else?"

"Sometimes she can be very protective over somebody, like you, and not let you talk to other girls. But she will talk t– I mean flirt with other boys." I lie.

He doesn't say anything, "That must explain today at lunch," he mutters but I can clearly hear him. What did Jhope do?

"So, yea, that's Eunha for you." I notice that we were in front of his house.

"Well thanks SinB for the tips," he shows a little smile, "I'll see you at school."

I somehow expected Jungkook to invite me inside his house. "Oh, um, see ya." I turn away and start heading to my house which is a 30 minute walk from here.


From: SinB
I told Jungkook lies about Eunha!

From: Jhope

From: SinB
Of course it is, horse. You better get your move on.

From: Jhope
Okay, okay, geez woman, don't need to be so pushy

From: SinB
Your are so frustrating, I could just kill you right now

From: Jhope
Go ahead then

From: SinB
Omfg can u just ugh

At that point, I literally gave up on this boy, like honestly, can I just punch him so he can shut up?

And if he doesn't get his butt over to Eunha tomorrow, I'm just going to do it myself.

I suddenly hear a knock at my door. I rush downstairs to peep through the door hole. Jungkook? Why is Jungkook here?

"Um, hi? What are you doing here?" I ask him surprised. His face is all red from probably all the running he did. His hair dripping with sweat with just makes him much more hotter. I suddenly feel conscious of myself. I don't really look the best right now.

"Hi SinB, I just," he pants. "I need some help on my homework."

"Oh, well you could've just called me or something."

"I don't have your phone number," he shows a little smile.

"Oh, right." I mentally slap myself. "Come on in."

"Thanks a lot." he takes off his timberlands as he steps inside. "Nice house."

I shrug, "I guess, um, well," I hesitate. I could bring him to my room but it's too awkward. "We could work in the kitchen?"

He nods and follows me. I grab two cups of orange juice and set it down on the table. He mutters a thanks as he chugs it down.

"I honestly don't get question 5, like what does that even me." He leans towards me, our arms almost touching.

I have no idea what this even means but I need to find the answer for him. I have an idea....

"I'm sorry but I'll be right back." I grab my phone that is right next to me and slip into my pocket.

I lock the bathroom and start texting Jhope, the only source I know.

From: SinB
Need help asap

From: Jhope

From: SinB
Please answer this and I'll forever be nice to you

From: Jhope
Your kidding me

From: SinB
I'm not, please

From: Jhope
Fine, you promise?

From: SinB
Well of course if this makes you help me

He texts me back with the answer within seconds. I thank you horse, bless you. I memorize the answer and happily walk back towards Jungkook.

I see him with his head down, must be sleeping. I slightly shake him which makes him jump.

"Oh! Your back! You scared me!"

"Sorry that took me so long."

"Nah, its fine," he grins.

"Okay, um, so, the answer to your question is....." I start explaining, but more like reciting the answer.

"Oh! I get it, thanks SinB, your the best." He starts packing up. Before he left, I called out, "If you need help for anything else, I'll be here!" He turned around and nodded with a big smile, "See you!"

Everything is going smoothly so far. Before you know it, I'll be dating Jungkook and I'll be the girl that everyone wants to be. My dream will finally come true.


O my gosh, I haven't updated in so long, I'm so sorry TT school is getting more busier than I thought so my books are probably gonna be a very slow update. Hopefully school is going good for you ;)

Also, Happy Halloween! Are you guys gonna be anything? This is probably my last year of trick or treating 🎃 💕

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