5 - Forceful Kiss

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The next morning I appeared in the doorway of Jhope's house. I banged loudly on the door to wake up Jhope. His mom and dad apparently is on a business trip from what I heard from him.

"Ya! Hope! Wake up and get your butt down here!" I yelled through the door.

I waited 5 minutes until the door slammed wide open with a boy rubbing his eyes and his hair messed up. "SinB? What are you doing out here at....." He looks at a clock behind him, "6 AM?!"

"I know you aren't go to wake up yourself so I dragged myself out here," I place my hands on my hips, "Your welcome."

He scratches his head confused, "Uh, thanks?" He stares at me until realizing that I'm freezing out here, "Come inside?"

I sit on his couch and wait for him to get ready. My eyes fall on a family picture; his mother isn't there, only his father. Hmmmm..... strange. But my discovery was rudely interrupted by him.

"Now what?"

"What do you think, Mr. Horse?"


"Duh, obviously. Sometimes you can be a pain in a butt, wait, let me rephrase that, ALWAYS A PAIN."

We stopped by Starbucks before heading to school. By then, the sun was already risen with students stumbling inside. The bell rang just as we went to first period.

I sat down at my desk which was right behind Jungkook. He turned around and winked at me, "Thanks for the tip."

I looked at him confused before remembering what I told him, "Oh, yea, no problem?" He chuckles and turns back around. Eunha walks in and kisses him on the lips but Jungkook doesn't pull away so the start making out, right in front of ME. Can I tell you that it is disgusting? Hearing their lips smacking and Eunha literally pulling out Jungkook's hair. I poke Jungkook's shoulder and luckily they realize they are still in school. They pull away embarrassed and Jungkook thanks me.

"Listen up students, we are going to be practicing for a mini play which is called Romeo and Juliet!" My English teacher smacks his ruler on the chalk board, grabbing our attention. "Who knows the story?" Everybody's hands shot straight up, earning a smile from my teacher, Mr. Lee.

"Who wants to act out for Juliet?" Mr. Lee asks. Without any hesitation, Eunha volunteers.

"Romeo? Juliet always needs a Romeo." Jungkook undoubtedly raises his hand but Mr. Lee ignores him, picking Jhope instead.

"Uh, do I have too– I mean, I think Jungkook would rather do it." Mr. Lee glares at him, "Let's welcome Romeo and Juliet!"

They both stand in front of he class and start acting, but as soon as the kissing scene comes near, Jhope face becomes bright red.

"Wait, Mr Lee, do I, uh, have to kiss Eunha?"

"Of course, besides, it's just acting." Jungkook clears his throat and scratches his ear, "I don't think they should, Mr Lee, it's uncomfortable for me to watch and surely it's uncomfortable for them too."

"I'm going to say it once, stick to the script and DO WHAT IT SAYS," Mr Lee raises his voice, obviously irritated.

Both of them lean forward and Jhope quickly kisses Eunha on the lips as the class fangirls. Jungkook starts shaking his leg up and down, sending death glares to Jhope.

I catch up with Jhope after class ends, "Nice job!" I give him a high five.

"Thanks? Are we supposed to be celebrating?"

"Duh, of course!" I nudge him, "One step closer to our goal."

"And what is our goal?" He asks.

"To have Jungkook and Eunha for ourselves! Have you forgotten?" We stop by our lockers to grab our lunch.

He awkwardly chuckles, "No, but Jungkook hates my guts."

"No kidding," I grab his arm, leading him outside. The sun blinds me as soon as we step out. The wind blows my hair, smacking Jhope in the face.

"Ack," He shoves my hair out of his face. I laugh and sit down under the tree.

"Tell me more about yourself," I say, initiating a conversation about ourselves.

"Like what?" He bites into his p&b sand which, making him look like a little kid. 'Cute' I thought.

"Your family, life, I wanna know you better," I lean in closer to him so that our arms and legs are touching.

"Hmm, well I live by myself, uh, since my family is on a trip." He goes silent. What kind of family leaves their child at home by themselves? Definitely not mine.

I nod my head, "Have you dated a girl?" He shakes his head, "Not yet," He winks at me.

"Same," I mutter. We sat there staring up into the sky. I thought about my future with Jungkook. We would make such cute babie–. "Let's date." He says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"W-what?" I ask, flustered by his sudden words.

"It could make them jealous." I stare at him weirdly, "They are dating each other, stupid. They wouldn't break up even if we would make them 'jealous'.

I place my head on his shoulder, "Sorry, didn't mean for it to come out so harsh. We'll figure it out."

'When did she start to be so nice?' Jhope thought.

The bell rings and we both stand up at the same time, resulting in a head crash. "Owww..." We both say.

"Sorry, you okay?" He touches my forehead, his fingertips brushing my hair out of the way.

I open my mouth but no words come out, so instead I nod my head. When did Jhope make my heart flutter?

He leans forward, his eyes gazing onto mine. He licks his lip, teasing me with a smile.

His smile could light up the universe, forever making it bright.

Bangchin moments on mma! Short but sweet 💕

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