-Chapter 4-

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Sunflywing padded up the hill, heading towards the MeadowClan border. Up ahead, she could see Cloverdapple and Buzzardtooth waiting for them.

Sunflywing smiled as she saw her friends. It had been a while since the last time she saw them. She wasn't allowed to attend the last Gathering, so she didn't get to see them. Buzzardtooth and Cloverdapple smiled as they saw Sunflywing.

"Sunfly!" Cloverdapple purred, racing over to her. Sunflywing smiled warmly at her friend and raced over to her. Cloverdapple rubbed the side of Sunflywing's face, letting out a loud purr. Buzzardtooth dipped his head to Falconclaw.

Cloverdapple soon moved away, staring into Sunflywing's amber eyes "You have no idea how much we missed you," she meowed, her tail high in the air. Sunflywing purred "I missed you guys too."

Buzzardtooth came over to Sunflywing, dipping his head to her. Sunflywing dipped her head back to him "So, what is it that you need?" Cloverdapple asked, tilting her head "Can you two see if you can find the fox so we can bring it to Gorsestar?"

Buzzardtooth and Cloverdapple exchanged a glance with each other before turning back to Sunflywing "Umm, you want us to lead a fox towards a patrol with a Clan leader in it just to kill him?"

Sunflywing nodded, confused why her friends were asking this "Yeah, is something wrong about that?" Sunflywing meowed, tilting her head. Cloverdapple looked over at Buzzardtooth, her gaze full of worry.

Buzzardtooth stared over at her, sensing her worry. He turned to Sunflywing, his gaze full of concern "Listen, Sunflywing. There is no fox on PondClan territory. Swanstar lied to Gorsestar just to distract him."

Both Sunflywing and Falconclaw blinked in complete shock "What?!" They exclaimed. Both MeadowClan warriors nodded "Swanstar only wanted to distract him so she could raid the camp once he left it unguarded."

Sunflywing's eyes widened. She turned to Falconclaw "We have to get back to camp!" she yowled, but Falconclaw didn't seem as concerned as she was. He turned to face Sunflywing "Why should we?"

Sunflywing was confused and startled at the same time "Gorsestar is going to die anyways," Falconclaw growled, a smirk on his face "Shouldn't we at least warn the camp about the possible raid?"

Falconclaw thought for a moment. He turned back to Buzzardtooth and Cloverdapple "You two go check the border. We'll race back to camp once you come back to see if they're there yet." Falconclaw ordered.

Both warriors nodded and raced off across the moor. Sunflywing turned to Falconclaw "How are we going to keep him distracted?" she asked, flicking one ear. Falconclaw turned to Sunflywing "We just need to keep him away for a little bit longer."

"Then, I can tell someone to run towards him to tell him what's happening." Falconclaw explained the plan to her. Sunflywing thought for a moment, wondering if she should go along with Falconclaw's plan.

Finally, she sighed and slowly nodded her head. She looked back at Falconclaw, her expression blank "I'm in."


Buzzardtooth and Cloverdapple soon came back, not taking the two cats that long to come back "Well?" Falconclaw asked, staring from Cloverdapple to Buzzardtooth "We saw the patrol entering the forest, Swanstar was leading it."

"Who was with her?" Sunflywing asked, staring at both her friends "Almost half of PondClan's warriors." Buzzardtooth responded. Sunflywing turned to Falconclaw, wondering what the deputy would do.

He turned to Buzzardtooth and Cloverdapple, dipping his head "You all are free to go, we'll tell you when we need your help." Falconclaw meowed, thanking the two cats for their help. Cloverdapple and Buzzardtooth smiled and nodded.

"We'll always be here to help." Cloverdapple purred as she turned around to leave. Buzzardtooth and Cloverdapple began to walk up the moor, leaving Sunflywing and Falconclaw. She turned to Falconclaw again.

"Should we go warn the camp now?" she asked him, her tail flicking with impatience. Falconclaw stared out across the moor, his gaze calm. He closed his eyes, staying silent "Let them die." he responded cruelly.

Sunflywing's eyes widened with horror "What?" she snarled, surprised. Was he really that cruel to let a whole Clan die? "But-" She was cut off by Falconclaw's harsh glare "Why do you care so much about that dumb Clan anyways?"

"Because-" she began, but was yet again, cut off by Falconclaw "Listen, Sunflywing, whether you like it or not, we're not going to interfere with Swanstar. We aren't going to tell the Clan anything, you got that?"

Sunflywing shook her head "You're wrong, Falconclaw. You need a Clan to take over all of them. I'm done working for you. I'm going to warn the Clan and there's nothing you can do to stop me." Sunflywing hissed, racing away.

"Sunflywing! Get back here!" Falconclaw ordered, lashing his tail. Sunflywing ignored him and continued running away back to camp. She raced down the slope, heading towards camp. She could hear Swanstar's patrol coming towards her.

I have to hurry! She thought, fear gripping at her pelt. She leaped over a fallen tree, diving into some bushes. Sunflywing darted out from the bushes and raced down the hill. Finally, she saw the entrance to camp.

She darted through the camp tunnel, her eyes wide "Everyone! PondClan is on their way to ambush us!" she yowled. Every cat in the camp turned to Sunflywing, their eyes wide with worry and shock.

"Swanstar's leading the patrol straight towards camp!" Sunflywing added, her voice almost a wail. Murmurs began to go around the CedarClan warriors. Hazelscar was the first to say something.

She moved forward, coming to face Sunflywing "Where are Gorsestar and Falconclaw?" Hazelscar asked, flicking the tip of her tail "Aren't they still out looking for the fox?" Silverpaw spoke up from the crowd.

Sunflywing shook her head sadly "It was just a distraction. There was never a fox." Sunflywing explained, looking down at her paws. Everyone gasped. Hazelscar stared down at Sunflywing with calm eyes.

"Sunflywing? You're our strongest warrior, what should we do?" Hazelscar meowed, dipping her head to Sunflywing. She looked up at the bigger she-cat, her eyes surprised. Sunflywing dipped her head back.

She then turned to the rest of the Clan. I can do this. She thought, taking in a deep breath "We don't have much time before Swanstar and her patrol gets here, so we must hurry," she began, staring around the camp.

"Rosestripe and Deerberry, you two will guard the nursery, Splashpaw and Raccoonfur will be your backups," Sunflywing meowed, nodding her head to the four cats. Rosestripe and Deerberry nodded back and padded into the nursery.

Raccoonfur and Splashpaw sat near the entrance, their gazes full of determination "Oatpaw and Shrewpaw, you'll guard the elders' den," Sunflywing ordered, staring down at the two apprentices. They both nodded, whisking Springstream inside.

The old she-cat walked inside while Oatpaw and Shrewpaw stayed outside to guard it "Hazelscar, you will guard the entrance to the tunnel with Plumstep, Weaselshine, and Applestripe,"

Hazelscar nodded her head, flicking her tail to the other warriors "Willowpaw and Squirrelpaw, you'll guard the medicine den with Adderwing." Sunflywing ordered, flicking her ear. Adderwing and the two apprentices moved over to the medicine den.

Sunflywing nodded. We're ready.

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