[•Chapter 5•]

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Sunflywing waited on the side of the Cedar tunnel with Plumstep at her side. She could just faintly hear the pawsteps of cats from outside.

All of CedarClan's warriors were waiting for Swanstar's ambush. Everyone was ready for the attack, their gazes serious. Then, the bushes swished and Sunflywing braced herself. She pricked her ears, trying to listen to where Swanstar's patrol was.

Suddenly, with a loud yowl, Swanstar's patrol raced through the tunnel "Now!" Sunflywing yowled, charging forward with her claws unsheathed. She tackled a brown and white she-cat, knocking her over on her side.

Sunflywing stared down at the she-cat, recognizing that this was Otterjump that she had tackled. Otterjump lashed at Sunflywing's muzzle, but she pulled back, dodging her blow. Sunflywing clawed at Otterjump's ears.

The PondClan warrior let out a yowl of rage and kicked Sunflywing off. Sunflywing backed away, letting out a hiss. Otterjump lunged at Sunflywing again but was tackled down by Weaselshine mid leap. Sunflywing ran away from Otterjump, looking for someone to fight.

She looked around the camp. Everyone was locked in battle. Rosestripe and Deerberry were facing off Mudfrost and Brambleshade while Splashpaw and Raccoonfur fended off Airwing and Rootpaw.

Oatpaw and Shrewpaw were fighting Dovepaw and Dawnpaw, who were two PondClan apprentices. Applestripe was face-to-face with Nettlewing, both cats' teeth bared. Willowpaw, Squirrelpaw, and Adderwing were facing off Snowbranch, Brackenstem, and Bluefall.

Suddenly, she was knocked over. She hit the ground with a hard thud. Sunflywing stared up, her eyes wide. Fernsplash, a black she-cat with grey splashes and amber eyes, had her pinned. Both her front paws were on her shoulders.

Sunflywing hissed up at Fernsplash, her ears pinned against her head. Fernsplash lifted up one of her paws, getting ready to slash Sunflywing's face. Her eyes widened and she tried to force the she-cat off her, lashing out in all different directions.

Suddenly, a different set of cats raced through the tunnel. Both she and Fernsplash looked up. Gorsestar's patrol! She thought. Gorsestar, Lionpaw, Falconclaw, Flintcloud, and Peachsong raced through the tunnel.

Sunflywing stared back up at Fernsplash and kicked her off with her powerful hind legs. Fernsplash landed on the ground with a loud thud, letting out a wail. Sunflywing turned around, seeing Swanstar and Gorsestar fighting each other.

She watched them fight, waiting for Swanstar to pin him and kill him. Her gaze was full of seriousness, and she didn't even seem to care that Swanstar had pinned her leader down. Gorsestar was panting hard, and his pelt was already covered in blood.

He stared up at Sunflywing, his eyes wide with fear. Swanstar was a much stronger cat than Gorsestar was. Underneath her white coat was nothing but broad muscles. Swanstar was a strong warrior and a powerful leader.

"Sunflywing! Help me!" he pleaded, reaching one paw out to her. She just glared at him; her eyes narrowed. Gorsestar saw that she wasn't going to help him and turned to face Swanstar "Ha! You are pathetic after all! You rely on your warriors to help you?"

Swanstar let out a menaceful laugh "I can't believe StarClan decided to make you CedarClan's leader!" Swanstar smirked, a large smile on her face. Everyone stopped fighting each other and turned to Gorsestar and Swanstar.

Swanstar lowered her head down to Gorsestar's muzzle, her teeth bared "I could kill you right now since you're so weak and pathetic," Swanstar began, flicking one ear with pleasure gleaming in her eyes.

Sunflywing's hopes got up. Yes! Kill him! Please! Sunflywing thought, trying to hide her happiness "But it'll be too easy and pointless to kill someone as pathetic as you." Swanstar meowed, letting Gorsestar up.

All of Sunflywing's hopes dropped as soon as Swanstar said that. The white PondClan leader licked one blood-covered paw, her tail flicking. She looked back at Gorsestar, her eyes narrowed "We'll be back, don't worry. In fact, we'll be here every day, Gorsestar."

The brown and white tabby leader stared up at Swanstar, his eye swollen from a wound that Swanstar gave him. Swanstar scuffed "And next time, don't plead for someone to help you." Swanstar growled, flicking her tail to her warriors.

"PondClan! To me!" she yowled, getting ready to trot out of camp. She led her warriors out of the CedarClan camp, blood covering the camp floor. Sunflywing watched the PondClan warriors leave, her tail flicking.

Goldenleaf and Silverpaw came running from out of the medicine den, herbs dangling from their jaws. Sunflywing checked her pelt to see if she had any wounds. There was at least one small scratch that was on her hide leg.

Silverpaw was tending to Lionpaw's and Willowpaw's wounds. Goldenleaf was treating Gorsestar's wounds, blood spilling around him. Sunflywing shook her fur out, small pieces of dirt flying off her pelt.

She kept her gaze on Gorsestar, her eyes narrowed. You got lucky today, Gorsestar. But next time, you won't be as lucky. Sunflywing thought, turning around to leave, but ending up bumping into someone.

"Ow!" the cat yelped, falling over on their back. Sunflywing looked down. Oh, it's just Lionpaw. She thought, flicking her tail. Lionpaw rubbed the back of his head, staring up at Sunflywing. His eyes quickly widened, and he got up.

"Sorry, Sunflywing..." Lionpaw murmured, shuffling his paws. Sunflywing stared at her apprentice, her gaze serious "It's fine." she growled, walking away. Lionpaw stared after her, his eyes wide.

Sunflywing went over to the nursery, wanting to check in on the kits and queens. Deerberry was inside, trying to silence the kits' cries. Rosestripe was outside, greeting Sunflywing with a dip of her head.

"Hi, Sunflywing. Have you come to check the kits?" the red-brown tabby she-cat asked, flicking one ear. She nodded, dipping her head back to Rosestripe "Yes, I heard them crying during the battle."

Rosestripe nodded her head "I'm pretty sure every cat did. They were quite loud," Rosestripe meowed, letting out a sigh. Rosestripe looked back up at Sunflywing "You can come in. Just, please don't frighten them more."

"I won't, Rosestripe." Sunflywing responded, trying not to sound harsh. Why would she suspect that I would scare them? She wondered, walking past the she-cat. She entered the nursery, seeing Deerberry curled up around the kits.

Fernkit, Firekit, and Crowkit, who are Rosestripe's kits, all looked up at Sunflywing "Sunflywing! Did you see what happened?" Fernkit asked, racing from out of Deerberry's protection "Yes, I did. Are you kits okay?"

Firekit raced after his litter-sister, Crowkit following behind "We're fine, but Sorrelkit, Redkit, and Goldenkit won't stop crying." Fernkit explained, looking back at the much younger kits. Redkit, Sorrelkit, and Goldenkit, who are Deerberry's kits, were all wailing.

Fernkit and her litter-brothers were 4 moons older than Deerberry's kits. Sunflywing stared over at the kits, one of her yellow ears flicking. She padded over to the kits, sitting down in front of them.

She stared down at them, her eyes locked on each of them. Deerberry looked up at Sunflywing. She stared up at Deerberry "Has Goldenleaf treated your wounds?" she asked, flicking her tail. Deerberry shook her head.

Sunflywing pointed her tail outside the nursery "Go have her treat your wounds. I'll deal with the kits," Sunflywing meowed, flicking her ear. Deerberry stared up at Sunflywing "Are you sure?" Sunflywing nodded.

Deerberry smiled up at her and dipped her head. The pale brown queen got up and left the nursery. Sunflywing looked back down at the kits, curling up beside them. They continued to mew and cry as she came closer. Sunflywing sighed.

I am never doing this again.

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