Sunnats of Dressing Part-1

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendents and noble companions.’



Our Nabi (S.A.W)’s ‘wardrobe’ consisted only of a minimum number of garments that he needed and actually wore. These were frequently patched and had to be repeatedly washed as his wardrobe was very spare.

S.1. Nabi (S.A.W) liked wearing kurta (long shirt) most.

Nabi (S.A.W)’ sleeves reached up to his wrists and the collar or neckline of his kurta was towards the middle of his chest. Once when the buttons of Nabi (S.A.W) kurta was open a companion (R.A), for the sake of acquiring blessing, inserted his hand in Nabi (S.A.W)'s kurta and touched the seal of Prophet.  (S.K.- Vol.1:Pg.260)

S.2. Our Prophet (S.A.W)’s kurta used to be above his ankles, reaching up to his mid-calf.(Ibn Majah)

S.3. The sleeves of the kurta of Nabi (S.A.W) used to reach up to his wrists. (Tirmidhi)

S.4. Rasulullah (S.A.W) encouraged the usage of buttons even if it were thorns. (S.K.- Vol:Pg.261)

S.5. Nabi (S.A.W) liked performing Salah whilst wearing a leather waist coat that had short sleeves. (Ibn Asakir - S.K. - Vol.1: Pg.264)

S.6. Our Nabi (S.A.W) bought trousers but did not have the opportunity to wear them. (Tabrani-S.K.-Vol. 1 :Pg. 284-285)

S.7. Rasulullah (S.A.W) encouraged the ladies to wear pants especially when they venture outdoors. (S.K.-Vol. 1: Pg. 287)

S.8. Our Nabi (S.A.W)’s clothes consisted of sheet, lungi (loincloth), kurta (long shirt) and amamah (turban). He also had a cloth (towel) with which he dried his face etc. after Wudu. He liked striped sheets. 

He (S.A.W) used to wear a topi (skull cap/kufi) below the amamah and sometimes he used to wear only the topi. Sometimes it (the amamah) had a tail and and at other times it did not have a tail. The tail of the amamah (turban) used to fall between the shoulders at his back.

Rasulullah (S.A.W) wore a quba (long coat) also. Our Nabi (S.A.W)’s lower garment used to end between the knee and the ankle.

Rasulullah (S.A.W)’s sheet (shawl) was red striped. He also wore green and black woollen sheets (shawls) with or without embroidery. In some narrations it is stated that Nabi (S.A.W)’s personal life never changed even when he became the master of the whole of Arabia and Syria. His personal life continued to be austere.

He used to say, “I am only a servant and dress myself like one.”

The most important Sunnah in our Nabi (S.A.W)’s dressing was convenience and informality and he did not care for any particular kind or quality of clothing. He mostly wore cotton clothing but at times he also wore expensive clothing. He had an expensive outfit which he wore for Jumu'ah and the two ‘Eids and whilst meeting outside delegations.

S.9. Our Nabi (S.A.W) has said that simplicity in clothing is a sign of Emaan. (Abu Dawud-S.K.-Vol. 1 : Pg. 307)

S.10. Nabi (S.A.W) disapproved and disliked the wearing of dirty clothes. (S.K.-Vol. l :P g .312)

S.11. Nabi (S.A.W) prohibited the use of clothes that have pictures of animate objects. (Bukhari - S.K. - Vol. l : Pg. 314)

S.12. Our Nabi prohibited the adopting of styles of the non-muslims even in clothing. (Muslim - S.K. - Vol. l : Pg. 317-318)

S.13. The donning of the shawl and covering the head with a cloth is a Sunnah of the prophets. . (S.K.-Vol. 1 :Pg.273)

S.14. Our Nabi (S.A.W) used to wear topi which was generally white in colour, and when not on a journey, it used to be flat. (S.K. - Vol. 1 : Pg. 274-275)

S.15. Whilst on a journey the topi of Nabi (S.A.W) used to be bigger i.e. higher. (S.K. - Vol. 1 : Pg. 276)

Note 1: Rasulullah (S.A.W) used his topi as a ‘soetra’ when performing Salah.

‘Soetra’ is any item placed in front of the one performing Salah as an indicator to others not to walk across the one engaged in Salah and thereby cause distraction in the concentration of the worshipper.

Note 2: Our Nabi (S.A.W) wore the topi without the turban also. (S.K.-Vol. 1 :Pg.275)

S. 16. Our Nabi (S.A.W) encouraged the wearing of amamah (turban) saying it is a special symbol and mark of the angels. (Mishkat - S.K. - Vol. 1 : Pg. 288-289)

S. 17. Generally Nabi (S.A.W) used to wear a white coloured turban at home and a black one when on a journey. (S.K. - Vol. 1 : Pg. 290)

Note: It is mentioned in a narration that Allah SWT blesses and the angels pray for mercy for those who wear an amamah on a Friday . (S.K. - Vol. 1: Pg. 289)

S.18. Rasulullah (S.A.W) tied the turban for Hazrat Ali (R.A.) (as he did for other companions also) and he left a tail at the back. Thereafter, he advised Hazrat Ali (R.A.) to (keep) tying the turban saying that it was a special feature of Islam and a means of differentiating between the Believers and the non-Believers. (S.K.-Vol. 1 : Pg. 290)

S.19. The following have been recorded in different narrations as the length of our beloved Nabi’s (S.A.W) amamah (turban):

a) 12 arms length;

b) 10 arms length;

c) 7 arms length;

d) 6 arms length.

The width was one arms length. (S.K. - Vol. l : Pg.292)

Note: An ‘arms length’ refers to the distance from the tip of the fingers to the elbow .

S.20. If Nabi (S.A.W) did not have a turban he used to tie any cloth as a turban. (S.K. - Vol. l : Pg. 295)

S.21. Nabi (S.A.W) also used a cloth over his turban as a protection from the sun’s rays. (S.K. - Vol. l : Pg. 283)

S.22. On the Day of the Conquest of Makkah, our Nabi (S.A.W) wore a black amamah (turban). (S .K . - Vol. 4 : Pg. 379)

S.23. Nabi (S.A.W) used to wear the lungi (lower garment) in the following manner:

a) The excess material used to be in front.

b) The back portion used to be raised a bit.

c) The lungi used to be upto his mid calf. (S.K. -Vol.1:Pg- 278)

d) The lower garment used to be tied on or above the navel. (S.K. - Vol. 1: Pg- 278)

Note: The navel should not be exposed.

S.24. Men should wear their pants (lower garments) above the ankles. (S.K . -Vol. 1 : Pg. 279 -280)

Note 1: Those men who wear their pants (or any garment e.g. lungi or kurta) below their ankles will, on the Day of Qiyamah, have fire on their ankles and Allah shall not look at them with mercy.(Mishkat- S.K. - Vol. 1 : Pg. 279-280)

Note 2: This law is for males only and for all times, whether in Salah or not.

S.25. Our beloved Nabi (S.A.W) wore strapped leather sandals. (Ahmad - S.K. - Vol. 4 : Pg. 315)


A/N ;)

Awesomest man, wasn't he? ;) Subhan Allah! Even when he became the Master of all Arabia and Syria, not even a whit of change in his simple lifestyle, although he was already the Master of all Prophets! Again I say He (S.A.W) is the most bestest of all role models and may Allah SWT grant us all Tawfeeq to act upon each and every little beautiful Sunnah of his. Aameen...

With Duas and Salaam,

abdurRahman (Gudi ;))

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