Sunnats of Dressing Part- 2

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                     In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’

                                                                     - Aameen.



S.26. Our Nabi (SAW) used leather socks both at home and when on a journey. (Tirmidhi- S.K. - Vol. 4 : Pg . 330 -331)

S.27. Shoes and the leather socks should be shaken, to dust off any insects etc. that may be lurking, before putting them on. (Majma ‘uz Zawaid - S .K. - Vol. 4 : Pg- 332)

S.28. Our Nabi (S.A.W) prohibited walking with one shoe only.

(Bukhari - S.K. - Vol. 4 : Pg . 322)

S.29. When wearing (shoes or) clothing to begin with the right and when removing them to begin with the left.

(Tirmidhi - S .K. - Vol. 1 : P g . 261 -262)

S.30. Shoes could be worn standing or sitting as per need – both ways are Sunnah. (S .K. - Vol. 4: Pg. 3 2 1 )

S.31. The Islamic method of wearing the shawl is to place the right end of the shawl over the left shoulder as against wearing both the ends over each of the shoulders. (S.K.-Vol. 1 :Pg. 273)

S.32. Du‘a when wearing clothes:


Alhamdu-lillahil-ladhi Kasaani Maa Uwaarii Bihii ‘Awraati Wa

Atajammalu Bihii Fee Hayaati


All praise is due to Allah Who clothed me with which I cover my shame and with which I add beauty to my life. (Hisn)

S.33. Nabi (S.A.W) would not throw away clothing until worn patched. (Tirmidhi- S.K. - Vol. 1 : P g . 305)

S.34. It is allowed to wear expensive clothing as an expression of gratitude for the bounties Allah has blessed one with (and not due to pride and ostentation). (S.K. - Vol. 1: Pg . 313-314)

S.35. Nabi (S.A.W) advised us to keep in mind those people who are poorer than us in the material world and those that are more pious and educated than ourselves in Deen (religion). (Tirmidhi)

S.36. Our Nabi (S.A.W) prohibited the wearing of silk and gold for men but permitted the ladies. (Abu Dawud- S.K. - Vol. l : Pg. 326)

(Similarly our Nabi prohibited men from wearing red and saffron coloured clothing). (Bukhari- S.K. - Vol l :P g . 298-301)


S.37. Our beloved Nabi (S.A.W) preferred white clothing. (Tirmidhi- S.K.-Vol. 1 : P g . 276)


Note: But he used a black blanket also. (S.K.-Vol. 1: Pg.270)

S.38. The turban (amamah) should be tied whilst standing and the pants worn whilst sitting. Doing contrary to this brings about forgetfulness and poverty. (S.K. - Vol. l : Pg . 295)

S.39. Whenever our Nabi (S.A.W) lifted his shoes, he did so with the index finger and thumb of his left hand. (Tabrani - S.K. - Vol. 4 : Pg. 326)

S.40. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R. A.) said: “Allah’s messenger (S.A.W) cursed the man who put on woman’s clothing and the woman who put on man’s clothing.”


(Bukhari-Abu Dawud-S.K.-Vol. 1: Pg- 315-316)

S.41. Nabi (S.A.W) said:-

 He who puts on clothes and says:

Alhamdu-lillahil-ladhi Kasaani Haadha Wa Razaqaneehi Min

Ghairi Hawlim Minni Wa La Quwwatin

‘Praise be to Allah, who clothed me with this, and who provided me with it without any power or might of mine’, then his past and present (minor) sins are forgiven. (At-Targhib-S.K. -Vol. 1: Pg. 332)

S.42. When wearing new clothes our Prophet (S.A.W) used to praise Allah with any suitable praise like:


Alhamdulil-lahil-ladhi Kasaanaa Haadha

 All praise is due to Allah who has given us this to wear.

Then, he would read 2 rakaats Nafl (optional) prayer of thanks and give the old clothes away to any needy person. (Ibn Asaakir)


Note: The one giving away his old clothes in charity comes under the protection of Allah whether he lives or dies. (Mishkat -S.K.-Vol. 1: Pg.330)

S.43. Nabi (S.A.W) made Du‘a thus:

“O Allah! Forgive the women who wear izaar!” (pants under her dress). (S.K.-Vol. 1: Pg. 320-321)

S .44. The Sunnah clothing of a woman is:

a. It should be thick and not transparent;

b. should be loose and not tight fitting;

c. It should not resemble men’s clothing;

d. It should not resemble the attire of any non-muslim nation. (S.K. - Vol. 1: Pg. 321)

S.45. Hazrat Aa’isha (R.A.) tore the thin head covering of Hafsah bint Abdur Rahman and gave her a thicker one to wear. (S.K.-Vol. 1: Pg. 322)

S.46. Nabi (S.A.W) has prohibited the wearing of clothes for pride and show. Allah will not look at such a person (with mercy) until the one wearing such clothing removes it. A person wearing clothes of pride in the world shall be made to wear clothes of disgrace in the hereafter. (At-Targhib -S.K. - Vol. 1 :Pg.302)

S.47. Our beloved Nabi (S.A.W) encouraged simplicity in dressing. He advised Hazrat Aa’isha (R.A) that if she wishes his (S.A.W)’s company in Jannah (Paradise) then she should not discard any clothing until worn patched. (Tirmidhi- S.K.-Vol. 1 : Pg. 305)

S.48. Nabi (S.A.W) has stated that simplicity in clothing is a sign of Emaan faith. (Abu Dawud-S.K. -Vol. 1: Pg. 307)


A/N ;)

Well now we know all the beautiful Sunnahs of Dressing Alhamdulillah, May we all love and practice each little Sunnah to gain the Most Beautiful Allah SWT’s Love and fabulous rewards too! Aameen Summa Aameen ;))))

With Duas and Salaam,

abdurRahman (Gudi ;))

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