Reflections of Us

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A drabble inspired by the following WOW: Write on Wednesday prompt from newlywrittenbooks.

Write in 356 words what happens next, using this prompt:"Your reflection winks at you."


You once told me that if I looked into the mirror, I would always find you because we're twins, and twins never lose each other.

You promised that we would be together forever, Alex, that we came into this world together and that we would leave this world together too.

Yet as I stand here, bent over a sink that you should've claimed before me this morning, that we should've fought over, I cannot bring myself to look in the mirror, because I know what I will not see.

I will not see you.

Our smile has been gone for two years now, and the sparkle in our eyes before that. Does it matter if I care to look up? But I do anyway, and as I lift my head, the left eyelid slides down in an unmistakable wink.

It plunges me into a fury.

You promised, Alex, but you lied.

You left me that night in late November when you said you wanted to get back to MIT a day early for your class experiment, but I wanted to stay home with Mom and Dad. You left me that night in the snow and the sleet, but I went after you because Mom wanted you home. You left me that night in the cold and the sirens, but I stayed behind because we were not together.

It should have been us in that skid, us in that burning hunk of metal, us in that arctic ambulance. Not just you, Alex.

The mirror draws me back. Again, that left eyelid closes and reopens.

And for a moment, I see you. I see your grin and hear your laugh and smell your perfume. For a moment, I have you back.

You would call it a figment of memory, the mind playing tricks on itself, but I choose to call it a peek from the other side, a wink from you in more ways than one. I choose to call it a glimpse of hope, a realization that you are still here. I choose to call it love, an understanding that you are still here.

I choose you.

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