1 - Samezuka

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"Alright everyone, get into groups of four for relay practice." I said.

I'm Sora. Sora Yuuki. I'm the captain of the girls swim team of Samezuka high.

"Along with the Iwatobi's." I said. "Yes, ma'am!" The teams said. "Even though this is practice... I'm still not gonna lose to you." Akira, the captain of the girls swim team of Iwatobi high school said. "Well, you won't be winning either." My best friend, and the vice captain of the team, Tara, said confidently. "Well then, how about we have a race first? Just you and me?" Akira smirked. "You have yourself a deal." I said.

Rin's POV:

"So, why'd you take me here?" I asked my sister, Gou, as she dragged me to the Samezuka pool. "I took you here to show you that there's a girls swim team now!" She said, still pulling me along. "Haru and the others are here, too." She said. "Sigh..." I sighed as we walked inside. "Oh, hey Rin." Makoto waved. "Hi!" Nagisa said happily. "You're just in time, the two captains are about to have a race." Rei said. 'Race...?'

Sora's POV(Normal POV):

"Ready..." I heard Tara say. "GO!" We both dived into the water. As soon as I hit the water, I spun, to increase my speed. I finally hit the other end of the pool, and kicked off of it, which propelled me even fatter ahead. I finished the race, as I touched the wall. Akira finished a few seconds after me. "Hah... Hah..." I said, catching my breath. "Told ya!" Tara laughed. "No kidding." Akira huffed, walking over to her team. "...?" I looked up at the observatory. "..." There were five guys, and a girl. "..." I locked eyes with the red haired one. "Whatcha lookin at?" Tara asked. "Ah! N-nothing!" I said, laughing nervously. "Oh okay. Suuuuure..." She laughed, as everyone grouped up and started relay practice.


"Phew!" I said, walking out of the locker room. I was wearing a plain red t-shirt, jeans, and the jacket that I wear for swim meets and stuff. "THAT WAS AWESOME!" I got tackled by an energetic boy with pink eyes, and wavy blonde hair. "Uh... Thanks...?" I said. 'Who... The... Hell?' I thought. "Nagisa, you should introduce yourself before you tackle people..." A tall guy with greenish blonde hair said. "Oh yeah!" The blonde haired boy said. "Hi! I'm Nagisa!" He said. "And this is Makoto, Rei, Rin, Gou and Haruka!" He said, pointing. "Nice to meet you." I said. "I'm Sora." I smiled. "..." The red haired guy, Rin, walked over to me. "So, you're the chick who's in charge of the female swim team, huh?" He said. "Yep." I smiled. "I'm surprised that you didn't recognize me." He said. "Wait...!" I said. "You're the captain of the Samezuka guys swim team!" I said. "Yeah." He said, smiling slightly. "Ha! I remembered." I said. "Yo Sora--...?" Tara walked over, her blonde ponytail waving behind her. "Who're they?" She asked. "We're the Iwatobi swim team!" A girl with red hair said. She looked a lot like Rin. "Ah, gotcha." She laughed. "Well, we'd better get going. See ya!" The girl said, as they headed out. "I have to go too. See you around, I guess?" Rin waved, as he walked off. "..." I sighed. "Heh!" Tara said. "What?" I asked. "The black haired guy is pretty cool, huh?" She smirked. "...if you're trying to hook me up with someone again, then no thanks!" I laughed. She then started laugh too. "Why not?" She joked. "Already have someone in mind?" She teased. "N-no!" I growled. "Haha, just joking." She said. "Cmon, let's go back to our dorm." She said. "Okay!" I said, grabbing my bag.

Sora and Tara's Dorm..

"They were all pretty cute." Tara said, looking down at me from the top bunk. "Who?" I looked up from my book to see her. "The guys in the Iwatobi swim team that we met earlier." She smiled, as she hopped down from her bunk. "...They seemed nice, but I'm not that into them." I yawned. "Whaaaat? They were all super good looking!" She pouted, putting her hands on her hips. "Sigh... You can be pretty stubborn sometimes, y'know..." She huffed, as she climbed back onto the top bunk. 'Me? Stubborn?' I thought. "..." I sighed. 'Rin was kinda cool...' I thought.

Hiya guys!

I'm so sorry that I didn't post this yesterday! I left my iPod at my aunts yesterday! and I didn't get it until today! XC


With that outta the way...

I'm obsessed with Free!


I finished it and I'm obsessed with it now.


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