2 - Training

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The Next Morning...

"SORA! WAKE U-U-U-U-UP!", "Ngh... What?" I whined, as Tara shook me. "Time to get up!" She said. "It's a Saturday." I said, checking my phone. "...oh." She said. "..." We both went silent, then we bursted into laughter. "Honestly..." I said, getting out of bed. "Thank god its Saturday!" Tara said happily. "I know right?" I said. "Whatcha gonna do?" She asked. "First things first, I'm gonna get dressed." I laughed. "You do that." She said. I took a shower, threw on a pair of shorts, a t-shirt, and a zip up jacket. "Your hair is a mess." Tara said. "I honestly don't give a damn." I sighed. "Well, I'll fix your hair then." She stuck her tongue out at me, as she climbed down from the top bunk, and dragged me back into the bathroom. "You have nice hair. That being said...", "ow!" She pulled my hair a little. "Take care of it." She huffed. "Okay..." I pouted. "Okay, I'm off." I said, waving. "See ya!" She said, as I exited our dorm. "..." I walked down the hall, then down the stairs, and walked out of the school. "Heh!" I said, walking towards the pool. "She thought I was headed for a walk or something!" I laughed, as I entered the building. I walked into the girls locker room and got changed. Almost every Saturday, I practiced different styles of swimming. Breaststroke, Butterfly, you name it! "Alright!" I walked out to the pool, and saw... Rin?! "Rin?" I said. "...?" He turned, and saw me. "Oh, hey. You practicing too?" He asked. "Almost every Saturday I'm training in here." I said. "Ah, gotcha." He said. "What about you?" I said as I stepped up onto the podium. "I don't have a set day that I practice on. I usually come here whenever." He said. "I see." I said, diving into the pool. "Hey Sora." Rin asked. "Yeah?" I replied, knowing what he would ask. 'He's gonna challenge me to a race...!' I thought, getting a bit excited. "Wanna race?" He said. His pointy teeth aligned to form a smirk. "Sure, but I'll win." I said. "OI!", "...?" We looked over to see Tara. She looked mad, but then she sighed, and smiled. "If you guys are gonna race, you'll need someone to keep track of your times." She said. "..." We both shrugged. "I was expecting a little more enthusiasm than a shrug, but nevermind..." She sighed. We both got out of the pool, and stood on the podiums. "Alright. What style are we using?" I asked. "I need to practice freestyle, is that alright with you?" Rin asked me. "Yeah." I nodded, putting my goggles on. He did the same. "Ready..." Tara said. "GO!" She said.


"HAH!" I finished the race, as did Rin. "Phew!" I said. "Who wins?" Rin asked. "..." Tara looked really surprised. "You're times were just 0.02 seconds apart!" She said. "Wow." We both said. "But, the winner is..." She said. "Rin." She pointed. "Cool." He said. "..." I pouted. "What?" He laughed. "Rematch!" I said. "Sigh... Fine." He said as we both got out of the pool. "This time were swimming butterfly." I said, stepping up onto the podium. "Alright. Prepare for another loss." He said. "I'm prepared for winning, not losing." I said. "Alright you two, that's enough." Tara huffed. "Ready..." She said. "GO!" She shouted, as Rin and I dove into the water.

Timeskip!(I'm too lazy XDD)

"Who won?" We asked. "Oh wow." She said. "This time you guys were 0.01 seconds apart!" She said. "Who won!" I asked. "The winner is..." She said. "SORA!" She shouted. "Yes!" I said. "You guys must be equal in speed! I mean, it's not everyday that people race and have times a mere 0.01 or 0.02 seconds apart... Twice in a row." She said. "You have a point..." I said. "Yeah. I'm pretty surprised myself." Rin said, getting out of the water. I got out too. I went into the girls locker room, and got changed back into my clothes. "That was fun." I said, walking out of the locker rooms. "Yeah, it was." Rin said.

Rin's POV:

I'm still surprised that she managed to beat me... By 0.01 of a second. "Well, I gotta go." She said. "See ya!" She waved exiting the building. "Bye." I waved. I walked out of the pool building and decided to return to my dorm.

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