Chapter 1

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'Twas a bright, warm night in the rainforest when one egg in the RainWing nest began to crack. The RainWings charged with watching the nest had always been wary of this egg, both from its odd coloration and parentage. You see, this egg was laid by a young, foolish RainWing who died soon after from eating poisonous berries that even the youngest RainWing knew to avoid. She had mated with a vicious SandWing with a mean reputation and a complicated heritage. Everyone knew he despised other types of dragons, RainWings especially, and to this day no one knows why he mated with the foolish RainWing.

    To get to the point, the strange-colored-complicated-parentage-egg began to rock back and forth as the dragonet inside fought to get out. One of the three moons shone full on the rainforest that night.

    The RainWing who was watching that section of eggs, Treefrog, gasped in surprise when the egg changed color as it rolled into the bright moonlight. Slowly but surely, a shining, pale gold dragonet crawled out of her shell. Knowing that it was up to him to name her, Treefrog named the dragonet Sunshine because when she hatched, it was as if the sun had come out in the middle of the night. Sunshine looked up at Treefrog with dark green SandWing eyes that seemed to pierce straight through your soul. She had a SandWing tail, eyes, and tongue, a RainWing ruff, and a green-blue crest down her spine. Her wings, belly, and snout also bore green and there were spots on the sides of her back, legs, and tail.

    Treefrog made a mark on his scroll. Sunshine was the first egg of the month. Every month, Queen Glory came to the nest with the respectable parents of hatched dragonets. The parents would choose a name from a list, but orphan dragons, such as Sunshine, had their names chosen by nest guardians. He looked around the small fenced-in area of orphaned dragonets that were under his watchful eyes. Sadly, he realized that Sunshine would have no hatchmates in the orphanage. He also realized that Sunshine was the first dragonet that had ever been left as an orphan before even hatching in recorded RainWing history. Even though her father was alive, he had left Sunshine for dead. Treefrog then realized he had a huge responsibility ahead of him.

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