[15] The Truth Starts to Show

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There was a tiny crack in the corner of the light-purple wall. It was in the form of a lightning bolt, and for some odd reason, Violet's bright blue eyes couldn't leave it. In reality, that little crack in the wall was distracting her from the aches she felt on her body. Even if the fourteen-year-old attempted to move at least her hand, it managed to hurt the rest of her.

Violet had been dragged and beaten like a rag doll by the Koopa Prince. She still couldn't believe, though, that she managed to anger him so much. Sad thing was, it was all thanks to some stupid joke she made about his breath.

About his breath! I was just making a joke, and look where I am now! Violet's eyebrows furrowed as she slowly began to sit up.

She regretted that, though. Once she was sitting up her whole body began to shake like an earthquake since it couldn't support any type of strength.

Violet groaned out and ended up falling back onto her blue pillow, the pillow making a POOF! sound once her head landed on it. She stared at her popcorn ceiling now, which had some paintings on it.

Her eyes caught one particular painting.

It was a painting of Peach Beach, named after the famed princess herself.

The drawing showed the smooth white sand of the beach, as well as the beautiful seashells it contained. However, the main focus of the picture was the ocean. On some parts of the ocean, spots of blue glitter had been added to make it stand out from the rest of the drawing.

"I'm thirsty..." Violet croaked out, but no one was there to hear. So, the girl closed her eyes tightly, making the eyelids wrinkle a bit. "Okay Violet Mario, let's try this one more time."

Violet leaned on her elbows for support as she slowly began to sit up. The purple bed made a creak with every move, as if cheering her on.

Once she was up she stopped leaning. The pain came back, but she quickly averted her gaze to the crack in her wall, and immediately it went away.

"Good job, Violet..." She mumbled,"Now tell me, how are we gonna get your water?"

She slowly looked at the yellow cup of water that was standing on her wooden night table. Violet stared at it long and hard, because she knew for a fact that her arm nor her fingers wouldn't support stretching themselves to grab a cup. Yet, Violet's blue eyes continued to stare at the cup long and hard.

Suddenly, the book appeared on her lap, open to a page. She gasped and shook her head. "No no no! I'm not—Oh." The page was showing a levitation spell. Violet looked away, closing her eyes as she did. She was already scarred from reading it last time, why would she want to read the damn thing again? She found herself reading it anyway, making sure she understood. The moment she did, it disappeared on her.

"Welp, at least the book likes me?" That was more of a question than a comment, as you can see.

Violet looked back at the cup. To her surprise, the cup began to glow a pale purple. Violet's eyes widened, and the glow began to fade. Seeing this, Violet began to concentrate her vision on it and the glow rekindled. Then, slowly, it floated towards her.

"No way... I'm a magician!" Violet blurted out, laughing lightly since it was a joke.

'No you aren't you bubblegum dumb dumb--' A voice growled out.

"Shut up!" Violet demanded, slamming her fist on the bed.

Violet took the cup once it was close enough and drank it happily, some water spilling over her cheeks and dropping onto her bed. Once she was done she dropped the cup onto the floor and then lay back down, feeling much better.


Mrs. Mario decided to send her twin boys back to school, because she didn't want them to miss the rest of their classes.

Mario walked down the beige school hallways. He was mumbling to himself, mostly in Italian. He felt his blood boiling, he felt his neck tense. He wanted to beat the crap out of that stupid Koopa, maybe even chop his tail off--

"Mario, I know what you're thinking, and it's wrong."

Mario looked at his twin brother. Luigi sighed softly and put an arm around Mario.

"Listen, Mario, the only way to act is in a civilized manner. If you fight violence with violence, only more violence will come out of it. Nothing will be solved."

"Wow, maybe you should run for president!" Mario sneered.

Luigi felt slightly hurt by this, so he retreated his arm from Mario and looked down. Mario sighed with frustration and put his arm around his brother.

"I'm sorry, Weegee, but he hurt her. Out of all the people he could beat up, he beat up someone of my blood. I don't take that seriously. Do you know how harshly Papá is going to react once Mamá tells him?"

"Mamá isn't gonna tell him. I spoke with her..."

Mario huffed, narrowing his eyes. In his opinion, the old man should know, so then both he and his father could beat the crap out of Bowser.

The two brothers separated into their respective classrooms, which were across from each other. Mario knocked on the wooden door, trying to peek through the window. He could see DK sitting next to his desk.

The door was opened for him, and Mario walked in. The students stared at him, as if he had something on his head. Mario rolled his eyes and sat down.

"Mario.." DK whispered.

Mario tried to wave the giant mammal away. "DK, I'm not in the mood right now."

"But Mario, this has to do with elections!" DK put a hand on his shoulder, slightly shaking him.

"I don't care about elections!" Mario hissed.

"Don't you like Peach?"

Mario's senses were awake. At the mention of Peach he sat up and looked at DK. He could feel his heart pounding. Was it that she liked him back? Did she want to hang out?

"What is it?"

"She's going to cheat the system! She plans on adding in votes for herself."

Mario's amazing posture faded instantly. "No, she wouldn't. Peach wouldn't do that... Who told you this?"


"Dixie's a sophomore...?"

"Sure, but Dixie knows things."

Mario's eyes widened when he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned to face Yoshi, who was nodding at DK's comment.

"It's true, Mario. Toad found extra slips that had Peach's name on it the other day." Yoshi  shook his head. "It's sad, you know? I thought she played fair..."

Mario slowly turned away. He stared at the whiteboard in front of him in disbelief. How could Peach do such a thing? Why would she do such a thing? Then he remembered who her opponent was.

Pauline... He thought. She's jealous because she knows Pauline likes me too!

Now he felt major disappointment. He knew, or at least he thought, that the princess knew better. So, he decided that during lunch he'd confront his crush. Or more like, his ex-crush.

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