[17] Jealousy

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"I hate you both!" Peach spat out before she whipped her body away from them and walked towards the double doors. As she walked, the tears began to spill again. Peach ended up running, not wanting anyone to see how defeated she felt. She sobbed as she ran out the school and into the parking lot. People stopped to watch her run by, some even tried to ask what was wrong. She would only shake her head, saying words they couldn't understand due to how much she was crying, and then she'd run off again.

The princess was finally out of the school grounds when she heard someone call her name. She slowly came to a stop, her cheeks full of wet mascara now. She quickly looked through her pink clutch, her hands shaking, as she tried to find a tissue to wipe her cheeks. She managed to find one that had lipstick on it and wiped her cheeks rapidly before she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Peach? What's going on?" A soothing voice asked. Peach recognized the voice as none other than Rosalina's.

She turned around to face the taller princess and bit her lip. "I-I... I'm..." Her lips quivered as she felt pressure behind her eyes. "I'm not fine, Rosalina!" Peach wailed as tears spilled again. She threw herself onto Rosalina, the galactic princess hugging Peach tightly. "Marioisthebiggestassholeiveevermetand--"

"Peach, Peach!" Rosalina held the girl by her arms, straightening her posture. "Peach! You need to calm down. I can't understand a single word that you're saying. How am I supposed to help you?"

Peach stared a Rosalina. She realized how bad she was when she felt herself hyperventilating. She got out of Rosalina's grip and shook her head, feeling her hair slap her cheeks. "I'm sorry, Rosie, I'm sorry!" She shrieked out. "I'm just..." She felt her breathing begin to slow down. She sighed shakily, sniffing up her boogers. "I'm heartbroken right now, that's all. Just extremely heartbroken."

Rosalina's eyes widened and her expression changed from confusion to mild anger. "What did Mario do to you?"

"He... he yelled at me. Accused me of something that I didn't even do!" Peach looked down at her sneakers, seeing that they had black marks from all the running she did. "It had something to do with elections, I think."

Rosalina was thinking to herself as she listened. She was trying to figure out what on Earth Mario was speaking about. Then it hit her! "Peach, I know what he's talking about. Sadly, everybody believes you cheated during the elections and made yourself win."

Peach blinked. She rubbed her eyes, smearing mascara onto her pale arm. "Everybody?"

"Well, mostly everybody."

"But I don't understand..."

Rosalina's cold hands rubbed Peach's shoulders. "You know what? Let's talk about this at the café. I'm positive that some nice hot tea will calm you down." She gave Peach a soft smile. "Hot tea calms me down when I get angry."

Peach rose a brow as she narrowed her eyes. "You get angry?" She couldn't believe that a calm person like Rosie could get angry.

The question made Rosalina chuckled softly. She put an arm around the shorter princess and led her to the café. "Of course I do. Anyone can get angry, Peach. Didn't you see how upset I was yesterday?"


Rosalina blinked. "Huh. Well, anyway, that doesn't matter. What matters is we get to the bottom of this rumor."

The two princesses found themselves in front of the café. Peach entered first and rushed to the bathroom in the back. The first thing she did was look at her face in the mirror. Seeing her face caused her to shriek from horror. "I look so ugly!" She cried out. "Rosalina, do you have make-up wipes?!"

Rosalina calmly entered the bathroom, hearing the question. She leaned against the grey brick wall and looked through her backpack. "I miraculously have one, here."

Peach snatched it and looked back at the mirror. The mirror had cracks here and there, so that made her reflection look worse. She managed to find a clear spot and began to wipe her make-up off. "I can't believe I walked around the town looking like this. Why didn't you tell me?!"

Rosalina narrowed her eyes. "Because I didn't think it was that bad--"

"Rosalina!" Peach hissed, glaring at her. "I look hideous!" She finished up and looked down at the make-up wipe. It was black, pink, and cream now thanks to her foundation. She remembered how pretty Pauline looked in the bathroom when she was doing her lipstick. That was one thing she liked about Pauline. The girl did her make-up in an amazing way.

"Oh my stars..." Peach suddenly said.

Rosalina looked up from her economics book, thinking that Peach knew how the rumor started.

"What if Mario ends up with her now?" Peach whipped her head toward Rosalina, who was still confused. "What if he used that rumor as a way to safely date her?!"

"Peach, that's the most ridiculous theory I've ever heard, after Einstein's theory of relativity of course--"

"Rosalina, stop being a nerd for once! This is serious!"

Rosalina slammed the book shut and shoved it into her backpack. "While you freak out here, I'm going to go get us tea. Come out when you're ready, okay?" The princess pulled the tall brown door and exited the bathroom.

Peach rolled her eyes and looked back at the mirror. She studied the features on her face. She did have nice plump lips... "But they aren't cute without lipstick." Peach realized how nice her eyebrows looked. "But filling them in makes them even better!" For a minute straight she looked at each feature and then contradicted it with something that apparently made them look better.

Peach sighed sadly, her heart full of more jealousy for Pauline. She opened the door and dragged herself over to Rosalina's table. "I'm so ugly," She mumbled as she sat down and grabbed her cup.

Rosalina didn't respond, too busy sipping her tea. Peach frowned and decided to also sip her tea, but she didn't feel any calmer after that.


After the school day ended, Rosalina hopped onto bus C09. She looked back, noticing that Peach was staring at something, or perhaps someone. "Peach, let's go!" Rosalina called out.

The pink princess looked at Rosalina and sadly nodded, climbing into the bus. Rosalina, curious, decided to look through the window to see what on Earth Peach was staring at. She was surprised to see Mario speaking to Pauline, who was in her car. The two were apparently exchanging phone numbers.

"Odd..." Rosalina decided to investigate by sitting next to Luigi. "Hey, Luigi."

Luigi looked up from his phone and blinked. "Rosalina?" The princess never spoke to Luigi, and Luigi never spoke to the princess, so this was very odd.

Rosalina realized how blue his eyes were, and found herself slightly mesmerized. "Yep, that's me..." She glanced down, blinking. Why am I there again? Oh that's right! "Luigi, how's your brother?"

Luigi seemed to sulk at hearing that the question was about his brother. He sighed softly. "He's fine, I guess. I don't know," He answered in a mumble, his voice trailing off.

Rosalina narrowed her eyes. "Nothing New is happening with him?"

Luigi rose a brow. "Not that I know of... Why?"

"Oh, just asking!" Rosalina was about to get up from the seat, but something made her stay. She slowly looked at him. "Luigi? How about you? Anything new?"

Luigi's eyes widened. He looked at her. "M-me?"

Rosalina giggled. "Yeah, you! Anyone else I know named Luigi?"

"No...?" Luigi shook his head. "Yeah, um, I'm trying out for the soccer team this year. My brother says I need to put myself out there more."

"Oh, Luigi. You shouldn't let your brother force you to do things."

"Actually, I don't really mind. I figured that if I put myself out there more people will... recognize me?" His voice had slowly gone quieter as he spoke.

Rosalina realized how much Luigi felt casted aside. She herself sometimes felt that way around Daisy and Peach. Not that many people mentioned her.

"Well..." She glanced around. "Let me know if you make it, okay?"

Luigi gave her a soft smile. "Yeah, definitely..."

A/N: This chapter makes no sense, got it. Also, it wasn't meant to be this long haha. I hope you enjoyed anyway!

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