Mario, Red and Stella Vs. Donkey Kong/Karts

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[Scene cuts to Mario, Red, and Stella walking down a dark corridor.]

Mario: (exhales)

Stella: (chuckled nervously) Anyone else feeling butterflies in your stomachs?

Red: (sarcastic) Probably because of how much caterpillars you ate.

[Mario, Red, and Stella enters the ring, full of cheering Kongs, who then boo at their presence. Suddenly, Donkey Kong emerges, much to the adoration of the crowd. The "DK Rap" from Donkey Kong 64 begins to play. He crushes two barrels that come out of nowhere.]

Stella: Wow.

Donkey Kong: (rhythmically) I'm DK! I'm Donkey Kong!


Donkey Kong: Oh, yeah! (waving to Cranky) Hi, Dad! Hi!

Cranky Kong: (embarrassed) No, don't... Don't do that!

Donkey Kong: (dancing) Dad, wave back.

Cranky Kong: Enough with the showboating!

Donkey Kong: What do you mean?! They like it! It's what they came here for! Dancing pecs! (does a pec flex as the crowd continues to cheer wildly.)

Cranky Kong: Okay, simmer down. (The crowd continues to chant) I said, "SIMMER DOWN!" (The crowd except Diddy Kong stops cheering)

Diddy Kong: DK! DK! DK!

Cranky Kong: That means you, Diddy Kong!

Diddy Kong: D-- Sorry.

Cranky Kong: Now, since I want this fight to last more than five seconds, I put power-ups around the arena. You're welcome.

Donkey Kong: I don't need anything special to break every bone in your tiny bodies!

Donkey Kong: (growls as the crowd cheers again.)

Stella: (taking a stance)

Mario: (laughs nervously as Peach gives him an encouraging look, then exhales) Alright.

[Mario, Red, and Stella charges at Donkey Kong as the crowd roars. Suddenly, Mario is slammed on the girder and slapped repeatedly while Red and Stella avoided the Kong's grip. Peach and Toad cringe at Mario's pain.]

Peach: Oh!

Toad: Oh, my-- Okay.

Cranky Kong: (holding a banana) Guess you're not getting my army.

(Donkey Kong picks up Mario and kicks him in mid-air. Mario tumbles across the girder and hangs on to it for dear life, whimpering in fear.)

Donkey Kong: Is this what you came for?!


Donkey Kong: Hi, Dad! Love you!

(Mario spots a floating Question Block above Donkey Kong.)

Red: Hey, Monkey Boy!

[Donkey Kong turns to see Red and Stella at two separate bars.]

Stella: Try to catch us, ya hairy ape!

[The two ran in opposite directions.]

Donkey Kong: It is on like Donkey Kong!

(Red dodges a punch from him and swings on vines and his the block.)

Red: [gets a Mini Mushroom, which lands on his hand] You're about to pick on someone your own size. [eats it, and the audience gasps] YEA-! [shrinks] Oh...

Stella: Uh oh.

Cranky Kong: I guess he got the wrong mushroom.

Donkey Kong: (laughs)

Red: (chuckles nervously, then starts running screaming.)

[Donkey Kong starts trying to smash Red with his fists, then slams him into the air.]

Red: Whoa!

[Donkey Kong catches Red, flicks him at the door, returning him to normal, then starts rapidly rolling towards Red.]

Stella: Get up, Red!

[Red jumps on the floor below him to dodge Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong throws a barrel at him. Stella sees a ? Block and kicks it, revealing an Ice Flower. She touches it, and the flower gives her ice powers as she shoots ice balls at Donkey Kong. He dodged the ice balls and grabs two barrels, throwing one at her. She freezes one, but she gets hit by the second barrel, losing her powers.]

Stella: (coughs from the debris of the barrel)

[Mario see a ? Block. He punches it,revealing a Fire Flower. But before he could touch it, Donkey Kong blows it out. Mario starts punching Donkey Kong, which barely affects him. A thump is heard, and Mario screams as he is sent flying to the floor above. As the fight continues, Donkey Kong continues to beat down the trio to near-exhaustion.]

Donkey Kong: Had enough?

Mario: Not...even...close.

[Donkey Kong uppercuts the trio in an attempt to finish them off. The scene slows down.]

Peach: (slowed) Mario! Red! Stella!

Mario: (slowed) It's-a-me...

Peach: (slowed) The boxes!

(Seeing three ?Blocks, the trio grabs and climbs a ledge, then hits the ?Blocks. Mario gets the Super Bell, Red gets the Propeller Mushroom, and Stella gets the Penguin Suit.]

KONGS: Awww!

Toad: Mario looks adorable.

Peach: (chuckles) He really does.

Stella: Hey, look. I'm a penguin. So cute!

Red: It really suits you.

Stella: (turns to him) What?

Red: (realized and blushed) Wh-what?

[They turned to Mario in a cat suit, then laughs.]

Mario: Oh, wha-- I'm a cat?

Donkey Kong: (Laughs) You got the cat box! Oh, my-- Ah! Oh, I'm sorry... I'm sorry. Okay... Now you die.

[Mario uses his new cat reflexes to dodge a punch from Donkey Kong.]

Mario: Huh. I'm a cat!

[After dodging a series of blows from Donkey Kong, Mario counterattacks and scratches him.]

Mario: Meow.

[Stella and Red looked at Mario, unamused.]

Red: Really?

[Donkey Kong gives Mario a weird look before continuing to fight him. Donkey Kong continues to struggle against Cat Mario as Propeller Red and Penguin Stella helped their plumber friend out.]

Toad: Woo-hoo!

[Mario, Red, and Stella claw-dives/kicks Donkey Kong, breaking several floors.]

Stella: Well?

Mario: Had enough?

Donkey Kong: Not...even...close.

[Donkey Kong begins to topple back into space, but Red grabs him by the tie.]

Red: We'll take that as a yes.

[Donkey Kong falls forward and Mario leaps onto him. The crowd cheers for the trio.]

KONGS: Mario, Red, and Stella! Mario, Red, and Stella!

Toad: Yes! That's my best friend!

KONGS: Mario, Red, and Stella! Mario, Red, and Stella! Mario, Red, and Stella! Mario, Red, and Stella! Mario, Red, and Stella!

[Peach smirks at Cranky Kong.]

Cranky Kong: Yeah, yeah...

[Cranky Kong returns the grin.]

KONGS: Mario, Red, and Stella! Mario, Red, and Stella!

[Later, Peach gives the trio ice packs for their bruises.]

Peach: That was incredible! He kept beating you senseless... (lightly punches Mario's arm repeatedly.)

Mario: Hey!

Peach: (continued) ...and you just kept getting back up?! You guys just don't know when to quit!

Red: Huh, well, never thought of that as a good thing.

Peach: It's a great thing.

Mario: (touched) Thanks. I--

Donkey Kong: (interrupting) I let them win, just for the record.

Stella: Really, though? Why would you do that?

Donkey Kong: You want to know why? It's (throws a barrel at the trio) MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, that's why!

Mario: All right, giant monkey! (attempts to fight back.)

[Red tries to stop them.]

Red: Hey guys! Cut it out.

Cranky Kong: Enough! (hits both Donkey Kong and Mario with his staff) Get inside.

[Inside a hut, Cranky Kong has a world map displayed on the wall.]

Cranky Kong: We've located Bowser's ship. He, Leonard, and Gale are gonna arrive at the Mushroom Kingdom by sundown! Lucky for you guys, I got a shortcut!

Peach: We beat him there, and ambush him!

Cranky Kong: (beat) Yeah, I know. That's why, we're gonna need karts!

[Mario, Peach, Toad, Red, Stella, Donkey Kong, and Cranky Kong ride an elevator down to a garage where many karts are being built by the Kong army.]

Stella: (amazed) Whoa...

Cranky Kong: Well, what are you waiting for? Pick your karts!

["Thunderstruck" by AC/DC begins to play as Mario, Peach, Toad, Red and Stella select differing vehicles: Mario chooses a standard kart, Peach selects a motorcycle, Red chooses his standard kart (from Angry Birds Go!), Stella selects her standard kart (from Angry Birds Go!), and Toad decides on a large SUV. Mario pulls up to Donkey Kong in a kart with two large rockets.]

Donkey Kong: (whispers to Mario) I hate you.

Peach: To the Mushroom Kingdom, and the biggest fight of our lives.

Stella: Here...we...go!

[The group speeds off in their karts.]


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