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[Scene cuts to Bowser in a white top hat and holding a bouquet of Piranha Plants.]

Bowser: Princess Peach... Here we are... (chuckles) I really makes a guy come out of his shell. (chuckles)

[The Piranha Plants begin to snap fiercely. Bowser throws them to the ground and stomps them to silence.]

Bowser: (sucks in his breath) Let's rule the world. Together. Forever. Will you marry me?

[Bowser is shown to be practicing his proposal with Gale in a Peach costume. Leonard tried not to laugh of how hilarious this is.]

Gale: (displeased) Uh... no.


Gale: Hey, as much as I love the dress, I highly doubt Peach with accept.

[A Koopa general with a blue, winged and spiked shell enters.]


Bowser & Gale: What?!

KOOPA GENERAL: We have found the princess, the mustachioed human, and the red and pink birds. He and the two birds have defeated Donkey Kong and won the Kong army.

Leonard: So, like, Peach was super impressed?

KOOPA GENERAL: It appears so, yes. They are heading towards their secret passage!

Bowser: Oh, they think they can surprise us, huh? Two can play at that game.

[Scene cuts to Mario, Peach, Toad, Red, Stella, and the Kongs racing through the jungle. Red sees the road up ahead leads to a ramp.]

Red: Um... No one panic, but the road is about to end.

Cranky Kong: Well then, you better step on the gas and buckle up! (laughs)

[Doing what Cranky says, the trio sped up, causing them to be pulled to the front of the group. The trio scream as they are riding up the ramp. The group rides up the ramp and soars through the clouds, landing on the Rainbow Road.]

Mario: (laughs) Wahoo!

Peach: Is there anything like this in your world?

Mario: (shouts) What?

Peach: (shouts) Is there anything like this in your world?

Stella: (laughs) Well... We don't drive on rainbows.

Peach: What are you gonna tell me next? That the turtles and pigs aren't evil?

Mario: No, no. They're usually pets.

Peach: No way!

Mario: Ah, come to Brooklyn, I'll buy you a turtle.

Peach: (giggles) Maybe I will.

Donkey Kong: (drives by) Dude, is this you flirting? This is painful!

Mario: Just-I was trying to be nice.

Donkey Kong: You are so embarrassing! A princess would never go out with you!

Toad: Yes, she would! I guarantee she would!

Stella: Yeah!

Peach: (laughing) Guys, Enough.

Donkey Kong: All right, all right.

[Bowser watches Mario talking to Peach through his binoculars and growled. The Koopa and pig armies in their own karts watches from a cliff overlooking the Rainbow Road.]

KOOPA: Attack!

[The Koopa and pig armies ride their karts off of the cliff and onto Rainbow Road to ambush the Kong army. A Koopa fires a shell from his kart that recoils off of and knocks out several Kong karts.]

Red: What the?!

Peach: It's an ambush!

[A Koopa holding a lit Bob-omb approaches Mario, but is knocked aside by Cranky Kong.]

Cranky Kong: Defensive positions!

[A Kong fires several shells from his kart at Koopas approaching them from the cliffs. Another Kong fires banana peels onto Rainbow Road, spinning out several Koopa karts. The Koopa General plows through several karts in a massive kart equipped with jaws at the front and gains on Mario and co.]

KOOPA GENERAL: Mario! You're a dead man!

[Mario sees several paths ahead on Rainbow Road and gets an idea.]

Mario: Split up!

[Mario, Peach, Toad, Red, Stella, and Donkey Kong split up with the Koopa General chasing Mario.]

Peach/Red/Stella: Mario!

[After repeatedly dodging the jaws of the Koopa General's kart, Mario sees another Rainbow Road path below him and ultra drift-boosts onto it, much to the Koopa General's frustration.]

Mario: Ha-ha! (gasps)

[Mario's new Rainbow Road path starts to go upside down.]

Mario: (panicked) Whoaaaaa!

[Mario's kart shifts into anti-gravity mode.]

Mario: (amazed) Whoa-ho-ho!

[The Koopa General fires two Bullet Bills and destroys Mario's kart. Mario jumps out of the kart and falls onto another Rainbow Road path below him. Mario grabs onto a Koopa's motorcycle and crashes it into another Koopa's kart. Mario jumps on the Koopa driving the kart, causing the Koopa to retract into his shell. Mario jumps into the kart while holding the shell. Mario dodges three Bullet Bills shot at him from another Koopa kart behind him and counters the Koopa by throwing the shell he was holding behind him. The shell hits the Koopa kart, much to Mario's relief, while the Koopa General approaches him again from behind. Stella whoops as she smashed through enemy karts, knocking them out. Red avoids the koopas and pigs until his kart got destroyed by a Bullet Bill. He jumps off and landed on Donkey Kong's kart.Toad frantically dodges bullet and shell-fire from behind him. Two Koopas surround Peach, who proceeds to kick the Koopa on her right and ram the back of her motorcycle into the Koopa on her left. The Koopa on her left fires a Bullet Bill which breaks off the bottom half of a floating landmass above Toad's Rainbow Road path, which falls and breaks off the path ahead of Toad.]

Toad: (scream) I'm too cute to die!

[Peach disables anti-gravity mode on her motorcycle, falling off of the Rainbow Road path she was on. Peach catches Toad and activates her glider.]

Toad: That is how you princess!

[Mario fights off Koopa karts in front of him, but the Koopa General catches up to Mario and catches Mario's kart into his kart's jaws. Mario gets out of the kart and holds onto the outside of the jaws in an attempt to avoid getting chomped.]

KOOPA GENERAL: Time to die, Mario!

[The Koopa General pushes a lever on his kart, closing the kart's jaws and destroying Mario's kart]

KOOPA GENERAL: (cackling)

[Mario, alive but clinging to the kart's jaw in fear, moves to the outer edge of the jaw and sees Donkey Kong and Red chasing the Koopa General. Mario climbs to the top of the jaw where the Koopa General can see his head.]


[Mario jumps on and bounces off the Koopa General's head and onto Donkey Kong's kart.]

Donkey Kong: See ya!

[Donkey Kong fires the first rocket barrel from his kart at the Koopa General.]


[The rocket barrel destroy's the Koopa General's kart. Donkey Kong, Mario and Red meet up with Peach and Toad.]

Mario: Woo-hoo! Ha-ha!

Toad: Yeah!

[The Koopa General emerges from the flames of his destroyed kart.]

KOOPA GENERAL: You...can't...escape ME!

Mario/Red: What!?


[The Koopa general tucks in his body and flies toward Mario, Red, and Donkey Kong's kart. He spins around them and slams straight down, exploding, and shattering the kart and the Rainbow Road beneath them. Everything goes in slow-motion. Mario, Red, and Donkey Kong plummet as Peach and Toad escape.]

Peach: No! No, Mario...

[The Kongs and Stella stop at the broken section of the road.]

Stella: Red! Mario!

Cranky Kong: Ah! No! No...

[More Koopas and pigs arrive in flying Koopa Clown Cars and carry the Kongs toward Bowser's castle.]

Cranky Kong: Whoa! Get your clown claws off of me!

[Stella tried to escape but was grabbed as well.]

Stella: Ah! Let me go!

Bowser: (laughs) Goodbye, Mario.

[Leonard laughs as he and Gale turned away.]

Leonard: Without him and his two bird friends, no one will stop us now!

[Bowser approached with a sinister grin.]

Bowser: Ahem, no one will stop ME now!

[Leonard and Gale were confused.]

Leonard: What?

Gale: We had an alliance. We're suppose to rule the world together!

Bowser: That was an alliance my parents agreed with! Now with them gone, you two and your pigs don't matter to me anymore. So, consider this our final moments.

[Koopa Clown Cars carry the pigs off the cars and two grabbed Leonard and Gale away.]

Leonard: NO!!

Gale: You backstabbing reptile!

[Bowser turns away from the two and laughs.]

Peach: We have to get home!

[Peach and Toad continue driving. As Mario, Red, and Donkey Kong fall, Donkey Kong throws debris at the two.]

Donkey Kong: Hey! This is both your faults!

Mario: Our fault? You're the one who--

Donkey Kong: Stop talking! I don't want the last thing I hear before I die to be your--

[Mario, Red, and Donkey Kong crash into the ocean. Donkey Kong is knocked unconscious, but the two manages to bring him up to the surface by pulling him by his tie. A large creature closes its jaws beneath them.]

(They surface.)

Donkey Kong: Mario, Red... You saved my life.

Red: Yeah, well... we won't tell anyone.

Donkey Kong: Good, please don't.

Mario: Okay...

[Red hears bubbling below him.]

Red: Uh... Did you guys just...feel something?

[The creature, an eel-like Maw-Ray, rises up out of the water behind them.]

Donkey Kong: Swim!

[The Maw-Ray closes its jaws around them, swallowing the three whole.]

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