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[Peach and Toad arrive back in the Mushroom Kingdom and race through the town.]

Peach: Bowser's on his way! You have to evacuate!

Peach: Hurry! Get out of the city!

[Peach races back to her castle and crashes into the throne room.]


Peach: We lost the army, Stella is captured, and Mario and Red are gone.

TOADS: (gasps)

Peach: Bowser is coming. Head into the forest. I'll buy you some time.

TOAD GENERAL: You heard her! Evacuate the city!

[The toads leave the room and Peach and Toad stayed behind.]

Peach: (to Toad) Go with the others.

Toad: I said I wouldn't let anyone hurt you.

[Peach nods affirmatively at Toad, and they exit the throne room. She grabs a halbert and Toad held his frying pan.]

[The Toads frantically evacuate the Mushroom Kingdom.]


[A Purple Toad in an apron drops a box of apples and tries to gather the apples.]

RED TOAD: Just leave it! There's no time!

[Peach grabs a halberd left behind by one of her Toad guards and Toad takes a frying pan out of his backpack, intending to use it as a weapon. Peach and Toad step outside the castle gates as Bowser's Castle approaches the front yard of Peach's Castle where Peach and Toad are standing. The "mouth" of Bowser's Castle opens up and several Koopa Troopas wielding spears surround Peach and Toad. Bowser shows himself.]

Bowser: Princess Peach! Brave as ever. As you can see, I have the Super Star.

Peach: If you're going to use it...

[Peach points her halberd at Bowser as the surrounding Koopas point theirs at her.]

Peach: ...Use it now.

[Bowser points the tip of the halberd away.]

Bowser: (clears throat) No, Princess... I stole this star for us. I really makes a guy come out of his shell. (chuckles)

[Peach stares at Bowser with a confused expression on her face.]

Bowser: (whispers) I told you that line wouldn't work!

Kamek: You're doing great!

Bowser: Peaches, with this star, we will be invincible. We can rule the world together, forever. Will you marry me?

Peach: Marry you?! Are you insane? I would never marry you.

Bowser: Maybe you should reconsider.

[Kamek uses his magic to constrict Toad and cause him pain.]

Toad: (pained groaning)

Peach: No! (Peach tried to stop, but the magic kept her back from Toad.) Stop! Please, stop! I'll...I'll-I'll marry you, just don't hurt my Toads.

[Bowser motions his hand to Kamek, who ceases his torture of Toad. Peach holds Toad in concern.]

Bowser: You have my word.

[He held his hand to her.]

Peach: (sighs in despair)

[She takes his hand.]

Bowser: Ha-ha! Time for a wedding!

[Bowser, Peach and Kamek walk into Bowser's castle. Koopa soldiers hold Toad and bring him in as well. Scene cuts to the dungeon where Lumalee is singing.]

LUMALEE: ♪ Life is sad. Prison is sad. Life in prison is very, very sad. ♪

[Chuck and Bomb were making random sounds to distract themselves from Lumalee's singing.]

Chuck: (singing opera)

Luigi: Uh, guys, that's not really helping.

[The caged Kongs, Stella, pigs, Leonard, and Gale are dropped into the dungeon.]

Cranky Kong: (grunts)

Stella: Ow.

LUMALEE: Ooh! Fresh meat for the grinder.

Gale: (groans) I forgot about the sunshine kid.

LUMALEE: There's no sunshine. Only darkness.

PENGUIN KING: Shut up, shut up, shut up!

Luigi: (sees Stella) Stella! I'm so glad you're alright! But, where are Mario and Red?

(Stella looked down in shame until Leonard speaks.]

Leonard: It's not a long drop. They probably fell into the ocean.

Chuck: Who asked you, tubby?

Gale: Hey! At least you guys weren't backstabbed by a friend of yours.

Luigi: (looks at Gale and Leonard) What do you mean?

Leonard: Bowser cut us off like nothing. And I worked my best in making these friendship bracelets! (Shows his friendship bracelet)

[Kamek teleports in and floats by on a broom.]

Kamek: Hello, prisoners! Leonard and Gale. You don't deserve this, but you're invited to the royal wedding!


Kamek: Where you will all be ritualistically sacrificed!

[The prisoners scream and shake their cages in panic.]

Cranky Kong: Oh, no, no, no!

Leonard: (began to panic) Sacrifice?! He didn't mention anything about a sacrifice!

LUMALEE: Finally! Mercy...

Luigi: (whimpers) Mario...

Stella: Red...

[The scene cuts to the Maw-Ray yawning and accidentally swallowing a Blooper before the camera pans to Mario, Red, and Donkey Kong inside the Maw-Ray.]

Donkey Kong: So this is the end. Being slowly digested by an eel next to two idiots: one in overalls, and the other with huge eyebrows.

Red: Well, at least your brother and friends aren't gonna die because of you.

Donkey Kong: At least you're not gonna die with your dad thinking you're a joke.

Mario: (defeat) Yeah, well, my dad thinks I'm a joke, too.

Donkey Kong: (feels bad) Yeah, well... (turns to Mario with a glare) Your dad's right!

Mario: You know what? I feel bad enough. Just-just leave me alone.

Donkey Kong: I've never met your dad, but he sounds brilliant.

Red: You know, this is the first time I ever hear you say "brilliant". In my opinion, monkeys are known to be stupid because all you Kongs do is smash stuff. So how about I talk in Smashnese, huh? Just go in a corner and SMASH some stuff, SMASH MONKEY!

Donkey Kong: (growls and began to smash some crates and loose kart parts) I...AM...MORE...THAN A GUY...WHO SMASHES THINGS!

MAW-RAY: (burps)

[The force of the Maw-Ray's burp knocks Mario, Red, and Donkey Kong into Donkey Kong's kart which still has its second rocket barrel left. The trio smugly grin at each other as they get the idea to use the rocket barrel to escape the Maw-Ray.]

Red: Ha-ha!

Mario: That was amazing!

Donkey Kong: Now we're even!

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