A Halloween of Memories

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One dark Mushroom Kingdom Night, Mario was sitting on a red-patterned chair, observing all the Halloween stuff. The Toads loved Halloween, regardless of the fact that they were afraid of everything.
They unpacked all kinds of garlands and doodads. One Toad was putting jack-o-lanterns everywhere. A pile of pumpkins was in the corner.
Peach was planning on making the biggest pumpkin pie ever. Mario couldn't wait for that.
He got up and looked through the bins. He found a package full of different signs. Mario went outside and hung one up on the door that said, "Ghosts Here!" While he was hanging it up, Luigi came home. He had been out buying cool whip. When he saw the sign, he stopped.

"Is that true?" he asked.

"Uh, of course it isn't, dumb! It's a Halloween sign!" Mario said.

It was pretty cold, but Mario and Luigi never wore any winter wear. Only Peach did that. Well, as it happens, Luigi was also in some gray winter wear. It had some patterning on the edges. A little gray shawl-type thing was over his shoulders as part of it. He had on some tall, black boots.

"Uh, who are you supposed to be dressed as?" Mario asked.

"I'm Hans!" Luigi yelled. (the Hans from Frozen, by the way)

Mario realized that Luigi had taken off his cap so that his hair was showing. Luckily, it was brown like Hans'.

Luigi pushed Mario aside and went indoors. He had two big bags full of bottles of cool whip.

"Mmm," Mario said to himself. Then he wondered who he should be. He had an idea almost instantly. He went to the store and bought a costume. Then he put it on and went back to the castle.

"Who're you?" Blue Toad asked. He was dressed as Captain Falcon.

"I'm Spider-Mario!" Mario said. He was dressed as Spider-Man. "Who're you?" he asked Blue Toad.

"I'm Captain Blue Toad!" Blue Toad yelled. He had on a big Captain Falcon helmet, along with the dark shades, bandanna, fake abs, and other stuff. He looked pretty authentic. "Who's the princess being? Do you know?" he asked.

"No, I don't," Mario replied. Then he went into the kitchen.

Peach was tossing pumpkins into a big contraption. Mario was disappointed to see that she wasn't dressed up yet. A Toad pulled out a big, glass pie pan the size of the kitchen. It bonked Mario on the head when he set it down.
"Ouch," Mario said.
The Toad was wearing a witch hat. Peach unfurled a million pie crusts and squished them all onto the pan into one big pie crust. Then she poured a ton load of orange goo into the big crust. It didn't fill up the pan, so she kept blending up pumpkins.

"What are you gonna be?" Mario asked.

She shrugged in response. Mario sighed and left. Hans and Captain Blue Toad were sitting on a couch. Mario joined them.

"What's up, Spider-Mario?" Luigi asked.

"Nothing," Mario replied.

Some eerie song was playing. Toads were running everywhere in costumes. One Toad was setting out food. Mostly cookies and cakes, Mario examined. For some reason, he didn't have an appetite. Odd.

Suddenly Luigi yelled, "I'm going to tell a story!"

Twenty thousand Toads flocked to him immediately. "What story are you going to tell?" a zombie Toad asked.
"A good one," Luigi replied.
"I hope it's scary," a unicorn Toad said.

"Well," Luigi began, "this story begins on a dark and gloomy night. I was on my way to a mansion that I had mysteriously won in a contest I didn't enter, and lightning flashed but there was no rain. I went inside, and an orange mass dropped a key to where I was. I used it to get in the parlor, and there, a ghost appeared! But, Professor E.Gadd saved me using the Poltergust 3000. After he took me to his lab, we reached the conclusion that something had happened to Mario, who had arrived earlier. E.Gadd gave me the Poltergust, and I went into the mansion to save him. Later, a portrait ghost called Madame Clairvoya told me that Mario had been trapped in a painting by King Boo, and I had to save him. So I made it to his secret altar after enduring lots of ghost hits and whatnot, and there, I had to confront him while he used a big Bowser-suit-disguise. After I captured him, I took Mario's painting back to the lab, where E.Gadd used his Ghost Portrificationizer to get him out. The end," Luigi finished.

All the Toads and Mario applauded. Just then, Peach and a few other Toads came parading out of the kitchen, holding the biggest pumpkin pie they had ever seen! It was the size of a room and it smelled delicious. They set out twenty bottles of cool whip. Mario, Luigi, and Blue Toad shot over. They cut themselves giant pieces, covered them in cool whip, and then ate them.
 The Halloween party pretty much commenced right then. Everybody danced around and ate, but Mario still didn't really have an appetite.

Just then, Peach walked into the room. She had on a purple and white dress, and she had a lot of golden jewelry on. The bottom-half of her hair was done into a braid.

"Who on not earth are you?" Mario asked.

"I'm Princess Zelda!" Peach said.

"Oh," Mario said. He got his appetite back right then, so he rushed to the food table and chowed on everything. Then he buuuuurped and was ready to go trick-or-treating.

Luigi grabbed a bunch of black bags with Boos on them and distributed them to the group. Then they exited the castle and hiked to Toad Town. The whole village was abuzz with Toads trick-or-treating at the various houses.

They walked up the steps of one house. They knocked on the door and a Purple Toad answered. He was dressed as a pumpkin.

"Hi Princess! Hi Mario! Hi Luigi! Hi Blue Toad!" he said. He grabbed a big bucket of candy. "Take a handful," he said.

Since Mario and Luigi had giant hands, they got a ten-minute eating session of candy. Peach's hand was much smaller, so she got about a five-minute eating session. Blue Toad had the tiniest hands of all, so he got about three pieces. After they visited several more houses, at which they mostly got to take handfuls, they got into the GLA and drove to Sarasaland. It was pretty dark. When they got there, the whole kingdom was abuzz with creatures they had never seen. Some cool orange lanterns were strung about the roofs like it was Shanghai. They ventured to the castle and knocked on the door. Daisy answered. She was wearing a light brown tunic with a big, brown robe over it.

"Who are you?" Luigi asked.

"I'm Depa Billaba," she answered. (that's a character from Star Wars)

"Oh," Luigi replied.

She pulled out a big bucket of candy and let them take all they wanted. Mario took three giant handfuls. Once they had taken their share, Peach asked, "Wanna come with us?"

"Nah," Daisy answered and slammed the door in their faces.

"Oh wells," Mario said.

They went back to the Mushroom Kingdom. Then they floated into space to visit the Observatory. It was parked currently, because a stream of Toads were visiting it. Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Blue Toad headed towards it and landed on it. Rosalina was handing out candy to the Toads. She was in a blue dress with a super-long-sparkly-cape. Her hair was done into a braid that was on her shoulder.

"Hey! You're Elsa!" Luigi yelled.

"Yes, well, you're Hans," Rosalina replied, putting a few candy pieces into their baskets.

They noticed several Lumas also handing out candy. They said bye to Rosalina and headed back down to their planet.

"Look at all the candy I got," Mario bragged. His bucket was full to the brim.

"I got more, because I'm really famous," Blue Toad said. His bag looked the same as Mario's. A big lollipop stuck out the top. Luigi's and Peach's bags looked the same as well.

"Let's head back to the castle," Luigi said. It was really cold now. The only person not-cold was Luigi himself, because he was in winter wear.

They all stomped back to the castle and went inside. The pumpkin pie looked scrumptious. Mario went over and pigged out on it while Luigi, Peach, and Blue Toad laid their candy out on a table.

"Look at all these Snickers!" Blue Toad yelled. He unwrapped one and munched it.

"I love 3 Musketeers," Luigi said. He popped one into his mouth.

Mario came over with a piece of pumpkin pie the size of an air conditioner. He cut a piece off and ate it. "Look at my candy," he said. He mounded his candy onto the table. He unwrapped a Reeses and sprayed cool whip on it. "Mmm," he said as he chewed it.
 Blue Toad was busily sucking on his giant lollipop.

  After a while the party died down. Everybody collected their candy and headed to bed. Luigi took off his Hans costume and put on his overalls. He had thought wearing it was cool. "What if I killed Rosalina?" he asked himself. Then he got in bed and fell asleep.
  Mario took off his Spider-Man costume.
 Peach unbraided her hair and took off her Zelda costume.
Blue Toad liked his Captain Falcon costume, but he took it off anyway.

Everyone had a great night. In the morning, Mario discovered that he had gained twenty pounds.

The End

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