The Double-Birthday

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  One Mushroom Kingdom Day, Mario slept very late. He slept so late, in fact, that Luigi (the hardest sleeper ever) woke him up.

Mario opened his eyes and saw Luigi's face. "AAAAHHHH!" he shrieked.

"EEEEEEEYYYYYAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Luigi shrieked because Mario had shrieked.

"STOP SHRIEKING!" Mario yelled.

Luigi stopped. "Why were you sleeping so late?" he asked.

"Uh, because it's our birthday, duh," Mario said, turning over.

"What? It is? How old are we?" Luigi asked.

"We're 26," Mario replied.

Luigi gasped at this news. "We're grown-up!" he shouted.

Mario turned back over and stared at Luigi dumbly. Luigi just smiled at him. Mario sighed and got out of bed.

"I might as well get up," he said, pulling on his cap. He never took off his shoes to sleep because he wanted his socks to remain a mystery. However, most people suspected that they looked just like Luigi's, whose socks were red-and-white-striped.
 "I'm expecting a surprise from Peach anyway," he mumbled.

"Why?" Luigi asked.

"That's none of your Toadwax!" Mario replied.

"Is it because you two secretly went out last night because the trash bag was too heavy for you?" Luigi asked suspiciously.

Mario stared at him. "Yes, sure," he replied.

"I knew it," Luigi whispered to himself as they left the room.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The blast of two thousand voices blew their caps off.

1999 Toads and Peach were gathered there. A few helium balloons that said 'Happy Birthday' floated about. Red and green streamers were arching around the roof. All of the Toads there were red or green—except for Blue Toad, because he had to be there.

"I'm the color of y'alls overalls," he said proudly.

"MMM—HHMMM," Mario replied.

"Come to the kitchen!" Peach said excitedly.

Mario and Luigi's mouths started watering before they even got there. When they entered, an amazing smell hit them like a blow from Bowser. Then, they saw, that on each of their place mats was a giant heap of pancakes! Each heap was drizzled with strawberry syrup and was covered head to toe in whipped cream.
 Mario's tongue dropped out of his mouth.
The pancakes looked so tasty that even Luigi couldn't hold himself back. His tongue dropped.

They raced over to their pancakes. They could see that there were light-brown cups of iced coffee with blobs of whipped cream on top. Luigi grabbed his fork and scooped up some whipped cream. He had finished two pancakes out of the six when he heard Mario let out a big buuuuurp. He looked over to see that Mario's plate was sparkling clean and his coffee was drained. Mario was sleeping and spit bubbles gurgled in his mouth. Luigi could not believe his eating skills.

"He should be a professional eater," he said to Blue Toad, who was eating a single pancake.

"He practically is," Blue Toad replied, his mouth full of cream.

Luigi enjoyed the rest of his meal. His mouth was never empty. His jaw was pretty tired once he had finished, plus he was pretty full. He got up slowly. Mario was sleeping more contently than ever. Luigi himself felt ready for a nap. He went to his bed. It took him about two seconds to fall asleep. The last thing he saw was two Toads transporting Mario in on their bubbles.

He woke up needing to go to the bathroom. He hopped off his bed. Mario was still on the top bunk. They had been forced to sleep on a bunk bed because of their birthday. Luigi rushed to the bathroom and couldn't stop himself from saying 'aaahhhhh.' Then he came out.

Mario was standing there, hopping around. Luigi got out of the way as he stampeded into the bathroom.
Nasty white light filtered through the window. He hated the light setting, so he left. He went out into the castle and saw 1999 Toads lounging around. There was one big table set up with a red-and-green-pinstriped tablecloth on it.

"Look! Luigi's awake!" somebody yelled.

A few hundred Toads swarmed over to him and lifted him into the air. They transported him into the front yard and plopped him into the back of the Parade Kart. This meant he was sitting in one of the winner's seats. He sat there for a while, until Peach came out with a big, red-and-green bag which she put on the floor of the kart. Blue Toad came out and sat in the passenger seat.
 "Sup," he told Luigi.
Peach got behind the wheel as a few hundred Toads swarmed out of the castle with Mario on their heads. Luigi watched as they deposited him on the other winner's seat.

"Hi," he said to Luigi.

"Hi," Luigi said back.

Just then the kart started and they took off. Mario and Luigi watched as hundreds of Toads stayed behind and waved.

  The drive was really long. Mario was super-bored. He glanced at Luigi, who was playing a 3DS. He was too far apart from Luigi to see. Mario sighed. Endless trees had been going by. "What's in that bag?" he finally asked.

"None of your Toadwax," Blue Toad replied.

Mario groaned. He had been waiting for EVER. Suddenly the endless trees came to a stop and a big city unveiled. Mario was immediately interested. They passed about twenty fast-food joints. Mario realized that he was starving. "Hey, can we stop to eat?" He asked.

"Maybe," Peach replied.

They drove through endless city for a few more minutes, then pulled over into an Olive Garden. Mario was shocked.

"Happy Birthday!" Peach and Blue Toad both yelled.

Mario started drooling, even though he hadn't seen or smelled any food. Luigi stopped playing and got excited. They got out and went inside. The place was stuffed with Toads, but they managed to make a request for a table. The Toad behind the register gave them an electronic thingie that would flash when their table was ready. They waited for twenty minutes. Then their thingie flashed, and a Toadette with a black apron came up to them and led them to their table. They were in a nice little corner.

The Toadette filled their drink orders and then gave them some breadsticks and salad. Mario grabbed the whole basket of breadsticks. He took one out and shoved half of it into his mouth. "This is my favorite restaurant," he said.

Luigi was pigging on salad. "This is so awesome!" he said.

The Toadette came and gave him a Pina colada. She gave Mario a beer, Blue Toad some Sprite, and Peach some lemonade. "Now, what would y'all like to eat?" she asked.

Mario stared at the menu. "I want pizza and pasta!" he declared. The Toadette wrote down what he said.

"I'd like a pizza," Luigi ordered.

"I want a fettuccine dish with tomato sauce and grapes," Blue Toad said.

Peach didn't know what she wanted. Eventually she said something that sounded like vjekjngwebfehgfhbfr.

"Alrighty, then," the Toadette said, collecting their menus.

"What on earth did you order?" Mario asked.

Peach said the word again.

"I can't understand you," Luigi said.

Peach sighed. "Too Italian for you, eh?" she asked.

"Uh, yes," Mario replied.

The Toadette came over with their dishes. She put a pizza and a bowl of a bunch of different noodles slathered with sauce in front of Mario. Mario's mouth erupted in drool but he kept it closed, so it filled up rapidly. He struggled to swallow it all down, but he managed. He took a sip of beer.
 The Toadette gave Luigi a pizza.
She gave Blue Toad a little pasta dish and a bucket of grapes.
  Then, she set down a plate with brown noodles and broccoli and chicken and some weird green things in front of Peach. Then she added a little bucket with round things covered in white sauce. It looked like the most disgusting thing Mario had ever seen.

"Enjoy!" the Toadette said, leaving.

Peach dug in to her food. Mario tried not to watch. Instead, he let his drool out onto the floor. He sipped his beer, and then dug in to his pizza and pasta. Blue Toad was sucking in noodles left and right. Mario was soon finished. He dined on salad and breadsticks while the others finished up. They filled up two take-home boxes and then they left. Everybody was stuffed. Everyone went to sleep on the way home except for Peach, who had to drive.

When they got there, Mario and Luigi felt like taking naps again, but they already had once that day and decided not to. All the Toads happily welcomed them. The group decided to sit down and play the Wii U. So they did. And they played Super Mario 3D World, because they were all in it. They laughed and played and chatted for a few hours, until they were hungry again.
It seemed like food was supposed to be the ultimate surprise for their birthday.
Peach and Blue Toad led them into the kitchen with their eyes blindfolded. Then they removed the blindfolds, and Mario and Luigi saw a giant cake! It had M's and L's lining each layer, and white piping all over. Two figures of Mario and Luigi stood on top along with some sparkler-candles. "Happy Birthday, Mario and Luigi!" was written on the bottom layer.

Mario felt touched. He almost cried at the sight of the cake.

  But Luigi was more excited to eat it. Peach cut them both slices and gave them each a bottle of whipped cream to add to their piece. Luigi covered his plate in it so that you could only see a hunk of whipped cream. Mario did the same, only he made a Mount Everest sculpture with it. Then he scooped up the peak with his fork and ate it.
 Blue Toad presented them with coke. They drank and ate for the rest of the night, and let's say the bathroom wasn't empty for the following three hours.


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