A Magical Makeover (Maybe)

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   One Mushroom Kingdom Day, Mario was sleeping in his bed. 

Blue Toad's bubble popped into the doorway. He sneakily snuck up to Mario and sneakily took out his mysterious sneaked sneaky bag. 

Suddenly Mario's eyes popped open. "I smell food. What are you doing there, Blue Toad?" he asked. 

"You just smell this cherry lip gloss," Blue Toad said, pulling some out of his bag. 

"Ah. Why do you have some, pray tell?" Mario asked.

 "Well, I was about to put makeup all over you, but you woke up," Blue Toad explained. 

"Oh. Why don't we do that to Luigi instead? He always sleeps late," Mario said. 

"Good ID!" Blue Toad exclaimed. He took his bag and ran off. 

Mario followed. They went into Luigi's room and began the process. Unfortunately, they were only able to dab some powder on his face before his woke up. 

"What are you guys doing?" Luigi asked suspiciously. 

Blue Toad whipped away his brush. "Nutin'," he said. He escorted Mario out of the room. 

"Huh," said Luigi like in Dark Moon.

Later that day, everyone decided that they would have a sleepover. Blue Toad brought a bunch of blue pillows. Plus his sneaky bag. Once night came, everyone grouped up in Mario's teeny mushroom house. Luigi laid down a bunch of bags and pillows and comforters so that the floor was covered in them. Blue Toad added the bonus of a thousand pillows. Then they dove onto the mass of comfort and wrangled with it. Then they talked for many hours. Then they ate Danish pastries, Paninis, Yakisoba, Prawn salad, Truffles, and beef jerky for Blue Toad. After that Luigi fell asleep. 

"Hur hur hur," Blue Toad laughed as he took out his sneaky bag. Mario pulled out a hair clip. "He doesn't need a hair clip," Blue Toad said.

 Just then Yellow Toad burst into the room. "SLEEPOVER!" he cried. 

He dove onto Blue Toad. Makeuppy things flew all over the room. One hit Luigi and he woke up. 

"What is going on!" he yelled. 

Mario had started yelling to add more drama. 

Luigi grabbed everybody in one arm and threw them out the door. They all landed on their bums in snow. Blue Toad and Yellow Toad started shivering. Mario started eating the snow. 

"GOOD NIGHT!" Luigi screamed. He threw them all one bag, one pillow, and one blanket. Then he shut the door. 

Mario got in the bag with Yellow Toad and used the pillow. Blue Toad wrapped himself in the blanket and slept next to them in the snow all night.

When they woke up the next morning, they all had ice powers.

"I suggest we get revenge on Luigi," Blue Toad said. 

They all incased Luigi's house in a block of ice. Unfortunately, right then, the sun came out, and everything melted in one second. A flood of water covered the three. Then they were soaked. 

Luigi came out and threw a tube of lipstick at Mario. It hit him in the face and put a red dot there. 

"MARIO'S BLEEDING!" Blue Toad screamed. 

He and Yellow Toad ran around until they crashed into each other and got knocked unconscious. Mario sighed. Luigi laughed at him and then slammed his door.


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